997 resultados para Patient retrieval


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This paper describes a generalised linear mixed model (GLMM) approach for understanding spatial patterns of participation in population health screening, in the presence of multiple screening facilities. The models presented have dual focus, namely the prediction of expected patient flows from regions to services and relative rates of participation by region- service combination, with both outputs having meaningful implications for the monitoring of current service uptake and provision. The novelty of this paper lies with the former focus, and an approach for distributing expected participation by region based on proximity to services is proposed. The modelling of relative rates of participation is achieved through the combination of different random effects, as a means of assigning excess participation to different sources. The methodology is applied to participation data collected from a government-funded mammography program in Brisbane, Australia.


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Background: High levels of distress and need for self-care information by patients commencing chemotherapy suggest that current prechemotherapy education is suboptimal. We conducted a randomised, controlled trial of a prechemotherapy education intervention (ChemoEd) to assess impact on patient distress, treatment-related concerns, and the prevalence and severity of and bother caused by six chemotherapy side-effects. Patients and methods: One hundred and ninety-two breast, gastrointestinal, and haematologic cancer patients were recruited before the trial closing prematurely (original target 352). ChemoEd patients received a DVD, question-prompt list, self-care information, an education consultation ≥24 h before first treatment (intervention 1), telephone follow-up 48 h after first treatment (intervention 2), and a face-to-face review immediately before second treatment (intervention 3). Patient outcomes were measured at baseline (T1: pre-education) and immediately preceding treatment cycles 1 (T2) and 3 (T3). Results: ChemoEd did not significantly reduce patient distress. However, a significant decrease in sensory/psychological (P = 0.027) and procedural (P = 0.03) concerns, as well as prevalence and severity of and bother due to vomiting (all P = 0.001), were observed at T3. In addition, subgroup analysis of patients with elevated distress at T1 indicated a significant decrease (P = 0.035) at T2 but not at T3 (P = 0.055) in ChemoEd patients. Conclusions: ChemoEd holds promise to improve patient treatment-related concerns and some physical/psychological outcomes; however, further research is required on more diverse patient populations to ensure generalisability.


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This paper presents a graph-based method to weight medical concepts in documents for the purposes of information retrieval. Medical concepts are extracted from free-text documents using a state-of-the-art technique that maps n-grams to concepts from the SNOMED CT medical ontology. In our graph-based concept representation, concepts are vertices in a graph built from a document, edges represent associations between concepts. This representation naturally captures dependencies between concepts, an important requirement for interpreting medical text, and a feature lacking in bag-of-words representations. We apply existing graph-based term weighting methods to weight medical concepts. Using concepts rather than terms addresses vocabulary mismatch as well as encapsulates terms belonging to a single medical entity into a single concept. In addition, we further extend previous graph-based approaches by injecting domain knowledge that estimates the importance of a concept within the global medical domain. Retrieval experiments on the TREC Medical Records collection show our method outperforms both term and concept baselines. More generally, this work provides a means of integrating background knowledge contained in medical ontologies into data-driven information retrieval approaches.


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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a three-dimensional spinal deformity involving the side-to-side curvature of the spine in the coronal plane and axial rotation of the vertebrae in the transverse plane. For patients with a severe or rapidly progressing deformity, corrective instrumented fusion surgery is performed. The wide choice of implants and large variability between patients make it difficult for surgeons to choose optimal treatment strategies. This paper describes the patient specific finite element modelling techniques employed and the results of preliminary analyses predicting the surgical outcomes for a series of AIS patients. This report highlights the importance of not only patient-specific anatomy and material parameters, but also patient-specific data for the clinical and physiological loading conditions experienced by the patient who has corrective scoliosis surgery.


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This paper gives an overview of the INEX 2011 Snippet Retrieval Track. The goal of the Snippet Retrieval Track is to provide a common forum for the evaluation of the effectiveness of snippets, and to investigate how best to generate snippets for search results, which should provide the user with sufficient information to determine whether the underlying document is relevant. We discuss the setup of the track, and the evaluation results.


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Concepts used in this chapter include: Thermoregulation:- Thermoregulation refers to the body’s sophisticated, multi-system regulation of core body temperature. This hierarchical system extends from highly thermo-sensitive neurons in the preoptic region of the brain proximate to the rostral hypothalamus, down to the brain stem and spinal cord. Coupled with receptors in the skin and spine, both central and peripheral information on body temperature is integrated to inform and activate the homeostatic mechanisms which maintain our core temperature at 37oC1. Hyperthermia:- An imbalance between the metabolic and external heat accumulated in the body and the loss of heat from the body2. Exertional heat stroke:- A disorder of excessive heat production coupled with insufficient heat dissipation which occurs in un-acclimated individuals who are engaging in over-exertion in hot and humid conditions. This phenomenon includes central nervous system dysfunction and critical dysfunction to all organ systems including renal, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and hepatic functions. Non-exertional heat stroke:- In contrast to exertional heatstroke as a consequence of high heat production during strenuous exercise, non-exertional heatstroke results from prolonged exposure to high ambient temperature. The elderly, those with chronic health conditions and children are particularly susceptible.3 Rhabdomylosis:- An acute, sometimes fatal disease characterised by destruction of skeletal muscle. In exertional heat stroke, rhabdomylosis occurs in the context of strenuous exercise when mechanical and/or metabolic stress damages the skeletal muscle, causing elevated serum creatine kinease. Associated with this is the potential development of hyperkalemia, myoglobinuria and renal failure. Malignant hyperthermia:- Malignant hyperthermia is “an inherited subclinical myopathy characterised by a hypermetabolic reaction during anaesthesia. The reaction is related to skeletal muscle calcium dysregulation triggered by volatile inhaled anaesthetics and/or succinylcholine.”4 Presentation includes skeletal muscle rigidity, mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis, tachycardia, hyperpyrexia, rhabdomylosis, hyperkalaemia, elevated serum creatine kinease, multi-organ failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation and death.5


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Concepts used in this chapter include: Thermoregulation:- Thermoregulation refers to the body’s sophisticated, multi-system regulation of core body temperature. This hierarchical system extends from highly thermo-sensitive neurons in the preoptic region of the brain proximate to the rostral hypothalamus, down to the brain stem and spinal cord. Coupled with receptors in the skin and spine, both central and peripheral information on body temperature is integrated to inform and activate the homeostatic mechanisms which maintain our core temperature at 37oC.1 Body heat is lost through the skin, via respiration and excretions. The skin is perhaps the most important organ in regulating heat loss. Hyporthermia:- Hypothermia is defined as core body temperature less than 350C and is the result of imbalance between the body’s heat production and heat loss mechanisms. Hypothermia may be accidental, or induced for clinical benefit i.e: neurological protection (therapeutic hypothermia). External environmental conditions are the most common cause of accidental hypothermia, but not the only causes of hypothermia in humans. Other causes include metabolic imbalance; trauma; neurological and infectious disease; and exposure to toxins such as organophosphates. Therapeutic Hypothermia:- In some circumstances, hypothermia can be induced to protect neurological functioning as a result of the associated decrease in cerebral metabolism and energy consumption. Reduction in the extent of degenerative processes associated with periods of ischaemia such as excitotoxic cascade; apoptotic and necrotic cell death; microglial activation; oxidative stress and inflammation associated with ischaemia are averted or minimised.2 Mild hypothermia is the only effective treatment confirmed clinically for improving the neurological outcomes of patient’s comatose following cardiac arrest.3


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On August 16, 2012 the SIGIR 2012 Workshop on Open Source Information Retrieval was held as part of the SIGIR 2012 conference in Portland, Oregon, USA. There were 2 invited talks, one from industry and one from academia. There were 6 full papers and 6 short papers presented as well as demonstrations of 4 open source tools. Finally there was a lively discussion on future directions for the open source Information Retrieval community. This contribution discusses the events of the workshop and outlines future directions for the community.


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Information retrieval (IR) by clinicians in the healthcare setting is critical for informing clinical decision-making. However, a large part of this information is in the form of free-text and inhibits clinical decision support and effective healthcare services. This makes meaningful use of clinical free-­text in electronic health records (EHRs) for patient care a difficult task. Within the context of IR, given a repository of free-­text clinical reports, one might want to retrieve and analyse data for patients who have a known clinical finding.


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Background: Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a complex rescue therapy used to provide cardiac and/or respiratory support for critically ill patients who have failed maximal conventional medical management. ECMO is based on a modified cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuit, and can provide cardiopulmonary support for up-to several months. It can be used in a veno venous configuration for isolated respiratory failure, (VV-ECMO), or in a veno arterial configuration (VA-ECMO) where support is necessary for cardiac +/- respiratory failure. The ECMO circuit consists of five main components: large bore cannulae (access cannulae) for drainage of the venous system, and return cannulae to either the venous (in VV-ECMO) or arterial (in VA ECMO) system. An oxygenator, with a vast surface area of hollow filaments, allows addition of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide; a centrifugal blood pump allows propulsion of blood through the circuit at upto 10 L/minute; a control module and a thermoregulatory unit, which allows for exact temperature control of the extra corporeal blood. Methods: The first successful use of ECMO for ARDS in adults occurred in 1972, and its use has become more commonplace over the last 30 years, supported by the improvement in design and biocompatibility of the equipment, which has reduced the morbidity associated with this modality. Whilst the use of ECMO in neonatal population has been supported by numerous studies, the evidence upon which ECMO was integrated into adult practice was substantially less robust. Results: Recent data, including the CESAR study (Conventional Ventilatory Support versus Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation for Severe Respiratory failure) has added a degree of evidence to the role of ECMO in such a patient population. The CESAR study analysed 180 patients, and confirmed that ECMO was associated with an improved rate of survival. More recently, ECMO has been utilized in numerous situations within the critical care area, including support in high-risk percutaneous interventions in cardiac catheter lab; the operating room, emergency department, as well in specialized inter-hospital retrieval services. The increased understanding of the risk:benefit profile of ECMO, along with a reduction in morbidity associated with its use will doubtless lead to a substantial rise in the utilisation of this modality. As with all extra-corporeal circuits, ECMO opposes the basic premises of the mammalian inflammation and coagulation cascade where blood comes into foreign circulation, both these cascades are activated. Anti-coagulation is readily dealt with through use of agents such as heparin, but the inflammatory excess, whilst less macroscopically obvious, continues un-abated. Platelet consumption and neutrophil activation occur rapidly, and the clinician is faced with balancing the need of anticoagulation for the circuit, against haemostasis in an acutely bleeding patient. Alterations in pharmacokinetics may result in inadequate levels of disease modifying therapeutics, such as antibiotics, hence paradoxically delaying recovery from conditions such as pneumonia. Key elements of nutrition and the innate immune system maysimilarly be affected. Summary: This presentation will discuss the basic features of ECMO to the nonspecialist, and review the clinical conundrum faced by the team treating these most complex cases.


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Nowadays people heavily rely on the Internet for information and knowledge. Wikipedia is an online multilingual encyclopaedia that contains a very large number of detailed articles covering most written languages. It is often considered to be a treasury of human knowledge. It includes extensive hypertext links between documents of the same language for easy navigation. However, the pages in different languages are rarely cross-linked except for direct equivalent pages on the same subject in different languages. This could pose serious difficulties to users seeking information or knowledge from different lingual sources, or where there is no equivalent page in one language or another. In this thesis, a new information retrieval task—cross-lingual link discovery (CLLD) is proposed to tackle the problem of the lack of cross-lingual anchored links in a knowledge base such as Wikipedia. In contrast to traditional information retrieval tasks, cross language link discovery algorithms actively recommend a set of meaningful anchors in a source document and establish links to documents in an alternative language. In other words, cross-lingual link discovery is a way of automatically finding hypertext links between documents in different languages, which is particularly helpful for knowledge discovery in different language domains. This study is specifically focused on Chinese / English link discovery (C/ELD). Chinese / English link discovery is a special case of cross-lingual link discovery task. It involves tasks including natural language processing (NLP), cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) and cross-lingual link discovery. To justify the effectiveness of CLLD, a standard evaluation framework is also proposed. The evaluation framework includes topics, document collections, a gold standard dataset, evaluation metrics, and toolkits for run pooling, link assessment and system evaluation. With the evaluation framework, performance of CLLD approaches and systems can be quantified. This thesis contributes to the research on natural language processing and cross-lingual information retrieval in CLLD: 1) a new simple, but effective Chinese segmentation method, n-gram mutual information, is presented for determining the boundaries of Chinese text; 2) a voting mechanism of name entity translation is demonstrated for achieving a high precision of English / Chinese machine translation; 3) a link mining approach that mines the existing link structure for anchor probabilities achieves encouraging results in suggesting cross-lingual Chinese / English links in Wikipedia. This approach was examined in the experiments for better, automatic generation of cross-lingual links that were carried out as part of the study. The overall major contribution of this thesis is the provision of a standard evaluation framework for cross-lingual link discovery research. It is important in CLLD evaluation to have this framework which helps in benchmarking the performance of various CLLD systems and in identifying good CLLD realisation approaches. The evaluation methods and the evaluation framework described in this thesis have been utilised to quantify the system performance in the NTCIR-9 Crosslink task which is the first information retrieval track of this kind.


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Measures of semantic similarity between medical concepts are central to a number of techniques in medical informatics, including query expansion in medical information retrieval. Previous work has mainly considered thesaurus-based path measures of semantic similarity and has not compared different corpus-driven approaches in depth. We evaluate the effectiveness of eight common corpus-driven measures in capturing semantic relatedness and compare these against human judged concept pairs assessed by medical professionals. Our results show that certain corpus-driven measures correlate strongly (approx 0.8) with human judgements. An important finding is that performance was significantly affected by the choice of corpus used in priming the measure, i.e., used as evidence from which corpus-driven similarities are drawn. This paper provides guidelines for the implementation of semantic similarity measures for medical informatics and concludes with implications for medical information retrieval.


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Aim: To describe the positioning of patients managed in an intensive care unit (ICU); assess how frequently these patients were repositioned; and determine if any specific factors influenced how, why or when patients were repositioned in the ICU. Background: Alterations in body position of ICU patients are important for patient comfort and are believed to prevent and/or treat pressure ulcers, improve respiratory function and combat the adverse effects of immobility. There is a paucity of research on the positioning of critically ill patients in Saudi Arabian ICUs. Design and Methods: A prospective observational study was undertaken. Participant demographic data were collected as were clinical factors (i.e. ventilation status, primary diagnosis, co-morbidities and Ramsay sedation score) and organizational factors (i.e. time of day, type of mattress or beds used, nurse/patient ratio and the patient's position). Clinical and some organization data were recorded over a continuous 48 hour period. Result: Twenty-eight participants were recruited to the study. No participant was managed in either a flat or prone position. Obese participants were most likely to be managed in a supine position. The mean time between turns was two hours. There was no significant association between the mean time between turns and the recorded variables related to patients' demographic and organizational considerations. Conclusion: Results indicate that patient positioning in the ICU was a direct result of unit policy - it appeared that patients were not repositioned based upon evaluation of their clinical condition but rather according to a two-hour ICU timetable


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Background: Critically ill patients are at high risk for pressure ulcer (PrU) development due to their high acuity and the invasive nature of the multiple interventions and therapies they receive. With reported incidence rates of PrU development in the adult critical care population as high as 56%, the identification of patients at high risk of PrU development is essential. This paper will explore the association between PrU development and risk factors. It will also explore PrU development and the use of risk assessment scales for critically ill patients in adult intensive care units. Method: A literature search from 2000 to 2012 using the CINHAL, Cochrane Library, EBSCOHost, Medline (via EBSCOHost), PubMed, ProQuest and Google Scholar databases was conducted. Key words used were: pressure ulcer/s; pressure sore/s; decubitus ulcer/s; bed sore/s; critical care; intensive care; critical illness; prevalence; incidence; prevention; management; risk factor; risk assessment scale. Results: Nineteen articles were included in this review; eight studies addressing PrU risk factors, eight studies addressing risk assessment scales and three studies overlapping both. Results from the studies reviewed identified 28 intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors which may lead to PrU development. Development of a risk factor prediction model in this patient population, although beneficial, appears problematic due to many issues such as diverse diagnoses and subsequent patient needs. Additionally, several risk assessment instruments have been developed for early screening of patients at higher risk of developing PrU in the ICU. No existing risk assessment scales are valid for identification high risk critically ill patient,with the majority of scales potentially over-predicting patients at risk for PrU development. Conclusion: Research studies to inform the risk factors for potential pressure ulcer development are inconsistent. Additionally, there is no consistent or clear evidence which demonstrates any scale to better or more effective than another when used to identify the patients at risk for PrU development. Furthermore robust research is needed to identify the risk factors and develop valid scales for measuring the risk of PrU development in ICU.