943 resultados para Peanut Allergy
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A calagem e a gessagem influenciam a disponibilidade e a absorção de nutrientes, podendo alterar a quantidade de ácidos orgânicos na parte aérea das culturas. Essas alterações, quantificadas por meio da análise de nutrientes solúveis em água, podem potencializar o efeito da correção do solo, garantindo a sustentabilidade do sistema de semeadura direta. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de calcário e gesso no teor de nutientes solúveis em água nos resíduos vegetais das culturas de amendoim e aveia-branca. O experimento foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico em Botucatu (SP), nos anos agrícolas de 2004/2005 e 2005/2006. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, em que as parcelas foram constituídas por doses de calcário, e as subparcelas, pela presença ou ausência da aplicação de gesso. Foi cultivado amendoim no verão e aveia-branca no inverno, em toda a área experimental. Na cultura do amendoim a aplicação de gesso elevou os teores de Ca solúvel em água apenas na primeira safra, em razão do curto período entre a aplicação do produto e a determinação dos teores de nutientes solúveis no extrato vegetal da cultura. A calagem realizada nas culturas de amendoim e aveia-branca elevou os teores solúveis de Ca, Mg, K e não alterou o teor de Cu e reduziu os teores de Zn, Mn e Fe nos dois anos de cultivo. Já a gessagem reduziu os valores da condutividade elétrica do amendoim (2004/2005 e 2005/2006) e da aveia-branca (2004/2005).
Background: the genus Arachis includes Arachis hypogaea (cultivated peanut) and wild species that are used in peanut breeding or as forage. Molecular markers have been employed in several studies of this genus, but microsatellite markers have only been used in few investigations. Microsatellites are very informative and are useful to assess genetic variability, analyze mating systems and in genetic mapping. The objectives of this study were to develop A. hypogaea microsatellite loci and to evaluate the transferability of these markers to other Arachis species.Results: Thirteen loci were isolated and characterized using 16 accessions of A. hypogaea. The level of variation found in A. hypogaea using microsatellites was higher than with other markers. Cross-transferability of the markers was also high. Sequencing of the fragments amplified using the primer pair AhII from 17 wild Arachis species showed that almost all wild species had similar repeated sequence to the one observed in A. hypogaea. Sequence data suggested that there is no correlation between taxonomic relationship of a wild species to A. hypogaea and the number of repeats found in its microsatellite loci.Conclusion: These results show that microsatellite primer pairs from A. hypogaea have multiple uses. A higher level of variation among A. hypogaea accessions can be detected using microsatellite markers in comparison to other markers, such as RFLP, RAPD and AFLP. The microsatellite primers of A. hypogaea showed a very high rate of transferability to other species of the genus. These primer pairs provide important tools to evaluate the genetic variability and to assess the mating system in Arachis species.
A variabilidade genética foi avaliada dentro e entre amostras de diferentes cultivares de amendoim, Arachis hypogaea L., conhecidos como Roxo, Tatu Branco, Tatu Vermelho, Tatuí Vermelho e Tatuí (sementes com película branca), fornecidos por fazendas situadas nas regiões dos municípios de Marília, Presidente Prudente e São Manuel. Para tal análise, foi utilizada a técnica de eletroforese horizontal em gel de poliacrilamida, para os sistemas da leucil-aminopeptidase (LAP), aspartato aminotransferase (ATT) e peroxidase (PER). No sistema da leucil-aminopeptidase, foram observadas três bandas enzimáticas, denominadas LAP-A, LAP-B e LAP-C. Os padrões de bandas obtidos para o sistema da aspartato-aminotransferase mostraram a existência de três bandas anódicas, AAT-A, AAT-B e AAT-C. No sistema da peroxidase (PER), foram observadas quinze bandas, sendo oito anódicas (PER-A a PER-H) e sete catódicas (PER-I a PER-P). Os sistemas enzimáticos da peroxidase e leucil-aminopeptidase não foram discriminativos para as amostras analisadas dos diferentes cultivares obtidos nas diversas regiões. O sistema da aspartato-aminotransferase apresentou um padrão composto pelas bandas AAT-B e AAT-C, que se mostrou característico e discriminativo para as amostras do cultivar Tatu Branco, procedente de Presidente Prudente, e do 'Tatuí Vermelho', proveniente de Presidente Prudente e São Manuel.
Late leaf spot (LLS), caused by the fun.-us Cercosporidium personatum, is one of the most severe diseases in peanut (Arachis hypogaea). The vast majority of commercial cultivars do not exhibit satisfactory levels of resistance to the pathogen, whereas non-commercial genotypes cv. 850 and cv. 909 are resistant to LLS and show symptoms similar to hypersensitive response (HR) lesions. In the present study, we investigated the molecular components of the initial stages of the resistance by gene expression profiling using suppression subtractive hybridization and differential screening of cDNA macroarray techniques. Gene expression analyses have allowed us to identify more than 700 peanut unique expressed sequence taus (EST) involved in several aspects of the early stages of C. personatum pathogenesis, such as components of defense signaling pathways, gene expression regulators, cell cycle controlling genes and components of the biosynthesis of transducer and antimicrobial compounds. The most significantly induced gene corresponds to a novel O'-methyltranferase, suggesting its involvement in the production of local lesions in C. personatum-resistant A. hypogea genotypes. Taken together, our results contribute to elucidate the defense strategies of peanut and provide the framework for the generation of pathogen-resistant peanut cultivars. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peanuts are likely to be infested by fungi with consequent contamination by aflatoxin in post-harvest industries. A hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) plan is proposed for a typical Brazilian post-harvest industry from raw in-shell reception to the unpeeled peanuts transportation. Codex Alimentarius Commission guidelines were followed, with four critical control points (CCP) for aflatoxin being identified. The process steps with highest probability of aflatoxin occurrence (risk) are the in-shell reception, the dried in-shell storage, and the unpeeled kernel storage. During the storage steps there is a lack of control of air moisture and temperature. Therefore, there is no option but to keep rigid monitoring and control over each CCP, and detour lots with high aflatoxin levels to either oil or seed production. Attempts to correlate the aflatoxin levels with the rainfall showed an irregular trend of the toxin level. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The staining pattern of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds with a tetrazolium solution was evaluated to determine the adequate conditions of seed quality evaluations. Three seed lots with different vigour levels and similar moisture content were pre-conditioned using the combination of five periods of time (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours) and four temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C) and then exposed to a 1.0% tetrazolium solution for three hours. The moisture content levels of seeds conditioned for 8 hours at the temperatures of 25, 30 or 35 degrees C, for 12 hours at 20 or 25 degrees C and for 16 hours at 20 degrees C, were above 30%. In this range of moisture level, the staining in tetrazolium was clear and uniform, reflecting an appropriate conditioning of the seeds. However, under a practical point of view, the period of 16 hours at 20 degrees C showed to be the best option, since it allows to start the pre-conditioning an late afternoon of one day and submit the seeds for staining in the following morning.
Calcium plays a fundamental role in cell division and growth, and is an important constituent of the cell wall. An increase in Ca concentration in the tegument of peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) seeds in response to lime application can affect its structure. The tegument structure can also be affected by the drying method of the seeds. The effects of lime application and drying methods as affecting the peanut seed tegument structure were studied in seeds from a field experiment conducted in Sao Manuel, São Paulo, Brazil. Peanut (cv. Botutatu, Valencia Type) was grown in presence or absence of 2.1 Mg ha(-1) of lime and dried in an oven, in shade and in the field. The tegument anatomical features were described and its structure was analysed. Pectic substances, lipidic reserves and starch accumulation were studied. The peanut tegument exhibited well differentiated exotesta, mesotesta and endotesta rich in pectates and covered by a cuticle. Tannin was not observed but there was lipid accumulation in mature teguments. Lignin was observed in the vascular bundles. Lime increased the tegument thickness and decreased the central cavity mainly in the exotesta cells when the period of seed drying was shortened. The effect of drying method upon the tegument was more noticeable in seeds grown without lime. It can be inferred that liming increased the resistance of the tegument.
The possibility of reducing the concentration of the working solution used in the tetrazolium test for peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.) with or without seedcoats was studied. Tetrazolium solutions of different concentrations (0.05%, 0.075% and 0.1%) were tested at the temperatures of 35 and 40 degrees C, for determining the time needed for the seeds to reach proper staining. The efficiency of the selected treatments in evaluating the viability potential of the seeds was determined by comparing the results of the tetrazolium tests with those obtained by standard germination (using sand and rolled paper towel as substrata) and seedling emergence in the field tests. Staining the seeds without seedcoat in 0.05% tetrazolium solution for three hours at 40 degrees C yielded efficient results. on the other hand, reduced concentrations can be employed in the staining process of seeds with seedcoat; however, this method requires a higher consumption of tetrazolium salt, longer staining time as well as a higher ability and availability of time for embryo evaluation, since the cross-cutting of seeds is much more difficult in the presence of the seedcoat and the occurrence of damage to the outer surface of the cotyledons cannot be determined.
Nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to determine the wild diploid Arachis species that hybridized to form tetraploid domesticated peanut. Results using 20 previously mapped cDNA clones strongly indicated A. duranensis as the progenitor of the A genome of domesticated peanut and A. ipaensis as the B genome parent. A large amount of RFLP variability was found among the various accessions of A. duranensis, and accessions most similar to the A genome of cultivated peanut were identified. Chloroplast DNA RFLP analysis determined that A. duranensis was the female parent of the original hybridization event. Domesticated peanut is known to have one genome with a distinctly smaller pair of chromosomes ('A'), and one genome that lacks this pair. Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated that A. duranensis has a pair of 'A' chromosomes, and A. ipaensis does not. The cytogenetic evidence is thus consistent with the RFLP evidence concerning the identify of the progenitors. RFLP and cytogenetic evidence indicate a single origin for domesticated peanut in Northern Argentina or Southern Bolivia, followed by diversification under the influence of cultivation.