968 resultados para Peptide-lipid interaction


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Dendrimers are nonviral vectors that have attracted interest on account of a number of features. They are structurally versatile because their size, shape, and surface charge can be selectively altered. Here we examine the functions of a new family of composite dendrimers that were synthesized with lipidic amino acid cores. These dendrimers are bifunctional because they are characterized by positively charged (lysine) modules for interaction with nucleic acids and neutral lipidic moieties for membrane lipid-bilayer transit. We assessed their structure-function correlations by a combination of molecular and biophysical techniques. Our assessment revealed an unexpected pleitropy of functions subserved by these vectors that included plasmid and oligonucleotide delivery. We also generated a firefly luciferase cell line in which we could modulate luciferase activity by RNA interference. We found that these vectors could also mediate RNA suppression of luciferase expression by delivering double-stranded luciferase transcripts generated in vitro. The structural uniqueness of these lipidic peptide dendrimers coupled with their ease and specificity of assembly and the versatility in their choice of cargo, puts them in a new category of macromolecule carriers. These vectors, therefore, have potential applications as epigenetic modifiers of gene function. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.


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In inflammatory disorders (e.g. psoriasis), local concentrations of human neutrophil elastase (HNE), also known as polymorphonuclear leukocyte elastase (HLE), possibly overwhelm its natural inhibitors leading to extracellular matrix degradation. Elevated levels of HNE have been reported in a variety of inflammatory disorders, including psoriasis. Peptidic HNE inhibitors have a common hydrophobic sequence (Ala-Ala-Pro-Val). This peptide sequence inhibits HNE competitively; however the stratum corneum presents an effective barrier to the delivery of this tetrapeptide across the skin. The current work investigates the delivery of the modified peptide whereby the tetrapeptide was lipidated to enhance its ability to penetrate the stratum The tetrapeptide Was Coupled to a racaemic mixture of a short chain lipoamino acid (LAA) resulting in two diastereomers of the lipoamino acid-modified tetrapeptide. The penetration of the lipopeptide mixture was assessed across human epidermis in vitro. The percentage of applied dose penetrating to the receptor over 8 h following administration was 2.53% for the D-LAA conjugate and 1.47% for the L-diastereomer, compared to 0% for the peptide. The D-diastereomer appears to be relatively stable but the L-diastereomer appears to degrade releasing possibly the tetrapeptide and peptide fragment(s). Therefore the results clearly indicate that coupling the tetrapeptide to a short chain LAA enhances its delivery across human epidermis.


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Group A streptococcus (GAS) is responsible for causing many clinical complications including the relatively benign streptococcal pharyngitis and impetigo. However. if left untreated. these conditions may lead to more severe diseases such as rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). These diseases exhibit high morbidity and mortality, Particularly in developing countries and in indigenous populations of affluent countries. Only ever occur following GAS infection, a vaccine offers Promise for their Prevention. As stich, we have investigated the Use of the lipid-core peptide (LCP) system for the development of multi-valent Prophylactic GAS vaccines. The current study has investigated the capacity of this system to adjuvant LIP to four different GAS peptide epitopes. Presented are the synthesis and immunological assessment of tetra-valent and tri-valent GAS LCP systems. We demonstrated their capacity to elicit systemic IgG antibody responses in B10.BR mice to all GAS peptide epitopes. The data also showed that the LCP systems Were self-adjuvanting. These findings are particularly encouraging for the development of multi-valent LCP-based GAS vaccines.


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We have developed a highly pure, self-adjuvanting, triepitopic Group A Streptococcal vaccine based on the lipid core peptide system, a vaccine delivery system incorporating lipidic adjuvant, carrier, and peptide epitopes into a single molecular entity. Vaccine synthesis was performed using native chemical ligation. Due to the attachment of a highly lipophilic adjuvant, addition of 1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate was necessary to enhance peptide solubility in order to enable ligation. The vaccine was synthesized in three steps to yield a highly pure product (97.7% purity) with an excellent overall yield. Subcutaneous immunization of B10. BR (H-2(k)) mice with the synthesized vaccine, with or without the addition of complete Freund's adjuvant, elicited high serum IgG antibody titers against each of the incorporated peptide epitopes.


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Traditional vaccines consisting of whole attenuated microorganisms, killed microorganisms, or microbial components, administered with an adjuvant (e.g. alum), have been proved to be extremely successful. However, to develop new vaccines, or to improve upon current vaccines, new vaccine development techniques are required. Peptide vaccines offer the capacity to administer only the minimal microbial components necessary to elicit appropriate immune responses, minimizing the risk of vaccination associated adverse effects, and focusing the immune response toward important antigens. Peptide vaccines, however, are generally poorly immunogenic, necessitating administration with powerful, and potentially toxic adjuvants. The attachment of lipids to peptide antigens has been demonstrated as a potentially safe method for adjuvanting peptide epitopes. The lipid core peptide (LCP) system, which incorporates a lipidic adjuvant, carrier, and peptide epitopes into a single molecular entity, has been demonstrated to boost immunogenicity of attached peptide epitopes without the need for additional adjuvants. The synthesis of LCP systems normally yields a product that cannot be purified to homogeneity. The current study describes the development of methods for the synthesis of highly pure LCP analogs using native chemical ligation. Because of the highly lipophilic nature of the LCP lipid adjuvant, difficulties (e.g. poor solubility) were experienced with the ligation reactions. The addition of organic solvents to the ligation buffer solubilized lipidic species, but did not result in successful ligation reactions. In comparison, the addition of approximately 1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) proved successful, enabling the synthesis of two highly pure, tri-epitopic Streptococcus pyogenes LCP analogs. Subcutaneous immunization of B10.BR (H-2(k)) mice with one of these vaccines, without the addition of any adjuvant, elicited high levels of systemic IgG antibodies against each of the incorporated peptides. Copyright (c) 2006 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The receptor for calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a heterodimer formed by calcitonin-receptor-like receptor (CRLR), a type II (family B) G-protein-coupled receptor, and receptor-activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1), a single-membrane-pass protein. It is likely that the first seven or so amino acids of CGRP (which form a disulphide-bonded loop) interact with the transmembrane domain of CRLR to cause receptor activation. The rest of the CGRP molecule falls into three domains. Residues 28-37 and 8-18 are normally required for high-affinity binding, while residues 19-27 form a hinge region. The 28-37 region is almost certainly in direct contact with the receptor; 8-18 may make additional receptor contacts or may stabilize an appropriate conformation of 28-37. It is likely that these regions of CGRP interact both with CRLR and with the extracellular domain of RAMP1.


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The calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) acts as a receptor for the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) but in order to recognize CGRP, it must form a complex with an accessory protein, receptor activity modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). Identifying the protein/protein and protein/ligand interfaces in this unusual complex would aid drug design. The role of the extreme N-terminus of CLR (Glu23-Ala60) was examined by an alanine scan and the results were interpreted with the help of a molecular model. The potency of CGRP at stimulating cAMP production was reduced at Leu41Ala, Gln45Ala, Cys48Ala and Tyr49Ala; furthermore, CGRP-induced receptor internalization at all of these receptors was also impaired. Ile32Ala, Gly35Ala and Thr37Ala all increased CGRP potency. CGRP specific binding was abolished at Leu41Ala, Ala44Leu, Cys48Ala and Tyr49Ala. There was significant impairment of cell surface expression of Gln45Ala, Cys48Ala and Tyr49Ala. Cys48 takes part in a highly conserved disulfide bond and is probably needed for correct folding of CLR. The model suggests that Gln45 and Tyr49 mediate their effects by interacting with RAMP1 whereas Leu41 and Ala44 are likely to be involved in binding CGRP. Ile32, Gly35 and Thr37 form a separate cluster of residues which modulate CGRP binding. The results from this study may be applicable to other family B GPCRs which can associate with RAMPs.


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A set of 38 epitopes and 183 non-epitopes, which bind to alleles of the HLA-A3 supertype, was subjected to a combination of comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) and soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). During the process of T cell recognition, T cell receptors (TCR) interact with the central section of the bound nonamer peptide; thus only positions 4−8 were considered in the study. The derived model distinguished 82% of the epitopes and 73% of the non-epitopes after cross-validation in five groups. The overall preference from the model is for polar amino acids with high electron density and the ability to form hydrogen bonds. These so-called “aggressive” amino acids are flanked by small-sized residues, which enable such residues to protrude from the binding cleft and take an active role in TCR-mediated T cell recognition. Combinations of “aggressive” and “passive” amino acids in the middle part of epitopes constitute a putative TCR binding motif


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Bicellar lipid mixture dispersions progressively coalesce to larger structures on warming. This phase behaviour is particularly sensitive to interactions that perturb bilayer properties. In this study, ²H NMR was used to study the perturbation of bicellar lipid mixtures by two peptides (SP-B₆₃₋₇₈, a lung surfactant protein fragment and Magainin 2, an antimicrobial peptide) which are structurally similar. Particular attention was paid to the relation between peptide-induced perturbation and lipid composition. In bicellar dispersions containing only zwitterionic lipids (DMPC-d₅₄/DMPC/DHPC (3:1:1)) both peptides had little to no effect on the temperature at which coalescence to larger structures occurred. Conversely, in mixtures containing anionic lipids (DMPC-d₅₄/DMPG/DHPC (3:1:1)), both peptides modified bicellar phase behaviour. In mixtures containing SP-B₆₃₋₇₈, the presence of peptide decreased the temperature of the ribbon-like to extended lamellar phase transition. The addition of Magainin 2 to DMPCd₅₄/ DMPG/DHPC (3:1:1) mixtures, in contrast, increased the temperature of this transition and yielded a series of spectra resembling DMPC/DHPC (4:1) mixtures. Additional studies of lipid dispersions containing deuterated anionic lipids were done to determine whether the observed perturbation involved a peptide-induced separation of zwitterionic and anionic lipids. Comparison of DMPC/DMPG-d₅₄/DHPC (3:1:1) and DMPC-d₅₄/DMPG/DHPC (3:1:1) mixtures showed that DMPC and DMPG occupy similar environments in the presence of SP-B₆₃₋₇₈, but different lipid environments in the presence of Magainin 2. This might reflect the promotion of anionic lipid clustering by Magainin 2. These results demonstrate the variability of mechanisms of peptide-induced perturbation and suggest that lipid composition is an important factor in the peptide-induced perturbation of lipid structures.


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Les peptides et protéines extracteurs de lipides (PEL) se lient aux membranes lipidiques puis en extraient des lipides en formant de plus petits auto-assemblages, un phénomène qui peut aller jusqu'à la fragmentation des membranes. Dans la nature, cette extraction se produit sur une gamme de cellules et entraîne des conséquences variées, comme la modification de la composition de la membrane et la mort de la cellule. Cette thèse se penche sur l’extraction lipidique, ou fragmentation, induite par le peptide mélittine et la protéine Binder-of-SPerm 1 (BSP1) sur des membranes lipidiques modèles. Pour ce faire, des liposomes de différentes compositions sont préparés et incubés avec la mélittine ou la BSP1. L'association aux membranes est déterminée par la fluorescence intrinsèque des PEL, tandis que l'extraction est caractérisée par une plateforme analytique combinant des tests colorimétriques et des analyses en chromatographie en phase liquide et spectrométrie de masse (LCMS). La mélittine fait partie des peptides antimicrobiens cationiques, un groupe de PEL très répandu chez les organismes vivants. Ces peptides sont intéressants du point du vue médical étant donné leur mode d’action qui vise directement les lipides des membranes. Plusieurs de ceux-ci agissent sur les membranes des bactéries selon le mécanisme dit « en tapis », par lequel ils s’adsorbent à leur surface, forment des pores et ultimement causent leur fragmentation. Dans cette thèse, la mélittine est utilisée comme peptide modèle afin d’étudier le mécanisme par lequel les peptides antimicrobiens cationiques fragmentent les membranes. Les résultats montrent que la fragmentation des membranes de phosphatidylcholines (PC) est réduite par une déméthylation graduelle de leur groupement ammonium. L'analyse du matériel fragmenté révèle que les PC sont préférentiellement extraites des membranes, dû à un enrichissement local en PC autour de la mélittine à l'intérieur de la membrane. De plus, un analogue de la mélittine, dont la majorité des résidus cationiques sont neutralisés, est utilisé pour évaluer le rôle du caractère cationique de la mélittine native. La neutralisation augmente l'affinité du peptide pour les membranes neutres et anioniques, réduit la fragmentation des membranes neutres et augmente la fragmentation des membranes anioniques. Malgré les interactions électrostatiques entre le peptide cationique et les lipides anioniques, aucune spécificité lipidique n'est observée dans l'extraction. La BSP1 est la protéine la plus abondante du liquide séminal bovin et constitue un autre exemple de PEL naturel important. Elle se mélange aux spermatozoïdes lors de l’éjaculation et extrait des lipides de leur membrane, notamment le cholestérol et les phosphatidylcholines. Cette étape cruciale modifie la composition lipidique de la membrane du spermatozoïde, ce qui faciliterait par la suite la fécondation de l’ovule. Cependant, le contact prolongé de la protéine avec les spermatozoïdes endommagerait la semence. Cette thèse cherche donc à approfondir notre compréhension de ce délicat phénomène en étudiant le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel la protéine fragmente les membranes lipidiques. Les résultats des présents travaux permettent de proposer un mécanisme d’extraction lipidique en 3 étapes : 1) L'association à l’interface des membranes; 2) La relocalisation de l’interface vers le cœur lipidique; 3) La fragmentation des membranes. La BSP1 se lie directement à deux PC à l'interface; une quantité suffisante de PC dans les membranes est nécessaire pour permettre l'association et la fragmentation. Cette liaison spécifique ne mène généralement pas à une extraction lipidique sélective. L'impact des insaturations des chaînes lipidiques, de la présence de lysophosphatidylcholines, de phosphatidyléthanolamine, de cholestérol et de lipides anioniques est également évalué. Les présentes observations soulignent la complexe relation entre l'affinité d'un PEL pour une membrane et le niveau de fragmentation qu'il induit. L'importance de la relocalisation des PEL de l'interface vers le cœur hydrophobe des membranes pour permettre leur fragmentation est réitérée. Cette fragmentation semble s'accompagner d'une extraction lipidique préférentielle seulement lorsqu'une séparation de phase est induite au niveau de la membrane, nonobstant les interactions spécifiques PEL-lipide. Les prévalences des structures amphiphiles chez certains PEL, ainsi que de la fragmentation en auto-assemblages discoïdaux sont discutées. Finalement, le rôle des interactions électrostatiques entre les peptides antimicrobiens cationiques et les membranes bactériennes anioniques est nuancé : les résidus chargés diminueraient l'association des peptides aux membranes neutres suite à l'augmentation de leur énergie de solvatation.


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Antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs) are widespread in the living kingdom. They are key effectors of defense reactions and mediators of competitions between organisms. They are often cationic and amphiphilic, which favors their interactions with the anionic membranes of microorganisms. Several AMP families do not directly alter membrane integrity but rather target conserved components of the bacterial membranes in a process that provides them with potent and specific antimicrobial activities. Thus, lipopolysaccharides (LPS), lipoteichoic acids (LTA) or the peptidoglycan precursor Lipid II are targeted by a broad series of AMPs. Studying the functional diversity of immune effectors tells us about the essential residues involved in AMP mechanism of action. Marine invertebrates have been found to produce a remarkable diversity of AMPs. Molluscan defensins and crustacean anti-LPS factors (ALF) are diverse in terms of amino acid sequence and show contrasted phenotypes in terms of antimicrobial activity. Their activity is directed essentially against Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria due their specific interactions with Lipid II or Lipid A, respectively. Through those interesting examples, we discuss here how sequence diversity generated throughout evolution informs us on residues required for essential molecular interaction at the bacterial membranes and subsequent antibacterial activity. Through the analysis of molecular variants having lost antibacterial activity or shaped novel functions, we also discuss the molecular bases of functional divergence in AMPs.