999 resultados para Pez luchador de Siam
In this paper, space adaptivity is introduced to control the error in the numerical solution of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. The reference numerical scheme is a new version of the discontinuous Galerkin method, which uses an implicit diffusive term in the direction of the streamlines, for stability purposes. The decision whether to refine or to unrefine the grid in a certain location is taken according to the magnitude of wavelet coefficients, which are indicators of local smoothness of the numerical solution. Numerical solutions of the nonlinear Euler equations illustrate the efficiency of the method. © Springer 2005.
We consider distributions u is an element of S'(R) of the form u(t) = Sigma(n is an element of N) a(n)e(i lambda nt), where (a(n))(n is an element of N) subset of C and Lambda = (lambda n)(n is an element of N) subset of R have the following properties: (a(n))(n is an element of N) is an element of s', that is, there is a q is an element of N such that (n(-q) a(n))(n is an element of N) is an element of l(1); for the real sequence., there are n(0) is an element of N, C > 0, and alpha > 0 such that n >= n(0) double right arrow vertical bar lambda(n)vertical bar >= Cn(alpha). Let I(epsilon) subset of R be an interval of length epsilon. We prove that for given Lambda, (1) if Lambda = O(n(alpha)) with alpha < 1, then there exists epsilon > 0 such that u vertical bar I(epsilon) = 0 double right arrow u 0; (2) if Lambda = O(n) is uniformly discrete, then there exists epsilon > 0 such that u vertical bar I(epsilon) = 0 double right arrow u 0; (3) if alpha > 1 and. is uniformly discrete, then for all epsilon > 0, u vertical bar I(epsilon) = 0 double right arrow u = 0. Since distributions of the above mentioned form are very common in engineering, as in the case of the modeling of ocean waves, signal processing, and vibrations of beams, plates, and shells, those uniqueness and nonuniqueness results have important consequences for identification problems in the applied sciences. We show an identification method and close this article with a simple example to show that the recovery of geometrical imperfections in a cylindrical shell is possible from a measurement of its dynamics.
The main goal of this paper is to establish some equivalence results on stability, recurrence, and ergodicity between a piecewise deterministic Markov process ( PDMP) {X( t)} and an embedded discrete-time Markov chain {Theta(n)} generated by a Markov kernel G that can be explicitly characterized in terms of the three local characteristics of the PDMP, leading to tractable criterion results. First we establish some important results characterizing {Theta(n)} as a sampling of the PDMP {X( t)} and deriving a connection between the probability of the first return time to a set for the discrete-time Markov chains generated by G and the resolvent kernel R of the PDMP. From these results we obtain equivalence results regarding irreducibility, existence of sigma-finite invariant measures, and ( positive) recurrence and ( positive) Harris recurrence between {X( t)} and {Theta(n)}, generalizing the results of [ F. Dufour and O. L. V. Costa, SIAM J. Control Optim., 37 ( 1999), pp. 1483-1502] in several directions. Sufficient conditions in terms of a modified Foster-Lyapunov criterion are also presented to ensure positive Harris recurrence and ergodicity of the PDMP. We illustrate the use of these conditions by showing the ergodicity of a capacity expansion model.
This paper deals with the long run average continuous control problem of piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMPs) taking values in a general Borel space and with compact action space depending on the state variable. The control variable acts on the jump rate and transition measure of the PDMP, and the running and boundary costs are assumed to be positive but not necessarily bounded. Our first main result is to obtain an optimality equation for the long run average cost in terms of a discrete-time optimality equation related to the embedded Markov chain given by the postjump location of the PDMP. Our second main result guarantees the existence of a feedback measurable selector for the discrete-time optimality equation by establishing a connection between this equation and an integro-differential equation. Our final main result is to obtain some sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution for a discrete-time optimality inequality and an ordinary optimal feedback control for the long run average cost using the so-called vanishing discount approach. Two examples are presented illustrating the possible applications of the results developed in the paper.
In this work an iterative strategy is developed to tackle the problem of coupling dimensionally-heterogeneous models in the context of fluid mechanics. The procedure proposed here makes use of a reinterpretation of the original problem as a nonlinear interface problem for which classical nonlinear solvers can be applied. Strong coupling of the partitions is achieved while dealing with different codes for each partition, each code in black-box mode. The main application for which this procedure is envisaged arises when modeling hydraulic networks in which complex and simple subsystems are treated using detailed and simplified models, correspondingly. The potentialities and the performance of the strategy are assessed through several examples involving transient flows and complex network configurations.
This paper studies semistability of the recursive Kalman filter in the context of linear time-varying (LTV), possibly nondetectable systems with incorrect noise information. Semistability is a key property, as it ensures that the actual estimation error does not diverge exponentially. We explore structural properties of the filter to obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the filter to be semistable. The condition does not involve limiting gains nor the solution of Riccati equations, as they can be difficult to obtain numerically and may not exist. We also compare semistability with the notions of stability and stability w.r.t. the initial error covariance, and we show that semistability in a sense makes no distinction between persistent and nonpersistent incorrect noise models, as opposed to stability. In the linear time invariant scenario we obtain algebraic, easy to test conditions for semistability and stability, which complement results available in the context of detectable systems. Illustrative examples are included.
This paper studies a nonlinear, discrete-time matrix system arising in the stability analysis of Kalman filters. These systems present an internal coupling between the state components that gives rise to complex dynamic behavior. The problem of partial stability, which requires that a specific component of the state of the system converge exponentially, is studied and solved. The convergent state component is strongly linked with the behavior of Kalman filters, since it can be used to provide bounds for the error covariance matrix under uncertainties in the noise measurements. We exploit the special features of the system-mainly the connections with linear systems-to obtain an algebraic test for partial stability. Finally, motivated by applications in which polynomial divergence of the estimates is acceptable, we study and solve a partial semistability problem.
In this paper we establish a method to obtain the stability of periodic travelling-wave solutions for equations of Korteweg-de Vries-type u(t) + u(p)u(x) - Mu(x) = 0, with M being a general pseudodifferential operator and where p >= 1 is an integer. Our approach uses the theory of totally positive operators, the Poisson summation theorem, and the theory of Jacobi elliptic functions. In particular we obtain the stability of a family of periodic travelling waves solutions for the Benjamin Ono equation. The present technique gives a new way to obtain the existence and stability of cnoidal and dnoidal waves solutions associated with the Korteweg-de Vries and modified Korteweg-de Vries equations, respectively. The theory has prospects for the study of periodic travelling-wave solutions of other partial differential equations.
We study a general stochastic rumour model in which an ignorant individual has a certain probability of becoming a stifler immediately upon hearing the rumour. We refer to this special kind of stifler as an uninterested individual. Our model also includes distinct rates for meetings between two spreaders in which both become stiflers or only one does, so that particular cases are the classical Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models. We prove a Law of Large Numbers and a Central Limit Theorem for the proportions of those who ultimately remain ignorant and those who have heard the rumour but become uninterested in it.
In practical applications of optimization it is common to have several conflicting objective functions to optimize. Frequently, these functions are subject to noise or can be of black-box type, preventing the use of derivative-based techniques. We propose a novel multiobjective derivative-free methodology, calling it direct multisearch (DMS), which does not aggregate any of the objective functions. Our framework is inspired by the search/poll paradigm of direct-search methods of directional type and uses the concept of Pareto dominance to maintain a list of nondominated points (from which the new iterates or poll centers are chosen). The aim of our method is to generate as many points in the Pareto front as possible from the polling procedure itself, while keeping the whole framework general enough to accommodate other disseminating strategies, in particular, when using the (here also) optional search step. DMS generalizes to multiobjective optimization (MOO) all direct-search methods of directional type. We prove under the common assumptions used in direct search for single objective optimization that at least one limit point of the sequence of iterates generated by DMS lies in (a stationary form of) the Pareto front. However, extensive computational experience has shown that our methodology has an impressive capability of generating the whole Pareto front, even without using a search step. Two by-products of this paper are (i) the development of a collection of test problems for MOO and (ii) the extension of performance and data profiles to MOO, allowing a comparison of several solvers on a large set of test problems, in terms of their efficiency and robustness to determine Pareto fronts.
A new iterative algorithm based on the inexact-restoration (IR) approach combined with the filter strategy to solve nonlinear constrained optimization problems is presented. The high level algorithm is suggested by Gonzaga et al. (SIAM J. Optim. 14:646–669, 2003) but not yet implement—the internal algorithms are not proposed. The filter, a new concept introduced by Fletcher and Leyffer (Math. Program. Ser. A 91:239–269, 2002), replaces the merit function avoiding the penalty parameter estimation and the difficulties related to the nondifferentiability. In the IR approach two independent phases are performed in each iteration, the feasibility and the optimality phases. The line search filter is combined with the first one phase to generate a “more feasible” point, and then it is used in the optimality phase to reach an “optimal” point. Numerical experiences with a collection of AMPL problems and a performance comparison with IPOPT are provided.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Artes Cénicas
Introdução: Os países de clima subtropical, tropical e húmido, onde as populações têm acesso limitado a água potável, saneamento básico efectivo, educação e cuidados de saúde, apresentam as condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento de doenças transmissíveis, nomeadamente as parasitoses intestinais, cuja prevalência é elevada. A infecção por parasitas intestinais patogénicos pode provocar diversas alterações patológicas tais como anemia, desnutrição e outras patologias orgânicas, afectando principalmente as crianças. Objectivos: Avaliar a prevalência das parasitoses intestinais e determinar a sua relação com o estado nutricional, em crianças dos 0 aos 5 anos de São Tomé e Príncipe. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal e analítico, com colheita de dados antropométricos e de fezes, entre Fevereiro e Março de 2011, nos distritos de Água Grande, Mé-Zochi e Lobata, em São Tomé e Príncipe, numa amostra de 390 crianças. A detecção microscópica dos parasitas intestinais foi executada no Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical. O estado nutricional de cada criança foi avaliado através dos z-scores do peso para a idade (PIZ), da estatura para a idade (EIZ), do peso para altura (PEZ) e do IMC para a idade (IMCZ). A relação entre a infecção por parasitas intestinais e a desnutrição foi analisada através de métodos estatísticos. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída maioritariamente por crianças com idade inferior a 24 meses (58%). Foram detectados parasitas intestinais patogénicos em 38,7% das crianças, tendo-se observado uma probabilidade mais alta de infecção em crianças com idade superior a 24 meses. Destacaram-se as infecções simples ou mistas por G. lamblia (27,4%), A. lumbricoides (12,8%), T. trichiura (2,6%), Hymenolepis nana (1%), E. histolytica (0,5%), ancilostomideos (0,5%), Schistosoma intercalatum (0,3%) e Taenia spp. (0,3%). No que se refere à desnutrição, 35,6% de crianças tinham baixo peso, 33,6% apresentavam desnutrição crónica, 27,7% e 27,4% desnutrição aguda (PEZ e IMCZ), destacando-se o grau ligeiro em cada uma. Verificou-se uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a infecção por parasitas intestinais patogénicos e a desnutrição crónica. Discussão e Conclusão: Este estudo contribuiu para um melhor conhecimento das prevalências e relação das parasitoses intestinais patogénicas com a desnutrição em crianças menores de 5 anos em São Tomé e Príncipe, nomeadamente da associação entre desnutrição crónica e a infecção por parasitas intestinais patogénicos. Sugere-se a execução de estudos semelhantes a este nas restantes regiões do país para fundamentar a adopção de medidas adequadas de combate às infecções por parasitas intestinais patogénicos. Considerando o número de crianças infectadas com G. lamblia encontrada neste estudo, seria recomendável medidas específicas de combate à transmissão de protozoários e a realização de exames anuais das fezes de todas as crianças seguida de tratamento dos casos positivos.
We investigate the low-energy electronic transport across grain boundaries in graphene ribbons and infinite flakes. Using the recursive Green’s function method, we calculate the electronic transmission across different types of grain boundaries in graphene ribbons. We show results for the charge density distribution and the current flow along the ribbon. We study linear defects at various angles with the ribbon direction, as well as overlaps of two monolayer ribbon domains forming a bilayer region. For a class of extended defect lines with periodicity 3, an analytic approach is developed to study transport in infinite flakes. This class of extended grain boundaries is particularly interesting, since the K and K0 Dirac points are superposed.
The bottom of the Red Sea harbors over 25 deep hypersaline anoxic basins that are geochemically distinct and characterized by vertical gradients of extreme physicochemical conditions. Because of strong changes in density, particulate and microbial debris get entrapped in the brine-seawater interface (BSI), resulting in increased dissolved organic carbon, reduced dissolved oxygen toward the brines and enhanced microbial activities in the BSI. These features coupled with the deep-sea prevalence of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in the global ocean make the BSI a suitable environment for studying the osmotic adaptations and ecology of these important players in the marine nitrogen cycle. Using phylogenomic-based approaches, we show that the local archaeal community of five different BSI habitats (with up to 18.2% salinity) is composed mostly of a single, highly abundant Nitrosopumilus-like phylotype that is phylogenetically distinct from the bathypelagic thaumarchaea; ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were absent. The composite genome of this novel Nitrosopumilus-like subpopulation (RSA3) co-assembled from multiple single-cell amplified genomes (SAGs) from one such BSI habitat further revealed that it shares [sim]54% of its predicted genomic inventory with sequenced Nitrosopumilus species. RSA3 also carries several, albeit variable gene sets that further illuminate the phylogenetic diversity and metabolic plasticity of this genus. Specifically, it encodes for a putative proline-glutamate 'switch' with a potential role in osmotolerance and indirect impact on carbon and energy flows. Metagenomic fragment recruitment analyses against the composite RSA3 genome, Nitrosopumilus maritimus, and SAGs of mesopelagic thaumarchaea also reiterate the divergence of the BSI genotypes from other AOA.