983 resultados para Penalized likelihood
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ties among event times are often recorded in survival studies. For example, in a two week laboratory study where event times are measured in days, ties are very likely to occur. The proportional hazards model might be used in this setting using an approximated partial likelihood function. This approximation works well when the number of ties is small. on the other hand, discrete regression models are suggested when the data are heavily tied. However, in many situations it is not clear which approach should be used in practice. In this work, empirical guidelines based on Monte Carlo simulations are provided. These recommendations are based on a measure of the amount of tied data present and the mean square error. An example illustrates the proposed criterion.
Milk, fat, and protein yields of Holstein cows from the States of New York and California in the United States were used to estimate (co)variances among yields in the first three lactations, using an animal model and a derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (REML) algorithm, and to verify if yields in different lactations are the same trait. The data were split in 20 samples, 10 from each state, with means of 5463 and 5543 cows per sample from California and New York. Mean heritability estimates for milk, fat, and protein yields for California data were, respectively, 0.34, 0.35, and 0.40 for first; 0.31, 0.33, and 0.39 for second; and 0.28, 0.31, and 0.37 for third lactations. For New York data, estimates were 0.35, 0.40, and 0.34 for first; 0.34, 0.44, and 0.38 for second; and 0.32, 0.43, and 0.38 for third lactations. Means of estimates of genetic correlations between first and second, first and third, and second and third lactations for California data were 0.86, 0.77, and 0.96 for milk; 0.89, 0.84, and 0.97 for fat; and 0.90, 0.84, and 0.97 for protein yields. Mean estimates for New York data were 0.87, 0.81, and 0.97 for milk; 0.91, 0.86, and 0.98 for fat; and 0.88, 0.82, and 0.98 for protein yields. Environmental correlations varied from 0.30 to 0.50 and were larger between second and third lactations. Phenotypic correlations were similar for both states and varied from 0.52 to 0.66 for milk, fat and protein yields. These estimates are consistent with previous estimates obtained with animal models. Yields in different lactations are not statistically the same trait but for selection programs such yields can be modelled as the same trait because of the high genetic correlations.
The objectives of the present study were to evaluate factors associated with estrous synchronization responses and pregnancy per insemination (P/AI) in Bos indicus beef cows submitted to progesterone-based fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocols. A total of 2388 cows (1869 Nellore and 519 crossbred Nellore x Angus) from 10 commercial farms were evaluated to determine the relationships among breed, body condition score (BCS) on the first day of the FTAI protocol, the occurrence of estrus between progesterone device removal and FTAI and diameter of largest ovarian follicle (LF) at FTAI on estrous synchronization responses and P/AI. Cows (n=412 primiparous; 1976 multiparous) received an intravaginal device containing progesterone or an ear implant containing norgestomet (a progestin), and an injection of estradiol at the beginning of the estrous synchronization protocol. Body condition was scored using a 1-5 scale on the first day of the FTAI protocol and at 30-60 days postpartum. Females received 300IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and PGF(2 alpha) on the day the progesterone device/implant was removed and were inseminated 48-60h later. At insemination, cows (n=2388) were submitted to an ultrasonographic exam to determine the diameter of the LF. Follicles were classified into four categories based on mean and standard deviation (SD) of the LF (LF1 = two SD below the mean; LF2 = mean minus one SD; LF3 = mean plus one SD; LF4 = two SD above the mean). Ovulation rate was determined in a subset of cows (n=813) by three consecutive ultrasonographic exams: (1) at time of progesterone device/implant removal, (2) at time of FTAI and (3) 48 h after FTAI. Ovulation was defined as the disappearance of a large follicle (>= 8.0 mm) that was previously recorded. Estrus was determined in a subset of the cows (n = 445) by the activation of a detection of estrous patch placed on the tail head on the day of progesterone device/implant removal. Pregnancy was diagnosed 30 days after FTAI. Pregnancy was influenced (P = 0.001) by follicle diameter [LF1 = 27.5% (81/295), LF2 = 46.6% (328/705), LF3 = 57.9% (647/1118), LF4 = 63.3% (171/270)] and the occurrence of estrus [estrus = 67.7% (174/257) and no estrus = 36.2% (68/188)]. Follicle diameter at FTAI influenced ovulation rate [LF1 = 42.5% (34/80), LF2 = 73.9% (161/218), LF3 = 95.8% (407/425), LF4 = 97.8% (88/90)], the occurrence of estrus [LF1 = 54.8% (51/93), LF2 = 33.6% (43/128), LF3 = 68.9% (126/183), LF4 = 90.2% (37/41)] and P/AI among cows that had ovulations [LF1 =32.4% (11/34), LF2 = 50.3% (81/161), LF3 = 60.0% (244/407), LF4 = 68.2% (60/88)]. Improving estrous responses between progesterone device withdrawal and FTAI and increasing the diameter of the LF at FTAI may be important aspects to achieve improved estrous synchronization responses and P/AI following progesterone/progestin and estradiol based FTAI protocols in suckled Bos indicus cows. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Among the positioning systems that compose GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), GPS has the capability of providing low, medium and high precision positioning data. However, GPS observables may be subject to many different types of errors. These systematic errors can degrade the accuracy of the positioning provided by GPS. These errors are mainly related to GPS satellite orbits, multipath, and atmospheric effects. In order to mitigate these errors, a semiparametric model and the penalized least squares technique were employed in this study. This is similar to changing the stochastical model, in which error functions are incorporated and the results are similar to those in which the functional model is changed instead. Using this method, it was shown that ambiguities and the estimation of station coordinates were more reliable and accurate than when employing a conventional least squares methodology.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: To assess the relationship between the presence of pets in homes of epilepsy patients and the occurrence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Methods: Parents or relatives of SUDEP patients collected over a ten-year period (2000-2009) in a large epilepsy unit were asked if the patient lived together with any domestic pet at the time of death or not. Patients who did not experience SUDEP served as controls. Results and conclusions: Eleven out of the 1092 included patients (1%) experienced SUDEP, all with refractory symptomatic epilepsy, but none of them had pets in their homes at the time of death. In contrast, the frequency of pet-ownership in the control group (n = 1081) was 61%. According to previous studies there are some indications that human health is directly related to companionship with animals in a way that domestic animals prevent illness and facilitate recovery of patients. Companion animals can buffer reactivity against acute stress, diminish stress perception and improve physical health. These factors may reduce cardiac arrhythmias and seizure frequency, factors related to SUDEP. Companion animals may have a positive effect on well-being, thus irnproving epilepsy outcome. (c) 2012 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper considers likelihood-based inference for the family of power distributions. Widely applicable results are presented which can be used to conduct inference for all three parameters of the general location-scale extension of the family. More specific results are given for the special case of the power normal model. The analysis of a large data set, formed from density measurements for a certain type of pollen, illustrates the application of the family and the results for likelihood-based inference. Throughout, comparisons are made with analogous results for the direct parametrisation of the skew-normal distribution.
Oggi sappiamo che la materia ordinaria rappresenta solo una piccola parte dell'intero contenuto in massa dell'Universo. L'ipotesi dell'esistenza della Materia Oscura, un nuovo tipo di materia che interagisce solo gravitazionalmente e, forse, tramite la forza debole, è stata avvalorata da numerose evidenze su scala sia galattica che cosmologica. Gli sforzi rivolti alla ricerca delle cosiddette WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), il generico nome dato alle particelle di Materia Oscura, si sono moltiplicati nel corso degli ultimi anni. L'esperimento XENON1T, attualmente in costruzione presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) e che sarà in presa dati entro la fine del 2015, segnerà un significativo passo in avanti nella ricerca diretta di Materia Oscura, che si basa sulla rivelazione di collisioni elastiche su nuclei bersaglio. XENON1T rappresenta la fase attuale del progetto XENON, che ha già realizzato gli esperimenti XENON10 (2005) e XENON100 (2008 e tuttora in funzione) e che prevede anche un ulteriore sviluppo, chiamato XENONnT. Il rivelatore XENON1T sfrutta circa 3 tonnellate di xeno liquido (LXe) e si basa su una Time Projection Chamber (TPC) a doppia fase. Dettagliate simulazioni Monte Carlo della geometria del rivelatore, assieme a specifiche misure della radioattività dei materiali e stime della purezza dello xeno utilizzato, hanno permesso di predire con accuratezza il fondo atteso. In questo lavoro di tesi, presentiamo lo studio della sensibilità attesa per XENON1T effettuato tramite il metodo statistico chiamato Profile Likelihood (PL) Ratio, il quale nell'ambito di un approccio frequentista permette un'appropriata trattazione delle incertezze sistematiche. In un primo momento è stata stimata la sensibilità usando il metodo semplificato Likelihood Ratio che non tiene conto di alcuna sistematica. In questo modo si è potuto valutare l'impatto della principale incertezza sistematica per XENON1T, ovvero quella sulla emissione di luce di scintillazione dello xeno per rinculi nucleari di bassa energia. I risultati conclusivi ottenuti con il metodo PL indicano che XENON1T sarà in grado di migliorare significativamente gli attuali limiti di esclusione di WIMPs; la massima sensibilità raggiunge una sezione d'urto σ=1.2∙10-47 cm2 per una massa di WIMP di 50 GeV/c2 e per una esposizione nominale di 2 tonnellate∙anno. I risultati ottenuti sono in linea con l'ambizioso obiettivo di XENON1T di abbassare gli attuali limiti sulla sezione d'urto, σ, delle WIMPs di due ordini di grandezza. Con tali prestazioni, e considerando 1 tonnellata di LXe come massa fiduciale, XENON1T sarà in grado di superare gli attuali limiti (esperimento LUX, 2013) dopo soli 5 giorni di acquisizione dati.
We compared revision and mortality rates of 4668 patients undergoing primary total hip and knee replacement between 1989 and 2007 at a University Hospital in New Zealand. The mean age at the time of surgery was 69 years (16 to 100). A total of 1175 patients (25%) had died at follow-up at a mean of ten years post-operatively. The mean age of those who died within ten years of surgery was 74.4 years (29 to 97) at time of surgery. No change in comorbidity score or age of the patients receiving joint replacement was noted during the study period. No association of revision or death could be proven with higher comorbidity scoring, grade of surgeon, or patient gender. We found that patients younger than 50 years at the time of surgery have a greater chance of requiring a revision than of dying, those around 58 years of age have a 50:50 chance of needing a revision, and in those older than 62 years the prosthesis will normally outlast the patient. Patients over 77 years old have a greater than 90% chance of dying than requiring a revision whereas those around 47 years are on average twice as likely to require a revision than die. This information can be used to rationalise the need for long-term surveillance and during the informed consent process.
Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) are generalized linear models with normally distributed random effects in the linear predictor. Penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL), an approximate method of inference in GLMMs, involves repeated fitting of linear mixed models with “working” dependent variables and iterative weights that depend on parameter estimates from the previous cycle of iteration. The generality of PQL, and its implementation in commercially available software, has encouraged the application of GLMMs in many scientific fields. Caution is needed, however, since PQL may sometimes yield badly biased estimates of variance components, especially with binary outcomes. Recent developments in numerical integration, including adaptive Gaussian quadrature, higher order Laplace expansions, stochastic integration and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, provide attractive alternatives to PQL for approximate likelihood inference in GLMMs. Analyses of some well known datasets, and simulations based on these analyses, suggest that PQL still performs remarkably well in comparison with more elaborate procedures in many practical situations. Adaptive Gaussian quadrature is a viable alternative for nested designs where the numerical integration is limited to a small number of dimensions. Higher order Laplace approximations hold the promise of accurate inference more generally. MCMC is likely the method of choice for the most complex problems that involve high dimensional integrals.
Boston Harbor has had a history of poor water quality, including contamination by enteric pathogens. We conduct a statistical analysis of data collected by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) between 1996 and 2002 to evaluate the effects of court-mandated improvements in sewage treatment. Motivated by the ineffectiveness of standard Poisson mixture models and their zero-inflated counterparts, we propose a new negative binomial model for time series of Enterococcus counts in Boston Harbor, where nonstationarity and autocorrelation are modeled using a nonparametric smooth function of time in the predictor. Without further restrictions, this function is not identifiable in the presence of time-dependent covariates; consequently we use a basis orthogonal to the space spanned by the covariates and use penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) for estimation. We conclude that Enterococcus counts were greatly reduced near the Nut Island Treatment Plant (NITP) outfalls following the transfer of wastewaters from NITP to the Deer Island Treatment Plant (DITP) and that the transfer of wastewaters from Boston Harbor to the offshore diffusers in Massachusetts Bay reduced the Enterococcus counts near the DITP outfalls.