191 resultados para PROLYL ENDOPEPTIDASE


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Thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) was originally described as a neuropeptide-metabolizing enzyme, highly expressed in the brain, kidneys and neuroendocrine tissue. EP24.15 lacks a typical signal peptide sequence for entry into the secretory pathway and is secreted by cells via an unconventional and unknown mechanism. In this study, we identified a novel calcium-dependent interaction between EP24.15 and calmodulin, which is important for the stimulated, but not constitutive, secretion of EP24.15. We demonstrated that, in vitro, EP24.15 and calmodulin physically interact only in the presence of Ca(2+), with an estimated K(d) value of 0.52 mu m. Confocal microscopy confirmed that EP24.15 colocalizes with calmodulin in the cytosol of resting HEK293 cells. This colocalization markedly increases when cells are treated with either the calcium ionophore A23187 or the protein kinase A activator forskolin. Overexpression of calmodulin in HEK293 cells is sufficient to greatly increase the A23187-stimulated secretion of EP24.15, which can be inhibited by the calmodulin inhibitor calmidazolium. The specific inhibition of protein kinase A with KT5720 reduces the A23187-stimulated secretion of EP24.15 and inhibits the synergistic effects of forskolin with A23187. Treatment with calmidazolium and KT5720 nearly abolishes the stimulatory effects of A23187 on EP24.15 secretion. Together, these data suggest that the interaction between EP24.15 and calmodulin is regulated within cells and is important for the stimulated secretion of EP24.15 from HEK293 cells.


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Characterization of the peptide content of venoms has a number of potential benefits for basic research, clinical diagnosis, development of new therapeutic agents, and production of antiserum. Here, we use a substrate-capture assay that employs a catalytically inactive mutant of thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) to identify novel bioactive peptides in Bothrops jararacussu venom. Of the peptides captured with inactive EP24.15 and identified by mass spectrometry, three were previously identified bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPP), < ENWPHPQIPP (Xc), < EGGWPRPGPEIPP (XIIIa) and < EARPPHPPIPP (XIe) (where < E is a pyroglutamyl residue). In addition, we identified a novel BPP peptide containing additional AP amino acids in the C-terminus (< EARPPHPPIPPAP); this novel peptide was named BPP-AP. Next, dermal and muscle microcirculations were visualized using intravital microscopy to establish the roles of peptides BPP-XIe and BPP-AP in this process. After local administration of peptide BPP-XIe (0.5 mu g.mu L-1), leukocyte rolling flux and adhesion were increased by fivefold in post-capillary venules, without any increments in vasodilatation of arterioles compared to control experiments. In contrast, local administration of BPP-AP (0.5 mu g.mu L-1) potently induced vasodilatation of arterioles (nearly 100% increase compared with the vehicle saline control), with only a small increase in leukocyte rolling flux. Therefore, the novel BPP-AP described herein has pharmacological advantages compared to the BPP-XIe. The present study further suggests that inactive oligopeptidase EP24.15 is a useful tool for the isolation of bioactive peptides from crude biological samples.


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Thimet oligopeptidase (EC; EP24.15) is a thiol-rich metallopeptidase ubiquitously distributed in mammalian tissues and involved in oligopeptide metabolism both within and outside cells. Fifteen Cys residues are present in the rat EP24.15 protein, seven are solvent accessible, and two are found inside the catalytic site cleft; no intraprotein disulfide is described. In the present investigation, we show that mammalian immunoprecipitated EP24.15 is S-glutathionylated. In vitro EP24.15 S-glutathionylation was demonstrated by the incubation of bacterial recombinant EP24.15 with oxidized glutathione concentration as low as 10 mu M. The in vitro S-glutathionylation of EP24.15 was responsible for its oxidative oligomerization to dimer and trimer complexes. EP24.15 immunoprecipitated from cells submitted to oxidative challenge showed increased trimeric forms and decreased S-glutathionylation compared to immunoprecipitated protein from control cells. Our present data also show that EP24.15 maximal enzymatic activity is maintained by partial S-glutathionylation, a mechanism that apparently regulates the protein oligomerization. Present results raise the possibility of an unconventional property of protein S-glutathionylation, inducing oligomerization by interprotein thiol-disulfide exchange. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: Hemoglobin is a rich source of biologically active peptides, some of which are potent antimicrobials (hemocidins). A few hemocidins have been purified from the midgut contents of ticks. Nonetheless, how antimicrobials are generated in the tick midgut and their role in immunity is still poorly understood. Here we report, for the first time, the contribution of two midgut proteinases to the generation of hemocidins. Results: An aspartic proteinase, designated BmAP, was isolated from the midgut of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus using three chromatographic steps. Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction revealed that BmAP is restricted to the midgut. The other enzyme is a previously characterized midgut cathepsin L-like cysteine proteinase designated BmCL1. Substrate specificities of native BmAP and recombinant BmCL1 were mapped using a synthetic combinatorial peptide library and bovine hemoglobin. BmCL1 preferred substrates containing non-polar residues at P2 subsite and polar residues at P1, whereas BmAP hydrolysed substrates containing non-polar amino acids at P1 and P1`. Conclusions: BmAP and BmCL1 generate hemocidins from hemoglobin alpha and beta chains in vitro. We postulate that hemocidins may be important for the control of tick pathogens and midgut flora.


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Protein degradation by the ubiquitin proteasome system releases large amounts of oligopeptides within cells. To investigate possible functions for these intracellularly generated oligopeptides, we fused them to a cationic transactivator peptide sequence using reversible disulfide bonds, introduced them into cells, and analyzed their effect on G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signal transduction. A mixture containing four of these peptides (20-80 mu M) significantly inhibited the increase in the extracellular acidification response triggered by angiotensin II (ang II) in CHO-S cells transfected with the ang II type 1 receptor (AT1R-CHO-S). Subsequently, either alone or in a mixture, these peptides increased luciferase gene transcription in AT1R-CHO-S cells stimulated with ang II and in HEK293 cells treated with isoproterenol. These peptides without transactivator failed to affect GPCR cellular responses. All four functional peptides were shown in vitro to competitively inhibit the degradation of a synthetic substrate by thimet oligopeptidase. Overexpression of thimet oligopeptidase in both CHO-S and HEK293 cells was sufficient to reduce luciferase activation triggered by a specific GPCR agonist. Moreover, using individual peptides as baits in affinity columns, several proteins involved in GPCR signaling were identified, including alpha-adaptin A and dynamin 1. These results suggest that before their complete degradation, intracellular peptides similar to those generated by proteasomes can actively affect cell signaling, probably representing additional bioactive molecules within cells.


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Leptospirosis is a world spread zoonosis caused by members of the genus Leptospira. Although leptospires were identified as the causal agent of leptospirosis almost 100 years ago, little is known about their biology, which hinders the development of new treatment and prevention strategies. One of the several aspects of the leptospiral biology not yet elucidated is the process by which outer membrane proteins (OMPs) traverse the periplasm and are inserted into the outer membrane. The crystal structure determination of the conserved hypothetical protein LIC12922 from Leptospira interrogans revealed a two domain protein homologous to the Escherichia coli periplasmic chaperone SurA. The LIC12922 NC-domain is structurally related to the chaperone modules of E. coli SurA and trigger factor, whereas the parvulin domain is devoid of peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. Phylogenetic analyses suggest a relationship between LIC12922 and the chaperones PrsA, PpiD and SurA. Based on our structural and evolutionary analyses, we postulate that LIC12922 is a periplasmic chaperone involved in OMPs biogenesis in Leptospira spp. Since LIC12922 homologs were identified in all spirochetal genomes sequenced to date, this assumption may have implications for the OMPs biogenesis studies not only in leptospires but in the entire Phylum Spirochaetes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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P>Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri utilizes the type III effector protein PthA to modulate host transcription to promote citrus canker. PthA proteins belong to the AvrBs3/PthA family and carry a domain comprising tandem repeats of 34 amino acids that mediates protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. We show here that variants of PthAs from a single bacterial strain localize to the nucleus of plant cells and form homo- and heterodimers through the association of their repeat regions. We hypothesize that the PthA variants might also interact with distinct host targets. Here, in addition to the interaction with alpha-importin, known to mediate the nuclear import of AvrBs3, we describe new interactions of PthAs with citrus proteins involved in protein folding and K63-linked ubiquitination. PthAs 2 and 3 preferentially interact with a citrus cyclophilin (Cyp) and with TDX, a tetratricopeptide domain-containing thioredoxin. In addition, PthAs 2 and 3, but not 1 and 4, interact with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex formed by Ubc13 and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme variant (Uev), required for K63-linked ubiquitination and DNA repair. We show that Cyp, TDX and Uev interact with each other, and that Cyp and Uev localize to the nucleus of plant cells. Furthermore, the citrus Ubc13 and Uev proteins complement the DNA repair phenotype of the yeast Delta ubc13 and Delta mms2/uev1a mutants, strongly indicating that they are also involved in K63-linked ubiquitination and DNA repair. Notably, PthA 2 affects the growth of yeast cells in the presence of a DNA damage agent, suggesting that it inhibits K63-linked ubiquitination required for DNA repair.


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Immunohistochemistry was used to analyze the rat brain distribution of thimet oligopeptidase and neurolysin. Both enzymes appear ubiquitously distributed within the entire rat brain. However, neuronal perikarya and processes stained for neurolysin, while intense nuclear labeling was only observed for thimet oligopeptidase. These data suggest that neurolysin and thimet oligopeptidase, endopeptidases sharing several functional and structural similarities, are present in distinctive intracellular compartments in neuronal cells. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The activation of pre-kininogenin to kininogenin (pre-kallikrein to kallikrein) is one of the steps in the series of reactions of a complex system, linked also to fibrinolysis and coagulation, that leads to kinin release in plasma (See Cochrane et al., 1976; Wuepper, 1976; Kaplan et al., 1976; Kaplan et al., 1976). For human plasma, a test using kaolin as activator and measuring kallikrein activity with the chromogenic substrate Chromozym PK (Nα-benzoyl-prolyl-phenylalanyl-arginyl-nitroanilide, Pentapharm, Basle) is routinely employed. The purpose of this paper is to further study the mechanism of this activation, by means of different activators and using as inhibitor hexadimethrine bromide (Polybrene). Besides kaolin, sulfated polysaccharides, such as heparin and cellulose sulfate are able to activate pre-kininogenin to kininogenin. Hexadimethrine as expected, inhibited the activation by heparin and also that by cellulose sulfate. The activation by kaolin however followed a different pattern suggesting, at least partially, a different mode of action of this activator. © 1979.


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Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV/human herpesvirus 8 [HHV8]) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV/HHV4) are distantly related gammaherpesviruses causing tumors in humans. KSHV latency-associated nuclear antigen 1 (LANA1) is functionally similar to the EBV nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA1) protein expressed during viral latency, although they have no amino acid similarities. EBNA1 escapes cytotoxic lymphocyte (CTL) antigen processing by inhibiting its own proteosomal degradation and retarding its own synthesis to reduce defective ribosomal product processing. We show here that the LANA1 QED-rich central repeat (CR) region, particularly the CR2CR3 subdomain, also retards LANA1 synthesis and markedly enhances LANA1 stability in vitro and in vivo. LANA1 isoforms have half-lives greater than 24 h, and fusion of the LANA1 CR2CR3 domain to a destabilized heterologous protein markedly decreases protein turnover. Unlike EBNA1, the LANA1 CR2CR3 subdomain retards translation regardless of whether it is fused to the 5′ or 3′ end of a heterologous gene construct. Manipulation of sequence order, orientation, and composition of the CR2 and CR3 subdomains suggests that specific peptide sequences rather than RNA structures are responsible for synthesis retardation. Although mechanistic differences exist between LANA1 and EBNA1, the primary structures of both proteins have evolved to minimize provoking CTL immune responses. Simple strategies to eliminate these viral inhibitory regions may markedly improve vaccine effectiveness by maximizing CTL responses. Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Oocyte-secreted factors (OSFs) regulate differentiation of cumulus cells and are of pivotal relevance for fertility. Bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) are OSFs and enhance oocyte competence by unknown mechanisms. We tested the hypothesis that BMP15 and FGF10, alone or combined in the maturation medium, enhance cumulus expansion and expression of genes in the preovulatory cascade and regulate glucose metabolism favouring hyaluronic acid production in bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). BMP15 or FGF10 increased the percentage of fully expanded COCs, but the combination did not further stimulate it. BMP15 increased cumulus cell levels of mRNA encoding a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10), ADAM17, amphiregulin (AREG), and epiregulin (EREG) at 12 h of culture and of prostaglandin (PG)-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), pentraxin 3 (PTX3) and tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 6 (TNFAIP6 (TSG6)) at 22 h of culture. FGF10 did not alter the expression of epidermal growth factor-like factors but enhanced the mRNA expression of PTGS2 at 4 h, PTX3 at 12 h, and TNFAIP6 at 22 h. FGF10 and BMP15 stimulated glucose consumption by cumulus cells but did not affect lactate production or levels of mRNA encoding glycolytic enzymes phosphofructokinase and lactate dehydrogenase A. Each growth factor increased mRNA encoding glucosamine:fructose-6-PO4 transaminases, key enzymes in the hexosamine pathway leading to hyaluronic acid production, and BMP15 also stimulated hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) mRNA expression. This study provides evidence that BMP15 and FGF10 stimulate expansion of in vitro-matured bovine COCs by driving glucose metabolism toward hyaluronic acid production and controlling the expression of genes in the ovulatory cascade, the first acting upon ADAM10, ADAM17, AREG, and EREG and the second on downstream genes, particularly PTGS2. © 2013 Society for Reproduction and Fertility.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Endo-oligopeptidase A, EC, converts small enkephalin-containing peptides into the corresponding enkephalins in vitro. We investigated the presence of endooligopeptidase A in the retina and its possible colocalization with enkephalins in retinal neurons. The specific activity of endo-oligopeptidase A found in pigeon retinae (30.3 +/- 7.3 mU/mg, mean +/- standard deviation) was four times higher than in rabbit retinae (7.0 +/- 1.1 mU/mg). The enzyme activity was not modified by EDTA, but it was enhanced by dithiothreitol and inhibited by zinc and 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Immunohistochemical experiments with a purified antiserum against rabbit endo-oligopeptidase A revealed labeled neurons in both the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer of pigeon and rabbit retinae. Double-labeling immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated that about 90% of neurons containing endo-oligopeptidase A-like immunoreactivity also contained [Leu5]-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. These colocalization results may represent an important step toward the demonstration of the possible involvement of endo-oligopeptidase A in enkephalin generation in vivo.