962 resultados para Pessoal - Seleção - Estudo de casos


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O presente estudo buscou a compreensão dos motivos que levam as empresas pesquisadas do setor automobilístico a gerir o conhecimento tácito, mediados pela gestão do conhecimento, na área de gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos. As questões de pesquisa que este estudo objetivou responder foram: Como empresas estudadas utilizam o conhecimento tácito para se tornarem mais eficientes e eficazes nas atividades/ operações? De que forma o conhecimento tácito é percebido na organização por parte dos funcionários e gestores? Para responder a estas perguntas houve a investigação de duas empresas do setor automobilístico, na área de desenvolvimento de produtos. Como base teórica para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo autores como Davenport e Prusak (1998), Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997) e Choo (2006) orientam esta pesquisa. A pesquisa abrange duas empresas do ramo automobilístico na região do ABC Paulista, com equivalência no número de funcionários e porte. Dentre os entrevistados há funcionários e gestores de áreas de gestão de projetos e produtos. A metodologia aplicada ao estudo foi de caráter qualitativo por meio de pesquisa exploratória-descritiva, sendo que o método de coleta de dados se deu a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas. O estudo investigou quais as práticas usadas para a conversão do conhecimento, fatores facilitadores e fatores dificultadores para a conversão do conhecimento e as principais contribuições da aplicação das práticas e iniciativas voltadas gerir o conhecimento tácito, sob a ótica dos gestores e funcionários. Através do presente estudo pode-se verificar que existe a preocupação com a gestão do conhecimento nas empresas estudadas e que há práticas diversas relativas ao conhecimento tácito e que as formas de disseminação deste conhecimento são distintas. Algumas das práticas são os cursos de especialização, brainstorming e lesson learned e conversas informais. Nos fatores facilitadores há a troca de informação entre os pares, reuniões semanais, equipes multidisciplinares/ multifuncionais. Nos fatores dificultadores há a indicação de questões comportamentais, acúmulo de funções e tempo para partilhar informações.


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The Ionospheric Disturbances – TIDs – are irregularities on the ionospheric plasma propagating in speeds in the order of tens to a few hundreds of meters per second. This present study detected and characterized the TIDs of LSTIDs (Large Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance) type at low latitudes during intense geomagnetic storms and its propagation over the Brazilian sector. This work also shows as being the first to report systematically propagation of gravity waves over Natal. For this purpose, we used ionospheric records obtained from type of digisonde CADI (Canadiam Advanced Digital Ionosonde) located in Natal and the type DSP (Digisonde Portable Souder) located in Cachoeira Paulista, Fortaleza and São Luis, whereupon we used a dataset of 12 years collected by INPE (National Institute of Space Research). In this study, both calm days, that preceded the storms, and the geomagnetically disturbed days were related during the years 2000 and 1012, which cover a period of maximum and minimum solar activity. And it is presented the variations that happened in the electron density from region F of the ionosphere over the Brazilian sector, especially near the Equator (Natal, Fortaleza and São Luis), caused by ionospheric disturbances in the equatorial region during intense geomagnetic storms, because, as we know of the literature in this area, this phenomenon contributes positively to the emergence of LSTIDs in the auroral region, which may move to the equatorial region where a few cases have been documented and studied systematically. From the observation of signatures if TIDs in ionogram records, a study of the morphology of these events was performed and compared with the main characteristics of the wave of this phenomenon during great magnetic storms, i.e., DST <(-200 nT) and KP > 6. Thus, we obtained the main characteristics of TIDs over our region, i.e., period, vertical wavelength, phase and propagation speed, as well as the delay of these disturbances compared to the beginning of the magnetic storms to the Brazilian Sector.


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This paper focuses on the construction of the narrative for elementary school students, searching to identify strategies they employed in the production of narrative texts representative of miniconto genre. Therefore, we take a sample forty texts produced by students of 6 and 9 years of basic education, twenty in the 6th year students (ten public school and ten private school) and twenty students in 9th grade (distributed similarly between public education and private). In general, we aim to understand the mechanisms by which producers build their narratives, as well as providing input for analysis of textual production of this genre. This research is based on Functional-Linguistic assumptions of the American side, inspired by Givón (2001), Thompson (2005), Hopper (1987), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2003), Martelotta (2008), Furtado da Cunha (2011), among others. In addition, from the theoretical framework presented by Labov (1972) about the narrative, coupled with Batoréo contribution (1998), we observed the recurring elements in the structure of narratives under study: abstract, orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation and coda. Also approached, but that in a complementary way, the notion of gender presented in Marcuschi (2002). This is a research quantitative and qualitative, with descriptive and analytical-interpretive bias. In corpus analysis, we consider the following categories: gender discourse miniconto; compositional structure of the narrative; informativeness (discursive progression, thematic coherence and narrative, topical-referential distribution); informative relevance (figure / ground). At the end of the work, our initial hypothesis of the better performance of students in 9th grade, compared to 6, and the particular context of education in relation to the public context, not confirmed, since, in the comparative study revealed that the groups have similar performance as the construction of the narrative, making use of the same strategies in its construction.


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This paper focuses on the construction of the narrative for elementary school students, searching to identify strategies they employed in the production of narrative texts representative of miniconto genre. Therefore, we take a sample forty texts produced by students of 6 and 9 years of basic education, twenty in the 6th year students (ten public school and ten private school) and twenty students in 9th grade (distributed similarly between public education and private). In general, we aim to understand the mechanisms by which producers build their narratives, as well as providing input for analysis of textual production of this genre. This research is based on Functional-Linguistic assumptions of the American side, inspired by Givón (2001), Thompson (2005), Hopper (1987), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2003), Martelotta (2008), Furtado da Cunha (2011), among others. In addition, from the theoretical framework presented by Labov (1972) about the narrative, coupled with Batoréo contribution (1998), we observed the recurring elements in the structure of narratives under study: abstract, orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation and coda. Also approached, but that in a complementary way, the notion of gender presented in Marcuschi (2002). This is a research quantitative and qualitative, with descriptive and analytical-interpretive bias. In corpus analysis, we consider the following categories: gender discourse miniconto; compositional structure of the narrative; informativeness (discursive progression, thematic coherence and narrative, topical-referential distribution); informative relevance (figure / ground). At the end of the work, our initial hypothesis of the better performance of students in 9th grade, compared to 6, and the particular context of education in relation to the public context, not confirmed, since, in the comparative study revealed that the groups have similar performance as the construction of the narrative, making use of the same strategies in its construction.


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Increasingly, the Information Technology is used in the society, including the private, public and third sector organizational context. Technological tools are created in order to speed, automate, control and monitor processes. These technologies generate impacts on areas that permeate their use and the objective of this study is to investigate the implementation process of the Eletronic Invoice and the impacts arising from this technological tool in companies. For that, case studies have been conducted in three companies that emit and receive Eletronic Invoice, in a Information System consultancy, that provides softwares of Eletronic Invoice, and in a State Tax Department. Data collection was performed with organizations representatives through electronic questionnaires. The study concludes that it is expected, by the investigated organizations, that the tool reaches the benefits offered by the Tax Administration. However, these benefits have not been identified yet and neither have the use of methodologies in order to identify them. Moreover, the main impact found was the need for better training and participant´s technical qualification, followed by reducing printing costs and paper purchase


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The change in the economic world and the emergence of Internet as a tool for communication and integration among the markets have forced organizations to adopt a different structure, process-oriented with a focus on information management. Thus, information technology has gained prominence in the organizational context, increasing its complexity and range of services provided by this function. Moreover, outsourcing has become an important model for flexible corporate structure, helping organizations to achieve better results when carrying out their activities and processes and be more competitive. To make the IT outsourcing, it is necessary to follow certain steps that range from strategic assessment to the management of outsourced service. Such steps can influence the form of contracting services, varying the types of service providers and contractors. Thus, the study aimed to identify how this IT outsourcing process influences the use of models for contracting services. For this, a study was conducted in multiple cases study involving two companies in Rio Grande do Norte State, specifically the health sector. Data collection was carried out with the CIOs of the companies surveyed through semi-structured interviews. According to the results obtained, it was found that the outsourcing process more structured influences the use of a more advanced contracting model. However, there are features found in these steps carrying more clearly this influence, as the goals pursued by outsourcing, the criteria used in selecting the supplier, a contract negotiation, how to transition services and the use of methods management, but can vary depending on the level of maturity in the relationship of the companies examined. Moreover, it was found that the use of contracting model may also influence how it is developed the IT outsourcing process, requiring or not its more formalized and organization


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Companies have always been organized by processes, often imperceptible to its employees. With the advancement of technology, organizational processes currently run an organization through computers, and thus generate immediate information that is available to each sector. With the objective of seeking business information in real time, the government created the SPED - Public System of Digital, which involves three subsystems, which are the Electronic Invoice, Digital Accounting Bookkeeping and Digital Tax Bookkeeping. This system is revolutionizing the business structures when gathering, in an innovative way, all information and interlinked business processes. For the implementation of SPED, a revision in the organizational processes is required, since the information is generated and is sent online to the government, without mistakes. Thus the study aimed to analyze the change brought about by the implementation of the Public System of Digital SPED in the main business processes. In order to do so, we have performed a multiple case study involving three companies in the state of Para, two operate in wholesale and one explores agribusiness. The Data collection was performed by accounting professionals, IT and managers. According to the results obtained, it was found that in two companies, the IT infrastructure was capable of deploying the new system without major problems, while one company had more difficulties to cope with the new system. However, all companies had to examine its processes to make the customizations needed to fit. It was also observed that there is no IT Governance in two companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of an appropriate model, not only for the implementation of SPED, but as a way to manage and extract better results from investment in information technology


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Increasingly, the Information Technology is used in the society, including the private, public and third sector organizational context. Technological tools are created in order to speed, automate, control and monitor processes. These technologies generate impacts on areas that permeate their use and the objective of this study is to investigate the implementation process of the Eletronic Invoice and the impacts arising from this technological tool in companies. For that, case studies have been conducted in three companies that emit and receive Eletronic Invoice, in a Information System consultancy, that provides softwares of Eletronic Invoice, and in a State Tax Department. Data collection was performed with organizations representatives through electronic questionnaires. The study concludes that it is expected, by the investigated organizations, that the tool reaches the benefits offered by the Tax Administration. However, these benefits have not been identified yet and neither have the use of methodologies in order to identify them. Moreover, the main impact found was the need for better training and participant´s technical qualification, followed by reducing printing costs and paper purchase


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The change in the economic world and the emergence of Internet as a tool for communication and integration among the markets have forced organizations to adopt a different structure, process-oriented with a focus on information management. Thus, information technology has gained prominence in the organizational context, increasing its complexity and range of services provided by this function. Moreover, outsourcing has become an important model for flexible corporate structure, helping organizations to achieve better results when carrying out their activities and processes and be more competitive. To make the IT outsourcing, it is necessary to follow certain steps that range from strategic assessment to the management of outsourced service. Such steps can influence the form of contracting services, varying the types of service providers and contractors. Thus, the study aimed to identify how this IT outsourcing process influences the use of models for contracting services. For this, a study was conducted in multiple cases study involving two companies in Rio Grande do Norte State, specifically the health sector. Data collection was carried out with the CIOs of the companies surveyed through semi-structured interviews. According to the results obtained, it was found that the outsourcing process more structured influences the use of a more advanced contracting model. However, there are features found in these steps carrying more clearly this influence, as the goals pursued by outsourcing, the criteria used in selecting the supplier, a contract negotiation, how to transition services and the use of methods management, but can vary depending on the level of maturity in the relationship of the companies examined. Moreover, it was found that the use of contracting model may also influence how it is developed the IT outsourcing process, requiring or not its more formalized and organization


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Companies have always been organized by processes, often imperceptible to its employees. With the advancement of technology, organizational processes currently run an organization through computers, and thus generate immediate information that is available to each sector. With the objective of seeking business information in real time, the government created the SPED - Public System of Digital, which involves three subsystems, which are the Electronic Invoice, Digital Accounting Bookkeeping and Digital Tax Bookkeeping. This system is revolutionizing the business structures when gathering, in an innovative way, all information and interlinked business processes. For the implementation of SPED, a revision in the organizational processes is required, since the information is generated and is sent online to the government, without mistakes. Thus the study aimed to analyze the change brought about by the implementation of the Public System of Digital SPED in the main business processes. In order to do so, we have performed a multiple case study involving three companies in the state of Para, two operate in wholesale and one explores agribusiness. The Data collection was performed by accounting professionals, IT and managers. According to the results obtained, it was found that in two companies, the IT infrastructure was capable of deploying the new system without major problems, while one company had more difficulties to cope with the new system. However, all companies had to examine its processes to make the customizations needed to fit. It was also observed that there is no IT Governance in two companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of an appropriate model, not only for the implementation of SPED, but as a way to manage and extract better results from investment in information technology


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2016.


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Esta dissertação objetivou verificar que tipos de educação promovem a retenção de talentos na empresa estudada. Para isto, foi construída uma estrutura conceitual fundamentada em estudos divulgados por especialistas em empresas, em educação, e por filósofos humanistas. Esse referencial teórico mostrou que fatores tais como a quantidade de poder, o acesso às informações, a remuneração e a educação disponibilizadas pela empresa, interferem na decisão de os talentos permanecerem nas organizações. Também inspirou a delimitação e a construção das suposições da pesquisa e um modelo conceitual relacionando os tipos de educação no trabalho, os tipos de desenvolvimento de recursos humanos, as motivações no trabalho e a retenção de talentos. A análise da comparação dos resultados com as suposições formuladas, serviram para aperfeiçoar o modelo conceitual, e para nos permitir concluir que as educações técnica, pessoal e organizacional tendem a gerar as motivações financeira, individual e institucional que, por sua vez, produzem efeitos significativos na retenção de talentos nas empresas.


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This dissertation intends to identify the effects of the demission in the Varig's ex-flight attendants' spirituals needs. For this study we did field research carried through 31 halfstructuralized interviews with dismissed Varig's flight attendants. The data had been treated quantitatively, making tables that allowed us to infer about the adhesion in what we searched measure, and qualitatively, using the analysis of the speech's method. The study identifies that many of the ex-flight attendants make distinction between the company in which they had worked and the one that today acts with the Varig's name and symbol. By this way, they preserve feelings of love, affection and absence about to the old Varig, directing the feelings of anger and rancor, or simply indifference, to the new Varig. It is also perceived in the study that the majority of the interviewed people show positive expectations related to the involvement with a new company in which they come to work.


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A Avaliação de Desempenho geralmente é vista como uma ferramenta na qual a subjetividade é um viés a ser controlado. O presente trabalho traça uma trajetória da Avaliação, desde o seu surgimento até os dias atuais. Este levantamento histórico apresenta o tratamento dado às questões do Humano até o momento, a partir da revisão de vários autores. Utilizando um referencial quantitativo e qualitativo, unindo a Abordagem Fenomenológica e a Matriz de Correlações, foi realizada a Meta-Avaliação do processo de uma empresa na qual a prática da Avaliação ocorre há alguns anos, sendo considerada ponto importante para o seu sucesso. O presente estudo demonstra que o Humano é parte indissociável da Avaliação, a qual não pode mais ser considerada como ferramenta, mas como processo. Ao invés do controle da subjetividade, vista anteriormente mais como fonte de problemas e distorções, propõe-se o reconhecimento mais amplo de sua presença: tanto em seus aspectos complexos e problemáticos como em seu enorme potencial de desenvolvimento e aprendizado. Ao invés do controle, propõe-se o engajamento; ao invés de retirar o máximo possível a subjetividade, tê-la como aliada; ao invés de uma ferramenta minuciosamente estruturada, um processo flexível que acompanhe o dinamismo inerente ao Humano. Ou seja, ter o Humano da Avaliação atuando a favor do processo, cujo grande fim é o aprendizado.


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This study aims to analyze the current systematics of Performance Appraisal used by the Brazilian Army, in a way that permits us to identify its characteristics that hinder it to fulfill the purposes and objectives to which it proposes. In order to do so, it is used the theoretical referential not only related to Performance Appraisal itself, but also that one that focus on the subjects related to it. In spite of the multiple forms Performance Appraisal can take, some internal characteristics and coherences must be observed so that the system can function correctly. Moreover, it can not be forgotten that, as a tool, the appraisal will be strongly influenced by the organizational culture where it is used. The organizational culture, in turn, does not find itself isolated from the society in which the organization operates. When all these characteristics are brought to the analyses of the system used by the Brazilian Army, several of problems emerges, including: the presence of objectives of antagonistic nature; the lack of linking with the organization strategy; the absence of mechanism to operate the objectives; appraisal used as a coercion tool, in the attempt to keep the domination system that begin to be contested; adoption of an appraisal method which strengthens the coercitive use of it and that does not propitiate a complete vision of the apprasee; the lack of steps on the appraisal process, including in the absence of parameters adoption for the appraisal, inserting great subjectivity into the system and supplying insufficient feedback to the appraisees; use of an instrument also of great subjectivity and reductionist; and a awarding system that, besides replying the distortions of the evaluation system, adds others.