603 resultados para Pacifica


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The benthic foraminifer fauna at Sumisu Rift Sites 790 and 791 indicates that a deep open-ocean (>2300 m) or a basin with open-ocean access existed between 1.1 and 0.7 Ma at the time of the initiation of rifting. The appearance of a low- to medium-oxygen fauna (1600-2300 m) between 0.7 and 0.5 Ma suggests that the open-ocean access may have been terminated at this time because of the development of volcanoes and rift flank uplifts around the basin. The occurrence of low-oxygen faunas at 0.03 Ma suggests a secondary closing of the basin. The lower bathyal benthic faunas from lower Pliocene sediments of rift margin Site 788 suggest about 0.6-1.6 km of total basement uplift. This uplift may have led to the formation of the major hiatus between 2.3 and <0.3 Ma. The faunal changes of benthic foraminifers at Sites 792 and 793 in the forearc basin document a shallowing water depth from below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) (about 3.5 km) in the late early Oligocene to the present depths of 1800 and 2975 m, respectively. These data suggest about 1 km of total basement uplift in the inner part of the forearc basin (Site 792) and about 0.6 km total basement subsidence in the central part of the forearc basin (Site 793) since about 31 Ma. The former uplift led to a thinner sediment accumulation (800 m) and the latter subsidence to a thicker sediment accumulation (1400 m) at these sites. Faunal changes of benthic foraminifers observed in Sites 782 and 786 sequences drilled at the outer-arc high document a deepening water depth from 1.3 to 2.1 km in late Eocene to the present depth of about 3 km. These data suggest about 1.1-1.9 and 1.3-2.1 km of total basement subsidence at Sites 786 and 782, respectively. These results indicate total basement uplift in the inner part of the Bonin arc-trench system since late Oligocene and total basement subsidence in the outer part of the system since late Eocene. The last occurrence (LO) of Stilostomella spp. and Pleurostomella spp. and the first occurrence (F0) of Bulimina aculeata d'Orbigny occurred consistently at 0.7 Ma at all three arc proximal sites (790,791, and 792). This fact is taken to suggest a change of water mass, from one originating from the central part of the ocean to that originating from ocean-margin areas at that time.


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The Indo-Pakistan Continental Margin represents an extreme habitat for benthic foraminifera since (1) high fluxes of organic matter offer a high food supply, (2) an intensified oxygen minimum Zone (OMZ) develops from the base of the euphotic Zone to water depths over 1000 m and (3) the monsoon causes seasonal oscillations within the biogeochemical cycle. At three stations from the uppermost (233 m), the central (658 m) and the deeper part (902 m) of the OMZ, living benthic foraminiferal assemblages were analyzed within the uppermost 10 cm of the sediment column. The ecologic structure of foraminiferal faunas is characterized by high abundances at the sediment surface and a rapid decrease within the uppermost 2 cm of the sediment column. Despite dysoxic to suboxic bottom-water conditions, stained benthic foraminifera occurred in all cores down to the base of the sampled interval. High surface abundances, a high dominance by few endobenthic calcareous taxa and a low diversity, which may result from specific physiological adaptations to almost anoxic conditions and the absence of predators, are recognized in the central part of the OMZ. The upper and lower margins of the OMZ are characterized by higher diversities and lower abundances. The shallowest part of the OMZ is dominated by calcareous foraminifera, whereas agglutinated species are the most common taxa in the deeper part. Comparisons with previous studies show that benthic foraminiferal assemblages, that are influenced by seasonal oscillations controlling food supply and/or the availability of oxygen, show variations in faunal density and species composition. Since there is strong evidence that oxygen is not a limiting factor for some taxa, it seems more likely that the distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera is preferentially controlled by trophic conditions.


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Knowledge of the biology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera was used to interpret the results of multivariate analyses (factor and cluster) on relative abundance data of benthic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 219 (southeastern Arabian Sea; 1764 m depth) in combination with carbon and oxygen isotope data. Faunal data document major changes in deep-sea ventilation and productivity over the past 5.5 Ma, including the end of the Miocene-Pliocene Indo-Pacific 'biogenic bloom' period at ~4.0 Ma. Interestingly, there is no simple correlation between high productivity and low oxygenation. Productivity fluctuated but became overall more pulsed, whereas overall oxygenation increased. We interpret the records as a combination of local to regional fluctuations in productivity probably caused by changes in monsoonal development, particularly its seasonality, and changes in oxygenation of intermediate depth waters in the Indian Ocean caused by global changes in climate and ocean circulation.


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Although conventional sediment parameters (mean grain size, sorting, and skewness) and provenance have typically been used to infer sediment transport pathways, most freshwater, brackish, and marine environments are also characterized by abundant sediment constituents of biological, and possibly anthropogenic and volcanic, origin that can provide additional insight into local sedimentary processes. The biota will be spatially distributed according to its response to environmental parameters such as water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, organic carbon content, grain size, and intensity of currents and tidal flow, whereas the presence of anthropogenic and volcanic constituents will reflect proximity to source areas and whether they are fluvially- or aerially-transported. Because each of these constituents have a unique environmental signature, they are a more precise proxy for that source area than the conventional sedimentary process indicators. This San Francisco Bay Coastal System study demonstrates that by applying a multi-proxy approach, the primary sites of sediment transport can be identified. Many of these sites are far from where the constituents originated, showing that sediment transport is widespread in the region. Although not often used, identifying and interpreting the distribution of naturally-occurring and allochthonous biologic, anthropogenic, and volcanic sediment constituents is a powerful tool to aid in the investigation of sediment transport pathways in other coastal systems.


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We studied the siliceous microplankton assemblages (mainly diatoms) from plankton tows (mesh size 20 µm) and surface sediment samples collected along a N-S transect in the northern Red Sea (28-21°N). In addition, we analyzed differences/similarities between plankton and sediment assemblages within a brine-filled basin (the southern basin) of the Shaban Deep and compared these assemblages with those from outside the brine. Plankton samples revealed the overwhelming dominance of diatoms over other siliceous groups. Diatoms accounted for ca. 97% of all biosiliceous particles at 120-20 m (vs. 2.9% silicoflagellates and 0.4% radiolarians), and ca. 94% at 200-120 m (vs. 4.5% silicoflagellates and 1.6% radiolarians). In general, a marine, warm-water (tropical/subtropical) diatom assemblage characterizes the plankton samples. Representatives of the Nitzschia bicapitata group are by far the most abundant contributors at both depth intervals (average=43%), ranging from ca. 30% in the North to ca. 60% in the South. Biogenic opal content in non-brine surface sediments is very low, (below 0.2 wt.% SiO2); and concentration of siliceous microorganisms is also low and of the order of 5*10**3-10**4 microorganisms/g dry sediment. Diatoms are the main contributors to the opal signal in the 20-40 µm fraction, while they share dominance with radiolarians in the >40 µm fraction. Total diatom concentrations average 1.2*10**4 valves/g in the 20-40 µm fraction and 4*10**3 valves/g in the >40 µm fraction. Robust taxa of warm water affinity (Alveus marinus, Azpeitia neocrenulata, Azpeitia nodulifera and Roperia tesselata) characterize the surface sediments. In contrast, biogenic opal content in brine surface sediment samples is much higher than in the non-brine samples, ranging from 2.8 to 3.8 wt.% SiO2, and concentration of siliceous microorganisms is 3-4 orders of magnitude higher. In addition here, diatoms dominate the opal signal. The taxa found in these samples are a mixture of non-brine and plankton samples, and fragile forms (e.g., N. bicapitata group, Neodelphineis indica) are well preserved in these sediments. Thus, brine sediments in this region seem to offer a great potential for palaeoenvironmental studies.


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The genus Calyptogena (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae) comprises highly specialized bivalves living in symbiosis with sulphur-oxidizing bacteria in reducing habitats. In this study, the genus is revised using shell and anatomical features. The work is based on type material, as well as on the extensive collection of vesicomyids obtained during twelve expeditions to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Nine Recent species are ascribed to the genus Calyptogena, four of which are new: C. pacifica Dall, 1891, C. fausta Okutani, Fujikura & Hashimoto, 1993, C. rectimargo Scarlato, 1981, C. valdiviae (Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931), C. gallardoi Sellanes & Krylova, 2005, C. goffrediae n. sp., C. starobogatovi n. sp., C. makranensis n. sp. and C. costaricana n. sp. The characteristic features of Calyptogena are: shell up to 90 mm in length, elongate-elliptical or elongate; presence of escutcheon; presence of broad posterior ramus (3b) of right subumbonal cardinal tooth as well as right posterior nymphal ridge; absence of pallial sinus as a result of attachment of intersiphonal septal retractor immediately adjacent to ventral surface of posterior adductor; absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon; presence of inner demibranch only, with descending and ascending lamellae with interlamellar septa not divided into separate tubes. The most closely related taxa to Calyptogena are probably the genus Isorropodon Sturany, 1896, and the group of species represented by 'Calyptogena' phaseoliformis Métivier, Okutani & Ohta, 1986. These groups have several characters in common, namely absence of pallial sinus, presence of single inner pair of demibranchs and absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon. The worldwide distribution of the genus Calyptogena suggests that methane seeps at continental margins are the major dispersal routes and that speciation was promoted by geographical isolation. Recent species diversity and fossil records indicate that the genus originated in the Pacific Ocean. Sufficient data to discuss the distribution at species level exist only for C. pacifica, which has a remarkably narrow bathymetric range. Published studies on the physiology of C. pacifica suggest that adaptation to a specific geochemical environment has led to coexisting vesicomyid genera. The bacteria-containing gill of C. pacifica and other Calyptogena species is one of the most specialized in the family Vesicomyidae and may reflect these ecological adaptations.


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Eocene through Pliocene benthic foraminifers were examined from seven sites located at middle and lower bathyal depths on the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea, from another site at lower bathyal depths in the Coral Sea, and from a site in the intermediate-depth, hemipelagic province of the Chatham Rise, east of southern New Zealand. Age-related, depth-related, and bioprovincial faunal variations are documented in this chapter. One new species, Rectuvigerina tasmana, is named. The paleoecologic indications of several key groups, including the miliolids, uvigerinids, nuttallitids, and cibicidids, are combined with sedimentologic and stable isotopic tracers to interpret paleoceanographic changes in the Tasman Sea. Because the total stratigraphic ranges of many bathyal benthic foraminifers are not yet known, most endpoints in the Tasman Sea are considered ecologically controlled events. The disappearances of Uvigerina rippensis and Cibicidoidesparki and the first appearances of U. pigmaea, Sphaeroidina bulloides, and Rotaliatina sulcigera at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary can be considered evolutionary events, as also can the first appearance of Cibicides wuellerstorfi in Zone NN5. Species which are restricted to the lower bathyal zone except during discrete pulses, most of which are related to the development of glacial conditions, include Melonis pompilioides, M. sphaeroides, Pullenia quinqueloba, Nuttallides umbonifera, and U. hispido-costata. Middle bathyal indigenes include U. spinulosa, U. gemmaeformis, Ehrenbergina marwicki, R. sulcigera, and all rectuvigerinids except Rectuvigerina spinea. Although the miliolids first occurred at lower bathyal depths, they were more common in the middle bathyal zone. Although the Neogene hispido-costate uvigerinids first developed at lower bathyal depths and at higher middle latitude sites, in the later Neogene this group migrated to shallower depths and became predominant also in the middle bathyal zone. Despite the relatively similar sedimentologic settings at the six middle bathyal Tasman sites, there was extensive intrageneric and intraspecific geographic variation. Mililiolids, strongly ornamented brizalinids, bolivinitids, Bulimina aculeata, Osangularia culter, and strongly porous morphotypes were more common at higher latitudes. Osangularia bengalensis, striate brizalinids such as Brizalina subaenariensis, Gaudryina solida, osangularids in general, and finely porous morphotypes were more common in the subtropics. There was strong covariance between faunas at lower middle latitude, lower bathyal Site 591, and higher middle latitude, middle bathyal Site 593. The following oceanographic history of the Tasman Sea is proposed; using the stable isotopic record as evidence for glacials and examining the ecologic correlations between (1) miliolids and carbonate saturation, (2) nuttallitids and undersaturated, cooled, or "new" water masses, (3) uvigerinids with high organic carbon in the sediment and high rates of sediment accumulation, and (4) cibicidids and terrestrial organic carbon. The glacial located near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary is characterized by the penetration of cooler, more corrosive waters at intermediate depths in high southern latitudes. This may have caused overturn, upwelling pulses, in other Tasman areas. The development of Neogenelike conditions began in the late Oligocene (Zone NP24/NP25) with the evolution of several common Neogene species. A large number of Paleogene benthics disappeared gradually through the course of the early Miocene, which was not well preserved at any Tasman site. Corrosive conditions shallowed into the middle bathyal zone in several pulses during the early Miocene. The development of glacial conditions in the middle Miocene was accompanied by major changes throughout the Tasman Sea. Sediment accumulation rates increased and high-productivity faunas and corrosive conditions developed at all but the lowest-latitude Site 588. This increase in productivity and accumulation rate is attributed to the eutrophication of Antarctic water masses feeding Tasman current systems, as well as to invigorated circulation in general. It overlaps with the beginning of the Pacific High-productivity Episode (10-5 Ma). During the latest Miocene glacial episode, corrosive conditions developed at lower bathyal depths, while cooler water and lower nutrient levels shallowed to middle bathyal depths. Lower input of terrestrial organic carbon may be related to the lower nutrient levels of this time and to the termination of the Pacific High-productivity Episode. The moderate glacial episode during the mid-Pliocene (Zone NN15/NN16, ~3.2 Ma) corresponds to a decline in sediment accumulation rates and a reorganization of faunas unlike that of all other times. New genera proliferate and indices for cool, noncorrosive conditions and high organic carbon expand throughout the middle bathyal zone coeval with the sedimentation rate decreases. By the latest Pliocene (about 2.5 Ma), however, during another glacial episode, faunal patterns typical of this and later glacials develop throughout the Tasman Sea. Benthic foraminiferal patterns suggest increased input of terrestrial organic matter to Tasman Sea sediments during this episode and during later glacials.


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Analogous to West- and North Africa, East Africa experienced more humid conditions between approximately 12 to 5 kyr BP, relative to today. While timing and extension of wet phases in the North and West are well constrained, this is not the case for the East African Humid Period. Here we present a record of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment elemental compositions of a sediment core from the East African continental slope, in order to provide insight into the regional shallow Indian Ocean paleoceanography and East African climate history of the last 40 kyr. During glacial times, the dominance of a benthic foraminiferal assemblage characterized by Bulimina aculeata, suggests enhanced surface productivity and sustained flux of organic carbon to the sea floor. During Heinrich Stadial 1 (H1), the Nuttallides rugosus Assemblage indicates oligotrophic bottom water conditions and therefore implies a stronger flow of southern-sourced AAIW to the study site. During the East African Humid Period, the Saidovina karreriana Assemblage in combination with sedimentary C/N and Fe/Ca ratios suggest higher river runoff to the Indian Ocean, and hence more humid conditions in East Africa. Between 8.5 and 8.1 kyr, contemporaneous to the globally documented 8.2 kyr Event, a severe reduction in river deposits implies more arid conditions on the continent. Comparison of our marine data with terrestrial studies suggests that additional moisture from the Atlantic Ocean, delivered by an eastward migration of the Congo Air Boundary during that time period, could have contributed to East African rainfall. Since approximately 9 kyr, the gaining influence of the Millettiana millettii Assemblage indicates a redevelopment of the East African fringe reefs.


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Late Oligocene to late Pliocene vertical water-mass stratification along depth traverses in the northern Indian Ocean is depicted in this paper by benthic foraminifer index faunas. During most of this time, benthic faunas indicate well-oxygenated, bottom-water conditions at all depths except under the southern Indian upwelling and in the Pliocene in the southern Arabian Sea. Faunas suggest the initiation of lower oxygen conditions at intermediate depths in the northern Indian Ocean beginning in Oligocene Zone P21a. Lower oxygen conditions intensified during primary productivity pulses, possibly related to increased upwelling vigor, in the latest Oligocene and throughout most of the late middle through late Miocene. During times of elevated primary production, there may be more oxygen flux into sedimentary pore waters and the shallow infaunal habitat may become more oxygenated. One criterion for locating the source of "new" water masses is vertical homogeneity of benthic foraminifer indexes for well-oxygenated water masses from intermediate through abyssal depths. In the northern Mascarene Basin, this type of faunal homogeneity with depth corroborates the proposal that the northern Indian Ocean was an area of sinking well-oxygenated waters through most of the Miocene before Zone N17. Oxygenated, possibly "new" intermediate-water masses in the low- to middle-latitude Mascarene and Central Indian basins first developed in the late Oligocene. These well-oxygenated waters were probably more fertile than the Antarctic Intermediate Waters (AAIW) that cover intermediate depths in these areas today. Production of intermediate waters more similar to modern AAIW is indicated by the sparse benthic population of epifaunal rotaloid species in the northern Mascarene Basin during middle Miocene Zone N9 and from early through late Pliocene time. Deep-water characteristics are more difficult to interpret because of the extensive redeposition at the deeper sites. Redeposited intermediate, rather than shallow, water fossils and erosion from north to south in the Mascarene Basin are incompatible with the sluggish circulation from south to north through the western Indian Ocean basins today. Such erosion could result from the vigorous sinking of an intermediate-depth water mass of northern origin. Before late Oligocene Zone P22, benthic faunas indicate a twofold subdivision of the troposphere, with the boundary between upper and lower well-oxygenated water masses located from 2500-3000 mbsl. No characteristic bottom-water fauna developed before the end of late Oligocene Zone P22. Deep and abyssal benthic indexes suggest the development of water masses similar to those of the present day in the latest Miocene. Faunas containing deep-water benthic indexes, including the uvigerinids, suggestive of a water mass similar to modern Indian Deep Water (IDW), appeared during the late Miocene in the northern Mascarene and Central Indian basins. In the early Pliocene, this deep-water fauna was found only in the Central Indian Basin, whereas a fauna typical of modern Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) spread through deep waters at 2800 mbsl in the Mascarene Basin. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, deep-water faunas similar to their modern analogs were developed in both the eastern and western basins. Abyssal faunas, studied only in the Mascarene Basin, show more or less similarity to those under modern AABW. Bottom-water faunas containing Nuttallides umbonifera or Epistominella exiguua were first differentiated at the end of Zone P22, then appeared episodically during the early Miocene. These AABW-type faunas reappeared and migrated updepth into deep waters during the glacial episodes at the end of the Miocene and at the beginning of the Pliocene. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, a bottom-water fauna similar to that under eastern Indian Bottom Water (IBW) developed in the Mascarene Basin. Modern bottom-water characteristics of the Mascarene Basin must have developed after ZoneN21.


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Eocene diatom and silicoflagellate complexes from deposits of the Kronotsky Bay are presented. Pro tempore they are the most ancient finds of fossil phytoplankton with silica skeletons in the Northwest Pacific. More than 130 diatom species belonging to 59 genera and 24 silicoflagellate species belonging to 5 genera have been determined. Three Middle Eocene complexes (of the Lisitzinia kanayai, Lisitzinia inconspicua var. trilobata, and Praecymatosira monomembranaceae zones) and one presumably Middle-Late Eocene complex (of the zone with Rylandsia conniventa) of diatoms have been identified. For the first time a large silicoflagellate complex attributable to the Dictyocha hexacantha zone is presented. It is assumed that the complexes formed mainly in bathyal conditions at relatively high (close to sub-tropical) temperatures of surface waters.


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This paper discusses the Paleobathymetric and paleoenvironmental history of the New Hebrides Island Arc and North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge during Cenozoic time based on benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological data. Oligocene and Pliocene to Pleistocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Sites 827, 828, 829, and 832 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 (Vanuatu) are examined by means of Q-mode factor analysis. The results of this analysis recognize the following bathymetrically significant benthic foraminiferal biofacies: (1) Globocassidulina subglobosa biofacies and Bulimina aculeata-Bolivinita quadrilatera biofacies representing the upper bathyal zone (600-1500 m); (2) Gavelinopsis praegeri-Cibicides wuellerstorfi biofacies, indicating the Pacific Intermediate Water (water depth between 1500 and 2400 m); (3) Tosaia hanzawai-Globocassidulina muloccensis biofacies, Valvulineria gunjii biofacies, and the Melonis barleeanus-Melonis sphaeroides biofacies, which characterize the lower bathyal zone; (4) the Nuttallides umbonifera biofacies, which characterizes the interval between the lysocline (approximately 3500 m) and the carbonate compensation depth (approximately 4500 m); and (5) the Rhabdammina abyssorum biofacies representing the abyssal zone below the carbonate compensation depth. Benthic foraminiferal patterns are used to construct Paleobathymetric and paleogeographic profiles of the New Hebrides Island Arc and North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge for the following age boundaries: late Miocene/Pliocene, early/late Pliocene, Pliocene/Pleistocene, and Pleistocene/Holocene.


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Pluri-annual proxy records of marine sediment cores from the Tagus Prodelta off Lisbon, Portugal, have been generated to gain insight into the climatic and hydrographic changes in the area during the twentieth century. The study includes benthic and planktonic foraminiferal faunas and the stable isotopic composition of one benthic (Uvigerina celtica) and two planktonic (Globigerina bulloides and Globorotalia inflata) foraminiferal species. Sea bottom and surface water temperatures were estimated based on the d18O values of these species and compared with instrumental data. The foraminiferal fauna and the isotope-based temperature record indicate increasing temperatures throughout the last century. The immigration of a new species, Saidovina karreriana, to the area around 100 years ago indicates changes in the trophic conditions and water mass properties, which are probably at least partly due to anthropogenic pollution.


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The benthic foraminiferal populations along three traverses across the Northwest African continental margin were analyzed on the base of ca. 60 surface sediment samples. Depth ranges of 213 species were established and the main trends of vertical distribution are compared with those known from adjacent regions. Main faunal breaks occure at 100/200 m and 1000/1500 m depth of water. Some species show latitudinal distribution boundaries and the same applies to population density (standing stock), reflecting the regional distribution of nutrients supply by river discharge and upwelling processes. - High proportions of Bolivina test at the lower slope indicate extended downslope transport.


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Late Cenozoic benthic foraminiferal faunas from the Caribbean Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 502 (3052 m) and East Pacific DSDP Site 503 (3572 m) were analyzed to interpret bottom-water masses and paleoceanographic changes occurring as the Isthmus of Panama emerged. Major changes during the past 7 Myr occur at 6.7-6.2, 3.4, 2.0, and 1.1 Ma in the Caribbean and 6.7-6.4, 4.0-3.2, 2.1, 1.4, and 0.7 Ma in the Pacific. Prior to 6.7 Ma, benthic foraminiferal faunas at both sites indicate the presence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). After 6.7 Ma benthic foraminiferal faunas indicate a shift to warmer water masses: North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) in the Caribbean and Pacific Deep Water (PDW) in the Pacific. Flow of NADW may have continued across the rising sill between the Caribbean and Pacific until 5.6 Ma when the Pacific benthic foraminiferal faunas suggest a decrease in bottom-water temperatures. After 5.6 Ma deep-water to intermediate-water flow across the sill appears to have stopped as the bottom-water masses on either side of the sill diverge. The second change recorded by benthic foraminiferal faunas occurs at 3.4 Ma in the Caribbean and 4.0-3.2 Ma in the Pacific. At this time the Caribbean is flooded with cold AABW, which is either gradually warmed or is replaced by Glacial Bottom Water (GBW) at 2.0 Ma and by NADW at 1.1 Ma. These changes are related to global climatic events and to the depth of the sill between the Caribbean and Atlantic rather than the rising Isthmus of Panama. Benthic foraminiferal faunas at East Pacific Site 503 indicate a gradual change from cold PDW to warmer PDW between 4.0 and 3.2 Ma. The PDW is replaced by the warmer, poorly oxygenated PIW at 2.1 Ma. Although the PDW affects the faunas during colder intervals between 1.4 and 0.7 Ma, the PIW remains the principal bottom-water mass in the Guatemala Basin of the East Pacific.