962 resultados para Personal relationships
Fifteen mentoring pairs of teachers were randomly selected from each group of teachers that had participated in the Halton Board of Education "Partners in the Classroom" program during 1988/89, 1989/90, and 1990/91. Each teacher was personally interviewed. Interviews were recorded, transcriptions were prepared and examined and analyzed. During the first part of the interview questions were asked regarding personal and professional demographics. The purpose of the second part of the interview was to gain information relating to the development of the relationships, over a three-year period, between mentor and mentee teacher participants in the "Partners in the Classroom" program. The analysis of the data suggest that there are identifiable changes in the development of the relationship between the mentor teacher and the mentee teacher over time. Implications from the study results that could enhance the induction program for new teachers are discussed.
Research interest on the topic of female coaches as role models has recently emerged in the coaching literature. Social learning theory (Bandura, 1963; 1977; 1986) has also emerged as an essential framework in explaining learning through modeling. Previous research has examined the coach as a role model, as well as gender differences between coaches. Several authors, with several different conclusions, have studied the significance of gender as an influencer in role modeling. Whitaker and Molstad in 1988 conducted a study focusing on the coach as a role model. What they found was when they combined the results of high school and college aged athletes; the female coach was considered to be a superior role model. The current research used a social learning theory framework to examine the benefits and intricacies of the modeling relationship between female adolescent athletes and influential female coaches. To accomplish this task, the formative experiences of thirteen adolescent female athletes were examined. Each athlete was interviewed, with each semi-structured interview focusing on extracting the salient features of a coach that the athlete identified as being the most influential in her personal development. The data from these interviews were quaHtatively analyzed using case studies. From case studies, a template emerges in which the coach/athlete relationship can be seen as an essential construct in which caring and strong role models can have lasting effects on the lives, values, and successes of adolescent female athletes.
Amongst a host of other benefits, proper physical education has the possibility to create a safe place where responsibility can be transferred from the teacher/facilitator, to the student. This is especially true with an underserved population. This critical program evaluation of the program CHARM was done for the purpose of program improvement. This research was a place for participants to share their experiences of the program. The participants were 5 underserved youth, 5 undergraduate students, 3 teachers and 1 graduate student. Observations, interviews, and document analysis were used to gather data. Data was analyzed using a first level read-through, and two second-level analyses. Summaries were written, and cross-case analyses were completed. The main finding of the research was the development of a Handbook, which is a guide to running the program. Secondary findings include issues of program structure, goal setting, meaningful relationships, roles, SNAP, and an outlier in the data.
Ethnographic methods were used to study a weekly after-school physical activity program over an eight-month period. Based on Hellison’s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model, the program sought to foster positive life skills amongst youth. The study investigated how the developed program influenced this life skills education experience. Several themes were identified from the data revolving around culture, life skills, pedagogy, and lessons learned. Data suggests that the positive environment developed within the program positively influenced youths’ life skill education experience. The topic of ethnicity as it relates to the experience of marginalized youth in physical activity settings is also discussed. This study supports TPSR literature and suggests that effort to establish caring relationships and empower youth contribute to the establishment of a positive atmosphere where life skills education can occur. Beyond this, practical tools were developed through this study to help others deliver life skill education.
The study aim was to investigate the relationship between factors related to personal cancer history and lung cancer risk as well as assess their predictive utility. Characteristics of interest included the number, anatomical site(s), and age of onset of previous cancer(s). Data from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Screening (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial (N = 154,901) and National Lung Screening Trial (N = 53,452) were analysed. Logistic regression models were used to assess the relationships between each variable of interest and 6-year lung cancer risk. Predictive utility was assessed through changes in area-under-the-curve (AUC) after substitution into the PLCOall2014 lung cancer risk prediction model. Previous lung, uterine and oral cancers were strongly and significantly associated with elevated 6-year lung cancer risk after controlling for confounders. None of these refined measures of personal cancer history offered more predictive utility than the simple (yes/no) measure already included in the PLCOall2014 model.
The growing complexity of healthcare needs of residents living in long-term care necessitates a high level of professional interdependence to deliver quality, individualized care. Personal support workers (PSWs) are the most likely to observe, interpret and respond to resident care plans, yet little is known about how they experience collaboration. This study aimed to describe PSWs’ current experiences with collaboration in long-term care and to understand the factors that influenced their involvement in collaboration. A qualitative approach was used to interview eight PSWs from one long-term care facility in rural Ontario. Thematic analysis revealed three themes: valuing PSWs’ contributions, organizational structure, and individual characteristics and relationships. Collaboration was a difficult process for PSWs who felt largely undervalued and excluded. To improve collaboration, management needs to provide opportunities for PSWs to contribute and support the development of relationships required to collaborate.
The major objective of the researcher was to assess the gains or losses in relationship between spouses after sterilization of the wife. The second objective was to gauge the impact of sterilisation upon parent—child relationships. Factors that were responsible in motivating women to accept sterilization were subjected to enquiry with the conviction that the information would give insight into the inadequacies of the official Family Planning Programme, offering prospects for feasible and salutary changes. The report is arranged under six chapters. The first chapter, Introduction, has three parts. The global and natural dimension of the problem of population is considered in Part I; The Importance of the topic studied namely sterilisation is discussed in the second Part: and Part III explains the background and methodology %f the study. The second chapter is a description of tubecto~ mized women who were the respondents. Their personal and family data, economic, social, educational and demographic profilesform its contents. The direct and indirect influences that were-responsible to make women decide in favour of sterilization are dealt with in the Third chapter. The Fourth Chapter is an analysis of the interspouse relations pre and post—operatively and an assessment of gains and losses in the area subsequent to sterilisation. How children have benefitted physically and emotionally as a consequence of improved care/attention from parents post~operatively constitutes the analysis attempted in the Fifth chapter.
Personality traits have often been highlighted to relate to how people cope with stressful events. The present paper focuses on character strengths as positive personality traits and examines two basic assumptions that were derived from a core characteristic of character strengths (i.e., to determine how individuals deal with adversities): (1) character strengths correlate with coping and (2) buffer the effects of work-related stress on job satisfaction. Two different samples (i.e., a mixed sample representing various occupations [N = 214] and a nurses sample [N = 175]) filled in measures for character strengths, coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. As expected, intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal strengths were related to coping. Interpersonal strengths played a greater role for coping among nurses, as interactions with others are an essential part of their workday. Furthermore, intellectual strengths partially mediated the negative effect of work-related stress on job satisfaction. These findings open a new field for research on the role of personality in coping with work-related stress. Character strengths are trainable personal characteristics, and therefore valuable resources to improve coping with work-related stress and to decrease the negative effects of stress. Further research is needed to investigate this assumed causality.
OBJETIVOS: Identificar la percepción del riesgo biológico de los trabajadores asistenciales del Hospital Central de la Policía Nacional en la ciudad de Bogotá. METODOS: se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal para describir la percepción acerca del riesgo biológico en 159 trabajadores asistenciales de un hospital de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia), la información se recolectó por medio de la utilización de la encuesta validada nota técnica 578 (Portell M, Solé M, 2001). Se realizó la caracterización de la población por variables de sexo, edad, tiempo de experiencia y servicio al cual pertenece y se promediaron las respuestas obtenidas para cada ítem encuestado, obteniendo una clasificación para cada dimensión de percepción de riesgo baja (1 a 3), media (4 a 5) o alta (6 a 7). Resultados: De los 159 trabajadores asistenciales encuestados el 80.4% eran de género femenino, el 22.2% pertenecían al servicio de urgencias, el 16,5% al servicio de medicina interna y el 9.5% al servicio de pediatría, de los encuestados el 62.9% fueron auxiliares de enfermería, el 21,4% enfermeras jefes y el 6.9% médicos. Se obtuvo una percepción de riesgo alta (media aritmética mayor de 5) para todas las variables incluidas en la encuesta, demostrando conocimiento de todo el personal acerca de la alta exposición a accidentes de tipo biológico. No se encontró asociación entre la labor desempeñada y la percepción del riesgo biológico, sin embargo, se encontró una asociación entre el tiempo de experiencia del trabajador y una disminución en la magnitud del riesgo percibido (Chi cuadrado de asociación, p=0.042). Conclusiones: Los trabajadores asistenciales identifican la magnitud del riesgo biológico al que se encuentran expuestos en sus labores del día a día, sin embargo, es necesaria una mayor participación por parte del personal directivo y de los responsables de la prevención en temas de reacción ante accidentes y en la valoración del riesgo, especialmente en personas que llevan mucho tiempo desempeñando la labor.
El objetivo general es descubrir y definir cuáles son los aspectos que debe cuidar el profesorado universitario para llegar a establecer una relación positiva con el alumno. Los objetivos específicos de la investigación son: definir las bases conceptuales, filosóficas y antropológicas de la orientación universitaria; analizar las investigaciones españolas que en los últimos años se han realizado en este terreno; justificar la necesidad de orientación a partir del estudio de su relación con los fines específicos que desde la legislación se encomiendan a la institución universitaria; fundamentar la necesidad de la orientación desde la profundización en el 'ethos' del docente universitario; describir las implicaciones que la mejora de la orientación tiene en la calidad educativa de la universidad y su influencia en la solución de algunos de los problemas que actualmente acucian a la universidad española; analizar la historia y situación actual de la ordenación universitaria; estudiar la legislación española en orientación universitaria desde la Ley General de Educación; describir los distintos modelos y enfoques de orientación universitaria; analizar el modelo concreto de orientación que actualmente se lleva a cabo en la Universidad de Navarra, su historia y su situación actual; describir la tutoría desde el punto de vista de las helping relationships, así como el desarrollo del criterio de asistencia personal al estudiante. El proceso para la realización del trabajo ha consistido en el estudio detallado del material bibliográfico, libros, revistas, documentos internos de la universidad, programas de orientación y la consulta a los diferentes webs dedicados a la orientación en todo el mundo. Se concluye que es necesario: 1. Dar coherencia a los nuevos modelos de orientación: quien realiza este tipo de actividad debe conocer y ser consciente de las bases y enfoques de los que parte para realizar su prácticca orientadora. 2. Aumentar las investigaciones que analicen las demandas de alumnado: el primer objetivo que necesita ser atendido por la orientación es el de dar respuesta a las necesidades que presentan los estudiantes, ya que sus demandas cambian a la par que cambia la sociedad. 3. Evaluar los servicios de orientación actualmente vigentes en nuestras universidades: ciertos modelos de orientación han quedado obsoletos y no dan una adecuada respuesta a los estudiantes quienes se sienten insatisfechos con la ayuda que reciben. 4. Establecer las bases teórico-prácticas de la orientación universitaria: es necesario dotar de coherencia a la ingente creación de nuevos modelos. 5. Hacer partícipe de la orientación al profesorado, fomentando su labor tutorial y su implicación en la orientación: el profesor es el miembro de la institución más cercano al alumno, y el que está en mejor posición para ayudarle. 6. Fomentar y ofrecer una adecuada formación al profesorado universitario, no sólo en aspectos relacionados con la orientación, sino en los relacionados con su actividad académica y docente. 7. Que las autoridades políticas y educativas sean conscientes de que aumentar la calidad de la orientación en la universidad es aumentar la calidad de la educación que en ellas se ofrece. 8. Que exista una positiva relación y la máxima colaboración posible entre los profesionales de la orientación, los docentes y los demás miembros de la institución.
While the management consulting industry has been largely linked to the knowledge produced within the disciplines of strategic management in the academic field, the truth is that very little literature is produced in terms of research in this area, while the researchers focused more on a set of static techniques to be applied in the development of this field of research concerns. This article seeks to bridge this gap as well, showing by example that the consultancy sector is a true field of opportunities for the study of relationships management. This presentation is thus the aim of contributing both theoretically and empirically in the area of relationships through research in the context of management consulting, trying to visualize how the relationships are manifested in a context of high involvement and personal contact, and what’s the perception that must be taken into consideration by clients and consultants in terms of the benefits of their greater or lesser degree of involvement.
While the management consulting industry has been largely linked to the knowledge produced within the disciplines of strategic management in the academic field, the truth is that very little literature is produced in terms of research in this area, while the researchers focused more on a set of static techniques to be applied in the development of this field of research concerns. This article seeks to bridge this gap as well, showing by example that the consultancy sector is a true field of opportunities for the study of relationships management. This presentation is thus the aim of contributing both theoretically and empirically in the area of relationships through research in the context of management consulting, trying to visualize how the relationships are manifested in a context of high involvement and personal contact, and what’s the perception that must be taken into consideration by clients and consultants in terms of the benefits of their greater or lesser degree of involvement.
This paper uses a simplified model of the aid 'chain' to explore some causes and consequences of breakdown in communication. Although the rhetoric of Northern-based donors is awash with words such as 'partnership' and 'inclusion' when dealing with their Southern-based partners, the situation in practice is different. Unequal power relationships sometimes result in donor imposition of Perspectives and values. It is our contention, based on a collective experience of fifty-four years in a Nigerian-based non-governmental development organization (NGDO), the Diocesan Development Services (DDS), that much of the driving force behind the successes and problems faced by the institution was founded on relationships that evolved between individuals. In order to understand why things happened the way they did it is necessary to begin with the human element that cannot be condensed into objects or categories. While injudicious donor interference bad damaging repercussions, our experience suggests that care and consideration flow throughout the aid chain and actions are not malevolent. Breakdowns can be attributed to a number of factors, with the over-riding one being pressures operating at the personal level that emanate from within the institution itself and the larger community. The paper analyses three experiences using institutional ethnography theory and methodologies as a basis. Examples taken address the influence key donor personnel had in the function of DDS, and how these changed with time. The mission, policies and even procedures of the donor did not change markedly over thirty-two years, but each changing desk officer had their own philosophy and approach and a different interpretation of their own institutional policies. Hence while the 'macro' has an influence it is mediated via individual interpretation. In our view, the importance of people-people relationships is particularly understated in development literature where emphasis gravitates towards the aggregate and global.
Hooking up has become a common and public practice on university campuses across the country. While much research has determined who is doing it, with whom they are doing it, and what they are hoping to get out of it, little work has been done to determine what personal factors motivate students to participate in the culture. A total of 407 current students were surveyed to assess the impact of one’s relationship with his/her opposite-sex parent on his/her attitudestoward and engagement in hookup culture on campus. Scores were assigned to the participants to divide them into categories of high and low attachment with their parent. It was hypothesizedthat heterosexual students who do not perceive themselves as having a strong, close, positive relationship with their opposite-sex parent would be more likely to engage in or attempt to engage in casual sexual behavior. This pattern was expected to be strongest for women on campus. Men and women differed in their reasons for hooking up, with whom they hook up, to what they attribute the behaviors of their peers, and what they hope to gain from their sexual interactions. Effects of parent-child relationships were significant only for women who reported hooking up because “others are doing it,” men’s agreement with the behavior of their peers, and women’s overall satisfaction with their hookups. Developmental, social, and evolutionary perspectives are employed to explain the results. University status was determined to be most telling of the extent to which a student is engaged in hookup culture.
Background: A growing body of literature suggests that caregiving burden is associated with impaired immune system functioning, which may contribute to elevated morbidity and mortality risk among dementia caregivers. However, potential mechanisms linking these relationships are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether stress-related experience of depressive symptoms and reductions in personal mastery were related to alterations in ss2-adrenergic receptor sensitivity.Methods: Spousal Alzheimer's caregivers (N = 106) completed measures assessing the extent to which they felt overloaded by their caregiving responsibilities, experienced depressive symptoms, and believed their life circumstances were under their control. We hypothesized that caregivers reporting elevated stress would report increased depressive symptoms and reduced mastery, which in turn would be associated with reduced ss2- adrenergic receptor sensitivity on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as assessed by in vitro isoproterenol stimulation.Results: Regression analyses indicated that overload was negatively associated with mastery (beta = -0.36, p = 0.001) and receptor sensitivity (beta = -0.24, p = 0.030), whereas mastery was positively associated with receptor sensitivity (beta = 0.29, p = 0.005). Finally, the relationship between overload and receptor sensitivity diminshed upon simultaneous entry of mastery. Sobel's test confirmed that mastery significantly mediated some of the relationship between overload and receptor sensitivity (z = -2.02, p = 0.044).Conclusions: These results suggest that a reduced sense of mastery may help explain the association between caregiving burden and reduced immune cell ss2-receptor sensitivity.