963 resultados para PERITONEAL DIALYSIS


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La dialyse péritonéale (DP) est une thérapie d’épuration extra-rénale qui peut se réaliser à domicile par l’entremise d’une technologie. Elle exige, du patient certaines aptitudes, (motivation et compétence) et de l’équipe de soins, une organisation particulière pour arriver à une autonomie d’exécution de l’épuration. Dans un contexte de thérapie à domicile, comme celui de la dialyse péritonéale, le niveau d’autonomie des patients ainsi que les facteurs qui y sont associés n’ont pas été examinés auparavant. C’est l’objet de cette thèse. En se fondant sur la théorie de l’autodétermination et sur une revue de la littérature, un cadre conceptuel a été développé et fait l’hypothèse que trois types de facteurs essentiels pourraient influencer l’autonomie. Il s’agit de facteurs individuels, technologiques et organisationnels. Pour tester ces hypothèses, un devis mixte séquentiel, composé de deux volets, a été réalisé. Un premier volet qualitatif - opérationnalisé par des entrevues auprès de 12 patients et de 11 infirmières - a permis, d’une part, d’explorer et de mieux définir les dimensions de l’autonomie pertinente dans le cadre de la DP; d’autre part de bonifier le développement d’un questionnaire. Après validation, ce dernier a servi à la collecte de données lors du deuxième volet quantitatif et alors a permis d’obtenir des résultats auprès d’un échantillon probabiliste (n =98), tiré de la population des dialysés péritonéaux du Québec (N=700). L’objectif de ce deuxième volet était de mesurer le degré d’autonomie des patients, d’examiner les associations entre les facteurs technologiques, organisationnels ainsi qu’individuels et les différentes dimensions de l’autonomie. Des analyses univariées et multivariées ont été réalisées à cet effet. Les résultats obtenus montrent que quatre dimensions d’autonomie sont essentielles à atteindre en dialyse à domicile. Il s’agit de l’autonomie, sur le plan clinique, technique, fonctionnel (liberté journalière) et organisationnel (indépendance par rapport à l’institution de soins). Pour ces quatre types d’autonomie, les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes, un résultat qui se reflète dans les scores obtenus sur une échelle de 1 à 5 : l’autonomie clinique (4,1), l’autonomie technique (4,8), l’autonomie fonctionnelle (4,1) et l’autonomie organisationnelle (4,5). Chacun de ces types d’autonomie est associé à des degrés variables aux trois facteurs du modèle conceptuel : facteurs individuels (motivation et compétence), technologique (convivialité) et organisationnels (soutien clinique, technique et familial). Plus spécifiquement, la motivation serait associée à l’autonomie fonctionnelle. La convivialité serait associée à l’autonomie clinique, alors que la myopathie pourrait la compromettre. La convivialité de la technologie et la compétence du patient contribueraient à une meilleure autonomie organisationnelle. Quant à l’autonomie sur le plan technique, tous les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes en ce qui concerne la manipulation de la technologie. Ce résultat s’expliquerait par une formation adéquate mise à la disposition des patients en prédialyse, par le suivi continu et par la manipulation quotidienne pendant des années d’utilisation. Bien que dans cette thèse la technologie d’application soit la dialyse péritonéale, nous retenons que lorsqu’on transfère la maîtrise d’une technologie thérapeutique à domicile pour traiter une maladie chronique, il est primordial d’organiser ce transfert de telle façon que les trois facteurs techniques (convivialité), individuels (motivation, formation et compétence), et organisationnels (soutien de l’aidant) soient mis en place pour garantir une autonomie aux quatre niveaux, technique, clinique, fonctionnel et organisationnel.


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Introducción: la insuficiencia renal crónica IRC ha aumentado su prevalencia en los últimos años pasando de 44.7 pacientes por millón en 1993 a 538.46 pacientes por millón en 2010, los pacientes quienes reciben terapia de remplazo renal hemodiálisis en Colombia cada vez tienen una mayor sobrevida. El incremento de los pacientes y el incremento de la sobrevida nos enfocan a mejorar la calidad de vida de los años de diálisis. Metodología: se comparó la calidad de vida por medio del SF-36 en 154 pacientes con IRC estadio terminal en manejo con hemodiálisis, 77 pacientes incidentes y 77 pacientes prevalentes, pertenecientes a una unidad renal en Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados: se encontró una disminución de la calidad de vida en los componentes físicos (PCS) y metales (MCS) de los pacientes de hemodiálisis en ambos grupos. En el modelo de regresión logística la incapacidad laboral (p=0.05), el uso de catéter (p= 0,000), el bajo índice de masa corporal (p=0.021), la hipoalbuminemia (p=0,033) y la anemia (p=0,001) fueron factores determinantes en un 78,9% de baja calidad de vida de PCS en los pacientes incidentes con respecto a los prevalentes. En el MCS de los pacientes incidentes vs. Prevalentes se encontró la hipoalbuminemia (p=0.007), la anemia (p=0.001) y el acceso por catéter (p=0.001) como factores determinantes en un 70.6% de bajo MCS Conclusiones: la calidad de vida de los pacientes de diálisis se encuentra afectada con mayor repercusión en el grupo de los pacientes incidentes, se debe mejorar los aspectos nutricionales, hematológicos y de acceso vascular en este grupo.


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BACKGROUND: Quality and effectiveness of care can be enhanced through the use of condition-specific measures of satisfaction with treatment. The aim of the present study was to design and develop a measure of satisfaction with treatment for patients with chronic kidney failure (CKF) for use in routine clinical care and clinical trials. The Renal Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (RTSQ) was designed to be suitable for people using any of the various treatment modalities for CKF. Items measure satisfaction with aspects of treatment, including convenience, flexibility, freedom, and satisfaction to continue with present form of treatment.

METHODS: A 12-item RTSQ was investigated at a UK hospital-based renal unit, using data from 140 outpatients undergoing renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis, n = 35; continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, n = 57; transplantation, n = 46).

RESULTS: An 11-item scale was developed from the original 12-item version, with a single factor accounting for 59% of the variance and item loadings greater than 0.58. Scale reliability was excellent (alpha = 0.93) in the full sample and proved robust to analysis in separate treatment subgroups. As expected, RTSQ scores differed significantly ( P < 0.0001) between the transplantation and other treatment groups. Those who had received a transplant expressed greater overall satisfaction, with specific advantages of transplantation shown by all individual items, including convenience, time, lifestyle, freedom, and satisfaction to continue current treatment.

CONCLUSION: The RTSQ provides a brief reliable measure of satisfaction with treatment for patients with CKF that is suitable for use in routine clinical care and clinical trials.


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The nephrology educators network [NEN] recognised in 2007 that inequities existed in the access and delivery of evidence based renal education programs particularly to nurses in regional and remote areas. To address this, a web-based approach to learning, through the development of peer reviewed, interactive nephrology e-learning programs was adopted. These programs aligned with the tenets of e-learning instructional design and afforded more effective and consistent clinical support and induction for nurses in the renal specialty. The e-learning programs promote a standardised evidence-based approach to nephrology education and were developed by content experts from across Australia and New Zealand. The design methodology avoided the duplication of resources while also encouraging knowledge transfer between participating health organisations.

This paper will discuss the development and successful implementation of these e-learning programs across renal healthcare units in Australasia. Implemented packages include: Introduction to Buttonhole Cannulation – featuring an interactive ultrasound and cannulation application; Introduction to Haemodialysis; Introduction to Peritoneal Dialysis [PD], featuring simulated PD machines, allowing for the teaching of troubleshooting without compromising patient safety. E-learning programs are further supported through interactive case scenarios that present unfolding real world simulations and enable learners to meet different patients and manage their care while learning about key messages relating to renal health. Modules currently in development include; Acute Kidney Injury; Fluid Assessment, Water Quality and Vascular Access. The implementation of these programs assist the facilitation of positive change in teaching and learning practices in nephrology nursing aimed at improving patient outcomes.


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Background: Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) is one of the main causes of acute kidney injury in children. It is a multifaceted disease, characterised by microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia and thrombocytopaenia. It can often affect multiple organ systems, including the central nervous and renal systems.


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Peritoneal dialysis has a high acceptance rate in Latin America, thus the knowledge concerning complication patterns is of great relevance. This work reviews Latin American data on peritonitis, the most serious complication of peritoneal dialysis.The incidence of peritonitis has been reduced over time, concomitantly with the incorporation of safer exchange systems and the use of prophylactic measurements. Today, rates tower than 1 episode per 24 patient-months are commonly reported. Furthermore, changes in causative organisms have been observed, with predominance of Staphylococcus aureus up through the mid-1990s, as welt as increases in coagulase-negative staphylococcus and participation of gram negatives. However, the prevalence of S. aureus is still high, due possibly to climatic conditions and the elevated prevalence of carriers. Resolution rate varies from 55% to 78%, transfer to hemodialysis from 10.9% to 15.4%, and death in 3% to 9.9% of cases. Outcome is worse in S. aureus episodes compared to those with coagulase-negative staphylococcus, despite the higher percentage of oxacillin-resistant strains among the former. In general, despite socioeconomic or climatic conditions, our results are similar to those in developed countries, perhaps as a consequence of technological improvements and/or center expertise.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pseudoporphyria is a rare bullous dermatosis that clinically and histopathologically is similar to porphyria cutanea tarda. It mainly affects patients with chronic renal failure on peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. Medications can also be involved in the etiology. Diagnosis and management of this condition is a challenge for dermatologists. The authors report a case of pseudoporphyria related to dialysis with favorable outcome after the use of oral N-acetylcysteine.


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Objetivo: descrever caso clínico de um lactente com insuficiência renal crônica terminal, causada por hiperoxalúria primária.Método: após revisão da literatura, verifica-se a raridade da doença; na França, a prevalência é de 1,05/milhão, com taxa de incidência de 0,12/milhão/ano. Pesquisa abordando centros especializados mundiais detectou, em 1999, 78 casos em lactentes; destes, em 14% o quadro inicial foi de uremia. A gravidade e a raridade da doença sugerem o relato deste caso.Resultados: criança de sexo feminino, com quadro de vômitos e baixo ganho de peso desde os primeiros meses de vida, desenvolveu insuficiência renal terminal aos 6 meses de idade, sendo mantida em tratamento dialítico desde então. Aos 8 meses, foi encaminhada para esclarecimento diagnóstico, apresentando déficit pôndero-estatural grave e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: uréia= 69 mg/dl, creatinina=2,2 mg/dl e clearance de creatinina= 12,5 ml/min/1.73m²SC. O exame de urina foi normal, a ultra-sonografia renal revelou tamanho normal e hiperecogenicidade de ambos os rins. A dosagem de oxalato urinário foi de 9,2mg/kg/dia ou 0,55 mmol/1.73m²SC, e a relação oxalato:creatinina, de 0,42. A biópsia renal diagnosticou presença de grande quantidade de depósitos de cristais de oxalato de cálcio no parênquima renal. A radiografia de ossos longos evidenciou sinais sugestivos de osteopatia oxalótica, e a fundoscopia indireta, sinais de retinopatia por oxalato. A criança foi mantida em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua, tendo sido iniciado tratamento com piridoxina.Conclusões: a hiperoxalúria primária deve ser considerada como um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de insuficiência renal crônica em lactentes, especialmente na ausência de história sugestiva de outras patologias.


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Previous studies demonstrated the inhibitory participation of serotonergic ( 5-HT) and oxytocinergic (OT) neurons on sodium appetite induced by peritoneal dialysis (PD) in rats. The activity of 5-HT neurons increases after PD- induced 2% NaCl intake and decreases after sodium depletion; however, the activity of the OT neurons appears only after PD-induced 2% NaCl intake. To discriminate whether the differential activations of the 5-HT and OT neurons in this model are a consequence of the sodium satiation process or are the result of stimulation caused by the entry to the body of a hypertonic sodium solution during sodium access, we analyzed the number of Fos-5-HT- and Fos-OT-immunoreactive neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus-supraoptic nucleus, respectively, after isotonic vs. hypertonic NaCl intake induced by PD. We also studied the OT plasma levels after PD- induced isotonic or hypertonic NaCl intake. Sodium intake induced by PD significantly increased the number of Fos-5- HT cells, independently of the concentration of NaCl consumed. In contrast, the number of Fos-OT neurons increased after hypertonic NaCl intake, in both depleted and nondepleted animals. The OT plasma levels significantly increased only in the PD- induced 2% NaCl intake group in relation to others, showing a synergic effect of both factors. In summary, 5-HT neurons were activated after body sodium status was reestablished, suggesting that this system is activated under conditions of satiety. In terms of the OT system, both OT neural activity and OT plasma levels were increased by the entry of hypertonic NaCl solution during sodium consumption, suggesting that this system is involved in the processing of hyperosmotic signals.


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Despite improvements in connectology, peritoneal dialysis (PD) - associated peritonitis contributes significantly to morbidity and modality failure in patients maintained on PD therapy. A broad spectrum of organisms -gram-positive, gram-negative, fungal, anaerobic - are involved in this complication. In addition, a significant percentage of episodes involve polymicrobial and culture-negative infection. Technological advances are being developed to minimize the incidence of access-related complications such as peritonitis. Many traditional factors such as exit-site infection and poor technique have been already identified. In the present review, we discuss the geographic, patient selection, and clinical issues that can affect peritonitis rates in different areas of the world and in different centers in the same area.


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In 1983 and 1984 we performed a longitudinal 1-year follow-up study of 15 patients with chronic renal failure, 8 of whom were on hemodialysis and 7 on peritoneal dialysis. The EEG abnormalities of these patients were catalogued and filed and the patients' medical records were examined 5 years later for an analysis of their clinical evolution. Old age EEG findings were detected in young patients with chronic renal failure who died. We conclude that old age EEG findings in patients of any age with chronic renal failure represent a poor prognosis. In contrast, EEG asynchronies are associated with severe uremic encephalopathy but are reversible, since these phenomena were fully reversed together with all clinical alterations in a patient who later received a renal transplant.


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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Gram stain in the initial diagnosis of the etiologic agent of peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Design: Retrospective study analyzing the sensitivity (S), specificity (SS), positive predictive value (+PV), and negative predictive value (-PV) of the Gram stain relating to the results of cultures in 149 episodes of peritonitis in CAPD. The data were analyzed in two studies. In the first, only the cases with detection of a single agent by Gram stain were taken (Study 1). In the second, only the cases with two agents in Gram stain were evaluated (Study 2). Setting: Dialysis Unit and Laboratory of Microbiology of a tertiary medical center. Patients: Sixty-three patients on regular CAPD who presented one or more episodes of peritonitis from May 1992 to May 1995. Results: The positivity of Gram stain was 93.2% and the sensitivity was 95.7%. The values of S, SS, +PV, and -PV were respectively: 94.9%, 53.5%, 68.3%, and 90.9% for gram-positive cocci and 83.3%, 98.8%, 95.2%, and 95.6% for gram-negative bacilli. The association of gram-positive cocci plus gram-negative bacilli were predictive of growth of both in 6.8%, growth of gram-positive cocci in 13.7%, and growth of gram-negative bacilli in 72.5%. Conclusions: The Gram stain is a method of great value in the initial diagnosis of the etiologic agent of peritonitis in CAPD, especially for gram-negative bacilli.