969 resultados para Peptide Binding
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes encode cell surface proteins whose function is to bind and present intracellularly processed peptides to T lymphocytes of the immune system. Extensive MHC diversity has been documented in many species and is maintained by some form of balancing selection. We report here that both European and North American populations of moose (Alces alces) exhibit very low levels of genetic diversity at an expressed MHC class II DRB locus. The observed polymorphism was restricted to six amino acid substitutions, all in the peptide binding site, and four of these were shared between continents. The data imply that the moose have lost MHC diversity in a population bottleneck, prior to the divergence of the Old and New World subspecies. Sequence analysis of mtDNA showed that the two subspecies diverged at least 100,000 years ago. Thus, viable moose populations with very restricted MHC diversity have been maintained for a long period of time. Both positive selection for polymorphism and intraexonic recombination have contributed to the generation of MHC diversity after the putative bottleneck.
Metal ion binding properties of the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporin A have been investigated. Complexation studies in acetonitrile solution using H-1 NMR and CD spectroscopy yielded 1:1 metal-peptide binding constants (log(10)K) for potassium(l), < 1, magnesium(II), 4.8 +/- 0.2. and calcium(II), 5.0 +/- 1.0. The interaction of copper(II) with cyclosporin A in methanol was investigated with UV/visible and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. No complexation of copper(II) was observed in neutral solution. In the presence of base, monomeric copper(II) complexes were detected. These results support the possibility that cyclosporin A has ionophoric properties for biologically important essential metal ions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Although the importance of CD4(+) T cell responses to human cytonnegalovirus (HCMV) has recently been recognized in transplant and immunosuppressed patients, the precise specificity and nature of this response has remained largely unresolved. In the present study we have isolated CD4(+) CTL which recognize epitopes from HCMV glycoproteins gB and gH in association with two different HLA-DR antigens, DRA1*0101/DRB1*0701 (DR7) and DRA1*0101/DRB1*1101 (DR11). Comparison of amino acid sequences of HICMV isolates revealed that the gB and gH epitope sequences recognized by human CD4(+) T cells were not only conserved in clinical isolates from HCMV but also in CMV isolates from higher primates (chimpanzee, rhesus and baboon). Interestingly, these epitope sequences from chimpanzee, rhesus and baboon CMV are efficiently recognized by human CD4(+) CTL. More importantly, we show that gB-specific T cells from humans can also efficiently lyse pepticle-sensitized Patr-DR7(+) cells from chimpanzees. These findings suggest that conserved gB and gH epitopes should be considered while designing a prophylactic vaccine against HCMV. In addition, they also provide a functional basis for the conservation of MHC class 11 lineages between humans and Old World primates and open the possibility for the use of such primate models in vaccine development against HCMV.
The high-affinity ligand-binding form of unactivated steroid receptors exists as a multicomponent complex that includes heat shock protein (Hsp)90; one of the immunophilins cyclophilin 40 (CyP40), FKBP51, or FKBP52; and an additional p23 protein component. Assembly of this heterocomplex is mediated by Hsp70 in association with accessory chaperones Hsp40, Hip, and Hop. A conserved structural element incorporating a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain mediates the interaction of the immunophilins with Hsp90 by accommodating the C-terminal EEVD peptide of the chaperone through a network of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. TPR cochaperones recognize the EEVD structural motif common to both Hsp90 and Hsp70 through a highly conserved clamp domain. In the present study, we investigated in vitro the molecular interactions between CyP40 and FKBP52 and other stress-related components involved in steroid receptor assembly, namely Hsp70 and Hop. Using a binding protein-retention assay with CyP40 fused to glutathione S-transferase immobilized on glutathione-agarose, we have identified the constitutively expressed form of Hsp70, heat shock cognate (Hsc)70, as an additional target for CyP40. Deletion mapping studies showed the binding determinants to be similar to those for CyP40-Hsp90 interaction. Furthermore, a mutational analysis of CyP40 clamp domain residues confirmed the importance of this motif in CyP40-Hsc70 interaction. Additional residues thought to mediate binding specificity through hydrophobic interactions were also important for Hsc70 recognition. CyP40 was shown to have a preference for Hsp90 over Hsc70. Surprisingly, FKBP52 was unable to compete with CyP40 for Hsc70 binding, suggesting that FKBP52 discriminates between the TPR cochaperone-binding sites in Hsp90 and Hsp70. Hop, which contains multiple units of the TPR motif, was shown to be a direct competitor with CyP40 for Hsc70 binding. Similar to Hop, CyP40 was shown not to influence the adenosine triphosphatase activity of Hsc70. Our results suggest that CyP40 may have a modulating role in Hsc70 as well as Hsp90 cellular function.
Vaccinology is a combinatorial science which studies the diversity of pathogens and the human immune system, and formulations that can modulate immune responses and prevent or cure disease. Huge amounts of data are produced by genomics and proteomics projects and large-scale screening of pathogen-host and antigen-host interactions. Current developments in computational vaccinology mainly support the analysis of antigen processing and presentation and the characterization of targets of immune response. Future development will also include systemic models of vaccine responses. Immunomics, the large-scale screening of immune processes which includes powerful immunoinformatic tools, offers great promise for future translation of basic immunology research advances into successful vaccines.
Cellular functions hinge on the ability of proteins to adopt their correct folds, and misfolded proteins can lead to disease. Here, we focus on the proteins that catalyze disulfide bond formation, a step in the oxidative folding pathway that takes place in specialized cellular compartments. In the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotes, disulfide formation is catalyzed by protein disulfide isomerase (PDI); by contrast, prokaryotes produce a family of disulfide bond (Dsb) proteins, which together achieve an equivalent outcome in the bacterial periplasm. The recent crystal structure of yeast PDI has increased our understanding of the function and mechanism of PDI. Comparison of the structure of yeast PDI with those of bacterial DsbC and DsbG reveals some similarities but also striking differences that suggest directions for future research aimed at unraveling the catalytic mechanism of disulfide bond formation in the cell.
T cell receptor (TCR) recognition of peptide-MHC class I (pMHC) complexes is a crucial event in the adaptive immune response to pathogens. Peptide epitopes often display a strong dominance hierarchy, resulting in focusing of the response on a limited number of the most dominant epitopes. Such T cell responses may be additionally restricted by particular MHC alleles in preference to others. We have studied this poorly understood phenomenon using Theileria parva, a protozoan parasite that causes an often fatal lymphoproliferative disease in cattle. Despite its antigenic complexity, CD8+ T cell responses induced by infection with the parasite show profound immunodominance, as exemplified by the Tp1(214-224) epitope presented by the common and functionally important MHC class I allele N*01301. We present a high-resolution crystal structure of this pMHC complex, demonstrating that the peptide is presented in a distinctive raised conformation. Functional studies using CD8+ T cell clones show that this impacts significantly on TCR recognition. The unconventional structure is generated by a hydrophobic ridge within the MHC peptide binding groove, found in a set of cattle MHC alleles. Extremely rare in all other species, this feature is seen in a small group of mouse MHC class I molecules. The data generated in this analysis contribute to our understanding of the structural basis for T cell-dependent immune responses, providing insight into what determines a highly immunogenic p-MHC complex, and hence can be of value in prediction of antigenic epitopes and vaccine design.
The role of receptor activity modifying protein 1 (RAMP1) in forming receptors with the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and the calcitonin receptor (CTR) was examined by producing chimeras between RAMP1 and RAMP3. RAMPs have three extracellular helices. Exchange of helix 1 of the RAMPs or residues 62-69 in helix 2 greatly reduced CLR trafficking (a marker for CLR association). Modeling suggests that these exchanges alter the CLR recognition site on RAMP1, which is more exposed than on RAMP3. Exchange of residues 86-89 of RAMP1 had no effect on the trafficking of CLR but reduced the potency of human (h) alphaCGRP and adrenomedullin. However, these alterations to RAMP1 had no effect on the potency of hbetaCGRP. These residues of RAMP1 lie at the junction of helix 3 and its connecting loop with helix 2. Modeling suggests that the loop is more exposed in RAMP1 than RAMP3; it may play an important role in peptide binding, either directly or indirectly. Exchange of residues 90-94 of RAMP1 caused a modest reduction in CLR expression and a 15-fold decrease in CGRP potency. It is unlikely that the decrease in expression is enough to explain the reduction in potency, and so these may have dual roles in recognizing CLR and CGRP. For CTR, only 6 out of 26 chimeras covering the extracellular part of RAMP1 did not reduce agonist potency. Thus the association of CTR with RAMP1 seems more sensitive to changes in RAMP1 structure induced by the chimeras than is CLR.
The receptor for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) has been the target for the development of novel small molecule antagonists for the treatment of migraine. Two such antagonists, BIBN4096BS and MK-0974, have shown great promise in clinical trials and hence a deeper understanding of the mechanism of their interaction with the receptor is now required. The structure of the CGRP receptor is unusual since it is comprised of a hetero-oligomeric complex between the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRL) and an accessory protein (RAMP1). Both the CLR and RAMP1 components have extracellular domains which interact with each other and together form part of the peptide-binding site. It seems likely that the antagonist binding site will also be located on the extracellular domains and indeed Trp-74 of RAMP1 has been shown to form part of the binding site for BIBN4096BS. However, despite a chimeric study demonstrating the role of the N-terminal domain of CLR in antagonist binding, no specific residues have been identified. Here we carry out a mutagenic screen of the extreme N-terminal domain of CLR (residues 23-63) and identify a mutant, Met-42-Ala, which displays 48-fold lower affinity for BIBN4096BS and almost 900-fold lower affinity for MK-0974. In addition, we confirm that the Trp-74-Lys mutation at human RAMP1 reduces BIBN4096BS affinity by over 300-fold and show for the first time a similar effect for MK-0974 affinity. The data suggest that the non-peptide antagonists occupy a binding site close to the interface of the N-terminal domains of CLR and RAMP1.
Classification of MHC molecules into supertypes in terms of peptide-binding specificities is an important issue, with direct implications for the development of epitope-based vaccines with wide population coverage. In view of extremely high MHC polymorphism (948 class I and 633 class II HLA alleles) the experimental solution of this task is presently impossible. In this study, we describe a bioinformatics strategy for classifying MHC molecules into supertypes using information drawn solely from three-dimensional protein structure. Two chemometric techniques–hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis–were used independently on a set of 783 HLA class I molecules to identify supertypes based on structural similarities and molecular interaction fields calculated for the peptide binding site. Eight supertypes were defined: A2, A3, A24, B7, B27, B44, C1, and C4. The two techniques gave 77% consensus, i.e., 605 HLA class I alleles were classified in the same supertype by both methods. The proposed strategy allowed “supertype fingerprints” to be identified. Thus, the A2 supertype fingerprint is Tyr9/Phe9, Arg97, and His114 or Tyr116; the A3-Tyr9/Phe9/Ser9, Ile97/Met97 and Glu114 or Asp116; the A24-Ser9 and Met97; the B7-Asn63 and Leu81; the B27-Glu63 and Leu81; for B44-Ala81; the C1-Ser77; and the C4-Asn77. action fields calculated for the peptide binding site. Eight supertypes were defined: A2, A3, A24, B7, B27, B44, C1, and C4. The two techniques gave 77% consensus, i.e., 605 HLA class I alleles were classified in the same supertype by both methods. The proposed strategy allowed “supertype fingerprints” to be identified. Thus, the A2 supertype fingerprint is Tyr9/Phe9, Arg97, and His114 or Tyr116; the A3-Tyr9/Phe9/Ser9, Ile97/Met97 and Glu114 or Asp116; the A24-Ser9 and Met97; the B7-Asn63 and Leu81; the B27-Glu63 and Leu81; for B44-Ala81; the C1-Ser77; and the C4-Asn77.
Hydrogen bonds play important roles in maintaining the structure of proteins and in the formation of most biomolecular protein-ligand complexes. All amino acids can act as hydrogen bond donors and acceptors. Among amino acids, Histidine is unique, as it can exist in neutral or positively charged forms within the physiological pH range of 5.0 to 7.0. Histidine can thus interact with other aromatic residues as well as forming hydrogen bonds with polar and charged residues. The ability of His to exchange a proton lies at the heart of many important functional biomolecular interactions, including immunological ones. By using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation, we examine the influence of His protonation/deprotonation on peptide binding affinity to MHC class II proteins from locus HLA-DP. Peptide-MHC interaction underlies the adaptive cellular immune response, upon which the next generation of commercially-important vaccines will depend. Consistent with experiment, we find that peptides containing protonated His residues bind better to HLA-DP proteins than those with unprotonated His. Enhanced binding at pH 5.0 is due, in part, to additional hydrogen bonds formed between peptide His+ and DP proteins. In acidic endosomes, protein His79β is predominantly protonated. As a result, the peptide binding cleft narrows in the vicinity of His79β, which stabilizes the peptide - HLA-DP protein complex. © 2014 Bentham Science Publishers.
La présentation d'antigène par les molécules d'histocompatibilité majeure de classe I (CMHI) permet au système immunitaire adaptatif de détecter et éliminer les agents pathogènes intracellulaires et des cellules anormales. La surveillance immunitaire est effectuée par les lymphocytes T CD8 qui interagissent avec le répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI présentés à la surface de toutes cellules nucléées. Les principaux gènes humains de CMHI, HLA-A et HLA-B, sont très polymorphes et par conséquent montrent des différences dans la présentation des antigènes. Nous avons étudié les différences qualitatives et quantitatives dans l'expression et la liaison peptidique de plusieurs allotypes HLA. Utilisant la technique de cytométrie de flux quantitative nous avons établi une hiérarchie d'expression pour les quatre HLA-A, B allotypes enquête. Nos résultats sont compatibles avec une corrélation inverse entre l'expression allotypique et la diversité des peptides bien que d'autres études soient nécessaires pour consolider cette hypothèse. Les origines mondiales du répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI restent une question centrale à la fois fondamentalement et dans la recherche de cibles immunothérapeutiques. Utilisant des techniques protéogénomiques, nous avons identifié et analysé 25,172 peptides CMHI isolées à partir des lymphocytes B de 18 personnes qui exprime collectivement 27 allotypes HLA-A,B. Alors que 58% des gènes ont été la source de 1-64 peptides CMHI par gène, 42% des gènes ne sont pas représentés dans l'immunopeptidome. Dans l'ensemble, l’immunopeptidome présenté par 27 allotypes HLA-A,B ne couvrent que 17% des séquences exomiques exprimées dans les cellules des sujets. Nous avons identifié plusieurs caractéristiques des transcrits et des protéines qui améliorent la production des peptides CMHI. Avec ces données, nous avons construit un modèle de régression logistique qui prédit avec une grande précision si un gène de notre ensemble de données ou à partir d'ensembles de données indépendants génèrerait des peptides CMHI. Nos résultats montrent la sélection préférentielle des peptides CMHI à partir d'un répertoire limité de produits de gènes avec des caractéristiques distinctes. L'idée que le système immunitaire peut surveiller des peptides CMHI couvrant seulement une fraction du génome codant des protéines a des implications profondes dans l'auto-immunité et l'immunologie du cancer.
Gluten-induced aggregation of K562 cells represents an in vitro model reproducing the early steps occurring in the small bowel of celiac patients exposed to gliadin. Despite the clear involvement of TG2 in the activation of the antigen-presenting cells, it is not yet clear in which compartment it occurs. Herein we study the calcium-dependent aggregation of these cells, using either cell-permeable or cell-impermeable TG2 inhibitors. Gluten induces efficient aggregation when calcium is absent in the extracellular environment, while TG2 inhibitors do not restore the full aggregating potential of gluten in the presence of calcium. These findings suggest that TG2 activity is not essential in the cellular aggregation mechanism. We demonstrate that gluten contacts the cells and provokes their aggregation through a mechanism involving the A-gliadin peptide 31-43. This peptide also activates the cell surface associated extracellular TG2 in the absence of calcium. Using a bioinformatics approach, we identify the possible docking sites of this peptide on the open and closed TG2 structures. Peptide docks with the closed TG2 structure near to the GTP/GDP site, by establishing molecular interactions with the same amino acids involved in stabilization of GTP binding. We suggest that it may occur through the displacement of GTP, switching the TG2 structure from the closed to the active open conformation. Furthermore, docking analysis shows peptide binding with the β-sandwich domain of the closed TG2 structure, suggesting that this region could be responsible for the different aggregating effects of gluten shown in the presence or absence of calcium. We deduce from these data a possible mechanism of action by which gluten makes contact with the cell surface, which could have possible implications in the celiac disease onset.
La présentation d'antigène par les molécules d'histocompatibilité majeure de classe I (CMHI) permet au système immunitaire adaptatif de détecter et éliminer les agents pathogènes intracellulaires et des cellules anormales. La surveillance immunitaire est effectuée par les lymphocytes T CD8 qui interagissent avec le répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI présentés à la surface de toutes cellules nucléées. Les principaux gènes humains de CMHI, HLA-A et HLA-B, sont très polymorphes et par conséquent montrent des différences dans la présentation des antigènes. Nous avons étudié les différences qualitatives et quantitatives dans l'expression et la liaison peptidique de plusieurs allotypes HLA. Utilisant la technique de cytométrie de flux quantitative nous avons établi une hiérarchie d'expression pour les quatre HLA-A, B allotypes enquête. Nos résultats sont compatibles avec une corrélation inverse entre l'expression allotypique et la diversité des peptides bien que d'autres études soient nécessaires pour consolider cette hypothèse. Les origines mondiales du répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI restent une question centrale à la fois fondamentalement et dans la recherche de cibles immunothérapeutiques. Utilisant des techniques protéogénomiques, nous avons identifié et analysé 25,172 peptides CMHI isolées à partir des lymphocytes B de 18 personnes qui exprime collectivement 27 allotypes HLA-A,B. Alors que 58% des gènes ont été la source de 1-64 peptides CMHI par gène, 42% des gènes ne sont pas représentés dans l'immunopeptidome. Dans l'ensemble, l’immunopeptidome présenté par 27 allotypes HLA-A,B ne couvrent que 17% des séquences exomiques exprimées dans les cellules des sujets. Nous avons identifié plusieurs caractéristiques des transcrits et des protéines qui améliorent la production des peptides CMHI. Avec ces données, nous avons construit un modèle de régression logistique qui prédit avec une grande précision si un gène de notre ensemble de données ou à partir d'ensembles de données indépendants génèrerait des peptides CMHI. Nos résultats montrent la sélection préférentielle des peptides CMHI à partir d'un répertoire limité de produits de gènes avec des caractéristiques distinctes. L'idée que le système immunitaire peut surveiller des peptides CMHI couvrant seulement une fraction du génome codant des protéines a des implications profondes dans l'auto-immunité et l'immunologie du cancer.
Background: Transmitted by blood-sucking insects, the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas' disease, a malady manifested in a variety of symptoms from heart disease to digestive and urinary tract dysfunctions. The reasons for such organ preference have been a matter of great interest in the field, particularly because the parasite can invade nearly every cell line and it can be found in most tissues following an infection. Among the molecular factors that contribute to virulence is a large multigene family of proteins known as gp85/trans-sialidase, which participates in cell attachment and invasion. But whether these proteins also contribute to tissue homing had not yet been investigated. Here, a combination of endothelial cell immortalization and phage display techniques has been used to investigate the role of gp85/trans-sialidase in binding to the vasculature. Methods: Bacteriophage expressing an important peptide motif (denominated FLY) common to all gp85/trans-sialidase proteins was used as a surrogate to investigate the interaction of this motif with the endothelium compartment. For that purpose phage particles were incubated with endothelial cells obtained from different organs or injected into mice intravenously and the number of phage particles bound to cells or tissues was determined. Binding of phages to intermediate filament proteins has also been studied. Findings and Conclusions: Our data indicate that FLY interacts with the endothelium in an organ-dependent manner with significantly higher avidity for the heart vasculature. Phage display results also show that FLY interaction with intermediate filament proteins is not limited to cytokeratin 18 (CK18), which may explain the wide variety of cells infected by the parasite. This is the first time that members of the intermediate filaments in general, constituted by a large group of ubiquitously expressed proteins, have been implicated in T. cruzi cell invasion and tissue homing.