990 resultados para Periodontal Debridement


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OBJETIVO: o objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a associação entre a osteoporose e a doença periodontal. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas 39 mulheres na pós-menopausa, que foram divididas em três grupos conforme categorização da massa óssea, por meio da avaliação da densidade mineral óssea, aferida pela absormetria de dupla emissão com raios X na área lombar (L1-L4): osso normal, osteopenia e osteoporose. Foi aplicado o índice de nível de inserção clínica (NIC) para todas as participantes no início da pesquisa e após um ano, por apenas um examinador. Os dados da situação periodontal foram submetidos à análise estatística com o teste t de Student pareado. RESULTADOS: o exame periodontal revelou que as mulheres na pós-menopausa com osteopenia apresentaram menor média do NIC no exame clínico periodontal inicial (2,1±1,1 mm), enquanto as pertencentes ao grupo osso normal mostraram menor perda dos tecidos de sustentação dos dentes após um ano (3,1±1,6 mm). Após a realização do tratamento estatístico, observou-se que não houve diferença significativa para a situação periodontal no osso normal, entretanto foi constatada diferença estatística nas pacientes do osteopenia e osteoporose, quando comparados os valores do NIC, nos dois períodos de avaliação. CONCLUSÕES: conclui-se que a osteoporose na pós-menopausa pode ser considerada como possível fator de risco para a doença periodontal.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre periodontite e osteoporose em um estudo caso-controle sobre a condição periodontal das mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 99 mulheres na pós-menopausa, divididas em três grupos: osso normal (Gn), osteopenia (Gpenia) e osteoporose (Gporose), com 45, 31 e 23 casos, respectivamente. A categorização da massa óssea foi aferida pela absorciometria de dupla emissão com raios X na área lombar (L2 - L4), e pela avaliação da densidade mineral óssea. Os índices de nível de inserção clínica (NIC), sangramento gengival (IG), de placa (IP) e profundidade de sondagem (PS) foram obtidos de todas as participantes, por apenas um examinador. Foi utilizado o programa BioEstat 2.0 para análise dos dados com os testes paramétricos análise de variância (ANOVA) e teste de Bonferroni, empregando-se o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: O grupo de mulheres com osteoporose apresentou o maior percentual de presença da doença periodontal, com maior média do NIC (2,6±0,4 mm), assim como PS (2,8±0,6 mm), IG (72,8±25,9 mm) e IP (72,9±24,2 mm). Após a realização do tratamento estatístico, observou-se que houve diferença significativa para a situação periodontal, principalmente entre os grupos Gn e Gporose (p=0,01) e entre os grupos Gpenia e Gporose (p=0,03). CONCLUSÃO: A osteoporose pode ter uma influência na condição periodontal, por haver relação entre periodontite e osteoporose em mulheres na pós-menopausa.


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In vitro- and in vivo-assays were conducted, to study the possible role of streptomycin- and actinomycin-producing soil actinomycetes for the pathogenesis of "Cara inchada" in cattle (CI). Adherence of Bacteroides spp. to epithelial cells of the bovine gingiva, known to be associated with the progressive lesions of CI, was significantly increased by the addition of streptomycin, actinomycin or antibiotic culture supernatants of the soil actinomycetes. Applications of these mixtures together with Actinomyces pyogenes to the marginal gingiva of the upper premolar teeth of about 1 month old Holstein Friesian calves did not lead to progressive lesions of CI. Only one calf exhibited a slight diarrhea and a temporary retraction of the gingiva at the site of application.


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Objetivou-se fazer levantamento das principais afecções de cavidade oral relacionadas com a doença perio-dontal em Panthera onca proveniente de cativeiro e natureza. Sob o ponto de vista da conservação de animais ameaçados de extinção, no caso a onça-pintada (Panthera onca), buscou-se promover a orientação dos proprietários e trabalhadores rurais sobre a necessidade da preservação de tal espécie em vida livre e tentar determinar se as condições ambientais podem influenciar na saúde oral. Utilizou-se amostra constituída de 42 onças-pintadas (P. onca), provenientes de 18 instituições mantenedoras de tais espécies em cativeiro no Estado de São Paulo, que foram visitadas e anestesiadas pelo Plano de Manejo de Felinos Neotropicais. Pesquisaram-se também 4 onças-pintadas (P. onca), provenientes de vida livre, capturados na Fazenda Sete, município de Miranda, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, no pantanal sul mato-grossense. Todos os animais pesquisados em cativeiro apresentaram graus variados de lesões orais relacionadas à doença periodontal. Aqueles animais pesquisados na natureza não apresentaram nenhum tipo de comprometimento clínico na cavidade oral.


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There are several methods for inducing periodontal disease in animal models, being the bone defect one of the most reported. This study aimed to evaluate this model, through clinical, radiographic, tomographic and histological analyzes, thus providing standardized data for future regenerative works. Twelve dogs were subjected to the induction protocol. In a first surgical procedure, a mucoperiosteal flap was made on the buccal aspect of the right third and fourth premolars and a defect was produced exposing the furcation and mesial and distal roots, with dimensions: 5mm coronoapical, 5mm mesiodistal, and 3mm buccolingual. Periodontal ligament and cementum were curetted and the defect was filled with molding polyester, which was removed after 21 days on new surgical procedure. Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed after the two surgeries and before the collection of parts for dental tomography and histological analysis. All animals showed grade II furcation exposure in both teeth. Clinical attachment level increased after induction. Defect size did not change for coronoapical and buccolingual measurements, while mesiodistal size was significantly higher than at the time of defect production. Radiographic analysis showed decreased radiopacity and discontinuity of lamina dura in every tooth in the furcation area. The horizontal progression of the disease was evident in micro-computed tomography and defect content in the histological analysis. Therefore, it is concluded that this method promotes the induction of periodontal disease in dogs in a standardized way, thus being a good model for future work.


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Corneal transparency is attributed to the regular spacing and diameter of collagen fibrils, and proteoglycans may play a role in fibrillogenesis and matrix assembly. Corneal scar tissue is opaque and this opacity is explained by decreased ultrastructural order that may be related to proteoglycan composition. Thus, the objectives of the present study were to characterize the proteoglycans synthesized by human corneal explants and to investigate the effect of mechanical epithelial debridement. Human corneas unsuitable for transplants were immersed in F-12 culture medium and maintained under tissue culture conditions. The proteoglycans synthesized in 24 h were labeled metabolically by the addition of 35S-sulfate to the medium. These compounds were extracted by 4 M GuHCl and identified by a combination of agarose gel electrophoresis, enzymatic degradation with protease and mucopolysaccharidases, and immunoblotting. Decorin was identified as the main dermatan sulfate proteoglycan and keratan sulfate proteoglycans were also prominent components. When the glycosaminoglycan side chains were analyzed, only keratan sulfate and dermatan sulfate were detected (~50% each). Nevertheless, when these compounds were 35S-labeled metabolically, the label in dermatan sulfate was greater than in keratan sulfate, suggesting a lower synthesis rate for keratan sulfate. 35S-Heparan sulfate also appeared. The removal of the epithelial layer caused a decrease in heparan sulfate labeling and induced the synthesis of dermatan sulfate by the stroma. The increased deposit of dermatan sulfate proteoglycans in the stroma suggests a functional relationship between epithelium and stroma that could be related to the corneal opacity that may appear after epithelial cell debridement.


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How is the corneal epithelium restored when all of it plus the limbus have been eliminated? This investigation explored the possibility that this may be achieved through the conjunctival epithelium. The corneal epithelium of the right eye of 12 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was totally scraped followed by surgical excision of the limbus plus 1.0-1.5 mm of the adjacent conjunctiva. Antibiotics and corticosteroids were applied for 1 week after surgery. Histological and immunohistochemical techniques were used to monitor the events taking place on the eye surface 2 weeks and 1, 3 and 6 months thereafter. Initially, the corneal surface was covered by conjunctival-like epithelium. After 1 month and more prominently at 3 and 6 months an epithelium displaying the morphological features of the cornea and reacting with the AE5 antibody was covering the central region. It is likely that the corneal epithelium originated from undifferentiated cells of the conjunctiva interacting with the corneal stroma.


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Diabetics have an increased prevalence of periodontitis, and diabetes is one of the causative factors of severe periodontitis. Apoptosis is thought to be involved in this pathogenic relationship. The aim of this study was to investigate apoptosis in human periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts induced by advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and their receptor (RAGE). We examined the roles of apoptosis, AGEs, and RAGE during periodontitis in diabetes mellitus using cultured PDL fibroblasts that were treated by AGE-modified bovine serum albumin (AGE-BSA), bovine serum albumin (BSA) alone, or given no treatment (control). Microscopy and real-time quantitative PCR indicated that PDL fibroblasts treated with AGE-BSA were deformed and expressed higher levels of RAGE and caspase 3. Cell viability assays and flow cytometry indicated that AGE-BSA reduced cell viability (69.80±5.50%, P<0.01) and increased apoptosis (11.31±1.73%, P<0.05). Hoechst 33258 staining and terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick-end labeling revealed that AGE-BSA significantly increased apoptosis of PDL fibroblasts. The results showed that the changes in PDL fibroblasts induced by AGE-BSA may explain how AGE-RAGE participates in and exacerbates periodontium destruction.


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The effects of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and glucose on mRNA and protein expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG), and its ligand, receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL), were investigated in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPDLFs). Primary HPDLFs were treated with different concentrations of IL-10 (0, 1, 10, 25, 50, and 100 ng/mL) or glucose (0, 5.5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mmol/L). Changes in mRNA and protein expression were examined using the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis, respectively. After IL-10 treatment, mRNA and protein levels of OPG were increased, while mRNA and protein levels of RANKL were decreased (P<0.05), both in a concentration-dependent manner. Glucose stimulation had the opposite concentration-dependent effect to that of IL-10 on OPG and RANKL expression. IL-10 upregulated OPG expression and downregulated RANKL expression, whereas high glucose upregulated RANKL and downregulated OPG in HDPLFs. Abnormal levels of IL-10 and glucose may contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontal disease.


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INTRODUÇÃO: estudos recentes apontam a doença periodontal (DP) como fator de risco para doença renal crônica (DRC). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o grau de conhecimento, atitude e prática de médicos e enfermeiros que atuam na nefrologia relativos à DP. MÉTODOS: um questionário foi aplicado a médicos e a enfermeiros participantes do XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Nefrologia (2010) e IX Congresso Mineiro de Nefrologia (2011), abrangendo os seguintes aspectos da DP: epidemiologia, apresentação clínica, fatores predisponentes, repercussão sistêmica, a inclusão do exame da cavidade bucal no exame clínico dos pacientes com DRC e a frequência de encaminhamento para o dentista. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos médicos e enfermeiros responderam corretamente às perguntas que abordaram os conhecimentos gerais sobre a DP. À pergunta referente à inclusão do exame da cavidade bucal no exame físico do paciente, 42,2% dos médicos e 38% dos enfermeiros responderam não fazê-la (p > 0,05). Contudo, a maioria dos pacientes vistos por nefrologistas (59,4%) e enfermeiros (61,8%) são encaminhados ao dentista em menos de 30% das consultas (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A amostra de nefrologistas e de profissionais de enfermagem participantes do estudo demonstrou conhecimento autorrelatado sobre DP considerado bom, embora com prática clínica limitada, expressada pelo baixo percentual de encaminhamento para tratamento especializado da doença. Os achados sinalizam para a necessidade da instituição de treinamento teórico-prático em saúde bucal nos cursos de graduação (medicina e enfermagem) e pós-graduação (residência médica e multiprofissional).


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Methods to optimize healing through dietary strategies present an attractive option for patients, such that healing from delicate oral surgeries occurs as optimally as possible with minimal patient-meditated complications through improper food choices. This review discusses findings from studies that have investigated the role of diet, either whole foods or individual dietary components, on periodontal health and their potential role in wound healing after periodontal surgery. To date, research in this area has largely focused on foods or individual dietary components that may attenuate inflammation or oxidant stress, or foster de novo bone formation. These studies suggest that a wide variety of dietary components, including macronutrients and micronutrients, are integral for optimal periodontal health and have the potential to accelerate oral wound healing after periodontal procedures. Moreover, this review provides guidance regarding dietary considerations that may help a patient achieve the best possible outcome after a periodontal procedure.


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Diet has an important role in the maintenance of oral health, but the relationship between diet and clinical outcomes following sanative therapy (ST) has not been investigated. Due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, we hypothesized that periodontal patients with higher intakes of vitamin C, vitamin D, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) would have greater reductions in probing depth (PD) after ST. Patients completed the Block food frequency questionnaire, a supplement use questionnaire and had their serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D measured. There were no significant associations between intakes of vitamin C, vitamin D, EPA, DHA and PD. There were, however, negative associations between intakes of linoleic acid, α- linolenic acid or total vegetable intake and PD, as well as a positive association between the total omega-6/omega-3 ratio and PD (p < 0.05). Therefore, dietary intakes of essential fatty acids and vegetables may be important modulators of periodontal outcomes following ST.


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Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Odontología Social) UANL.


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Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Odontología Social) UANL.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas) U.A.N.L.