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Introduction: Protease activated receptors (PARs) are G-protein-coupled transmembrane receptors that are expressed on many cell types and implicated in various inflammatory processes in vivo. The induction of PAR2 as a result of the inflammatory response associated with dental caries remains to be determined. Objectives: The aim was to localise the expression of PAR2 in human dental pulp from carious teeth and to confirm receptor functionality using an in vitro assay. Methods: Dental pulp sections from decalcified carious teeth were examined by immunocytochemsitry. Membrane preparations from cultured pulp fibroblasts were subject to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting to confirm fibroblast-associated immunoreactivity. The functionality of PAR2 on dental pulp fibroblasts was studied using calcium imaging in the presence of several potential activators including a PAR2 agonist (PAR2-AP), trypsin and pulpal enzymes from a carious tooth. Results: Immunocytochemistry revealed intense PAR2 immunoreactivity on pulpal fibroblasts subjacent to carious lesions but not in surrounding regions of the dental pulp. Pulp specimens from a dental injury model showed no expression of PAR2, suggesting its expression was related to cellular changes associated with ongoing caries. The localisation of PAR2 staining to pulpal fibroblasts in carious teeth was confirmed by Western blotting which revealed PAR2 immunoreactive bands in membrane fractions prepared from pulp fibroblasts. In functional studies, challenge of cultured pupal fibroblasts with PAR2-AP, trypsin and an extract of proteolytic enzymes from a carious dental pulp, showed specific activation of PAR2. Conclusions: This work demonstrates that PAR2 is functional and inducible in human dental pulp fibroblasts in response to caries and that endogenous pulpal enzymes can activate PAR2.


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O conhecimento de mecanismos de genómica funcional tem sido maioritariamente adquirido pela utilização de organismos modelo que são mantidos em condições laboratoriais. Contudo, estes organismos não reflectem as respostas a alterações ambientais. Por outro lado, várias espécies, ecologicamente bem estudadas, reflectem bem as interacções entre genes e ambiente mas que, das quais não existem recursos genéticos disponíveis. O imposex, caracterizado pela superimposição de caracteres sexuais masculinos em fêmeas, é induzido pelo tributilestanho (TBT) e trifenilestanho (TPT) e representa um dos melhores exemplos de disrupção endócrina com causas antropogénicas no ambiente aquático. Com o intuito de elucidar as bases moleculares deste fenómeno, procedeu-se à combinação das metodologias de pirosequenciação (sequenciação 454 da Roche) e microarrays (Agilent 4*180K) de forma a contribuir para um melhor conhecimento desta interacção gene-ambiente no gastrópode Nucella lapillus, uma espécie sentinela para imposex. O trancriptoma de N. lapillus foi sequenciado, reconstruído e anotado e posteriormente utilizado para a produção de um “array” de nucleótidos. Este array foi então utilizado para explorar níveis de expressão génica em resposta à contaminação por TBT. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram as hipóteses anteriormente propostas (esteróidica, neuroendócrina, retinóica) e adicionalmente revelou a existência de potenciais novos mecanismos envolvidos no fenómeno imposex. Evidência para alvos moleculares de disrupção endócrina não relacionados com funções reprodutoras, tais como, sistema imunitário, apoptose e supressores de tumores, foram identificados. Apesar disso, tendo em conta a forte componente reprodutiva do imposex, esta componente funcional foi a mais explorada. Assim, factores de transcrição e receptores nucleares lipofílicos, funções mitocondriais e actividade de transporte celular envolvidos na diferenciação de géneros estão na base de potenciais novos mecanismos associados ao imposex em N. lapillus. Em particular, foi identificado como estando sobre-expresso, um possível homólogo do receptor nuclear “peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma” (PPARγ), cuja função na indução de imposex foi confirmada experimentalmente in vivo após injecção dos animais com Rosiglitazone, um conhecido ligando de PPARγ em vertebrados. De uma forma geral, os resultados obtidos mostram que o fenómeno imposex é um mecanismo complexo, que possivelmente envolve a cascata de sinalização envolvendo o receptor retinoid X (RXR):PPARγ “heterodimer” que, até à data não foi descrito em invertebrados. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos apontam para alguma conservação de mecanismos de acção envolvidos na disrupção endócrina em invertebrados e vertebrados. Finalmente, a informação molecular produzida e as ferramentas moleculares desenvolvidas contribuem de forma significativa para um melhor conhecimento do fenómeno imposex e constituem importantes recursos para a continuação da investigação deste fenómeno e, adicionalmente, poderão vir a ser aplicadas no estudo de outras respostas a alterações ambientais usando N. lapillus como organismo modelo. Neste sentido, N. lapillus foi também utilizada para explorar a adaptação na morfologia da concha em resposta a alterações naturais induzidas por acção das ondas e pelo risco de predação por caranguejos. O contributo da componente genética, plástica e da sua interacção para a expressão fenotípica é crucial para compreender a evolução de caracteres adaptativos a ambientes heterogéneos. A contribuição destes factores na morfologia da concha de N. lapillus foi explorada recorrendo a transplantes recíprocos e experiências laboratoriais em ambiente comum (com e sem influência de predação) e complementada com análises genéticas, utilizando juvenis provenientes de locais representativos de costas expostas e abrigadas da acção das ondas. As populações estudadas são diferentes geneticamente mas possuem o mesmo cariótipo. Adicionalmente, análises morfométricas revelaram plasticidade da morfologia da concha em ambas as direcções dos transplantes recíprocos e também a retenção parcial, em ambiente comum, da forma da concha nos indivíduos da F2, indicando uma correlação positiva (co-gradiente) entre heritabilidade e plasticidade. A presença de estímulos de predação por caranguejos estimulou a produção de conchas com labros mais grossos, de forma mais evidente em animais recolhidos de costas expostas e também provocou alterações na forma da concha em animais desta proveniência. Estes dados sugerem contra-gradiente em alterações provocadas por predação na morfologia da concha, na produção de labros mais grossos e em níveis de crescimento. O estudo das interacções gene-ambiente descritas acima demonstram a actual possibilidade de produzir recursos e conhecimento genómico numa espécie bem caracterizada ecologicamente mas com limitada informação genómica. Estes recursos permitem um maior conhecimento biológico desta espécie e abrirão novas oportunidades de investigação, que até aqui seriam impossíveis de abordar.


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Le dogme voulant que les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (GPCRs) activent des voies de signalisation seulement lorsqu’ils sont localisés à la membrane plasmatique, a récemment été remis en question. Des données récentes indiquent que certains GPCRs peuvent également induire une réponse intracellulaire à partir des compartiments intracellulaires dont le noyau. Les récepteurs activés par la protéase (PAR) sont des membres de la famille GPCR. Les PARs sont activés par le clivage de la partie N–terminale du récepteur ce qui permet au ligand attaché sur le récepteur de se lier à sa poche réceptrice. Quatre PARs ont été décrits : PAR1, PAR2, PAR3 et PAR4. PAR2 peut susciter des effets mitogéniques et participer aux processus comme l’angiogenèse et l'inflammation. Alors que beaucoup d'effets intracellulaires de PAR2 peuvent être expliqués lorsqu’il est localisé à la membrane plasmatique, une fonction intracrine de PAR2 a aussi été proposée. Pourtant les mécanismes par lesquels PAR2 peut provoquer l’expression de gènes ciblés sont toujours inconnus. Le but de notre étude était de vérifier l’existence d’une population nucléaire de PAR2. Nous avons également émis l’hypothèse que les voies activées par l’activation de PAR2 dépendent de sa localization cellulaire. En utilisant des techniques de microscopie confocale et de "Western Blot" nous avons démontré la présence d’une population nucléaire de PAR2. À la suite de la stimulation de PAR2, nous avons observé une augmentation de la translocation du récepteur de la membrane plasmatique au noyau. En utilisant la technique de "RT – PCR", nous avons observé des rôles différents de PAR2 à la surface de la cellule et du noyau dans l’initiation de l’expression des gènes. Afin d’identifier les mécanismes responsables de la translocation nucléaire de PAR2, nous avons évalué l’implication des membres de la famille de "Sorting Nexins (SNX)" dans la translocation nucléaire de PAR2. "Sorting Nexins" est un groupe de protéines avec des fonctions de transport bien établies. SNX1 et SNX2 ont été identifiés comme responsables du transfert de PAR1 vers les lysosomes. SNX11 n'a pas encore été étudié et nous avons émis l’hypothèse qu'il pourrait être un autre membre de la famille des SNX impliqué dans la signalisation de PAR2. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé des "knockdowns" stables pour SNX1, SNX2 et SNX11 dans les cellules HEK293. En utilisant les essais d’immunofluorescence, "Western Blot" et de cytométrie en flux, nous avons déterminé que tous les trois membres du groupe SNX sont des partenaires d'interaction de PAR2. Toutefois, seul SNX11 se co-localise avec son partenaire au noyau et est responsable de sa translocation nucléaire. Les expériences de "RT - PCR" sur les lignées de cellule de SNXs "knockdowns" ont démontré que la fonction de PAR2 nucléaire dépend surtout de SNX11; néanmoins SNX1 et SNX2 peuvent aussi l’influencer, suggérant qu'ils font aussi partie du réseau signalétique de PAR2. En conclusion, PAR2 est déplacé de la membrane plasmatique à la membrane nucléaire après sa stimulation avec un agoniste. La translocation nucléaire de PAR2 par un mécanisme impliquant SNX11, initie des effets intracellulaires différents de sa signalisation membranaire. Mots clés : récepteurs couplés à la protéine G, “Sorting Nexins”, récepteurs activés par la protéase, translocation nucléaire, membrane nucléaire, signal nucléaire.


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Plusieurs cibles thérapeutiques dans le développement de médicaments contre l’obésité visent une diminution de l’appétit et de la masse adipeuse et à augmenter la dépense énergétique. L’appétit et le métabolisme énergétique sont régulés par certains neuropeptides qui agissent au niveau du système nerveux central, notamment dans l’hypothalamus. Parmi ces neuropeptides, les peptides RF-amide ou QRFP (pyroglutamylated RF-amide peptides), ainsi nommés par la présence du motif conservé Arg-Phe-NH2 dans le domaine C-terminal, induisent une hyperphagie et une augmentation de la masse adipeuse lorsqu’administrés par voie centrale. Les formes bioactives de ces peptides comprennent principalement 43 (QRFP-43) et 26 (QRFP-26) acides aminés. Outre les peptides QRFP, leurs récepteurs, les GPR103 de la famille des récepteurs à 7 passages transmembranaires couplés aux protéines G, sont exprimés dans l’hypothalamus. Plus récemment, des études ont montré la sécrétion de ces neuropeptides, et la présence du GPR103, dans le tissu adipeux. Cependant, le rôle de la voie signalétique (QRFP/GPR103) dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique au niveau périphérique est peu connu. Les travaux de cette thèse ont porté sur la caractérisation des effets adipogéniques périphériques des neuropeptides QRFP. En premier lieu, nos travaux ont montré que les adipocytes 3T3-L1 et les adipocytes murins isolés des dépôts adipeux blancs expriment le prépro-QRFP et uniquement le récepteur GPR103B, un des deux sous-types de récepteurs présents chez la souris. De plus, nous avons montré que l’expression du récepteur est régulée par une diète riche en lipides réduisant l’expression du prépro-QRFP, mais augmentant celle du GPR103B dans les dépôts lipidiques. Chez l’humain, les adipocytes de l’omentum expriment autant le GPR103 que le prépro-QRFP. Nous avons de plus étudié la fonctionnalité du GPR103B dans les adipocytes 3T3-L1 par l’utilisation d’ARN interférents. Nous avons observé que ce récepteur médie les effets adipogéniques des QRFPs en augmentant l’expression du récepteur nucléaire PPAR-gamma (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) et le facteur de transcription C/EBP-alpha (CCAAT-enhancer binding protein alpha) résultant en une accumulation des triglycérides. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence les effets anti-lipolytiques des QRFPs. En effet, les QRFP inhibent fortement la lipolyse induite avec l’isoprotérénol. L’étude des mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine des effets anti-lipolytiques du QRFP-43 a montré l’activation de la voie de signalisation PI3-K/PKB (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protéine kinase B) en réponse à la stimulation du GPR103B. La réponse anti-lipolytique induite par le QRFP-43 est associée à une diminution de la phosphorylation de la périlipine A (PLIN1a) et de la lipase hormono-sensible (HSL). Nos études ont élucidé les mécanismes conduisant à l’inhibition de la phosphorylation de la PLIN1a en réponse à l’activation du GPR103B, impliquant l’inhibition de la migration de la cavéoline 1 et de la sous unité catalytique de la protéine kinase A (PKA) au niveau des gouttelettes lipidiques, ainsi que l’inhibition de l’activité des Src kinases et de la protéine kinase C (PKC). En conclusion, nos travaux ont montré que les QRFP-43 et -26 exercent un effet adipogénique et anti-lipolytique dans les adipocytes, mettant ainsi en évidence le rôle des neuropeptides QRFPs dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique au niveau adipocytaire.


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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are important transcriptional nuclear hormone receptors, acting as either homodimers or the binding partner for at least one fourth of all the known human nuclear receptors. Functional nongenomic effects of nuclear receptors are poorly understood; however, recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, PPARbeta, and the glucocorticoid receptor have all been found active in human platelets. Human platelets express RXRalpha and RXRbeta. RXR ligands inhibit platelet aggregation and TXA(2) release to ADP and the TXA(2) receptors, but only weakly to collagen. ADP and TXA(2) both signal via the G protein, Gq. RXR rapidly binds Gq but not Gi/z/o/t/gust in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits Gq-induced Rac activation and intracellular calcium release. We propose that RXR ligands may have beneficial clinical actions through inhibition of platelet activation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a novel nongenomic mode for nuclear receptor action and a functional cross-talk between G-protein and nuclear receptor signaling families.


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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are important transcriptional nuclear hormone receptors, acting as either homodimers or the binding partner for at least one fourth of all the known human nuclear receptors. Functional nongenomic effects of nuclear receptors are poorly understood; however, recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, PPAR beta, and the glucocorticoid receptor have all been found active in human platelets. Human platelets express RXR alpha, and RXR beta. RXR ligands inhibit platelet aggregation and TXA(2) release to ADP and the TXA(2) receptors, but only weakly to collagen. ADP and TXA(2) both signal via the G protein, Gq. RXR rapidly binds Gq but not Gi/z/o/t/gust in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits Gq-induced Rac activation and intracellular calcium release. We propose that RXR ligands may have beneficial clinical actions through inhibition of platelet activation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a novel nongenomic mode for nuclear receptor action and a functional cross-talk between G-protein and nuclear receptor signaling families. (C) 2007 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Adipose tissue is a major storage site for lipophilic environmental contaminants. The environmental metabolic disruptor hypothesis postulates that some pollutants can promote obesity or metabolic disorders by activating nuclear receptors involved in the control of energetic homeostasis. In this context, monoethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) is of particular concern since it was shown to activate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) in 3T3-L1 murine preadipocytes. In the present work, we used an untargeted, combined transcriptomic-(1)H NMR-based metabonomic approach to describe the overall effect of MEHP on primary cultures of human subcutaneous adipocytes differentiated in vitro. MEHP stimulated rapidly and selectively the expression of genes involved in glyceroneogenesis, enhanced the expression of the cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and reduced fatty acid release. These results demonstrate that MEHP increased glyceroneogenesis and fatty acid reesterification in human adipocytes. A longer treatment with MEHP induced the expression of genes involved in triglycerides uptake, synthesis, and storage; decreased intracellular lactate, glutamine, and other amino acids; increased aspartate and NAD, and resulted in a global increase in triglycerides. Altogether, these results indicate that MEHP promoted the differentiation of human preadipocytes to adipocytes. These mechanisms might contribute to the suspected obesogenic effect of MEHP.


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The E3 ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl ubiquitinates the G protein-coupled receptor protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)), which is required for postendocytic sorting of activated receptors to lysosomes, where degradation terminates signaling. The mechanisms of PAR(2) deubiquitination and its importance in trafficking and signaling of endocytosed PAR(2) are unknown. We report that receptor deubiquitination occurs between early endosomes and lysosomes and involves the endosomal deubiquitinating proteases AMSH and UBPY. Expression of the catalytically inactive mutants, AMSH(D348A) and UBPY(C786S), caused an increase in PAR(2) ubiquitination and trapped the receptor in early endosomes, thereby preventing lysosomal trafficking and degradation. Small interfering RNA knockdown of AMSH or UBPY also impaired deubiquitination, lysosomal trafficking, and degradation of PAR(2). Trapping PAR(2) in endosomes through expression of AMSH(D348A) or UBPY(C786S) did not prolong the association of PAR(2) with beta-arrestin2 or the duration of PAR(2)-induced ERK2 activation. Thus, AMSH and UBPY are essential for trafficking and down-regulation of PAR(2) but not for regulating PAR(2) dissociation from beta-arrestin2 or PAR(2)-mediated ERK2 activation.


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PARs (protease-activated receptors) are a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors for proteases from the circulation, inflammatory cells and epithelial tissues. This report focuses on PAR(2), which plays an important role in inflammation and pain. Pancreatic (trypsin I and II) and extrapancreatic (trypsin IV) trypsins, mast cell tryptase and coagulation factors VIIa and Xa cleave and activate PAR(2). Proteases cleave PAR(2) to expose a tethered ligand that binds to the cleaved receptor. Despite this irreversible activation, PAR(2) signalling is attenuated by beta-arrestin-mediated desensitization and endocytosis, and by lysosomal targeting and degradation, which requires ubiquitination of PAR(2). beta-Arrestins also act as scaffolds for the assembly of multi-protein signalling complexes that determine the location and function of activated mitogen-activated protein kinases. Observations of PAR(2)-deficient mice support a role for PAR(2) in inflammation, and many of the effects of PAR(2) activators promote inflammation. Inflammation is mediated in part by activation of PAR(2) in the peripheral nervous system, which results in neurogenic inflammation and hyperalgesia.


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Endurance exercise is known to enhance peripheral insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin secretion. However, it is unknown whether the latter effect is due to the reduction in plasma substrate availability or alterations in beta-cell secretory machinery. Here, we tested the hypothesis that endurance exercise reduces insulin secretion by altering the intracellular energy-sensitive AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) signaling pathway. Male Wistar rats were submitted to endurance protocol training one, three, or five times per week, over 8 weeks. After that, pancreatic islets were isolated, and glucose-induced insulin secretion (GIIS), glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) protein content, total and phosphorylated calmodulin kinase kinase (CaMKII), and AMPK levels as well as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1-alpha (PGC-1 alpha) and uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) content were measured. After 8 weeks, chronic endurance exercise reduced GIIS in a dose-response manner proportionally to weekly exercise frequency. Contrariwise, increases in GLUT2 protein content, CaMKII and AMPK phosphorylation levels were observed. These alterations were accompanied by an increase in UCP2 content, probably mediated by an enhancement in PGC-1 alpha protein expression. In conclusion, chronic endurance exercise induces adaptations in beta-cells leading to a reduction in GIIS, probably by activating the AMPK signaling pathway. Journal of Endocrinology (2011) 208, 257-264


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In response to pathogen recognition by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on their cell surface, macrophages release lipid mediators and cytokines that are widely distributed throughout the body and play essential roles in host responses. Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is important for the immune response during infections to improve the clearance of microorganisms. In this study, we examined the release of mediators in response to TLR2 ligands by bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) primed with GM-CSF. We demonstrated that when stimulated with TLR2 ligands, non-primed BMDMs preferentially produced PGE(2) in greater amounts than LTB4. However, GM-CSF priming shifted the release of lipid mediators by BMDMs, resulting in a significant decrease of PGE(2) production in response to the same stimuli. The decrease of PGE(2) production from primed BMDMs was accompanied by a decrease in PGE-synthase mRNA expression and an increase in TNF-alpha and nitric oxide (NO) production. Moreover, some GM-CSF effects were potentiated by the addition of IFN-gamma. Using a variety of TLR2 ligands, we established that PGE(2) release by GM-CSF-primed BMDMs was dependent on TLR2 co-receptors (TLR1, TLR6), CD14, MyD88 and the nuclear translocation of NF kappa B but was not dependent on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) activation. Indeed, GM-CSF priming enhanced TLR2, TLR4 and MyD88 mRNA expression and phospho-I kappa B alpha formation. These findings demonstrate that GM-CSF drives BMDMs to present a profile relevant to the host during infections.


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Evidence points to a role of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway as a regulator of adiposity, yet its involvement as a mediator of the positive actions of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma agonism on lipemia, fat accretion, lipid uptake, and its major determinant lipoprotein lipase (LPL) remains to be elucidated. Herein we evaluated the plasma lipid profile, triacylglycerol (TAG) secretion rates, and adipose tissue LPL-dependent lipid uptake, LPL expression/activity, and expression profile of other lipid metabolism genes in rats treated with the PPAR gamma agonist rosiglitazone (15 mg/kg/day) in combination or not with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin (2 mg/kg/day) for 15 days. Rosiglitazone stimulated adipose tissue mTOR complex 1 and AMPK and induced TAG-derived lipid uptake (136%), LPL mRNA/activity (2- to 6-fold), and fat accretion in subcutaneous (but not visceral) white adipose tissue (WAT; 50%) and in brown adipose tissue (BAT; 266%). Chronic mTOR inhibition attenuated the upregulation of lipid uptake, LPL expression/activity, and fat accretion induced by PPAR gamma activation in both subcutaneous WAT and BAT, which resulted in hyperlipidemia. In contrast, rapamycin did not affect most of the other WAT lipogenic genes upregulated by rosiglitazone. Together these findings demonstrate that mTOR is a major regulator of adipose tissue LPL-mediated lipid uptake and a critical mediator of the hypolipidemic and lipogenic actions of PPAR gamma activation.-Blanchard, P-G., W. T. Festuccia, V. P. Houde, P. St-Pierre, S. Brule, V. Turcotte, M. Cote, K. Bellmann, A. Marette, and Y. Deshaies. Major involvement of mTOR in the PPAR gamma-induced stimulation of adipose tissue lipid uptake and fat accretion. J. Lipid Res. 2012. 53: 1117-1125.


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Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy (NFLE) is characterized by onset during infancy or childhood with persistence in adulthood, family history of similar nocturnal episodes simulating non-REM parasomnias (sleep terrors or sleepwalking), general absence of morphological substrates, often by normal interictal electroencephalographical recordings (EEGs) during wakefulness. A family history of epilepsy may be present with Mendelian autosomal dominant inheritance has been described in some families. Recent studies indicate the involvement of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the molecular mechanisms of NFLE. Mutations in the genes encoding for the α4 (CHRNA4) and ß2 (CHRNB2) subunits of the nAChR induce changes in the biophysical properties of nAChR, resulting generally in a “gain of function”. Preclinical studies report that activation of a nuclear receptor called type peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-α) by endogenous molecules or by medications (e.g. fenofibrate) reduces the activity of the nAChR and, therefore, may decrease the frequency of seizures. Thus, we hypothesize that negative modulation of nAChRs might represent a therapeutic strategy to be explored for pharmacological treatment of this form of epilepsy, which only partially responds to conventional antiepileptic drugs. In fact, carbamazepine, the current medication for NFLE, abolishes the seizures only in one third of the patients. The aim of the project is: 1)_to verify the clinical efficacy of adjunctive therapy with fenofibrate in pharmacoresistant NFLE and ADNFLE patients; focousing on the analysis of the polysomnographic action of the PPAR- agonist (fenofibrate). 2)_to demonstrate the subtended mechanism of efficacy by means of electrophysiological and behavioral experiments in an animal model of the disease: particularly, transgenic mice carrying the mutation in the nAChR 4 subunit (Chrna4S252F) homologous to that found in the humans. Given that a PPAR-α agonist, FENOFIBRATE, already clinically utilized for lipid metabolism disorders, provides a promising therapeutic avenue in the treatment of NFLE\ADNFLE.


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The current study investigated the effects of supplementing rumen-protected choline (RPC) on metabolic profile, selected liver constituents and transcript levels of selected enzymes, transcription factors and nuclear receptors involved in mammary lipid metabolism in dairy goats. Eight healthy lactating goats were studied: four received no choline supplementation (CTR group) and four received 4g RPC chloride/day (RPC group). The treatment was administered individually starting 4 weeks before expected kidding and continuing for 4 weeks after parturition. In the first month of lactation, milk yield and composition were measured weekly. On days 7, 14, 21 and 27 of lactation, blood samples were collected and analysed for glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate, non-esterified fatty acids and cholesterol. On day 28 of lactation, samples of liver and mammary gland tissue were obtained. Liver tissue was analysed for total lipid and DNA content; mammary tissue was analysed for transcripts of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), fatty acid synthase (FAS), sterol regulatory binding proteins 1 and 2, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and liver X receptor alpha. Milk yield was very similar in the two groups, but R PC goats had lower (P < 0.05) plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate. The total lipid content of liver was unaffected (P = 0.890), but the total lipid/DNA ratio was lower (both P < 0.05) in RPC than CTR animals. Choline had no effect on the expression of the mammary gland transcripts involved in lipid metabolism. The current plasma and liver data indicate that choline has a positive effect on liver lipid metabolism, whereas it appears to have little effect on transcript levels in mammary gland of various proteins involved in lipid metabolism. Nevertheless, the current results were obtained from a limited number of animals, and choline requirement and function in lactating dairy ruminants deserve further investigation.