981 resultados para Organic wastes -- Recycling
Estudo da caracterização física dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares dos municípios de Belém e Ananindeua da Região Metropolitana de Belém, relacionada com a situação socioeconômica, sua evolução temporal, sua potencialidade de reciclagem e com a redução de custos com a limpeza urbana. Inicialmente, foram identificados os roteiros de coleta praticados em cada um dos setores a serem amostrados. Em seguida, iniciou-se a caracterização no Complexo de Destino Final do Aurá onde as amostras dos roteiros selecionados foram analisadas. Após processo de homogeneização, foi retirado um metro cúbico de resíduos sólidos das viagens de cada roteiro, onde, realizou-se a caracterização e seleção dos componentes dos resíduos. Ao final desta etapa, os resultados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente, tendo os seguintes valores médios para os municípios de Belém e Ananindeua, respectivamente: Peso Específico Aparente Úmido 202,03 e 180,09 kg/m; plástico 14,98 % e 16,27 %; papel e papelão 17,06 % e 17,36 %; metais 2,64 % e 3,87 %; vidro 1,52 % e 2,96 %; matéria orgânica putrescível (compostável) 45,89 % e 42,34 %; e outros 17,91 % e 17,20 %. Os resultados obtidos chamam atenção especialmente na variação do Peso Específico Aparente Úmido, sendo o de Ananindeua de menor valor em função do maior teor de plásticos, vidros e metais; e de um menor teor de matéria orgânica. Essas diferenças basicamente se devem a dois fatores que são: Ananindeua é cidade dormitório de Belém e em Belém a coleta seletiva é mais eficiente devido a existência de uma cooperativa de catadores incentivada pelo poder público. Os valores mensais agregados somente com a reciclagem são: Belém (lr = 100 %) R$ 11.089.740,90; Belém (Ir = média brasileira) R$ 3.256.155,60; Ananindeua (Ir = 100 %) R$ 2.228.510,40; Ananindeua (Ir = média brasileira) R$ 1.160.136,90. Valores Totais com a Reciclagem sem Coleta Seletiva pelo poder público são: Belém (Ir =100 %) R$ 1.080.547,50; Belém (Ir = média brasileira) R$ 402.165,60; Ananindeua (Ir = 100 %) R$ 532.353,60; Ananindeua (Ir= média brasileira) R$ 125.676,00. Os resultados alcançados satisfazem o objetivo deste trabalho, traçando, dessa forma, o perfil de produção dos resíduos sólidos dos municípios de Belém e Ananindeua com os valores agregados pela reciclagem, no ano de 2006.
The expansion and maintenance of electricity distribution networks generates large amounts of waste, much of it in the form of discarded insulators that are not reused or recycled. This paper describes the results of tests on used and new ceramic and polymeric insulators to verify if their exposure to weathering justifies their replacement. In new and used ceramic insulators, properties such as contact angle, relative density, porosimetry, dilatometry and X-ray diffraction patterns showed no differences or the differences that were found could not be related to their use. The discarded ceramic material showed high thermal stability, an interesting characteristic for application as chamotte. It can also be reused to replace gravel used in substations. In polymeric insulators, thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry and relative density test results suggest degradation of used material compared to new. This would justify their replacement and discard as waste, but they show little recycling potential.
The present work is the analysis of the practices and techniques currently used in the final allocation given to organic household solid waste in the city of Rio Claro - SP. As the major part of Rio Claro’s household solid waste is formed by the organic fraction, as well as in the rest of the country, this research proposes a study on what is done with that portion of the waste, its treatment and where finally destined, based on the National Solid Waste Politic, recently approved in 2010. With the use of this organic part, for example: as animal feed supplement or compost embodiment for the purpose of producing organic fertilizer, enables the decrease of the percentage of the total destined to dumps and landfills. This total percentage has already been reduced after the popularization of the beneficial recycling programs in Brazil, which are still growing. As cities and the purchasing power of its individuals grow, there is also a consequent growth of waste production by society. The household whether domestic solid waste are lower than Industrial Solid ( RSI ) waste for the production in million tons ( Mton ) quantities , however, those residues are more visible on a daily basis - in cities and periphery as well, due to the inadequate management, - and also offer , as well as industrial and agricultural wastes , several types of harmful effects to the population when managed incorrectly. Therefore, the research aims to assist in the study of Solid Waste Management (MSW) for efficient Urban and Environmental Planning in a midsize city. Thus, this project aims to analyze in the city of Rio Claro, how the allocation of these materials is done and whether these practices denote effective improvement regarding the proper management of waste, in the same way that the recycling chain would allow this effect
The great demand for animal protein was responsible for the increase on the broilers production and hence, the generation of waste from the poultry slaughter was increased as well, which in turn, propelled the development of techniques that allow the reuse and recycling of these wastes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of composting on the treatment and recycling of solid waste from poultry slaughterhouse. The solid waste was from a commercial poultry slaughterhouse and was composed of viscera, muscle, fat, bone, blood and feathers that was mixed with a source of carbon, rice husk. Initially, a windrow with a volume of 1.5m(3) was built, and then some parameters were monitored: temperature, total solids (TS), volatile (VS), N, P, K, organic carbon (C), composting organic matter (COC), organic matter resistant to composting (MORC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), mass and volume of the windrow, most probable number (MPN) of total and fecal coliforms, as well as their reductions during the process. The maximum temperature reached in the center of the windrow was 53.3 degrees C (weekly average) since reductions of weight of TS and VS and volume during the pre-composting were 36.1, 44.3 and 23.3%, respectively and during the composting process was 21.8, 23.8 and 4.4%. The low volume reduction can be associated with high concentrations of MORC (40.1%) which can be mainly related to the quality of the carbon source. The process produced satisfactory total reductions of TS, VS and volume that were respectively, 50.1, 57.5 and 26.7%. However reductions were observed in 43% of amount of nitrogen in the final compound. Despite reductions in nitrogen content, composting proved to be an effective method in the treatment of solid waste from poultry slaughterhouse.
There is a large demand for organic fertilizers in organic agriculture, but few options for different wastes have been studied. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the biological responses of earthworms Eisenia andrei Bouche in wastes composed of cattle manure, peanut husk and spent coffee grounds, as well as to analyze the effect of earthworms on the microbial density and chemical properties of the vermicompost. Four treatments were employed, H1: cattle manure (100%), H2: cattle manure (75%) + peanut husk (25%), H3: cattle manure (75%) + spent coffee grounds (25%), H4: cattle manure (50%) + spent coffee ground (25%) + peanut husk (25%), with six replicates in a completely randomized design. The addition of spent coffee grounds to the manure increased the total biomass and indicated a rising trend in the production of cocoons, while the peanut husk apparently did not affect these variables. The CFU of bacteria and fungi were affected by the treatments at the beginning and end of the experiment and by the earthworms during the waste transformation. The evaluated organic waste mixtures differently affected the growth and reproduction of earthworms and chemical and biological properties of humus.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The last half-century has seen a continuing population and consumption growth, increasing the competition for land, water and energy. The solution can be found in the new sustainability theories, such as the industrial symbiosis and the zero waste objective. Reducing, reusing and recycling are challenges that the whole world have to consider. This is especially important for organic waste, whose reusing gives interesting results in terms of energy release. Before reusing, organic waste needs a deeper characterization. The non-destructive and non-invasive features of both Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry and imaging (MRI) make them optimal candidates to reach such characterization. In this research, NMR techniques demonstrated to be innovative technologies, but an important work on the hardware and software of the NMR LAGIRN laboratory was initially done, creating new experimental procedures to analyse organic waste samples. The first results came from soil-organic matter interactions. Remediated soils properties were described in function of the organic carbon content, proving the importance of limiting the addition of further organic matter to not inhibit soil processes as nutrients transport. Moreover NMR relaxation times and the signal amplitude of a compost sample, over time, showed that the organic matter degradation of compost is a complex process that involves a number of degradation kinetics, as a function of the mix of waste. Local degradation processes were studied with enhanced quantitative relaxation technique that combines NMR and MRI. The development of this research has finally led to the study of waste before it becomes waste. Since a lot of food is lost when it is still edible, new NMR experiments studied the efficiency of conservation and valorisation processes: apple dehydration, meat preservation and bio-oils production. All these results proved the readiness of NMR for quality controls on a huge kind of organic residues and waste.
Im Baugewerbe fallen jährlich mehrere Millionen Tonnen an Baureststoffen an, die nach erfolgter Aufbereitung als Recycling-Baustoffe erneut verwendet werden können. Allerdings besteht Unklarheit hinsichtlich der Stofffreisetzung aus Recycling-Materialien sowie der Parameter, die zur Beurteilung im Wesentlichen heranzuziehen sind. Des Weiteren gilt es der Frage nachzugehen, welche Laborversuche eine realistische Prognose zum Stoffaustrag unter Freilandbedingungen ermöglichen. Ein Ergebnisvergleich aus Feld- und Laborversuchen mit Recycling-Materialien zeigt, dass weder Ammoniumnitrat-Extraktion, pH-stat Versuch noch S4- und Modifizierter S4-Test genauere Prognosen zum Stoffaustrag unter Freilandbedingungen ermöglichen. Mit einem Langzeit-Standtest sowie Schüttelversuchen mit unterschiedlichen Wasser/Feststoff-Verhältnissen lässt sich der Einfluss durch verschiedene Korngrößen sowie Materialabrieb besser kontrollieren. Diese Versuchskombination erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf die Löslichkeit und Verfügbarkeit von Stoffen in den Recycling-Materialien. Die Ergebnisse aus Säulenversuchen weisen auf eine gute Vergleichbarkeit mit den Feldversuchen hin, was sich an denselben vorherrschenden Prozessen bei der Freisetzung für eine Reihe von Stoffen zeigt. Bei mehreren Stoffen treten ähnliche Konzen-trationshöchstwerte bei Säulen- und Feldversuch auf, ebenso zeigt der Vergleich aufsummierter Massenanteile für den Säulenversuch, dass bei einer Reihe von Stoffen eine grobe Abschätzbarkeit für eine Langzeitprognose unter Freilandbedingungen existiert. Als wesentliche Parameter für die Stofffreisetzung aus den Recycling-Materialien sind neben CO2-Einfluss und pH-Wert ebenfalls Temperatureinfluss, Material-Heterogenität sowie einzusetzende Korngröße anzusehen.
The time course of lake recovery after a reduction in external loading of nutrients is often controlled by conditions in the sediment. Remediation of eutrophication is hindered by the presence of legacy organic carbon deposits, that exert a demand on the terminal electron acceptors of the lake and contribute to problems such as internal nutrient recycling, absence of sediment macrofauna, and flux of toxic metal species into the water column. Being able to quantify the timing of a lake’s response requires determination of the magnitude and lability, i.e., the susceptibility to biodegradation, of the organic carbon within the legacy deposit. This characterization is problematic for organic carbon in sediments because of the presence of different fractions of carbon, which vary from highly labile to refractory. The lability of carbon under varied conditions was tested with a bioassay approach. It was found that the majority of the organic material found in the sediments is conditionally-labile, where mineralization potential is dependent on prevailing conditions. High labilities were noted under oxygenated conditions and a favorable temperature of 30 °C. Lability decreased when oxygen was removed, and was further reduced when the temperature was dropped to the hypolimnetic average of 8° C . These results indicate that reversible preservation mechanisms exist in the sediment, and are able to protect otherwise labile material from being mineralized under in situ conditions. The concept of an active sediment layer, a region in the sediments in which diagenetic reactions occur (with nothing occurring below it), was examined through three lines of evidence. Initially, porewater profiles of oxygen, nitrate, sulfate/total sulfide, ETSA (Electron Transport System Activity- the activity of oxygen, nitrate, iron/manganese, and sulfate), and methane were considered. It was found through examination of the porewater profiles that the edge of diagenesis occurred around 15-20 cm. Secondly, historical and contemporary TOC profiles were compared to find the point at which the profiles were coincident, indicating the depth at which no change has occurred over the (13 year) interval between core collections. This analysis suggested that no diagenesis has occurred in Onondaga Lake sediment below a depth of 15 cm. Finally, the time to 99% mineralization, the t99, was viewed by using a literature estimate of the kinetic rate constant for diagenesis. A t99 of 34 years, or approximately 30 cm of sediment depth, resulted for the slowly decaying carbon fraction. Based on these three lines of evidence , an active sediment layer of 15-20 cm is proposed for Onondaga Lake, corresponding to a time since deposition of 15-20 years. While a large legacy deposit of conditionally-labile organic material remains in the sediments of Onondaga Lake, it becomes clear that preservation, mechanisms that act to shield labile organic carbon from being degraded, protects this material from being mineralized and exerting a demand on the terminal electron acceptors of the lake. This has major implications for management of the lake, as it defines the time course of lake recovery following a reduction in nutrient loading.
Diagenesis of particulate organic matter in lake sediments consumes and produces chemical species that have significant effects on water quality, e.g. oxygen and nitrate depletion and attendant mediation of nutrient and metal recycling. A mechanistic, mass balance model (SED2K) is applied here in quantifying the time course and magnitude of sediment response to reductions in depositional fluxes of organic matter. In applying the model, direct, site-specific measurements of the sedimentation and POM rates in Onondaga Lake are used, leaving only the diagenesis coefficient (solubilization) for estimation by fit to downcore POM profiles. Model calibration is constrained by the dual requirement that both POM profiles and the time series of efflux of the products of diagenesis must be matched. Simulations point to the existence of POM preservation processes at depth, a phenomenon that may enhance the timing and magnitude of lake recovery.
Acoustic backscatter contrast in depositional sediments under salmon farm cages in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, was correlated with localized changes in (unknown) sediment geotechnical properties, as indicated by 4 independent measures of organic enrichment. Sediment total sulfides and redox potentials, enzyme hydrolyzable amino acids, sediment profile imaging and macrofaunal samples, taken at mid-cage positions, each rejected the null hypothesis that salmon cage footprints, defined acoustically as high backscatter areas, were indistinguishable from nearby reference areas. Acoustic backscatter imaging appears capable of mapping organic enrichment in depositional sediments caused by excessive inputs of salmon farm wastes associated with intensive aquaculture.