930 resultados para PARTNER CHROMOSOMES
A study was made of the frequency of B-chromosomes and the population density of Astyanax scabripinnis paranae (Pisces, Characidae, Tetragonopterinae) from three stretches of the Cascatinha stream (Botucatu, SP). In the first stretch the population was estimated to be about 212 individuals and among 35 karyotyped specimens, 23 carried one macro B-chromosome; in the second stretch the population was estimated to be about 650 individuals and among 20 specimens karyotyped, two possessed one macro B-chromosome; in the third stretch the population was estimated to be about 107 individuals and among 10 specimens karyotyped, one carried one macro B-chromosome. A significant difference was observed in the frequency of macro B-chromosomes in females (57%) and males (8.7%) (P = 0.0001). These data suggest that the B-chromosome frequency and the populational density are not directly related. The hypothesis of the existence of some adaptive effect conferred by the B-chromosomes to the specimens from the first stretch of the Cascatinha stream is presented and discussed
Methods previously described by Canovai et al. (Caryologia 47: 241-247, 1994) which produced C and ASG bands in mitotic chromosomes of Ceratitis capitata were applied to the chromosomes of several Anastrepha species. Metaphase plate yield was substantially increased by use of imaginal disks together with cerebral ganglia. The C-bands were quite prominent allowing the resolution of tiny blocks of heterochromatin. The ASG method produced G-like banded chromosomes, which permitted recognition of each individual chromosome. These simple techniques do not require special equipment and may be valuable for karyotype variability studies in fruit flies and other Diptera
The possibility that Ureaplasma urealyticum might play an important role in human infertility was first raised more than 20 years ago, but this association remains speculative. Considering the hypothesis that the pathogenicity of Ureaplasma urealyticum may depend on its serotypes, the clastogenic effects of different strains of Ureaplasma urealyticum, at concentrations of 103 CCU (color changing units)/ml, 104 CCU/ml and 105 CCU/ml, were evaluated in vitro in short-term cultures of human lymphocytes. Total or partial mitotic inhibition was produced by Ureaplasma urealyticum serotypes 2, 3 and 10 independent of the concentration (103 CCU/ml, 104 CCU/ml or 105 CCU/ml) of the microorganisms employed. In contrast, the clastogenic effects observed with serotypes 1, 7 and 12 varied according to the concentration employed in the test. Mitotic alterations were observed in Ureaplasma urealyticum serotypes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12. Chromatid gaps (53.0%) and chromatid breaks (13.9%) were the most frequent types of alterations observed. The results of this in vitro assay demonstrated that the clastogenic effects varied with the Ureaplasma urealyticum serotypes evaluated
Target of this study was to develop a total cost calculation model to compare all costs from manufacturing and logistics from own factories or from partner factories to global distribution centers in a case company. Especially the total cost calculation model was needed to simulate an own factory utilization effect in the total cost calculation context. This study consist of the theoretical literature review and the empirical case study. This study was completed using the constructive research approach. The result of this study was a new total cost calculation model. The new total cost calculation model includes not only all the costs caused by manufacturing and logistics, but also the relevant capital costs. Using the new total cost calculation model, case company is able to complete the total cost calculations taking into account the own factory utilization effect in different volume situations and volume shares between an own factory and a partner factory.
The individual and dyadic associations between dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations and mental and physical health in individuals involved in romantic relationships were examined. Sex differences in the relationship between dispositional forgiveness and health were examined. Sex differences in the dyadic relationship between forgiveness and health were also examined. The dispositional forgiveness scores of 297 partners involved in a romantic relationship were used to predict their own as well as their partners' physical and mental health. Both members of the relationship separately completed an Internet-based questionnaire assessing personality traits, relationship variables, and physical and mental health. The couple was provided with monetary compensation. Analyses revealed that women's dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations were positively associated with their own physical and mental health. Similarly, men's dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations were positively associated with their own mental and physical health. At the individual level, there were no sex differences in the relationship between dispositional forgiveness and health, nor were there sex differences in men and women's reports of dispositional forgiveness. Analyses revealed that men's forgiveness of others and situations were positively associated with their female partners' mental health. There were no partner effects for women or for physical health. The implications of these results for research in the forgiveness-health literature and research on forgiveness in romantic relationships were discussed as were directions for future research.
This study examined the relationship between socio-demographic factors and family and partner pressure to conceive in women living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. A total of 490 women, aged 18-52 years were included in the study. The HIV Pregnancy Planning Questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic, medical, and pressure variables. Multivariate logistic regression analysis suggest that increased age, years lived in Canada, and living in Toronto were associated with lower odds, and being married and having 0-1 lifetime births were associated with higher odds of family pressure to conceive. Increased age was associated with lower odds, and being married and living in Toronto were associated with higher odds of partner pressure to conceive. Findings suggest that socio-demographic factors influence the fertility decision-making process. Health care providers should consider socio-demographic factors along with medical factors when assisting women living with HIV and their partners to make informed reproductive decisions.
Les topoisomérases I (topA) et III (topB) sont les deux topoisomérases (topos) de type IA d’Escherichia coli. La fonction principale de la topo I est la relaxation de l’excès de surenroulement négatif, tandis que peu d’information est disponible sur le rôle de la topo III. Les cellules pour lesquelles les deux topoisomérases de type IA sont manquantes souffrent d’une croissance difficile ainsi que de défauts de ségrégation sévères. Nous démontrons que ces problèmes sont majoritairement attribuables à des mutations dans la gyrase qui empêchent l’accumulation d’excès de surenroulement négatif chez les mutants sans topA. L’augmentation de l’activité de la gyrase réalisée par le remplacement de l’allèle gyrB(Ts) par le gène de type sauvage ou par l’exposition des souches gyrB(Ts) à une température permissive, permet la correction significative de la croissance et de la ségrégation des cellules topos de type IA. Nous démontrons également que les mutants topB sont hypersensibles à l’inhibition de la gyrase par la novobiocine. La réplication non-régulée en l’absence de topA et de rnhA (RNase HI) augmente la nécessité de l’activité de la topoisomérase III. De plus, en l’absence de topA et de rnhA, la surproduction de la topoisomérase III permet de réduire la dégradation importante d’ADN qui est observée en l’absence de recA (RecA). Nous proposons un rôle pour la topoisomérase III dans la ségrégation des chromosomes lorsque l’activité de la gyrase n’est pas optimale, par la réduction des collisions fourches de réplication s’observant particulièrement en l’absence de la topo I et de la RNase HI.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
La division cellulaire est un processus fondamental des êtres vivants. À chaque division cellulaire, le matériel génétique d'une cellule mère est dupliqué et ségrégé pour produire deux cellules filles identiques; un processus nommé la mitose. Tout d'abord, la cellule doit condenser le matériel génétique pour être en mesure de séparer mécaniquement et également le matériel génétique. Une erreur dans le niveau de compaction ou dans la dynamique de la mitose occasionne une transmission inégale du matériel génétique. Il est suggéré dans la littérature que ces phénomènes pourraient causé la transformation des cellules cancéreuses. Par contre, le mécanisme moléculaire générant la coordination des changements de haut niveau de la condensation des chromosomes est encore incompris. Dans les dernières décennies, plusieurs approches expérimentales ont identifié quelques protéines conservées dans ce processus. Pour déterminer le rôle de ces facteurs dans la compaction des chromosomes, j'ai effectué un criblage par ARNi couplé à de l'imagerie à haute-résolution en temps réel chez l'embryon de C. elegans. Grâce à cette technique, j'ai découvert sept nouvelles protéines requises pour l'assemblage des chromosomes mitotiques, incluant la Ribonucléotide réductase (RNR) et Topoisomérase II (topo-II). Dans cette thèse, je décrirai le rôle structural de topo-II dans l'assemblage des chromosomes mitotiques et ces mécanismes moléculaires. Lors de la condensation des chromosomes, topo-II agit indépendamment comme un facteur d'assemblage local menant par la suite à la formation d'un axe de condensation tout au long du chromosome. Cette localisation est à l'opposé de la position des autres facteurs connus qui sont impliqués dans la condensation des chromosomes. Ceci représente un nouveau mécanisme pour l'assemblage des chromosomes chez C. elegans. De plus, j'ai découvert un rôle non-enzymatique à la protéine RNR lors de l'assemblage des chromosomes. Lors de ce processus, RNR est impliqué dans la stabilité des nucléosomes et alors, permet la compaction de haut niveau de la chromatine. Dans cette thèse, je rapporte également des résultats préliminaires concernant d'autres nouveaux facteurs découverts lors du criblage ARNi. Le plus important est que mon analyse révèle que la déplétion des nouvelles protéines montre des phénotypes distincts, indiquant la fonction de celles-ci lors de l'assemblage des chromosomes. Somme toute, je conclus que les chromosomes en métaphase sont assemblés par trois protéines ayant des activités différentes d'échafaudage: topoisomérase II, les complexes condensines et les protéines centromériques. En conclusion, ces études prouvent le mécanisme moléculaire de certaines protéines qui contribuent à la formation des chromosomes mitotiques.
Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique
Note de l'éditeur : This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.
Partner behavioral responses to pain can have a significant impact on patient pain and depression, but little is known about why partners respond in specific ways. Using a cognitive-behavioral model, the present study examined whether partner cognitions were associated with partner behavioral responses, which prior work has found to predict patient pain and depressive symptoms. Participants were 354 women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners. Partner pain-related cognitions were assessed using the partner versions of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and Extended Attributional Style Questionnaire, whereas their behavioral responses to pain were assessed with the Multidimensional Pain Inventory. Patient pain was measured using a numeric rating scale, and depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory–II. Path analysis was used to examine the proposed model. Partner catastrophizing and negative attributions were associated with negative partner responses, which were associated with higher patient pain. It was also found that partner pain catastrophizing was associated with solicitous partner responses, which in turn were associated with higher patient pain and depressive symptoms. The effect of partner cognitions on patient outcomes was partially mediated by partner behavioral responses. Findings highlight the importance of assessing partner cognitions, both in research and as a target for intervention. Perspective The present study presents a cognitive-behavioral model to partially explain how significant others' thoughts about pain have an effect on patient pain and depressive symptoms. Findings may inform cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples coping with PVD.
Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a chronic, recurrent vulvo-vaginal pain condition affecting 12% of the general population, and is associated with sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. There is growing interest in the role of interpersonal variables in PVD, which have been widely neglected. In a sample of 175 couples, the present study examined the mediating roles of partner and participant catastrophizing and self-efficacy in the association between solicitous partner responses and pain intensity, and that of dyadic adjustment in the association between solicitous and negative partner responses and sexual satisfaction. Couples completed measures of partner responses, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, dyadic adjustment, and depression. Women also completed measures of pain, sexual satisfaction, and sexual function. Controlling for depression and solicitousness perceived by the other member of the couple, catastrophizing and self-efficacy partially mediated the association between higher solicitous responses and higher pain during intercourse, accounting for 26 and 25% of the variance in this association for participant and partner-perceived responses, respectively. For both participant and partners, only pain catastrophizing was a unique mediator. Controlling for depression, sexual function and partner-perceived responses, dyadic adjustment partially mediated the association between higher participant-perceived solicitous responses and higher sexual satisfaction, and between higher participant-perceived negative responses and lower sexual satisfaction, accounting for 26% of the variance in each association. The current findings suggest that catastrophizing and dyadic adjustment may constitute a route by which partner responses exacerbate pain and increase or decrease sexual satisfaction in PVD couples.