1000 resultados para Países
Primer análisis general del tema que ocupa la atención de un Seminario de Investigación "ad hoc" (Facultad de Economía y Empresa, vinculada al "Observatori de aprenentatge i investigació sobre el canvi i el conflicte socials", PID-UB aprobado en junio de 2010, investigadora principal: María Trinidad Bretones) sobre los intentos de cambio de régimen y de democratización de 2009 en Irán y de enero a mayo de 2011 en los países árabes del norte de África. Es la versión inicial y provisional que será ampliada y mejorada sucesivamente por medio de otros working paper.
Se usó la técnica de regresión de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios para estimar la demanda por importaciones de manzanas frescas exportadas por Chile en cinco países de la Unión Europea. Para las estimaciones se utilizaron observaciones anuales del periodo 1984 a 2003. Los resultados demuestran que (1) la demanda por importaciones de manzanas frescas chilenas depende de las tradicionales variables ingreso o gasto en consumo per cápita, (2) los precios relativos y la variación del tipo de cambio real juegan un papel destacado en la explicación de la demanda por importaciones, y (3) la demanda responde de manera diferente frente a los cambios en las variables explicativas en cada mercado.
En sus inicios, la huelga como tal, era considerada jurídicamente como un delito o como una libertad, pero no como un derecho, y así, se mantuvo durante muchos años. En una primera etapa, común en los ordenamientos jurídicos europeos del S. XIX, la huelga no fue admitida como un fenómeno de protesta lícito, por su origen y desarrollo claramente colectivo, consti-tuyendo de forma clara un atentado a los principios de la concepción individualista de la rela-ción laboral; de ahí que fuese reprimida enérgicamente por la vía penal al ser considerada un delito. En una segunda etapa, encontramos primero que se toleró a medida que las conciencias políticas y sus nuevas ideas entendieron que el fenómeno era imparable, con lo que a pesar de existir normas penales que prohibían y castigaban esas manifestaciones colectivas de trabaja-dores no se hacía uso de la represión. Más tarde se aceptó abiertamente pero no se reguló, lo que dio lugar a que al ser calificada la conducta del trabajador como una falta voluntaria de asistencia al trabajo, pudiese ser reprimida por el empresario y así justificar su despido por incumplimiento contractual, es decir, la huelga como libertad individual jugaba exclusivamen-te en el marco de la relación laboral individual de trabajo, pudiendo provocar, si esa era la decisión del patrono, la ruptura del contrato. No había excusa, en este supuesto, dado que la orden sindical de ir a la huelga no cambió la naturaleza del acto del trabajador, que, como se ha dicho anteriormente, representaba un incumplimiento de la obligación contractual
Uno de los temas centrales en el debate sobre las ventajas y desventajas de la unión económica y monetaria, y sobre el que no existe consenso en la literatura, es si la variabilidad del tipo de cambio tiene efectos negativos sobre el comercio. Así pues, el objetivo de este trabajo no consiste únicamente en analizar si existe una relación negativa entre ambas variables para los países europeos en el período 1973-1998 sino también en tratar de explicar porqué los trabajos previos han obtenido resultados tan distintos a partir de la consideración de la inestabilidad temporal de la relación.
Este trabajo analiza cual ha sido la evolución de la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana en España en el período 1991-2000 situándola en el contexto internacional. Para ello, se elaboran rankings de países, autores e instituciones en función de las publicaciones realizadas en una muestra de nueve revistas internacionales ampliamente reconocidas dentro de este campo. Los resultados muestran que la mejora en la posición relativa a nivel internacional encontrada por otros autores para el conjunto de la investigación española en economía también se produce en el contexto de la investigación económica regional y urbana De hecho, hay un claro aumento de la presencia a nivel internacional de los autores e instituciones españolas motivado en buena medida por un incremento de las publicaciones de autores con tradición en la investigación en ciencia regional y urbana pero también por la irrupción con fuerza de 'nuevos' autores.
Based on Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) indicators, Brazil is a competitive and interesting country from the point of view of technological foreign investment. However, it is still incipient with regard to national investments, production of technological knowledge, inbound mobility of scientists and technology transfer to the productive sector. Among many other factors, global patent production is considered as an important indicator of innovation. Likewise, the balance between revenue and expenses obtained through royalties and licensing fees of technologies is also critical in mapping the diffusion and absorption of knowledge. The understanding of intellectual property and its strategic management brings a significant advantage to the economic and technological development of nations, especially in the field of chemistry, which greatly contributes to biotechnology, new materials and microelectronics - three fundamental areas for innovation in developed countries. Therefore, this article aims to map out competencies in chemistry in Brazil and evaluate science, technology and innovation indicators in the country, comparing this dynamic to the one of other BRIC members (Russia, India and China). Chemistry is the fourth biggest field of interest in Brazil based on the number of researchers registered at the governmental platform for researchers, Plataforma Lattes/CNPq, and is preceded by education, medicine and agronomy. The majority of research groups are registered in the area of materials, followed by macromolecules and polymers, pharmaceutical products and basic materials chemistry. These groups represent approximately 77% of research groups analyzed, therefore, indicating a tendency in the country. The analyses of patents in different sub-areas of chemistry reveal that non-residents file most deposits in the country, a probable reflection of the low internal intellectual property culture. Pharmaceutics and Fine Chemistry are prominent areas in the country, in line with the global trend. Among BRIC countries, China has the highest number of patents and of requests for protection in international offices. On the other hand, Brazil has the lowest number of chemical patents published at USPTO, EPO and JPO. An analysis of the transfer of technology data indicates an increase in this activity in various sub-areas of chemistry in the country. Despite the great efforts made by the country to consolidate its national innovation system, more needs to be done to put Brazil in a competitive position. In a globalized world dominated by large players, Brazil needs a lot of progress on ownership and generation of chemistry technologies to strengthen its national sovereignty. It is essential to strengthen chemical research at all levels, from elementary school to university, as an inexhaustible source of knowledge and technology that, when properly protected, may generate real public achievement and social return.
In this work, the beliefs of undergraduate students from Brazil and Portugal on the use of visual tools in teaching chemistry, which have increasingly been introduced in the areas of teaching/learning in these two countries in recent years, have been investigated. An interpretative analysis of the results shows little familiarity of students with specific points of the theme, beyond a poor conception about the way the visualization tools influence the construction of scientific concepts.
Neste artigo, o autor analisa os regimes de regulação estatal das religiões na Europa Ocidental. No regime de confessionalidade do Estado, frequentemente adotado por países de tradição religiosa luterana e de cristianismo ortodoxo, opta-se pela assunção de uma religião oficial beneficiária de políticas públicas e arranjos simbólicos. Por outro lado, os regimes de separação constituem arranjos de demarcação mais rígidos ou mais flexíveis das fronteiras de atuação dos Estados e das religiões. Os modelos francês e alemão consistem em exemplos desses arranjos, respectivamente. O autor considera que atualmente se verifica um movimento duplo de desconfessionalização em alguns países e de reassociação em outros, que produziria uma certa homogeneidade em direção a um sistema europeu de regulação da crença, caracterizado por uma posição mediana entre o separatismo rígido e o confessionalismo não-igualitário, tendencialmente ancorado num regime de separação flexível.
Resumo Este artigo faz um relato histórico da acomodação política das procissões católicas nos Países Baixos e da legislação relacionada ao tema. Tem por base a Interdição de Procissões (processieverbod), uma lei que teve como alvo os católicos holandeses e durou de 1848 até 1983. Enquanto que no século XIX uma lei foi adotada para banir, limitar e controlar a infraestrutura sacral da religiosidade pública católica, o século XX pode ser caracterizado pela transição de uma hegemonia protestante para um modelo pluralista de governança das religiões. Finalmente, nos anos 1980, a Lei de Manifestações Públicas terminou com a Interdição de Procissões do século XIX. Isso continua a afetar a acomodação e a manifestação da diversidade religiosa nos Países Baixos nos dias de hoje.
Authoritarian governments and exchange rate policy in Latin American countries. Our aim on this paper is to identify the exchange rate policies used by Authoritarian governments in Latin America during the 170s and 180s. The literature shows that the focus of the exchange rate policy was on inflation control, which was not consistent with the evidence. We show on this paper that these governments aimed at a undervalued currency because of the behavior of the external balance of the countries.
In this paper two hypotheses about the relationship between monetary policy and investment in the context of the inflation target system were tested. One of these hypotheses is based on the idea of neutrality of money, and the other hypothesis is based on the reject of that idea. An investment equation for seventeen economies using a piece-wise dummy variable was estimated by the Methodology of Panel Data. The results highlight that a negative correlation between current expectation of restrictive monetary policy and current investment rose after the inflation target system implementation.
The article analyzes the economic importance of the health activities in the developed countries in the last decades of the twentieth century. It takes into consideration the evolution of the weight of the employment in the health activities in European countries' and also in the United States' labour markets, which will be compared in an historical perspective. The evolution and the weight of the public expenditure in the health activities will also be taken into account so as to analyze the economic importance of the sector in the last decades of twentieth century. The role played by the political, economic and social context of the Post-Second World War in the construction of the system of social protection (Welfare State) and its effects over the health activities will be also considered.
The paper discusses two theoretical approaches to the role of public banks (PBs): the Shaw-McKinnon model and an alternative Keynesian view. In the former, the PBs still in operation in less developing countries would be near to become fully unnecessary, in view of the advance of their financial development in the last twenty years. In the Keynesian approach this hypothesis is unlikely. Financial markets are viewed as structurally inefficient and "incomplete" for the requirements of the process of economic development. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that economic and financial development will require a definition of new strategies for PBs. The paper is concluded with a brief discussion of this issue.