157 resultados para Paleontologia -- Plistocè


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Questo lavoro di tesi è incentrato sulla microtomografia con radiazione di sincrotrone, di cui vengono presentate le diverse modalità di acquisizione, mostrandone le potenzialità e mettendola a confronto con la microCT convenzionale. Le principali caratteristiche di un fascio di raggi X prodotto presso sorgenti di radiazione di sincrotrone sono le seguenti: la monocromaticità, che evita l’indurimento del fascio, la forte intensità, che permette una acquisizione dati rapida a risoluzione spaziale molto alta, con conseguente precisa mappatura delle strutture interne del campione, e l’alta coerenza, che porta ad ulteriori possibilità di imaging, come l’acquisizione in contrasto di fase. Grazie a queste caratteristiche la microCT con radiazione di sincrotrone rappresenta attualmente uno strumento di indagine di grande importanza in molteplici campi della ricerca, che vanno dalla scienza dei materiali, alla geologia, dal campo medico fino a quello dei Beni Culturali. In particolare, in questa sede, vengono illustrate e discusse alcune applicazioni in campo medico (mammografia) e in campo paleontologico e paleoantropologico (studio della microstruttura di denti fossili e moderni per ottenere informazioni riguardo il ciclo vitale, l’invecchiamento, la crescita, il processo di dentizione, la dieta, e così via).


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In 2011 the GSB/USB caving group of Bologna has discovered, in the southern fossil branches of Govjestica cave (Valle di Praça, Bosnia) a fossil deposit of vertebrates containing bones of Ursus spelaeus, Capra ibex, Cricetulus migratorius and Microtus. On the basis of the U/Th ages of the bones, teeth and carbonate flowstone covering the fossils (60 ka), datings carried out in the laboratories of U-Series at Bologna, and on the disposition of the bones, a past connection between Govjestica and the nearby Banja Stjena cave is hypothesised. The closure of this passage has occurred suddenly through a collapse that has forced the last cave bears awakened from their winter sleep to stay blocked in Govjestica, and die. The connecting passage has later been covered with calcite flowstones and is no longer visible. This hypothesis is sustained by the rather scarce number of skeletons of cave bears found in Govjestica (a dozen of skulls against the often large amounts of cave bears found in similar caves): Govjestica cave, and especially the Room of the Bones in its southern part, has been used by cave bears only for a couple of centuries before these parts became inaccessible. Furthermore, the entrance of Banja Stjena cave was probably located close to or at the level of the Praça river, that has excavated its thalweg for around 20 metres in the last 60 ka.


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This work reconstructs Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the western South Atlantic Ocean based on sedimentary core GL-77, recovered from the lower continental slope in the Campos basin, offshore SE Brazil. The studied interval comprises the last 130 ka. Changes in sea surface temperature (SST) and paleoproductivity were estimated using the total planktonic foraminiferal fauna and oxygen isotope analyses. The age model was based on the oxygen isotope record, biostratigraphic datums and AMS 14C dating. It was observed that the Pleistocene/Holocene transition occurs within Globorotalia menardii Biozone Y, and is not coeval with the base of Biozone Z. The range between summer and winter SST estimates is larger during the glacial period compared to interglacials. Three peaks of low SST around 70, 50 - 45 and 20 ka coincided with periods of enhanced SE trade winds. Despite faunal differences between the last interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Holocene, our SST estimates suggest that SSTs did not differ significantly between these intervals.


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The operator effect is a well-known methodological bias already quantified in some taphonomic studies. However, the replicability effect, i.e., the use of taphonomic attributes as a replicable scientific method, has not been taken into account to the present. Here, we quantified for the first time this replicability bias using different multivariate statistical techniques, testing if the operator effect is related to the replicability effect. We analyzed the results reported by 15 operators working on the same dataset. Each operator analyzed 30 biological remains (bivalve shells) from five different sites, considering the attributes fragmentation, edge rounding, corrasion, bioerosion and secondary color. The operator effect followed the same pattern reported in previous studies, characterized by a worse correspondence for those attributes having more than two levels of damage categories. However, the effect did not appear to have relation with the replicability effect, because nearly all operators found differences among sites. Despite the binary attribute bioerosion exhibited 83% of correspondence among operators it was the taphonomic attributes that showed the highest dispersion among operators (28%). Therefore, we conclude that binary attributes (despite showing a reduction of the operator effect) diminish replicability, resulting in different interpretations of concordant data. We found that a variance value of nearly 8% among operators, was enough to generate a different taphonomic interpretation, in a Q-mode cluster analysis. The results reported here showed that the statistical method employed influences the level of replicability and comparability of a study and that the availability of results may be a valid alternative to reduce bias.


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Separata del Bol. de la Soc. Iberica de Ciencias Naturales. Abril, oct. 1924