968 resultados para Outdoor recreation


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The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources provides maps to recreational and state shellfish grounds, available to the public for recreational harvesting or to commercial harvest. This map shows the location of Jones Creek S342 Recreational Shellfish Ground in Georgetown County.


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The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources provides maps to recreational and state shellfish grounds, available to the public for recreational harvesting or to commercial harvest. This map shows the location of Brookgreen S354 Recreational Shellfish Ground in Georgetown County.


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The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources provides maps to recreational and state shellfish grounds, available to the public for recreational harvesting or to commercial harvest. This map shows the location of Drunken Jack Island S357 Recreational Shellfish Ground in Georgetown County.


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The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources provides maps to recreational and state shellfish grounds, available to the public for recreational harvesting or to commercial harvest. This map shows the location of Murrells Inlet S358 Recreational Shellfish Ground in Georgetown County.


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There are a considerable number of programs and agencies that count on the existence of a unique relationship between nature and human development. In addition, there are significant bodies of literature dedicated to understanding developmentally focused nature-based experiences. This research project was designed to flirther the understanding of this phenomenon. Consequently, the purpose of this research endeavour was to discover the essence ofthe intersection ofpersonal transformation and nature-based leisure, culminating in a rich and detailed account of this otherwise tacit phenomenon. As such, this research built on the assumption of this beneficial intersection of nature and personal transformation and contributes to the understanding ofhow this context is supporting or generating of selfactualization and positive development. Heuristic methods were employed because heuristics is concerned with the quality and essence of an experience, not causal relationships (Moustakas, 1990). Heuristic inquiry begins with the primary researcher and her personal experience and knowledge of the phenomenon. This study also involved four other coresearchers who had also experienced this phenomenon intensely. Co-researchers were found through purposeful and snowball sampling. Rich narrative descriptions of their experiences were gathered through in-depth, semi-structured interviews, and artifact elicitation was employed as a means to get at co-researchers' tacit knowledge. Each coresearcher was interviewed twice (the first interview focused on personal transformation, the second on nature) for approximately four and a half hours in total. Transcripts were read repeatedly to discern patterns that emerged from the study of the narratives and were coded accordingly. Individual narratives were consolidated to create a composite narrative of the experience. Finally, a creative synthesis was developed to represent the essence of this tacit experience. In conclusion the essence of the intersection of nature-based leisure and personal transformation was found to lie in the convergence of the lived experience of authenticity. The physical environment of nature was perceived and experienced to be a space and context of authenticity, leisure experiences were experienced as an engagement of authenticity, and individuals themselves encountered a true or authentic self that emanated from within. The implications of these findings are many, offering suggestions, considerations and implications from reconsidered approaches to environmental education to support for selfdirected human development.


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The experience of a strong sense of community developed while participating in extended wilderness expeditions is one of the most significant and meaningful experiences associated with taking part in this form of outdoor recreation. The experience of returning to a home community from an extended wilderness expedition is explored through the impacts associated with psychological sense of community (McMillian & Chavis, 1986; McMillian, 1996). A phenomenological approach was used to investigate the re-entry experiences of six individuals through the use of semi-structured interviews. Twelve main themes and seventeen subthemes emerged within the findings and illustrate a lack of preparation for the difficulties associated with re-entry, negative impacts associated with the experience of sense of community, and problems transferring aspects of a wilderness community into participant’s post-expedition lives.


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La idea de realitzar aquest projecte sorgeix d’una necessitat en el mercat de productes relacionats amb els nens i nenes petits, dins d’un rang d’edats entre 2 a 5 anys, per poder realitzar activitats de lleure a la muntanya. En ser un producte no existent s’ha hagut de fer el disseny conceptual de tot el producte buscant la solució final adient per a cada part considerada bàsica. Per assegurar-ne la fiabilitat i la seguretat del nen i del pare s’han fet els càlculs pertinents de les seccions més carregades i s’han descrit els processos de fabricació i muntatge de cada peça. La Motxilla – Carretó servirà per circular per pistes de muntanya i forestals. Tindrà dos usos, el primer per quan el nen estigui cansat de caminar i el terreny es poc accidentat,“funció carretó” i el segon ús, per quan el nen està cansat i el terreny és més accidentat, “funció cadireta”. El producte serà transformable en funció d’aquests dos usos principals


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És força evident que els parcs naturals nacionals i nacionals són espais dotats d’un gran atractiu paisatgístic, que a més a més, apareixen en guies i catàlegs nacionals i internacionals, essent, en conseqüència, un clar recurs turístic. Aquest article tracta el cas concret dels parcs naturals de Girona


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Risk and uncertainty are, to say the least, poorly considered by most individuals involved in real estate analysis - in both development and investment appraisal. Surveyors continue to express 'uncertainty' about the value (risk) of using relatively objective methods of analysis to account for these factors. These methods attempt to identify the risk elements more explicitly. Conventionally this is done by deriving probability distributions for the uncontrolled variables in the system. A suggested 'new' way of "being able to express our uncertainty or slight vagueness about some of the qualitative judgements and not From its modern origins, associated with the urbanising effect of industrialisation, walking has remained a popular form of outdoor recreation. It has, furthermore, remained an important site of class struggle, with the 'landless' seeking to establish their moral 'citizen' right to roam over open country in contradistinction to the 'landed', who have successfully limited this right to legally-defined public rights of way. In the face of declining farm incomes, however, farmers and landowners have, apparently, modified their attitudes towards public access, but only in return for compensation and management payments under grant schemes such as Countryside Stewardship and the Countryside Premium Scheme. With the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food now seeking to extend paid access arrangements to other grant schemes, as part of its response to the European Union's Agri-Environment Regulations, access 'rights' are assuming an increasingly commodified form, thereby questioning, if not undermining, the former citizen claims. For rather than being a benefit of citizenship, the existence of limited, often poorly maintained and inadequately signposted, public rights of way has tied inextricably the extension of legally-enforceable access to the needs of the landowners and farmers. At a time of falling prosperity in agriculture, therefore, they have now exercised their discretion by annexing the populism of consumer culture to reproduce the bourgeois liberal values of the market as a principal determinant of the extension of citizen rights of access to the countryside.


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Commonly, the border area is a countryside located far from city centre, so that such area gets less attention from government. This condition is seen from the condition of social and economic aspects that is left behind than other locations (Bappenas 2004). In Balinese Traditional perspective, countryside as border area is a non built environment as a symbol of an authority but it does not mean without activities. Asa regency area, border area is a gate of the regency that gives a first impression and attraction as well as represent of the regency characteristic. One of border areasbetween 2 regencies in Bali is Pengragoanareatraversed bythe main routeconnecting thecentreof the Bali Provinceand Gilimanuk Port. Not only is it as a border area betweenJembrana and Tabanan regencies, but also a coastal area that began to gain influence tourism development. The objective of this study is to find the strategies planning for border development that gives benefit to people, protect the local wisdom and meet with sustainable development issues. In order to achieve this objective, this research uses field study, focus groups discussion strategy and direct interview to collect data and descriptive analysis to analyse data. As an agriculture area, this area can be developed as agro-tourism area that focuses on agticultural activities and some support activities, " in limited number", such as home industries, outdoor recreation, agro tourism, restaurant, villa as well as stop over.


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Background : Little is known about the personal burden of fracture across the age spectrum, particularly in men. This study aimed to document the impact of clinical fracture on men's participation in employment, sports and outdoor recreation, mobility, handiwork, activities of daily living, home modification, and utilisation of community and health services.

Methods : This prospective study followed 196 men with incident fracture identified from radiology reports at the Geelong Hospital during the period July 2006 to December 2007 and examined personal and psychosocial impacts 12 months post-fracture, using a self-report questionnaire.

Results : Of all men identified with fracture, 40% took time off work. All fractures, except those to the upper limbs, had considerable impact on mobility. Inability to drive was associated with all fractures, but was most common with ankle fractures and most prolonged with hip fractures. Loss of confidence was reported by over one-third of all fracture cases, even 12 months after the fracture event. All fractures affected activities of daily living, and this was generally most prolonged for fractures of the hip. Similarly, all men with fracture utilised community and health services, even for the relatively minor fractures of the finger/thumb.

Conclusions : This study supports previous reports of the personal impact of hip fracture, and presents data about the consequences of upper and lower limb fractures and the generally poorly described sequelae of fractures of the finger/thumb and foot/toe. These observations have important implications for post-fracture care and rehabilitation in men.


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Em 1974 a Prefeitura Municipal de Jahu interessada na urbanização do vale do Rio Jahu no trecho urbano propôs a abertura de avenidas marginais, conforme previa o plano diretor. Os autores preocupados com as potencialidades de uso do vale, sugeriram que se afastasse as avenidas do rio e se desse a oportunidade da criação de um parque às margens do rio. Esse parque teria a função de integrar o rio à paisagem urbana, compatibilizando, ao mesmo tempo, os interesses sociais da população com as necessidades da conservação da natureza.


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The Jimmie E. Nunnery Papers contains records relating to Jimmie Nunnery’s career as a professor at USC-Lancaster. Included are correspondence, information about the scholarship program, fund raising, and the Lancaster County Educational Foundation, USC-Lancaster publications, promotion and tenure, indoor and outdoor recreation complexes, salary, building plans, committees, Medford Library, public relations, news releases, reports, conferences, expense reimbursement, teaching awards, faculty, newspaper clippings related to USC-Lancaster, and papers relating to teaching. The collection also contains personal papers, papers relating to early education, higher education, the S.C. National Guard, and the S.C House of Representatives, legal documents, various family papers, certificates, photographs, publications, general newspaper clippings, memorabilia, calendars, and various other materials.


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Nonnative aquatic species are invasive worldwide. These species adversely affect natural aquatic ecosystems in a variety of ways and can negatively affect agriculture, recreation and industry. This study addresses identification and control of aquatic plant species of concern in Colorado State Parks. Seventeen species identified as potential threats to the parks and safe, effective chemical control methodologies were determined for each species. A matrix was developed to include the plants, appropriate chemical controls and the type of aquatic habitat where chemical use would be safe and effective. The matrix and recommendations for its use will be provided to the Colorado Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation to develop a management plan under Section 1204 of the National Invasive Species Act.


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The Mount Antero/White area is a popular prospecting area. Recent expansions in the recreation economy is drawing more visitors to the area. Consequently, visitors may be placing unsustainable pressures on the landscape. In order to help rectify this, the legal, ecological, geologic, aesthetic, recreational, historic, social, and economic character of the Antero/White area has been identified. Four feasible management alternatives have also been recognized. They are a) take no new management actions, b) prohibit motorized activities in the area, c) develop a mineralogical park, and d) a combination of options b and c. Option C has been defended, as it best balances the desires of area users with the underlying ecological and geological character of the area.