944 resultados para PHYSICAL CONDITIONS
To evaluate the effects of temperature and pCO2 on coral larvae, brooded larvae of Pocillopora damicornis from Nanwan Bay, Taiwan (21°56.179' N, 120°44.85' E), were exposed to ambient (419-470 µatm) and high (604-742 µatm) pCO2 at ~25 and ~29 °C in two experiments conducted in March 2010 and March 2012. Larvae were sampled from four consecutive lunar days (LD) synchronized with spawning following the new moon, incubated in treatments for 24 h, and measured for respiration, maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (F v/F m), and mortality. The most striking outcome was a strong effect of time (i.e., LD) on larvae performance: respiration was affected by an LD × temperature interaction in 2010 and 2012, as well as an LD × pCO2 × temperature interaction in 2012; F v/F m was affected by LD in 2010 (but not 2012); and mortality was affected by an LD × pCO2 interaction in 2010, and an LD × temperature interaction in 2012. There were no main effects of pCO2 in 2010, but in 2012, high pCO2 depressed metabolic rate and reduced mortality. Therefore, differences in larval performance depended on day of release and resulted in varying susceptibility to future predicted environmental conditions. These results underscore the importance of considering larval brood variation across days when designing experiments. Subtle differences in experimental outcomes between years suggest that transgenerational plasticity in combination with unique histories of exposure to physical conditions can modulate the response of brooded coral larvae to climate change and ocean acidification.
Introduction - SiO 2 •Simple composition and structure; Crystalline and amorphous phases •Adequate for atomistic simulations •Abundant in nature. Relevant for many technologies -Irradiation with swift heavy ions: •They provide EXTREME physical conditions •Very high excitation densities similar to high power lasers •Very high local temperatures •By playing with high energy and heavy mass (SHI) : •One can go from low electronic excitations (collisions regime) to high electronic excitations (electronic regime
To develop effective cycling policies, decision makers and administrators should know the factors influencing the use of the bicycle for daily mobility. Traditional discrete choice models tend to be based on variables such as time and cost, which do not sufficiently explain the choice of the bicycle as a mode of transportation. Because psychological factors have been identified as particularly influential in the decision to commute by bicycle, this paper examines the perceptions of cycling factors and their influence on commuting by bicycle. Perceptions are measured by attitudes, other psychological variables, and habits. Statistical differences in the variables are established in relation to the choice of commuting mode and bicycle experience (commuter, sport-leisure, no use). Doing so enables the authors to identify the main barriers to commuting by bicycle and to make recommendations for cycling policies. Two underlying structures (factors) of the attitudinal variables are identified: direct benefits and long-term benefits. Three other factors are related to variables of difficulty: physical conditions, external facilities, and individual capacities. The effect of attitudes and other psychological variables on people's decision to cycle to work-place of study is tested by using a logit model. In the case study of Madrid, Spain, the decision to cycle to work-place of study is heavily influenced by cycling habits (for noncommuting trips). Because bicycle commuting is not common, attitudes and other psychological variables play a less important role in the use of bikes.
Sustaining irrigated agriculture to meet food production needs while maintaining aquatic ecosystems is at the heart of many policy debates in various parts of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Researchers and practitioners are increasingly calling for integrated approaches, and policy-makers are progressively supporting the inclusion of ecological and social aspects in water management programs. This paper contributes to this policy debate by providing an integrated economic-hydrologic modeling framework that captures the socio-economic and environmental effects of various policy initiatives and climate variability. This modeling integration includes a risk-based economic optimization model and a hydrologic water management simulation model that have been specified for the Middle Guadiana basin, a vulnerable drought-prone agro-ecological area with highly regulated river systems in southwest Spain. Namely, two key water policy interventions were investigated: the implementation of minimum environmental flows (supported by the European Water Framework Directive, EU WFD), and a reduction in the legal amount of water delivered for irrigation (planned measure included in the new Guadiana River Basin Management Plan, GRBMP, still under discussion). Results indicate that current patterns of excessive water use for irrigation in the basin may put environmental flow demands at risk, jeopardizing the WFD s goal of restoring the ?good ecological status? of water bodies by 2015. Conflicts between environmental and agricultural water uses will be stressed during prolonged dry episodes, and particularly in summer low-flow periods, when there is an important increase of crop irrigation water requirements. Securing minimum stream flows would entail a substantial reduction in irrigation water use for rice cultivation, which might affect the profitability and economic viability of small rice-growing farms located upstream in the river. The new GRBMP could contribute to balance competing water demands in the basin and to increase economic water productivity, but might not be sufficient to ensure the provision of environmental flows as required by the WFD. A thoroughly revision of the basin s water use concession system for irrigation seems to be needed in order to bring the GRBMP in line with the WFD objectives. Furthermore, the study illustrates that social, economic, institutional, and technological factors, in addition to bio-physical conditions, are important issues to be considered for designing and developing water management strategies. The research initiative presented in this paper demonstrates that hydro-economic models can explicitly integrate all these issues, constituting a valuable tool that could assist policy makers for implementing sustainable irrigation policies.
To develop effective cycling policies, decision makers and administrators should know the factors influencing the use of the bicycle for daily mobility. Traditional discrete choice models tend to be based on variables such as time and cost, which do not sufficiently explain the choice of the bicycle as a mode of transportation. Because psychological factors have been identified as particularly influential in the decision to commute by bicycle, this paper examines the perceptions of cycling factors and their influence on commuting by bicycle. Perceptions are measured by attitudes, other psychological variables, and habits. Statistical differences in the variables are established in relation to the choice of commuting mode and bicycle experience (commuter, sport–leisure, no use). Doing so enables the authors to identify the main barriers to commuting by bicycle and to make recommendations for cycling policies. Two underlying structures (factors) of the attitudinal variables are identified: direct benefits and long-term benefits. Three other factors are related to variables of difficulty: physical conditions, external facilities, and individual capacities. The effect of attitudes and other psychological variables on people’s decision to cycle to work–place of study is tested by using a logit model. In the case study of Madrid, Spain, the decision to cycle to work– place of study is heavily influenced by cycling habits (for noncommuting trips). Because bicycle commuting is not common, attitudes and other psychological variables play a less important role in the use of bikes.
La gestión del conocimiento (KM) es el proceso de recolectar datos en bruto para su análisis y filtrado, con la finalidad de obtener conocimiento útil a partir de dichos datos. En este proyecto se pretende hacer un estudio sobre la gestión de la información en las redes de sensores inalámbricos como inicio para sentar las bases para la gestión del conocimiento en las mismas. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN) son redes compuestas por sensores (también conocidos como motas) distribuidos sobre un área, cuya misión es monitorizar una o varias condiciones físicas del entorno. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos se caracterizan por tener restricciones de consumo para los sensores que utilizan baterías, por su capacidad para adaptarse a cambios y ser escalables, y también por su habilidad para hacer frente a fallos en los sensores. En este proyecto se hace un estudio sobre la gestión de la información en redes de sensores inalámbricos. Se comienza introduciendo algunos conceptos básicos: arquitectura, pila de protocolos, topologías de red, etc.… Después de esto, se ha enfocado el estudio hacia TinyDB, el cual puede ser considerado como parte de las tecnologías más avanzadas en el estado del arte de la gestión de la información en redes de sensores inalámbricos. TinyDB es un sistema de procesamiento de consultas para extraer información de una red de sensores. Proporciona una interfaz similar a SQL y permite trabajar con consultas contra la red de sensores inalámbricos como si se tratara de una base de datos tradicional. Además, TinyDB implementa varias optimizaciones para manejar los datos eficientemente. En este proyecto se describe también la implementación de una sencilla aplicación basada en redes de sensores inalámbricos. Las motas en la aplicación son capaces de medir la corriente a través de un cable. El objetivo de esta aplicación es monitorizar el consumo de energía en diferentes zonas de un área industrial o doméstico, utilizando redes de sensores inalámbricas. Además, se han implementado las optimizaciones más importantes que se han aprendido en el análisis de la plataforma TinyDB. Para desarrollar esta aplicación se ha utilizado como sensores la plataforma open-source de creación de prototipos electrónicos Arduino, y el ordenador de placa reducida Raspberry Pi como coordinador. ABSTRACT. Knowledge management (KM) is the process of collecting raw data for analysis and filtering, to get a useful knowledge from this data. In this project the information management in wireless sensor networks is studied as starting point before knowledge management. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are networks which consists of sensors (also known as motes) distributed over an area, to monitor some physical conditions of the environment. Wireless sensor networks are characterized by power consumption constrains for sensors which are using batteries, by the ability to be adaptable to changes and to be scalable, and by the ability to cope sensor failures. In this project it is studied information management in wireless sensor networks. The document starts introducing basic concepts: architecture, stack of protocols, network topology… After this, the study has been focused on TinyDB, which can be considered as part of the most advanced technologies in the state of the art of information management in wireless sensor networks. TinyDB is a query processing system for extracting information from a network of sensors. It provides a SQL-like interface and it lets us to work with queries against the wireless sensor network like if it was a traditional database. In addition, TinyDB implements a lot of optimizations to manage data efficiently. In this project, it is implemented a simple wireless sensor network application too. Application’s motes are able to measure amperage through a cable. The target of the application is, by using a wireless sensor network and these sensors, to monitor energy consumption in different areas of a house. Additionally, it is implemented the most important optimizations that we have learned from the analysis of TinyDB platform. To develop this application it is used Arduino open-source electronics prototyping platform as motes, and Raspberry Pi single-board computer as coordinator.
La presente investigación aborda el análisis de las cualidades del entorno urbano que inciden en la experiencia perceptiva de su recorrido. Los intereses que la motivan tienen que ver con la recuperación de la ciudad para el viandante y se sitúa dentro de un marco de intereses más amplio como es el de la ciudad sostenible. En primer lugar, se contextualiza el tema de la experiencia del recorrido a través de disciplinas diferentes como son el cine, la literatura, la arquitectura, el urbanismo, la arquitectura del paisaje, la psicología y la estética ambiental. De este modo, se refuerza el argumento en torno al papel que desempeñan la forma y otros estímulos sensoriales en la experiencia del espacio, ya sea éste urbano, arquitectónico o natural. La experiencia que las personas viven al desplazarse por un entorno viene definida por infinitos factores que van desde la configuración física del entorno recorrido, hasta el aprendizaje cultural de la persona que camina; desde los estímulos sensoriales que se reciben, hasta las condiciones físicas que posibilitan la funcionalidad del recorrido; desde las sutilezas de índole secuencial que se desvelan a medida que avanzamos, hasta las condiciones higrotérmicas en el momento en que se lleva a cabo el desplazamiento. Sin embargo, factores como las motivaciones y atenciones personales del que anda, así como sus recuerdos de experiencias anteriores, deseos, imaginación y estado de ánimo, también definen nuestra experiencia al caminar que, indudablemente, se encuentra ligada a nuestra personalidad y, por lo tanto, no puede ser exacta a la de otra persona. Conscientes de que todos estos factores se funden en un fenómeno global, y que no se dan en la vida por separado, nos hemos esforzado por independizar las cualidades sensoriales y formales, únicamente a efectos de investigación. La importancia del tema a investigar reside en las conexiones que existen entre las cualidades del medio construido y la experiencia cotidiana de su recorrido, en la medida en que dicha vinculación establece relaciones con la calidad de vida, la salud de los ciudadanos y sus sentimientos de identidad. En este sentido, el problema clave encontrado es que si la definición de la experiencia del recorrido urbano es demasiado amplia, se vuelve nebulosa e inoperativa, pero si se precisa demasiado, se pueden excluir variables importantes. Hemos concentrado nuestros esfuerzos en buscar un medio que permita hacer operativo el estudio de aspectos que, por su propia naturaleza, son difíciles de controlar y aplicar en la práctica. En este sentido, el campo de estudio que aúna interés en el tema, producción científica y vocación práctica, es el de la caminabilidad de las ciudades. Por esta razón, hemos situado nuestro trabajo dentro del marco de criterios que este campo establece para valorar un entorno caminable. Sin embargo, hemos detectado que los trabajos sobre caminabilidad tienden a desarrollarse dentro de la disciplina del planeamiento de transporte y, con frecuencia, siguiendo las mismas pautas que la investigación sobre el transporte motorizado. Además, la tendencia a proporcionar datos numéricos producto de la medición controlada de variables, para respaldar iniciativas dentro de los ámbitos de toma de decisiones, lleva consigo un progresivo alejamiento de los aspectos más sutiles y próximos de la experiencia de las personas y la especificidad de los lugares. Por estas razones, hemos estimado necesario profundizar en la experiencia peatonal explorando otras líneas de trabajo como son la habitabilidad de las ciudades, políticas llevadas a cabo para mejorar la calidad del espacio público o las certificaciones de sostenibilidad en el ámbito del urbanismo. También se han estudiado las aproximaciones gráficas a la representación y simulación de recorridos urbanos por su importancia en la comunicación y promoción de caminar. Para detectar las problemáticas implicadas en la definición de una herramienta que permita valorar, de manera operativa, la calidad de la experiencia del recorrido urbano, la metodología de valoración propuesta se ha basado en la combinación de distintos métodos y en la conjugación de tres aproximaciones: valoración por parte del investigador en calidad de experto, valoración realizada por el investigador en el papel de usuario y valoración por el ciudadano. El desarrollo de esta investigación se ha visto condicionado por la intención de aplicar lo estudiado en un caso práctico. El marco de criterios que los trabajos sobre caminabilidad de las ciudades establecen para que se dé un entorno caminable, se puede resumir en que concurran los siguientes factores: mezcla de usos, densidad de población y edificación relativamente altas, destinos públicos accesibles a pie, un alto grado de seguridad con respecto al tráfico y actos delictivos, alta funcionalidad (dimensiones, pendientes, etc.) y atractivo. Una vez definido el modelo de ciudad en que es pertinente realizar una investigación sobre las cualidades del entorno urbano responsables de que éste se perciba como atractivo, se escogió la ciudad de Taipei, entre otras razones, por cumplir con los requisitos restantes. Con respecto al caso práctico, el objetivo es detectar fortalezas y debilidades del área central de la ciudad de Taipei en cuanto a la experiencia perceptiva que proporciona a los viandantes. ABSTRACT This research addresses the analysis of the qualities of the urban environment that affect the perceptual experience of walking. The interests lying behind it are related to the recovery of the city for pedestrians, and is framed within the sustainable city framework of interests. Firstly, the issue of the experience of walking is contextualized through different disciplines such as film, literature, architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental psychology and aesthetics. This way, the argument about the role that form and other sensory stimuli play in the experience of space, whether it is urban, architectural or natural, is strengthened. The walking experience of people is defined by factors ranging from the physical configuration of the environment to the cultural background of the person who walks, from the sensory stimuli that are perceived to the physical conditions that enable the functionality of the walk, from the subtleties of sequential nature that are revealed as we move around to hygrothermal conditions at the specific time of walking. Nevertheless, factors such as personal motivations and attentions of the walker, as well as memories of past experiences, desires, imagination and mood, also define our walking experience that is undoubtedly linked to our personality and, therefore, it cannot be exactly the same as other people's experience. Being aware that all these factors come together in a total phenomenon and that, in real life, they do not exist separately, we focused on separating sensory and formal qualities only for research purposes. The importance of the research topic lies in the connections between the qualities of the built environment and the quotidian experience of walking through it, to the extent that such link establishes relationships with the quality of life, health and feelings of identity of citizens. In this sense, the key problem encountered is that, if the definition of urban walking experience is too broad, it becomes nebulous and non‐operational, but if it is too precise, important variables can be excluded. We concentrated our efforts on finding a way to operationalize the study of questions that, by their very nature, are difficult to control and apply in practice. In this regard, the field of study that combines interest in the topic, scientific production and practical purpose, is the walkability of cities. For this reason, we placed our work within the framework of the set of criteria that this field establishes for assessing an environment as walkable. However, we found that works on walkability tend to be developed within the discipline of transportation planning and often following the same guidelines that research on motorized transport. Furthermore, the tendency to provide numerical data as a result of the controlled measurement of variables in order to support initiatives in decision making areas, involves a progressive distancing from the proximity and the most subtle aspects of the experience of people, and from the specificity of places. For these reasons, we considered it was necessary to deepen into the study of pedestrians experience, by exploring other lines of work such as the livability of cities, implemented policies to improve the quality of the public space or sustainability certifications in urbanism. Graphic representation and simulation of urban walks are also studied due to their important role in communication and promotion of walking. In order to find the issues involved in defining a tool to assess, in an operational way, the quality of urban walking experience, the proposed assessment methodology is based on the combination of different methods and the synthesis of three approaches: assessment by the researcher as expert, assessment by the researcher playing the role of user and assessment by the citizens. The development of this research has been conditioned by our intention of applying it in a case study. The framework of criteria that works on walkability of cities set to define a walkable environment, can be summarized in the following factors: mix of uses, population and building density rather high, public destinations accessible on foot, high levels of safety in terms of traffic and crime, high functionality (dimensions, slopes, etc.) and attractiveness. After defining the model of city in which it is relevant to conduct an investigation on the qualities that are responsible of the attractiveness of the environment; Taipei City was selected because it meets the remaining requirements, among other reasons. Regarding the case study, the goal is to identify strengths and weaknesses in the central area of Taipei City in terms of the perceptual experience of pedestrians.
La Tesis estudia un tipo de refugio ganadero de la Cuenca Alta del río Tajo, conocidos como chozones. Singular arquitectura ligada a la ganadería extensiva ovina que servía de abrigo al ganado durante la noche invernal y umbráculo en estío. Construcciones de muros bajos de mampuesto colocados a hueso de planta circular o rectangular, levantadas alrededor de una estructura leñosa o un árbol en posición de vida que soportan una cubierta de ramas de la poda de la sabina. Son cientos diseminados por toda la región, si bien concentrados en la Sesma del sabinar, una de las cuatro divisiones históricas del Señorío de Molina. La decadencia de la ganadería en la comarca, sumada a otras causas de sociales y económicas, ha llevado a que estén cada vez en peor estado de conservación; con todo lo que ello supone de pérdida de una memoria histórica inseparable del paisaje del que son parte. Mi primera aproximación a estos refugios fue una oferta que aceptó el equipo de dirección del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo para catalogar los que se encontraban en su área de protección, un paisaje de Alto Valor Natural donde la ganadería ha sido el sustento tradicional. Tras terminar el inventario se produjo el gran incendio en Riba de Saélices (2005). Además de calcinar a 11 retenes voluntarios, quemó parte de las chozones inventariados. Tomé entonces consciencia de la fragilidad de este patrimonio popular y del valor que cobraba el trabajo realizado, pues en muchos casos era el único testimonio que había de los chozones desaparecidos. De ahí nació esta investigación. Al comienzo el enfoque analítico fue eminentemente disciplinar, como recoge la primera parte del título de la tesis: arquitectura y construcción. Pronto comprendí que este enfoque no era suficiente para entender las preguntas dejadas abierta por el análisis espacial, tales como su origen, razón de ser, función social, etc. Profundizando en estos temas la investigación fue haciéndose más amplia y transversal, hasta llegar a lo indicado en la segunda parte del título: paisaje y territorio. En síntesis, la tesis pasó del análisis de un objeto en sí a su entendimiento como parte de una sociedad y un paisaje del que es indisoluble. Para lograr estos objetivos transversales, los refugios ganaderos se estudiaron considerando desde sus aspectos geográficos e históricos a los propios de la arquitectura y del sistema ganadero que acoge. A cada enfoque se dedica un capítulo de la Tesis, lo que nos obligó a utilizar distintas metodologías de análisis: de un amplio trabajo de campo para catalogar y levantar los casi un centenar de chozones inventariados a la búsqueda de información documental en archivos históricos. Por el carácter del estudio fue también fundamental la revisión del material etnográfico de la zona, así como las entrevistas con vecinos y los pocos pastores que quedaban en los municipios estudiados. Los resultados de la Tesis muestran que los refugios ganaderos son construcciones con una serie de valores de distinto tipo. Entre ellos destacaría: (a) ambientales, porque son arquitecturas integradas en el medio ambiente, con empleo de materiales del territorio y adaptación a sus condiciones físicas; (b) históricos, porque son testimonio de un patrimonio arquitectónico que al menos desde la Edad Media se mantiene sin apenas modificaciones; (c) etnográficos, porque son un elemento arquitectónico con usos estrechamente ligados a la cultura tradicional, ganadera y rural de la cuenca del Alto Tajo. Tan clara es la relación entre estos tres aspectos que no es exagerado afirmar que desde el comienzo hasta su final, pasando por las distintas actividades cotidianas, la vida de los habitantes de la comarca giraba en torno al patrimonio vernáculo estudiado. Por ello, entendemos que todos estos elementos son lo suficientemente relevantes como para intentar evitar su destrucción, fomentar una reutilización que contribuya a un desarrollo sostenible de este singular paisaje etnológico. ABSTRACT My first approach to these refugees was commissioned by the management of the Alto Tajo Natural Park to catalog those who were in their protection area, a landscape of high natural value where livestock has been the traditional livelihood. After completing the inventory came the great fire in Riba de Saelices (2005). Besides calcine 11 firefighters, burned many of these popular architectures. I took then awareness of the fragility of this vernacular heritage and the value of the work charged, since in many cases it was the only witness who had disappeared from the shelters. At that time, this research was born. At the begging our study was eminently from the point of view of our discipline, as it picks up the first part of the title of the Thesis: architecture and construction. Soon I realized that this approach was not sufficient to understand the questions left open by the spatial analysis, such as its origin, purpose, social function, etc. By studying topics, my research become to be more comprehensive and transversal, up to coming to the indicated in the second part of the title: landscape and territory. In synthesis, the Thesis went on from the analysis of an object in itself to its understanding like part of a society and a landscape of which it is indissoluble. To achieve these cross-cutting objectives, livestock shelters were studied considering from its geographic and historic aspects to this relating to his architecture own the livestock system to which they belong. To each approach we devoted a chapter of the Thesis, which forced us to use different methodologies of analysis: an extensive field work in cataloguing and lift the nearly a hundred chozones inventoried to the search of documentary information in historical archives. By the nature of the study, the review of the ethnographic material in the area was also essential, as well as interviews with neighbors and the few remaining shepherds in the municipalities studied. The results of our Thesis show that livestock shelters are constructions with a series of values of different types. Among them I would highlight three: (a) environmental, because they are architectures integrated in the territory, with the use of materials of the location and adapted to their physical conditions; (b) historical, because they are testimony of an architectural heritage that at least since the Middle Ages remains with little modifications; (c) ethnographic, because they are architectural elements closely linked to livestock, rural and traditional culture of the Alto Tajo basin. So clear is the relationship between these three aspects, that is not an exaggeration to say that from the beginning until the end, passing through the various daily activities, the life of the inhabitants of the region was in completed connection with the studied vernacular heritage. For it, we understand that all these elements are relevant enough to try to prevent their destruction and promote a recycling that contributes to a sustainable development of this unique ethnological landscape.
Verifica-se hoje em dia o aumento da incidência de problemas pulmonares que ocasiona internações hospitalares infantis com maior freqüência. Este projeto baseia-se na visão biopsicossocial da Psicologia da Saúde e leva em conta a valorização de atividades do cotidiano da criança, como o brincar, para sua recuperação. Tem por objetivo principal investigar se a utilização de técnicas interventivas lúdicas em fisioterapia contribui para a melhora dos níveis de oxigenação de crianças asmáticas e por objetivos específicos traçar um breve perfil clínico da criança que procura o Ambulatório de Alergia e Imunologia da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC e verificar a adesão da criança com problemas respiratórios a uma intervenção fisioterapêutica lúdica da criança. A análise qualitativa da intervenção lúdica registra grande envolvimento e participação prazerosa das crianças e ampla aceitação dos pais. Estes resultados sugerem que novas pesquisas sejam realizadas a respeito de intervenções lúdicas em fisioterapia. Utiliza-se de método avaliativo-interventivo quase-experimental. Seus participantes são 58 crianças de ambos os sexos com idade de quatro a 11 anos com as patologias de asma brônquica, bronquite e rinite alérgica, sem a presença da crise. Desenvolve-se por meio de sessão única com cada paciente, com avaliação antes e após da intervenção fisioterápica lúdica por meio das aferições dos sinais vitais, (PA, FC, FR,T°C, incluindo oximetria de pulso e PFE) técnicas de aquecimento, alongamento torácico, fortalecimento abdominal e expansão torácica. Realiza análise qualitativa da responsividade das crianças às técnicas interventivas empregadas no contexto lúdico. Os resultados a respeito do perfil clinico indicam maior incidência de Asma, com 44 casos (75,8620 %), para 11 casos de Rinite (18,9655 %) e apenas três de Bronquite (5,1724 %). Os dados relativos a PA, FC, FR,T°C e ao PFE mostram-se dentro da normalidade. Este estudo não constata diferença significativa em relação ao nível de saturação de O2 após a intervenção lúdica. Quanto à adesão, 55,2 % dos participantes aderiram, sendo que a não adesão deu-se por motivos particulares alegados pelos responsáveis ou indisposição da criança, de dor de cabeça, sonolência e/ou vômito. A análise qualitativa da intervenção lúdica registra grande envolvimento e participação prazerosa das crianças e ampla aceitação dos pais. Estes resultados sugerem que novas pesquisas sejam realizadas a respeito de intervenções lúdicas em fisioterapia.(AU)
Verifica-se hoje em dia o aumento da incidência de problemas pulmonares que ocasiona internações hospitalares infantis com maior freqüência. Este projeto baseia-se na visão biopsicossocial da Psicologia da Saúde e leva em conta a valorização de atividades do cotidiano da criança, como o brincar, para sua recuperação. Tem por objetivo principal investigar se a utilização de técnicas interventivas lúdicas em fisioterapia contribui para a melhora dos níveis de oxigenação de crianças asmáticas e por objetivos específicos traçar um breve perfil clínico da criança que procura o Ambulatório de Alergia e Imunologia da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC e verificar a adesão da criança com problemas respiratórios a uma intervenção fisioterapêutica lúdica da criança. A análise qualitativa da intervenção lúdica registra grande envolvimento e participação prazerosa das crianças e ampla aceitação dos pais. Estes resultados sugerem que novas pesquisas sejam realizadas a respeito de intervenções lúdicas em fisioterapia. Utiliza-se de método avaliativo-interventivo quase-experimental. Seus participantes são 58 crianças de ambos os sexos com idade de quatro a 11 anos com as patologias de asma brônquica, bronquite e rinite alérgica, sem a presença da crise. Desenvolve-se por meio de sessão única com cada paciente, com avaliação antes e após da intervenção fisioterápica lúdica por meio das aferições dos sinais vitais, (PA, FC, FR,T°C, incluindo oximetria de pulso e PFE) técnicas de aquecimento, alongamento torácico, fortalecimento abdominal e expansão torácica. Realiza análise qualitativa da responsividade das crianças às técnicas interventivas empregadas no contexto lúdico. Os resultados a respeito do perfil clinico indicam maior incidência de Asma, com 44 casos (75,8620 %), para 11 casos de Rinite (18,9655 %) e apenas três de Bronquite (5,1724 %). Os dados relativos a PA, FC, FR,T°C e ao PFE mostram-se dentro da normalidade. Este estudo não constata diferença significativa em relação ao nível de saturação de O2 após a intervenção lúdica. Quanto à adesão, 55,2 % dos participantes aderiram, sendo que a não adesão deu-se por motivos particulares alegados pelos responsáveis ou indisposição da criança, de dor de cabeça, sonolência e/ou vômito. A análise qualitativa da intervenção lúdica registra grande envolvimento e participação prazerosa das crianças e ampla aceitação dos pais. Estes resultados sugerem que novas pesquisas sejam realizadas a respeito de intervenções lúdicas em fisioterapia.(AU)
Insight into the dependence of benthic communities on biological and physical processes in nearshore pelagic environments, long considered a “black box,” has eluded ecologists. In rocky intertidal communities at Oregon coastal sites 80 km apart, differences in abundance of sessile invertebrates, herbivores, carnivores, and macrophytes in the low zone were not readily explained by local scale differences in hydrodynamic or physical conditions (wave forces, surge flow, or air temperature during low tide). Field experiments employing predator and herbivore manipulations and prey transplants suggested top-down (predation, grazing) processes varied positively with bottom-up processes (growth of filter-feeders, prey recruitment), but the basis for these differences was unknown. Shore-based sampling revealed that between-site differences were associated with nearshore oceanographic conditions, including phytoplankton concentration and productivity, particulates, and water temperature during upwelling. Further, samples taken at 19 sites along 380 km of coastline suggested that the differences documented between two sites reflect broader scale gradients of phytoplankton concentration. Among several alternative explanations, a coastal hydrodynamics hypothesis, reflecting mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) variation in the interaction between offshore currents and winds and continental shelf bathymetry, was inferred to be the primary underlying cause. Satellite imagery and offshore chlorophyll-a samples are consistent with the postulated mechanism. Our results suggest that benthic community dynamics can be coupled to pelagic ecosystems by both trophic and transport linkages.
The theory of stochastic transcription termination based on free-energy competition [von Hippel, P. H. & Yager, T. D. (1992) Science 255, 809–812 and von Hippel, P. H. & Yager, T. D. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 2307–2311] requires two or more reaction rates to be delicately balanced over a wide range of physical conditions. A large body of work on glasses and large molecules suggests that this balancing should be impossible in such a large system in the absence of a new organizing principle of matter. We review the experimental literature of termination and find no evidence for such a principle, but do find many troubling inconsistencies, most notably, anomalous memory effects. These effects suggest that termination has a deterministic component and may conceivably not be stochastic at all. We find that a key experiment by Wilson and von Hippel [Wilson, K. S. & von Hippel, P. H. (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 244, 36–51] thought to demonstrate stochastic termination was an incorrectly analyzed regulatory effect of Mg2+ binding.
High-dynamic range imaging and monitoring with very-long-baseline interferometry reveal a rich morphology of luminous flat-spectrum radio sources. One-sided core-jet structures abound, and superluminal motion is frequently measured. In a few cases, both distinct moving features and diffuse underlying jet emission can be detected. Superluminal motion seen in such sources is typically complex, on curved trajectories or ridge lines, and with variable component velocities, including stationary features. The curved trajectories seen can be modeled by helical motion within the underlying jet flow. The very-long-baseline interferometry properties of the superluminal features in the jet of 3C 345 and other similar sources can be explained by models invoking the emission from shocks, at least within the vicinity of the compact core. Inverse-Compton calculations, constrained by x-ray observations, yield realistic estimates for the physical conditions in the parsec-scale jet. There is evidence for a transition region in this source beyond which other factors (e.g., plasma interactions and nonsynchrotron radiation processes) may become prominent. Multifrequency and polarization imaging (especially at high frequencies) are emerging as critical tools in testing model predictions.