160 resultados para Penaeid


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The present study revealed the importance of marine actinomycetes as a potent source of bio active secondary metabolites. The selected isolates were capable of protecting Peaneus monodon against WSSV infection. They also proved to be inhibitory to vibrios and is a rich pool of hydrolytic enzymes. Their capacity to proliferate in saline environments and their property of non-pathogenicity to prawns makes them good candidates to be applied as probionts in penaeid shrimp aquaculture. They also enhanced the immune status of shrimps challenged with WSSV and act as a good source of antioxidants. Exploitation of the potential for the prophylactic and therapeutic measures in aquatic animal health management would be highly rewarding. This work is a preliminary study targeting marine actinomycetes as a source of antiviral compounds and as probionts in Penaeus monodon culture systems. More work is needed to understand the nature and mode of action of the bioactive compound, the various aspects of immune and antioxidant responses under challenge and when exposed to pro active treatments, and the dose and frequency of application of such compounds under rearing conditions.


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Food and feeding habits of fourteen demersal finfishes exploited off the Karnataka coast were studied to investigate trophic interactions within the marine food web. Index of Relative Importance (lRI),Ontogenetic, seasonal (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon) variation in feeding and prey-predator relationship studies were conducted.The results of prey-predator trophic interaction studies identified four major trophic guilds based on the predators feeding similarity.Trophic guild I is 'copepod and detritus fceders'with an average group similarity of 61.4%. The second trophic guild, 'prawn and crab feeders'with an average similarity of 52.7%. 'Acetes feeders', the largest trophic guild with an average group similarity of 62.5%, composed of six demersal finfish species.The guild 'piscivores' is constituted by C. limba/us and P. arsius with an average similarity of 45%.For each predator, ontogenetic diet shift is common and is characterized by prey of low to high trophic level.Strong selection of certain prey types was observed in some predators while most of them avoided abundant prey.In addition to Acetes spp, strong predation impact was observed for penaeid prawns, epibenthic crabs and detritus.This information on trophic guilds and prey-predator interactions can be used to construct trophic model on the benthic ecosystem off Karnataka and to investigate fishery induced changes as well as predation impact of different animals on commercially important demersals


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present work deals with the various aspects of population characteristics of penaeus indicus ,Metapenaeus dobsoni and metapenaeus monoceros during their nursery phase in tidal ponds and adjacent backwaters.Importance of the present study is to suggest scientific basis for the management of penaeid resources in tidal ponds and backwaters based on their biological characteristics to ensure better yield.Seasonal closure of fishing will be effective in improving the size of the shrimp at harvest.Hydrology of tidal ponds varied with location, but showed a common seasonal pattem.Seasonal variation in temperature was very small. It fluctuated between 27.5 to 32.3°C in tidalponds and 26.9 to 29.9°C in open backwaters.Improvement of nursery habitats with due consideration for biological requirements of the resource will ensure better growth, survival and abundance of the stock.The recruitment, growth and emigration data of prawns from their nurseries can be used successfully for fishery forecasting. projecting juvenile growth forward through time, it is possible to establish, which cohort contributes to offshore fishery each year. So, by interpreting the recruitment and growth data of species in their nurseries with offshore catch data, fishery can be forecasted successfully.


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Aquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades to become an important activity worldwide.The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN acknowledge that global fishery output must be increased by at least 50% to offset projected shortfalls in dietary protein by 2030.LAquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades and has become an importat industry as today’s demand for fish exceeds the natural supply.lmmunostimulants are chemical compounds that activate the immune system of animals and render them more resistant to infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. lmmunostimulants have been obtained from diverse natural sources where, microbial cell wall acts as the main source.The salient findings of the study are summariseSeven marine yeasts were screened for growth promoting and immunostimulant property in F. indicus. Candida sake S165 was found to be best in terms of its support for growth and protection against white spot virus infection.The study revealed that marine yeast Candida sake can be effectively used as potential source of immunostimulants for application in penaeid prawns culture systems. The study emphasise the fact that the dose and frequency of application of immunostimulants are to be standardised and validated before commercialisation to achieve optimum stimulation of the immune system and to avoid immune fatigue die to verdose.Marine yeast (whole cell) was found to support better immunostimulation compared to its cell wall component B-1,3-glucan. This study shows that administration of marine yeast (whole cell) or B-1,3-glucan as immunostimulants in aquaculture would definitely help in protection of the stock to a few more days even though total protection is not being imparted. This partial protection itself would be highly helpful to the farming industry so that they can get sufficient time to plan for a safe harvest and save the crop from cent percent mortality.


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Crustaceans comprising numerous edible species of prawns, lobsters and crabs inhabiting different ecosystem form significant portion of the aquatic food resources of the world. Among the crustaceans, prawns are the most commercially exploited group and hold premier rank by virtue of their importance as an esteemed food of gourmet and on account of their high export value. Met-ape-naeus manoceras (Fabricius, 1798) which is known IS,Speckled shrimp’ (FAD name) and ‘Brown shrimp’ ( common nameused in the industry) is one of the commercially important marine penaeid prawns of India. During 1995, M. monaceros catch constituted 7.5 Z of the all India marine penaeid prawn landings. M. monoceros attains a maximum length of about 200 mm and has high export potential.Thus realising the growing importance of M. monoceros in the capture fisheries, it was felt, that it would be ideal to carry out detailed study on this species for rational exploitation and management of its fishery. Hence, the present work entitled, “Biology, population characteristics and fishery of the speckled shrimp Hetapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) along Kerala coast“ was undertaken by the author. The thesis is laid out in seven chapters comprising TAXONOMY, FOOD AND FEEDING HABITS, AGE AND GROWTH, REPRODUCTION,LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIP, FISHERY and POPULATION DYNAMICS


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The growing demand for quality prawn seed from the farmers‘ and entrepreneurs, coupled with uncertainity of their availability from nature at the appropriate time in required quantities has prompted‘ research on problems connected with prawn seed production. Endocrine control of reproduction in the penaeid shrimp _P_. monodon has been investigated in detail by adopting a comprehensive approach to the problem. The major aspects of the study included in depth investigations of the cytological details of the reproductive and neuroendocrine organs in correlation with the process of gonadal maturation. Based on the conclusions drawn from such ultrastructural studies various endocrine manipulations were carried out to see their effects on gonadal maturation. Besides that studies on the reproductive quality of male P_. monodon and the cryopreservation of spermatophores form a part of the present investigation. The shrimp 3; Inonodon used in the present study were collected from the offshore waters of Cochin, Madras and Mandapam and from the culture ponds of Vypeen Island near Cochin (Kerala) . The entire investigation on the cytological aspects were carried out using standard histological and electron-microscopic methods. Endocrine manipulations and cryopreservation studies is also carried out using the standard methods.


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The present study is carried out to understand (i) the incidence and occurrence of species of Vibrio in different culture systems in and around Cochin, (ii) characteristics of vibrios isolates, their ecology including growth response to various hydrological parameters, sensitivity to about 40 antibiotics, and (iii) role of physico-chemical parameters in pathogenicity of vibrios, etc. and the results emerged from the investigations are important and encouraging for better understanding of the 'vibriosis' in the culture systems to develop remedial measures to control diseases. The Thesis begins with an “Introduction” followed by “A review of literature” on diseases of penaeid shrimps with particular reference to 'vibriosis' and “Material and methods” which details with the methods and procedures followed in the experiments and analyses of data. This Thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter Ideals with the incidence and ecology of Vibrio spp. in water, sediment and in juveniles of the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus in the culture systems. In Chapter 2, characteristics of vibrio isolates including growth response to various levels oftemperature, salinity and pl 1, sensitivity to 40 antibiotics and minimal inhibitory concentration tests are detailed.e out-breaks. The Chapter 3 discusses the role of physico-chemical parameters in the incidence, seasonal abundance of Vibrio spp. and in 'vibriosis'. A summary of the whole work and list of references are also included at the end. This study gives a detailed information regarding the incidence and ecology of vibrios in the culture systems. their characteristics and pathogenicity


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Recent studies with prawns indicate that their growth, metamorphosis, maturation and moulting are affected by the typo and level of lipids supplied in the diets. Despite the recognition of the importance of lipids in the diets of prawns there is no information on the essentiality and quantitative lipid requirements of Indian penaeid prawns. Therefore during the present study about 24 laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the essentiality and dietary requirements of total lipids, phoapholipida, fatty acids cholestrol, and to ascertain the nutritional value of natural lipid sources for the larvae, post-larvae tad juveniles of one of the most suitable cultivable species of panaeid prans. All the experiments were conducted in the laboratory following standard procedures, using isonitrogen and approaximately isocaloric purified diets. Changes were made in tha ingridients as required for specific requirements. For the larvae diets of particle size < 37) were fed, For the postlarvae and juveniles pellet feed was given. while data on survival and growth of larvae and pout-larvae 1-10 were recorded, data were collected on the survival, growth, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and biochemical composition at the body for post-larva 11-25 and juveniles. The influence ot fatty acid pattern of dietary lipid sources on the fatty acids profile of prawns were also studied in the case of juvenile prawns. Analysis of variance andleast significant differences test were employed to determine the significant differences between treatments in the observed parameters with the help of a newlett Packard master computer.


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Penaeid shrimps are, perhaps, the most important fishery resource of the coastal waters of our country. Their exceptionally tasty. protein-rich flesh tops any seafood in foreign exchange earnings. No wonder, the demand of shrimp, the "Pinkish Gold of the Sea" (MPEDA. 1992). is increasing in the world market. The study of the growth of an organism is important in understanding the conditions under which optimum growth occurs. It is also important in getting an insight into the various factors that influence growth. Studies on the growth pattern of commercially important species of shrimp and of the factors that influence their growth rate are essential for the successful cultivation of shrimps.


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Aquaculture is a form of agriculture that involves the propagation, cultivation and marketing of aquatic plants and animals in a controlled environment (Swann, 1992). After growing steadily, particularly in the last four decades, aquaculture is for the first time set to contribute half of the fish consumed by the human population worldwide. Given the projected population growth over the next two decades, it is estimated that at least an additional 40 million tonnes of aquatic food will be required by 2030 to maintain the current per capita consumption (FAO, 2006). Capture fisheries and aquaculture supplied the world with about 110 million tonnes of food fish in 2006. Of this total, aquaculture accounted for 47 percent (FAO, 2009). Globally, penaeid shrimp culture ranks sixth in terms of quantity and second in terms of value amongst all taxonomic groups of aquatic animals cultivated (FAO, 2006). In places where warm-water aquaculture was possible black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon became the preferred variety of shrimp cultivar owing to its fast growth, seed availability and importantly due to high prices it fetches (Pechmanee, 1997). World shrimp production is dominated by P.monodon, which accounted for more than 50 % of the production in 1999 (FAO, 2000). In the last few years the whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, has replaced P.monodon in many countries. Indian shrimp culture is dominated by P.monodon with the East Coast accounting for 70% of the production (Hein, 2002). Intensive culture, apart from other problems, results in enhanced susceptibility of the cultured species to diseases (Jory, 1997), which in fact have become the biggest constraint in shrimp aquaculture (FAO, 2003).


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The great potential for the culture of non-penaeid prawns, especially Macrobrachium rosenbergii in brackish and low saline areas of Indian coastal zone has not yet been fully exploited due to the non availability of healthy seed in adequate numbers and that too in the appropriate period. In spite of setting up several prawn hatcheries around the country to satiate the ever growing demands for the seed of the giant fresh water prawn, the supply still remains fear below the requirement mainly due to the mortality of the larvae at different stages of the larval cycle. In a larval rearing system of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, members of the family Vibrionaceae were found to be dominant flora and this was especially pronounced during the times of mortality However, to develop any sort of prophylactic and therapeutic measures, the pathogenic strains have to be segregated from the lot. This would never be possible unless they were clustered based on the principles of numerical taxonomy It is with these objectives and requirements that the present work involving phenotypic characterization of the isolates belonging to the family Vibrionaceae and working out the numerical taxonomy, determination of mole % G+C ratio, segregation of the pathogenic strains and screening antibiotics as therapeutics at times of emergency, was carried out.


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The fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, has proven potential for use as an aquaculture species (Hanson & Goodwin, 1997; Kurup, 1984). In India alone, culture of this species of prawn in low saline areas requires about 200 million seed per year (Kurup, 1984). In hatcheries poor survival rate has been associated with vibriosis at di#erent stages of the larval cycle. Members of the family Vibrionaceae associated with the larvae of M. rosenbergii were shown to be pathogenic under laboratory conditions (Bhat et al., 2000, in press). Vibrios have been associated with mortality of penaeid prawns by several workers (Aquacop, 1977; Hameed, 1993; Karunasagar et al., 1994). Two methods have been suggested to protect both the larvae and juveniles from vibriosis; one is the administration of bacterins prepared from pathogenic strains (Itami et al., 1989, 1991; Adams, 1991; Song & Sung, 1990; Sung et al., 1991) and the other is the utilization of yeast 1-3 and 1-6 glucans as immunostimulants for enhancing the non-specific defense system (Sung et al., 1994; Song et al., 1997). In the light of these observations it was hypothesised that bacterins and yeast glucans may also be e#ective in protecting the larvae of M. rosenbergii from vibriosis as has been achieved in the case of penaeids. To examine this hypothesis, the ability of bacterins and an extracellular glucan-producing yeast to increase the overall survival and metamorphosis of larvae in a hatchery, as well as to protect against an experimental challenge under laboratory conditions, was evaluated


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Two distinct nitrifying bacterial consortia, namely an ammonia oxidizing non-penaeid culture (AMO NPCU-1) and an ammonia oxidizing penaeid culture (AMOPCU-1), have been mass produced in a nitrifying bacterial consortia production unit (NBCPU). The consortia, maintained at 4 C were activated and cultured in a 2 l fermentor initially. At this stage the net biomass (0.105 and 0.112 g/l), maximum specific growth rate (0.112 and 0.105/h) and yield coefficients (1.315 and 2.08) were calculated respectively, for AMONPCU-1 and AMOPCU-1 on attaining stationary growth phase. Subsequently on mass production in a 200 l NBCPU under optimized culture conditions, the total amounts of NH4 ?–N removed by AMONPCU-1 and AMOPCU-1 were 1.948 and 1.242 g/l within 160 and 270 days, respectively. Total alkalinity reduction of 11.7–14.4 and 7.5–9.1 g/l were observed which led to the consumption of 78 and 62 g Na2CO3. The yield coefficient and biomass of AMONPCU-1 were 0.67 and 125.3 g/l and those of AMOPCU-1 were 1.23 and 165 g/l. The higher yield coefficient and growth rate of AMOPCU-1 suggest better energy conversion efficiency and higher CO2 fixation potential. Both of the consortia were dominated by Nitrosomonas-like organisms. The consortia may find application in the establishment of nitrification within marine and brackish water culture systems.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play a major role in innate immunity. Penaeidins are a family of AMPs that appear to be expressed in all penaeid shrimps. Penaeidins are composed of an N-terminal proline-rich domain, followed by a C-terminal domain containing six cysteine residues organized in two doublets. This study reports the first penaeidin AMP sequence, Fi-penaeidin (GenBank accession number HM243617) from the Indian white shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus. The full length cDNA consists of 186 base pairs encoding 61 amino acidswith an ORF of 42 amino acids and contains a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids. Comparison of F. indicus penaeidin (Fi-penaeidin) with other known penaeidins showed that it shared maximum similarity with penaeidins of Farfantepenaeus paulensis and Farfantepenaeus subtilis (96% each). Fi-penaeidin has a predicted molecular weight (MW) of 4.478 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 5.3


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Fenneropenaeus indicus could be protected from white spot disease (WSD) caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) using a formalin-inactivated viral preparation (IVP) derived from WSSV-infected shrimp tissue. The lowest test quantity of lyophilized IVP coated onto feed at 0.025 g–1 (dry weight) and administered at a rate of 0.035 g feed g–1 body weight d–1 for 7 consecutive days was sufficient to provide protection from WSD for a short period (10 d after cessation of IVP administration). Shrimp that survived challenges on the 5th and 10th days after cessation of IVP administration survived repeated challenges although they were sometimes positive for the presence of WSSV by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay specific for WSSV. These results suggest that F. indicus can be protected from WSD by simple oral administration of IVP