941 resultados para Patologia vegetal
Botulismo em bovinos resulta da ingestão de toxina previamente formada. No presente trabalho são descritos sete surtos da intoxicação onde os dados clínico-patológicos, epidemiológicos e os achados laboratoriais indicaram a possível ingestão da toxina através da água contaminada. O coeficiente médio de mortalidade foi de 20,1%, com letalidade de 99,92%, e morbidade de 31,62%. Dos cerca de 9.000 bovinos envolvidos nos surtos, 2.844 morreram com quadro clínico predominantemente superagudo e agudo. A alta morbidade e mortalidade foram registradas num curto período de tempo e envolveram todas as categorias animais, com quadro clínico-patológico caracterizado por paresia e paralisia da musculatura da locomoção, deglutição e mastigação e ausência de lesões macroscópicas. As circunstâncias em que ocorreram os surtos estiveram relacionadas com a existência de carcaças de animais decompostas ou matéria orgânica vegetal na água de dessedentação. Foram detectadas toxinas botulínicas C e/ou D nas coleções de água, nas vísceras e no soro sangüíneo de parte considerável dos materiais examinados.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a formação de cobertura vegetal por Brachiaria brizantha e B. decumbens, bem como as interações entre as coberturas vegetais, as dosagens do herbicida glifosato e a aplicação da mistura fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, no manejo das plantas daninhas e na produção da soja MG/BR 46 - Conquista em sistema plantio direto. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, num esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas, com quatro repetições. Testaram-se duas espécies de braquiária (B. brizantha e B. decumbens), duas dosagens do herbicida glifosato (1,44 e 2,16 kg e.a. ha-1) e duas dosagens da mistura fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen (0 e 0,25 + 0,25 kg i.a. ha-1). Foram realizadas avaliações de matéria seca das coberturas, eficácia do glifosato, rebrote das coberturas, altura das plantas de soja, número de vagens, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, acamamento, dificuldade de colheita, massa de 100 grãos e produtividade. Concluiu-se que B. decumbens e B. brizantha proporcionaram adequada cobertura do solo durante todo o ciclo da cultura, que a dosagem de 1,44 kg e.a. ha-1 de glifosato foi suficiente para o controle das duas espécies de braquiária e que a produtividade da cultura da soja não foi alterada significativamente pela palhada das duas espécies estudadas nem pela dosagem do glifosato, enquanto a aplicação de fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen como controle complementar refletiu em maior produtividade e em menor dificuldade de colheita.
Objetivou-se avaliar os rendimentos dos cortes e dos não-componentes das carcaças de cordeiros Santa Inês puros e ½ Dorset ½ Santa Inês, alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal (óleo de soja, óleo de canola e óleo de linhaça) e uma dieta controle (sem adição de óleo vegetal). Após o abate, foram coletados sangue, pele, aparelho gastrintestinal cheio (esôfago + estômagos + intestinos delgado e grosso com seus conteúdos), aparelho gastrintestinal vazio (esôfago + estômagos + intestinos delgado e grosso, previamente esvaziados e limpos), aparelho reprodutor + bexiga, baço, fígado, coração, aparelho respiratório, rins com gordura perirrenal, cabeça, patas e cauda, que foram pesados para determinação do rendimento em relação ao peso vivo ao abate. Após resfriamento por 24 horas em câmara fria, pesou-se a carcaça e, posteriormente, dividiu-se longitudinalmente, sendo a metade esquerda seccionada em sete regiões anatômicas: perna, lombo, paleta, costelas flutuantes, costelas verdadeiras, baixos e pescoço. O estudo dos não-componentes da carcaça destacou a representabilidade dos pesos da pele (8,74%) e do conteúdo gastrintestinal (10,65%) na determinação do rendimento. As porcentagens dos cortes não apresentaram diferenças (p>0,05) em relação às dietas e grupos genéticos estudados.
Objetivou-se avaliar a ingestão de matéria seca, o ganho de peso diário, a conversão alimentar, o peso vivo ao abate e o período de confinamento em cordeiros Santa Inês puros e ½Dorset ½Santa Inês, alimentados com dietas isoenergéticas (76,59% de NDT) e isoprotéicas (17,48% de PB) contendo diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal (óleos de soja, canola e linhaça) e uma dieta controle (sem inclusão de óleo vegetal). A relação volumoso:concentrado foi de 30:70 e utilizou-se feno de aveia como volumoso. Realizou-se também um ensaio de digestibilidade, utilizando quatro cordeiros não-castrados, distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino, avaliando-se ingestão, excreção fecal e digestibilidade total dos nutrientes das rações. A ingestão de matéria seca, expressa em porcentagem do peso vivo, foi menor nos cordeiros que receberam dieta contendo óleo de canola que naqueles que receberam dieta controle. Porém, todas as rações proporcionaram ganhos de peso e conversão alimentar satisfatórios. Os valores de digestibilidade total da matéria seca (76,02%) e matéria orgânica (76,82%) da dieta controle foram superiores aos da dieta contendo óleo de linhaça (72,11% e 72,97%, respectivamente), embora não tenham diferido das dietas contendo óleos de soja (72,94 e 73,71%) e canola (73,45 e 74,25%). A digestibilidade do extrato etéreo foi menor na dieta controle (84,02%), enquanto as demais dietas apresentaram valor médio de 91,98%. Os óleos vegetais reduziram a digestibilidade da matéria seca e da matéria orgânica, não afetando a ingestão e digestão dos demais nutrientes.
The respiratory tract of birds shows anatomical and physiological characteristics that facilitates the occurrence of disease, mainly those of microbiological origin. This article analyzes the frequency of respiratory diseases in domestic and wild birds treated during the years 2005-2006 at the Ornitopathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnics, São Paulo State University (FMVZUNESP). Diagnoses were obtained through clinical and radiographic exams as well as haemogram, microbiological culture, parasitological tests and necropsy, being septicemic processes, aspergillosis and mycoplasmosis the most diagnosed diseases. No zoonotic threats were identified, so the entities were described as of low-impact on public health. However, the above mentioned agents can provoke death of birds and difficult for treating and eradication as well.
Occurrence and distribution of 12 natural and anthropic communities were mapped.-from English summary
The experiment was carried out in 1993/94, in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, to verify the efficiency of plant growth regulators on agronomic characteristics of cotton and as pest control technique. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with four replications and seven treatments: 1) control; 2) ethephon + cyclanilide (720 + 90 g/ha a.i.); 3) ethephon + cyclanilide (960 + 120 g/ha a.i.); 4) ethephon + cyclanilide (1200 + 150 g/ha a.i.); 5) ethephon (960 g/ha a.i.); 6) ethephon (1200 g/ha a.i.) and 7) cyclanilide 150 g/ha a.i.). Results suggest that plant growth regulators can reduce harvest time in 15 days, contributing significantly to decreased late-season squares and immature bolls that serve as feeding and oviposition sites to boll weevils and pink bollworm.
Purpose - To study the incidence and the etiology of the cardiac lesions in AIDS patients. Methods - The autopsy protocols and the filled slides of the heart from 73 consecutive AIDS patients were reviewed. There were, at least, 2 slides of each heart stained by haematoxylin-eosin; when indicated, Ziehl-Nielsen, Gram and Gomori Grocott stains were used. Results - No cause of death was assigned to the heart. There was involvement of the heart in 66 (90%) cases. Marked atrophy of cardiac fibers with or without lipomatosis was observed in 38 patients. Interstitial infiltrates of myocardium were present in 38 necropsies and in 13 of these cases a probable pathogen was demonstrated: cryptococcus neoforms in three cases and mycobacteria tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, toxoplasma gondii, trypanosoma cruzi and cytomegalovirus in two cases each. Bacterial endocarditis was found in 4 autopsies and Kaposi sarcome in one. The pericardium was involved in 22 cases; in 12 there was only non specific mononuclear infiltration. Conclusion - Autopsy examination of the heart from AIDS patients revealed frequent pathologic involvement.
It was evaluated the energetic efficiency and operational parameters of a windrowing and prismatic baling, both from CASE NEW HOLLAND® operations in sugarcane vegetal residues (green leaves, dry leaves and tops) picked mechanically in green cane. The area belongs to COSTA PINTO MILL (COSAN® Group) which was harvested mechanically by combines in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The geographic location of the area is: Latitude 22°40'30S, Longitude 47°36'38W and Altitude of 605m. The variety was RB 82-5336, planted in 1.40m row spacing, with 78t.ha-1 yield. The vegetal residues analysis obtained 69.93% of leaves, 21.44% of stalks fractions, 2.27% of tops and 6.36% of total strange matter. The vegetal residues values were: gross heat of 18.43MJ.kg-1, low heat of 17.00MJ.kg'1 and useful heat of 12.94MJ.kg-1. The vegetal residues average energetic potential was 342.48GJ.ha-1. The treatments were simple, double and triple windrowing. The use of the rake and prismatic baler to pick up the residues was viable. The simple windrowing treatment presented the best results: effective capacity of 83.06t.ha-1, fuel consumption of 0.18L.t -1 and 99.95% of positive energetic efficiency. The bales obtained in the treatment of triple windrowing presented the largest specific mass average of 221.11kg.m-3. The soil amount in the bales increased with successive windrowing. The baling operation in the triple windrowing treatment obtained better results, presenting the effective capacities of 20.29t.h -1 and 1.45ha.h-1 and fuel consumption of for baled in 1.37L.t-1. The high total energetic efficiency of 99.53% indicates that is technically viable the withdrawal of the vegetal residues.
Brazil produced in 2002/03 season 317.87×106tons of sugar cane stalks and 36.88×106tons of vegetal residues (green leaves, dry leaves and tops) in a planted area of 4.61×106 hectares (ha). These residues have a useful heat of 3,613.14Mcal.t-1. Currently most of this biomass is burned as a pre-harvest practice. The doubt persists in the system type that it must be adopted to pick up, load, transport and unload this biomass at the sugar mill boilers. This study analyzed 22 variables related to operational costs and physical characteristics of these residues in a field situation using a JOHN DEERE® 6850 forage harvester with two different treatments: T1 and T2 (two types of rakes) with 6 repetitions each one. The geographic location of the studied area that belongs to COSTA PINTO MILL (COSAN® Group) is: Latitude 22°40'30S and Longitude 47°36'38W. The adopted methodology was proposed by Ripoli et al. (2002). The obtained results at a 5% level of significance showed that both treatments did not differed significantly between them. Some of the results were, where EBP stands for Oil Equivalent Barrel: Windrowing (T1=US$0.17.EBP-1 and US$9.59.ha-1, T2=US$0.08.EBP-1 and US$4.27.ha-1); Pick up (T1=US$1.31.EBP-1 and US$44.29.ha-1, T2 =US$1.37.EBP-1 and US$48.36.ha-1); Transportation (T1=US$1.27.EBP-1 and US$14,30.ha -1, T2=US$1.33.EBP-1 and US$14,80.ha -1), Unloading at the sugar mill (T1=US$0.30.EBP-1 and US$3.39.ha-1, T2=US$0.32.EBP-1 and US$3.51.ha-1); Total (T1=US$3.05.EBP-1 and US$71.57.ha-1, T2=US$3.10.EBP-1 and US$70.94.ha-1). Confronting the obtained data with the ones in the bibliography, this system revealed itself more expensive than the baling system or the integral harvest system using combines.
The objective of this study was to analyze the sugar cane vegetal residues collection, as well as determining its energetic potential, using a rake and cylindrical baler, both from NEW HOLLAND® under two different windrowing process (simple and double). The field tests were carried out in an area that belongs to COSTA PINTO MILL (COSAN® Group) in the city of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The geographic location of the area is: Latitude 22°4030'S, Longitude 47°3633'W and altitude of 605m. From the trash analysis, before the baling, the following average results were obtained: 69.93% of leaves; 2.27% of stalks fractions; 21.44% of tops and 6.36% of total strange matter. The estimated residues yield was 27.01 tons.ha -1 with a gross heat of 18.43 MJ.kg-1, low heat of 17.01 MJ.kg-1, useful heat of 13.32 MJ.kg-1, average moisture of 20.76% and an energetic potential of 494,875.09 MJ.ha-1. In the windrowing operations (simple and double) the averages of the 5 out of 13 analyzed variable presented differences between them in a 1% level of significance in the Tukey Test. The averages comparison of the results for bale's specific mass and the effective capacities (ton.h-1) e (ha.h-1) had been significant at a 5% level in the Tukey Test. The comparisons of the averages for the results had been significant to 1% level. The strange matter averages of the bales did not differed between them.
Clinical pathology has been used in veterinary medicine for many years to evaluate metabolic changes that may indicate any sign of disease in animals. Even though the use of blood parameters is routine in companion animals, it is not commonly used for avian clinical evaluation either wild or production birds. Among others, the lack of information of avian blood reference values has limited the use of this tool in avian medicine. The blood parameters in avian medicine are helpful to evaluate aspects related to animal health for wild and also production birds. Thus, this review paper presents some ways to use clinical pathology parameters to evaluate and to monitor the avian health.
The use of cover crops in the soil causes changes in soil attributes influencing in a series of hydro-physical processes, which also modify the ability of soil to support the many activities that it is intended. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on physical attributes of the soil. For this, an experiment was carried out on a Typic Hapludox, Jaboticabal State, Brazil, using cover crops of millet, sunn hemp, jack bean, lab-lab and black velvet bean in no-tillage and fallow area (spontaneous vegetation). The characteristics evaluated were the bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, aggregate stability, penetration resistance and organic matter. The incorporation of cover crops has proved to be a beneficial practice for the physical attributes of the soil, allowing a greater aggregate stability compared to fallow in the depth of 0-0.05 m. All cover crops presented values of soil penetration resistance below the critical value of 2 MPa.