920 resultados para PID tuning. PID auto-tuning. Evaluation of control loops. Relay method. PID controllers
Background: the effect of supragingival plaque control on clinical signs of periodontitis is controversial, particularly when smoking habits are considered. This study evaluated the clinical effects of supragingival plaque control on clinical signs of periodontitis in smokers and never-smokers.Methods: the following data were collected for 25 never-smokers and 25 smokers at baseline and 30, 90, and 180 days: visible plaque index (VPI), gingival bleeding index (GBI), bleeding on probing (BOP), periodontal probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment loss (CAL). After baseline examinations, supragingival scaling was performed. Oral hygiene practices were reinforced and reevaluated weekly during the experimental period. Linear models adjusted for clustering of observations within individuals were used for statistical analysis.Results: Reductions in VPI were significant for both groups, with no intergroup differences. GBI at baseline was similar between groups, and at 30, 90, and 180 days, smokers had a lower GBI than never-smokers. Significant reductions were observed in PD for shallow (1 to 3 mm), moderate (4 to 5 mm), and deep sites (>= 6 mm) in both groups. CAL was significantly greater in smokers throughout the study, but gains in attachment were similar for both groups (0.71 to 1.00 mm). BOP reductions were similar in both groups.Conclusions: Supragingival plaque control resulted in significant changes in clinical parameters associated with gingivitis and periodontitis. Smoking did not affect results, regardless of initial PD.
The best solvent for paprika oleoresin extraction was determined by comparison with a commercial oleoresin. Pigment composition was determined by HPLC. The solvent system hexane/acetone/isopropilic alcohol (3:2:1) shown to be the best for extraction of the oleoresin, giving the best yield and colour value and a chromatographic pattern identical to that of the commercial oleoresin.
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is characterized by a combination of symptoms affecting the temporomandibular joint and/or chewing muscles. The two most common clinical TMD symptoms are pain and dysfunction. Pain is usually caused by dysfunction, and emergency therapy has focused on controlling it. Recent investigations into TMD have led to the recommendation of antidepressants as a supporting treatment against constant neuralgic pain. The aim of this double-blind study was to verify the efficiency of antidepressants (amitriptyline) as a support in the treatment of chronic TMD pain. Twelve female volunteers presenting chronic TMD pain were divided into two groups and treated for 14 days: Group 1 with 25 mg/day of amitriptyline and Group 2 with a placebo. The intensity of pain and discomfort was evaluated daily, using a visual analog scale (VAS), over a period of seven days preceding the treatment (baseline), during the 14-day treatment, and for seven days after the treatment. The results revealed a significant reduction of pain and discomfort in Group 1 (75%) compared to Group 2 (28%) during the three weeks beginning at baseline (p< 0.01). Amitriptyline proved to be an efficient alternative treatment for chronic pain in TMD patients. Copyright © 2003 by CHROMA, Inc.
Postbloom fruit drop (PFD) of citrus, caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, infects petals of citrus flowers and produces orange-brown lesions that induce the abscission of young fruitlets and the retention of calyces. Proper timing of fungicide applications is essential for good disease control. Different systems for timing of fungicide applications for control of PFD in a major citrus-growing region in southern São Paulo state in Brazil were evaluated from 1999 to 2002. The following programs were compared to an unsprayed control using counts of diseased flowers, persistent calyces, or fruit: (i) a phenology-based program currently recommended in Brazil with one application at early and another at peak bloom; (ii) the Florida PFD model; (iii) the postbloom fruit drop-fungicide application decision system (PFD-FAD), a new computer-assisted decision method; and (iv) grower's choice. In 1999, no disease developed, sprays applied with the phenology-based program had no effect, and the Florida PFD model saved two sprays compared with the phenology-based program. In 2000, PFD was moderate and the phenology-based and growers' choice treatments had a significantly lower number of persistent calyces and higher fruit numbers than the control, but no differences were found between those treatments and the PFD model. In 2001, PFD was severe with considerable yield loss. The PFD model, the phenology-based program, and the grower's choice reduced flower blight and the number of persistent calyces, and improved fruit yields with two to three applications, but the PFD-FAD achieved comparable yields with only one spray. In 2002, the disease was mild, with no yield loss, and the Florida PFD model and the PFD-FAD saved one spray compared with the other systems. The PFD model and the PFD-FAD were equally effective for timing fungicide applications to control PFD in Brazil. Scouting of trees is simpler with PFD-FAD; therefore, this system is recommended and should eliminate unnecessary sprays and reduce costs for growers.
We evaluated the effects of disinfection and aging on the hardness of silicones containing opacifiers and intended for use in facial prosthetics. A total of 90 samples were produced using a cylindrical metal mold 3 mm in height and 30 mm in diameter. The samples were fabricated from Silastic MDX 4-4210 silicone in three groups: GI contained no opacifier, GII contained barium sulfate (Ba), and GIII contained titanium dioxide (Ti). The samples were disinfected using effervescent tablets (Ef), neutral soap (Ns), or 4% chlorhexidine (Cl) 3 times a week for 60 days. After this period the samples underwent 1,008 hours of accelerated aging. The hardness was measured using a durometer immediately following the disinfection period and after 252, 504, and 1,008 hours of aging. The data were statistically analyzed using 3-way ANOVA and the Tukey test (p < .05). The GIII group exhibited the greatest variation in hardness regardless of elapsed time. All groups displayed greater hardness after 1,008 hours of accelerated aging independent of disinfectant type. All of the hardness values were within the clinically acceptable range.
Euphorbia tirucalli Lineu (Aveloz) belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and is used in the treatment of cancer and warts. Some studies have reported that phorbol esters are the active principles responsible for the antitumor activity of Aveloz. The production of these molecules occurs in greater quantity in May, during the morning. This study aimed to evaluate whether the physico-chemical parameters of Aveloz homeopathic aqueous solutions such as pH, electrical conductivity and refractive index change due to storage time. Such parameters were measured regularly for 180 days. All solutions were prepared according to the method of grinding with lactose and subsequent dissolution in aqueous medium, as described in the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, using as starting point the Aveloz latex collected in May. Homeopathic aqueous solutions containing only lactose were also prepared and evaluated as a control group. The potencies that were analyzed for electrical conductivity, pH and refractive index were: 4cH, 7cH, 9cH, 12cH, 14cH, 15cH, 29cH, 30cH. As a result, we found out that there was only statistical difference (p=0.035) in electrical conductivity between the homeopathic solutions containing Aveloz and the homeopathic solutions without Aveloz, when 15cH potency was compared. We also observed that the electrical conductivity increased with the aging of the solutions but is not directly related to the pH or the refractive index of the solutions, indicating that the aging process may alter the electrical conductivity of the homeopathic medicines. The presence of gas inside the glass that stores these solutions may affect the electrical conductivity measurements. Finally, no statistically significant difference was observed (p> 0.05) in the pH and refractive index.
O objetivo deste ensaio clínico randomizado foi avaliar o comportamento clínico das restaurações adesivas, usando um adesivo convencional de três passos (CTP), um adesivo autocondicionante de um passo (AUP) e uma técnica simplificada da adesão úmida por etanol (AUET) antes da aplicação de uma resina composta em lesões cervicais não-cariosas. Noventa e três restaurações (31 para cada grupo) foram realizadas em 17 pacientes por um único operador. Nenhum preparo cavitário foi realizado. Depois de 6 e 12 meses, as restaurações foram avaliadas por 2 examinadores previamente treinados, utilizando critérios de Ryge modificados para retenção (kappa=1,00) e adaptação/manchamento marginal (kappa=0,81), e os resultados foram analisados pelos testes Exato de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis, respectivamente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos aos 6 e 12 meses para qualquer um dos critérios avaliados (p≥0,05). A análise intra-grupo feita pelos testes Q de Cochran (para retenção) e Wilcoxon (para adaptação/manchamento marginal) revelou diferenças significativas entre os intervalos de tempo baseline/12 meses para a adaptação marginal no AUP (p=0,0180) e manchamento marginal no CTP (p=0,0117). A análise de sobrevivência para o critério retenção realizada utilizando o teste de log-rank não apresentou diferenças significantes (p≥0,05). As restaurações feitas utilizando a técnica simplificada da adesão úmida por etanol comportaram-se igualmente às outras estratégias adesivas empregadas.
Piper aduncum L. é uma planta que ocorre na Amazônia Brasileira com elevado teor de óleo essencial e que apresenta propriedades biológicas utilizáveis na agricultura e saúde humana. Com o objetivo de avaliar germoplasma visando ao melhoramento genético e cultivo econômico, realizaram-se coletas (inflorescências, estacas, folhas e ramos finos) em dez municípios da Amazônia Brasileira (Manaus, Marabá, Goianésia, Moju, Belém, Santa Izabel, Americano, Bonito, Santarém Novo e Aveiro). Tomaram-se dados do ambiente, populações e de doze caracteres morfoagronômicos (número de folhas por ramo, comprimento da folha, largura da folha, circunferência do ramo mais velho, altura da planta, número de ramos ortotrópicos, número de ramos plagiotrópicos, comprimento do entrenó, número de espigas por ramo, rendimento de óleo, teor e produção de dilapiol). As inflorescências e estacas foram identificadas e encaminhadas para a UFRA em Belém-PA e, as folhas e ramos finos, para o Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-MPEG, para extração do óleo essencial (hidrodestilação). Utilizaram-se estimadores de média, desvio padrão, coeficiente de variação e amplitude total para estudo da variabilidade fenotípica. As matrizes prevalenceram em ambientes antropizados, solos argilosos, condições de drenagem variáveis, terrenos planos e clima Ami, como também predominaram populações definíveis pela agregação dos indivíduos, em terra alta e a pleno sol, serrapilheira, tamanho das populações e presença de plântulas no chão muito variáveis. Os caracteres de maior variabilidade foram número de ramos ortotrópicos, número de espigas por ramo, circunferência do ramo mais velho (morfológicos), teor e produção de dilapiol (agronômicos). Concluiu-se que a espécie apresenta adaptação a diferentes ambientes com relação à vegetação, solo, clima, relevo e drenagem, facilitando o cultivo e domesticação. Há variabilidade morfoagronômica favorecendo a seleção e fitomelhoramento.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of acaricide applications and pruning of symptomatic branches in citrus leprosis management in Brazil. It was conducted in an orange plantation of the 'Pera' variety, grafted onto the 'Cleopatra' tangerine, in two seasons (2006-2007 and 2007-2008). The experimental design was randomized blocks in a factorial scheme consisting of the following factors: (A) acaricide, in three levels: spirodiclofen and cyhexatin applied in rotation, lime sulphur; no acaricides; (B) pruning to remove branches that showed symptoms of leprosis, with two levels: with pruning, without pruning. We carried out periodic assessments of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) populations (vector of the leprosis virus), leprosis incidence and severity, fruit yield, and the economic feasibility of the applied strategies. Based on the results, we concluded that spirodiclofen and cyhexatin were more effective than lime sulphur in B. phoenicis control. Control with lime sulphur required more applications than spirodiclofen and cyhexatin in rotation, making it more expensive. Pruning of symptomatic branches used in isolation was not sufficiently effective to control leprosis and significantly increased control costs. Profits were higher when the control involved sprayings of spirodiclofen and cyhexatin in alternation, with or without pruning.
The Cell-dyn 3500 is a multiparameter flow cytometer, which may analyze samples from several species performing several simultaneous analyses. It is able to perform white blood cells, red blood cells and platelet counts, besides differential leukocyte counts, packed cell volume and hemoglobin determination. Cell-Dyn 3500 performs total leukocyte count both optically and by impedance. The equipment may choose one or other method, based on the reliability of the results. Erythrocyte and platelet counts are determined by impedance. Leukocyte differentiation is based on an optical principle, using separation in multiangular polarized light. The objective of this study was to compare the results of complete blood count of Zebu Nellore heifers from Cell-dyn 3500, with those obtained from a semi-automated cell counter (Celm CC 510) and the manual technique. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein in 5 mL EDTA vacuum tubes from 58 Nellore heifers, at 24 months of age. Samples were processed in parallel in the three different techniques. Results were analyzed using paired t test, Pearson's correlation and the Bland-Altmann method. There was a strong correlation for all parameters analyzed by Cell-Dyn 3500, manual method and semi-automated cell counter, except for basophils and monocytes counts. These results confirm that this analyzer is reliable for blood samples analysis of zebu cattle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A fuzzy ruled-based system was developed in this study and resulted in an index indicating the level of uncertainty related to commercial transactions between cassava growers and their dealers. The fuzzy system was developed based on Transaction Cost Economics approach. The fuzzy system was developed from input variables regarding information sharing between grower and dealer on “Demand/purchase Forecasting”, “Production Forecasting” and “Production Innovation”. The output variable is the level of uncertainty regarding the transaction between seller and buyer agent, which may serve as a system for detecting inefficiencies. Evidences from 27 cassava growers registered in the Regional Development Offices of Tupa and Assis, São Paulo, Brazil, and 48 of their dealers supported the development of the system. The mathematical model indicated that 55% of the growers present a Very High level of uncertainty, 33% present Medium or High. The others present Low or Very Low level of uncertainty. From the model, simulations of external interferences can be implemented in order to improve the degree of uncertainty and, thus, lower transaction costs.