133 resultados para PRODUCTIVELY LINDELOF


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A comunicação proxêmica, dentre outros aspectos, compreende o estudo social dos espaços, das relações interpessoais e de todas as variáveis que dizem respeito à interação entre os seres humanos. É importante o estudo e a aplicação da comunicação proxêmica no cotidiano do trabalho de enfermeiros, para que esta seja compreendida e empregada de maneira producente no processo relacional dos trabalhadores em todos os momentos de sua prática, em especial, do cuidado. Estudo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (CEPAS), sob o número 23116.003684/2012-4, com o objetivo de analisar a comunicação proxêmica no trabalho de enfermeiros hospitalares. Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, de cunho descritivo, onde a coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de observações não participantes e entrevistas semipadronizadas com 10 enfermeiros da unidade de terapia intensiva e serviço de pronto atendimento de um hospital universitário no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, mediante assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Os dados foram analisados através da Análise Qualitativa de Conteúdo estabelecida por Mayring, de onde emergiram categorias apriorísticas provenientes dos fatores proxêmicos preconizados por Edward Hall: Postura-sexo, Eixo Sociofugo-Sociopeto, Fatores Cinestésicos ou Cinésicos, Comportamento de Contato, Código Visual, Código Térmico, Código Olfativo e Volume da Voz. Os dados foram interpretados a partir das concepções de Hall ( 16 de maio de 1914 – 20 de julho de 2009 †) e as ideias de diversos autores do universo científico. Este processo resultou em dois artigos. No primeiro artigo “A prática da comunicação proxêmica no manejo do cuidado no trabalho de enfermeiros hospitalares” percebeu-se que, embora os enfermeiros reconheçam a importância do toque, do contato físico, para a prestação de um cuidado holístico e humanizado, os fatores cinésicos/cinestésicos e comportamento de contato, estão associados à avaliação e ao diagnóstico. Com relação às questões térmicas e olfativas os profissionais omitem em suas reações os constrangimentos oriundos das sensações desagradáveis que o toque na pele ou os odores dos pacientes podem causar. Já no segundo artigo intitulado “A comunicação proxêmica na prática de enfermeiros hospitalares”, verificou-se que apenas um dos sujeitos do estudo não estabeleceu contato visual com o paciente. A maioria dos sujeitos empregou um tom de voz normal nas interações com os pacientes. O sexo não influenciou na postura dos interlocutores, como demonstrou o fator postura-sexo e as posições dos enfermeiros ao executar as tarefas diárias, entre face a face e lateralizada, e nenhum dos sujeitos posicionou-se de costas durante as interações, como pode-se perceber através do estudo do eixo sociofugo-sociopeto. O estudo também promoveu reflexões a respeito da comunicação proxêmica e da importância de sua incorporação ao trabalho dos enfermeiros.


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Background: Ideally, bacteriophages of pathogenic bacterial hosts should be polyvalent to be able to replicate in an alternative nonpathogenic bacterium. Thus, accidental infection by the original host can be avoided when bacteriophage lysates are used in biocontrol protocols. Results: From 15 wastewater samples, collected at different sites in the V Region in Chile, we selected three bacteriophages (FC, FP, and FQ) capable of productively infecting Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation, the bacteriophages were found to belong to the order Caudoviridae. Molecular analyses indicated that FC, FP, and FQ contained double-stranded DNA genomes, of sizes similar to bacteriophage P22, and distinct recognition sites for the restriction endonucleases HaeIII and HindIII. Assays of host range revealed that the bacteriophages were polyvalent and thus capable of infecting different strains of Escherichia coli and other serovars of Salmonella . Conclusion: We have isolated newbacteriophages of the serovar Choleraesuiswith various potential applications in relation to this pathogenic bacterium.


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La exclusión del mercado de trabajo de las personas con discapacidad es un problema social que debe ser abordado por el profesional en Trabajo Social, para que intervenga en el proceso de incorporación al mundo laboral, ya sea demandando, sensibilizando o diseñando mecanismos como la capacitacióntanto a las empresas como a las PCDpara evitar su exclusión social y laboral. Se empezarádefiniendo el concepto sobre discapacidad, su clasificación en el Ecuador, estadísticas en los diferentes contextos, y aspectos sobre la inclusión laboral de las personas con discapacidad. También se recopilará las leyes vigentes que amparan la inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad, a nivel internacional, nacional y local. Se pretende además socializar la intervención de los profesionales en Trabajo Social, de las distintas empresas públicas y privadas como: Graiman, Indurama, Pasamanería Tosi, Municipio, Etapa y el Ministerio de Obras Públicas, debido a sus experiencias dentro del proceso de inclusión laboral de las personas con discapacidad, a través del análisis e interpretación de los resultados de las entrevistas aplicadas. Finalmente se expone la realización de una propuesta de capacitación, la cual oriente en los diferentes procesos de intervención del Trabajador Social con las personas con discapacidad dentro del ámbito laboral, como un referente a ser considerado y adoptado para la mejora de su calidad en la inclusión laboral, valorándolos como seres humanos trabajadores que aportan de manera productiva al crecimiento de la empresa y del país.


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This paper provides a review of recent developments in population-based approaches to community health and explores the origins of the population health concept and its implications for the operation of health service management. There is a growing perception among health professionals that the key to improving health outcomes will be the implementation of integrated and preventive population-based resource management rather than investment in systems that respond to crises and health problems at the acute end of the service provision spectrum only. That is, we will need increasingly to skew our community health and welfare investments towards preventive care, education, lifestyle change, self-management and environmental improvement if we are to reduce the rate of growth in the incidence of chronic disease and mitigate the impact of these diseases upon the acute health care system. While resources will still need to be devoted to the treatment and management of physical trauma, infectious diseases, inherited illness and chronic conditions, it is suggested we could reduce the rate at which demand for these services is increasing at present by managing our environment and communities better, and through the implementation of more effective early intervention programs across particular population groups. Such approaches are known generally as population health management, as opposed to individual or illness - based health management' or even public health - and suggest that health systems might productively focus in the future on population level causation and not just upon disease-specific problems or illness management after the fact. Population health approaches attempt to broaden our understanding of causation and manage health through an emphasis on the health of whole populations and by building healthy communities rather than seeing "health care" as predominantly about illness management or responses to health crises. The concept also presupposes the existence of cleaner and healthier environments, clean water and food, and the existence of vibrant social contexts in which individuals are able to work for the overall good of communities and, ultimately, of each other.


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The author and associated researchers have in previous projects adapted videogame technology for design in the context of architectural design education. This paper reflects on this body of research: the original motivations and aspirations; what threads may be productively revisited; how contemporary shifts to parametric design and building information modelling may be incorporated; and considers how some aspects of game play, in particular competition, may seed Interdisciplinary Design environments for Engineering and Architecture (IDeEA).


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Influential bodies of work in language acquisition studies single out heritage bilingualism as a discrete acquisition process within the bilingualism continuum. In regards to the acquisition of WH-/QU- interrogatives containing prepositional phrases (PP), the present study examined whether heritage speakers (HS) of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) produce preposition stranding (P-stranding) constructions in their heritage language, in contrast to monolingual and adult speakers of BP, where prepositions are pied-piped to form the interrogative. Participants were HS of BP born in the USA and in Brazil, monolinguals, and late bilingual adults. The experiment consisted of an elicited production task and a grammaticality judgment task, both carried out in BP and then in English. Results showed that HS born in the USA use P-stranding in QU- interrogatives productively and systematically, in contrast to the other three groups. Moreover, no evidence of protracted acquisition was found in this group. No signs of attrition were detected among bilinguals.


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English education has recently experienced radical policy reform in the areas of school autonomy and accountability. The key focus of this paper is on how schools might best navigate through these policy moves. It highlights how these moves have constructed schools, teachers and students in problematic ways but also how they are offering possibilities for improving the quality of schools and schooling. The focus here is on the promise and scope of school collaboration. The difficulties of creating socially responsive and responsible collaboratives in the current ‘heterarchical’ and market-oriented policy environment are acknowledged. Guided by quality democratic governance, they are, nonetheless, presented as crucial in supporting schools to productively deal with the demands of this environment.


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This paper explores issues of equity and group identity at ‘Hamilton Court’, a large comprehensive multi-faith and multi-cultural school located in England. The exploration draws on data gathered from a study that examined the conditions, structures and practices associated with productively addressing issues of justice and cultural diversity. The paper focuses, in particular, on the voices of two learning mentors, ‘Rosanna’ and ‘Yasmeen’. With reference to a cultural event at the school based around an Asian-inspired Bollywood Dance Festival, the school’s approach to absence requests on the basis of religious observance, and the disadvantage experienced by a particular White British working class boy, the paper highlights tensions and problematics associated with issues of equity, schooling and group identity. The paper makes a theoretical contribution to debates in this area. Further illustrating the limitations of distributive understandings of equity that begin with group identity politics and fail to consider matters of context in struggles against cultural oppressions, it examines the possibilities of an equity approach that instead begins with a focus on overcoming these relations of oppression.


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Politicians, newspaper reporters and parents alike seem to need to classify young people’s work as either screen-based or social; as either virtual or ‘real’; as either digital or print. This provocation uses classroom video footage to demonstrate the imbrication of digital- and print-based literacies that is supported when expert literacy teachers use mobile touch screen devices with their students. The aim is to expose the nonsense of dichotomous thinking in relation to teaching and curriculum practices.Provocation: The notional distinction between digital- and print-based is easily troubled when we look at practice, but clearly this distinction serves some agendas well, particularly in terms of the ‘fit’ with, and reproduction of, established practices for managing resources and knowledge. If this distinction is largely a fiction, what might the public relations ‘spin’ be that would speak productively to stakeholders in literacy education?


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Digital culture and the online world have profound implications for contemporary notions of literacy, learning and curriculum. The increasing integration of digital culture and technologies into young people’s lives reflects the energy and excitement offered by online worlds. Online forms of text and communication are shaping students’ experience of the world, including expectations and experiences about learning and literacy. While print literacies remain important, for schools to prepare students to participate in critical and agential ways in the contemporary and future world, they need also to teach them to be fully literate in digital and multimodal literacies, and at ease and in control in the online world. Computer games, and other forms of digital games, teach and exemplify multimodal forms of literacy. Schools can capitalize on their potential and work with them productively. Doing so however, entails recognizing the messy complexity of schooling, and the practicalities of classroom lives. This chapter reports on a three year project in five schools concerned with literacy and computer games, and discusses the important role of teachers as on-the- ground leaders in pioneering new conceptions of literacy, and of curriculum change, and the importance of school structures and support to enable such change to happen.


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This article presents one teacher’s perspective on issues of student difference. ‘Elissa’s’ account begins with her views as a pre-service teacher and continues through to her early career teaching. Elissa’s overwhelming tendency to construct students of difference as deficit alongside her efforts to ‘fix’ these deficits to align with an Anglo-Australian middle class ideal strongly resonate with concerns long expressed in the literature about teacher–student cultural discontinuity; teachers’ ill-preparedness for addressing student diversity; and the failure of universities to support pre-service teachers in this respect. Amid broader climates of unprecedented diversity where equity for marginalised groups is a mandated schooling goal, Elissa’s story is another cautionary tale. It further illuminates the gap between the kinds of teachers currently being produced and the kinds of teachers likely to realise social justice through education. As such it provides further warrant for rethinking how best to support teachers to productively address student diversity.


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This paper presents interview data from a case study of ‘Lemontyne College’; a large government school situated in a ‘master planned community’ (MPC) in Australia. The paper draws on Ball’s (2003) theorising of performativity and fabrication to analyse this school’s take up of the status‐oriented corporate discourses of performance, competition and accountability. This theorising brings to light the ways in which the managerial processes at the school, driven by the administration’s embracing of these discourses, shape Lemontyne into an auditable commodity and fabricate an identity around being ‘number 1’. The paper highlights the lack of authenticity of this fabrication by drawing attention to its careful and deliberate construction. Our focus here is on the surveillance and accountability measures required to discipline teachers into this performative sociality and on the alternative reality articulated by teachers in terms of their resistance to this sociality. To these ends, the paper highlights how Lemontyne’s embracing of performative discourses results in a de‐socialisation of schooling relations. We propose that such de‐socialisation compromises efforts in schools to respond productively to social change and in particular to the new equity challenges arising in contexts such as Lemontyne situated in a MPC.


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El presente trabajo muestra los tipos de liderazgo de rango total y su relación con respecto a la gestión del conocimiento. Para ello, en primer lugar, se efectúa la investigación teórica del liderazgo transaccional y del liderazgo transformacional, ya que estos hacen parte del liderazgo de rango total, de igual forma se estudiará los aspectos primordiales de la gestión del conocimiento, dando cavidad al análisis de la relación entre dichos conceptos y cómo influyen en la perdurabilidad de las organizaciones. Se evidencian resultados que señalan: La existencia de una fuerte interrelación entre el liderazgo y la gestión del conocimiento, de forma que las empresas precisan de un mayor conocimiento acerca de las características del liderazgo para facilitar la comprensión e implantación de las mejores prácticas en la organización (Barbosa, Mihi & Noguera, 2013, sección de Resumen, párr. 1) Una organización se encuentra orientada a identificar objetivos y las estrategias más adecuadas para conseguirlos, siendo está una actividad primordial en la gestión empresarial, la cual logra organizar y disponer todos los recursos humanos para la optimización de cada uno de sus trabajadores teniendo en cuenta los efectos del entorno, por lo tanto la actualidad empresarial se encuentra guiada hacia la elección de personal con altas habilidades de liderazgo y gestión del conocimiento, siendo de esta forma la razón del estudio adecuado del liderazgo orientándonos en el modelo de liderazgo de rango total y la importancia de la gestión del conocimiento en la actualidad. Se evidencian numerosos estudios de investigación en donde se han relacionado el estilo de liderazgo organizacional con óptimos resultados (Vega & Zavala, 2004). Lo cual permite realizar investigaciones de diferentes autores sobre la relación que se evidencia entre la gestión del conocimiento y los diferentes tipos de liderazgo del modelo de rango total, y como sus actos pueden llevar a la organización privada a la perdurabilidad, lo cual se definiría como una organización que: A través del tiempo presenta resultados financieros superiores. Adecua su manejo a la intensidad de las condiciones del entorno sectorial y las fuerzas del mercado. Se enfoca en espacios no explotados y hace un estudio detallado de sus competidores diseñando y ejecutando productivamente la cadena de valor. Es aquella que obtiene desempeños eficientes en su gestión por la coherencia de su acción, la identificación de su entorno sectorial y sus políticas de gobierno, evitando estados de morbidez que dificultan su crecimiento rentable y que puede llegar a estados tanticos. Propicia la alineación de las personas con la empresa, la construcción de conocimiento y la calidad en los procesos de interacción social. (Rivera, 2012, p.107)