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New data on phosphorites collected by dredging and trawling at depths from 2700 to 520 m in the open Atlantic Ocean (i.e. outside of the shelf and the continental slope) are reported. Aphanitic, granular, brecciated, and conglomerate-like types are distinguished among the phosphorites. A comparison of the studied phosphorites with ones from the Atlantic shelf of Africa and from seamounts of other oceans is made.


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New data on phosphorites collected by dredging and trawling at depths from 2700 to 520 m in the open Atlantic Ocean (i.e. outside of the shelf and the continental slope) are reported. Aphanitic, granular, brecciated, and conglomerate-like types are distinguished among the phosphorites. A comparison of the studied phosphorites with ones from the Atlantic shelf of Africa and from seamounts of other oceans is made.


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Ecological and taxonomic study of the mollusk-rich fauna of the Golfe d'Arguin, North Mauritania, investigates the various environmental influences affecting this tropical shelf. The upwelling of nutrient-rich waters leads to a highly productive environment under tropical conditions. The resulting mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediment contains a large portion of calcareous components produced by heterotrophic organisms-e.g., mollusks, foraminifers, worms, barnacles-that are reworked on the open shelf. On the basis of mollusk assemblages, six taphocoenoses are defined, all being characterized by a mixed fauna of tropical (e.g., Tellina densestriata), subtropical (e.g., Macoma cumana) and temperate (e.g., Spisula subtruncata) species. Differences between the assemblages are related to the medium-grain size ranging from mud to gravel-that results from local hydrodynamic conditions and water depth. Among carbonate grains, Donax burnupi shells are very abundant in the swell-exposed, northern part of the Golfe d'Arguin and reflect the tropical to subtropical, high-energy, and high-nutrient waters. Mollusk assemblages are demonstrated to be a sensitive tool for deciphering complex environmental conditions in sedimentary archives.


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The 14C reservoir age of the surface ocean was determined for two Holocene periods (4908-4955 and 3008-3066 calendar (cal) B.P.) using U/Th-dated corals from Biscayne National Park, Florida, United States. We found that the average reservoir ages for these two time periods (294 ± 33 and 291 ± 27 years, respectively) were lower than the average value between A.D. 1600 and 1900 (390 ± 60 years) from corals. It appears that the surface ocean was closer to isotopic equilibrium with CO2 in the atmosphere during these two time periods than it was during recent times. Seasonal d18O measurements from the younger coral are similar to modern values, suggesting that mixing with open ocean waters was indeed occurring during this coral's lifetime. Likely explanations for the lower reservoir age include increased stratification of the surface ocean or increased D14C values of subsurface waters that mix into the surface. Our results imply that a more correct reservoir age correction for radiocarbon measurements of marine samples in this location from the time periods ~3040 and ~4930 cal years B.P. is ~292 ± 30 years, less than the canonical value of 404 ± 20 years.


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A new chemical procedure for cleaning marine carbonates was applied to remove detritus as well as metaloxide contaminations of marine shells from Eemian deposits and adjoining succession of a sediment core from Dagebüll, Schleswig- Holstein. Hence, one can significantly reduce the contamination with detrital uranium and thorium. Thermal ionisation mass spectrometry was applied to determine the uranium and thorium activities used for 230Th/U dating of these shells. At least ten samples of marine bivalves of five different core sections were analysed. Samples located below a five meter thick clay layer at 19-24 m yielded an average age of 132±18 ka. Shells located above the clays at 15-20 m depth were strongly influenced by percolating groundwaters of an open system. Therefore, a reliable dating of these samples was not possible.


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At the end of the Leg 73 cruise, at Site 520, a thick upper Miocene facies of laminated diatomite was discovered. It was hypothesized that the sediment was derived from nutrient-rich waters in a young Cenozoic anoxic basin in the open Atlantic Ocean near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.


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Chloroform extracts of water-soluble organic matter collected in the water column from the surface to the bottom were studied by C-13 and H-1 NMR chromatographic mass spectrometry, and phthalate concentrations were determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. More than 14 compounds were found including diethyl phthalate, ethyl butyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, phthalates with normal C4-C12 chains, phthalates partially esterified with methanol, and others, at total concentrations up to 0.4 mg/l. Possible reasons for presence of phthalates in oceans, sometimes in high concentrations, are discussed.


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Data on behavior of iron, manganese, nickel, copper, and zinc in the zone where acidic volcanic waters of the Yur'eva River (Paramushir Island, Kuril Islands) mix with sea water are presented. Distributions of dissolved and particulate forms of these elements indicate that the mixing zone acts as a pH-based geochemical barrier, at which almost all dissolved iron and smaller amounts of other metals are precipitated. When chemogenic particulate matter formed in the mixing zone enters the open ocean, it can sorb trace elements from sea water.


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We used a novel system of three continuous wave Doppler radars to successfully record the directivity of i) Strombolian explosions from the active lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, ii) eruptions at Stromboli volcano, Italy, and iii) a man-made explosion in a quarry. Erebus volcano contains a convecting phonolite lava lake, presumably connected to a magma chamber at depth. It is one of the few open vent volcanoes that allow a direct observation of source processes during explosions. Its lava lake is the source of frequent violent Strombolian explosions, caused by large gas bubbles bursting at the lake surface. The exact mechanism of these bubble bursts is unclear, as is the mechanism of the creation of the infrasound signal accompanying the explosions. We use the Doppler radar data to calculate the directivity of Strombolian eruptions at Erebus. This allows us to derive information about the expected type of infrasound source pattern (i.e. the role of a dipole in addition to the monopole signature) and the physical structure of the volcano. We recorded 10 large explosions simultaneously with three radars, enabling us to calculate time series of 3D directivity vectors (i.e. effectively 4D), which describe the direction of preferred expansion of the gas bubble during an explosion. Such directivity information allows a comparison to dipole infrasound radiation patterns recorded during similar explosions only a few weeks later. Video observations of explosions support our interpretation of the measurements. We conclude that at Erebus, the directivity of explosions is mainly controlled by random processes. Since the geometry of the uppermost conduit is assumed to have a large effect on the directivity of explosions, the results suggest a largely symmetrical uppermost conduit with a vertical axis of symmetry. For infrasound recordings, a significant dipole signature can be expected in addition to the predominant monopole signature.


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Upper Berriasian to lower Aptian calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been studied from a siliciclastic deep-sea fan complex and a subjacent limestone sequence drilled beneath the lower continental rise in the western North American Basin, 270 miles (435 km) off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (USA). Sharp lithologic facies changes and reworking by turbidites complicate the biostratigraphic interpretation, but provide an excellent opportunity to better distinguish "nearshore" from open-ocean nannofossil species, and to investigate the introduction of neritic taxa into the deep-see environment, a phenomenon that appears to have been widespread within the circum-North Atlantic during Neocomian times. Well-preserved assemblages in dark, carbonaceous claystones were probably displaced from the oxygen minimum zone along the upper slope or outer shelf. Neritic, continental margin species prevalent in this facies include the holococcolith Zebrashapka vanhintei n. gen., n. sp., Lithraphidites alatus magnus n. spp., Pickelhaube furtiva n. gen., and a host of nannoconids and micrantholiths. A qualitative evaluation of widely used guide fossils suggests that the triad of proposed markers for the base of Roth's Zone NC3 make their first appearances in the following (ascending) order: Diadorhombus rectus, TUbodiscus verenae, Calcicalathina oblongata. Of these, we chose the nominative species for the zone, T. verenae, to mark its base and to approximate the Berriasian/Valangian boundary. Cyclagelosphaera deflandrei is strongly affected by diagenesis and is therefore not a reliable index species for the base of Zone NC4 near the Valanginian/Hauterivian boundary (the last occurrence of T. verenae is also not suitable there). In addition, Lithraphidites bollii, a form apparently confined to the low latitudes of the Tethyan region, was absent at the more temperate Site 603 and not available as a subzonal marker for the upper Hautervian-lower Barremian (mid-NC4 and mid-NC5, respectively). Cruciellipsis cuvillieri, however, provides a reliable datum just below the Hauterivian/Barremian boundary (base of NC5), despite the potential for reworking in this section. Nannoconids tend to be reworked in this section, and do not provide trustworthy forms to mark the Barremian/Aptian boundary (base of NC6). Hayesites irregularis n. comb, probably does provide a useful first appearance datum within the lower Aptian, if it is not confused with a more birefringent and globular form, Rucinolithus terebrodentarius n. sp. Rhagodiscus angustus is mimicked by a similar form (Zeughrabdotusl pseudoangustus n. sp.), which apparently ranges down to the Hauterivian, thus Lithastrinus floralis provides a more useful first appearance datum for the base of the middle-upper Aptian Rhagodiscus angustus Zone (NC7). Aside from the new taxa mentioned above, the following are also described: Cretarhabdusl delicatus n. sp. and Cyclagelosphaera jiangii n. sp.


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Correlations of biostratigraphic datums to the geomagnetic reversal time scale (GRTS) at Leg 107 sites provide a means of correlating these datums to sections outside the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, poor recovery and core deformation due to rotary drilling at Sites 651, 652, and 654 severely hampered efforts to acquire detailed magnetostratigraphies and biostratigraphies. However, many biostratigraphic markers could be correlated to the GRTS, including those close to the Miocene/Pliocene and Tortonian/Messinian boundaries. These boundaries are interpreted to occur in Chrons 3r and 3B, respectively (chron nomenclature after Cox, 1982). Comparison of the correlation of Plio-Pleistocene calcareous plankton biostratigraphic events to the GRTS in the Mediterranean and in the open oceans indicates that many events are broadly synchronous between the two environments. The outstanding exception is the first occurrence of Globorotalia margaritae which is delayed in the Mediterranean by about 1 m.y.


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Two global environmental issues, climate change and contamination by persistent organic pollutants, represent major concerns for arctic ecosystems. Yet, it is unclear how these two stressors interact in the Arctic. For instance, the influence of climate-associated changes in food web structure on exposure to pollutants within arctic ecosystems is presently unknown. Here, we report on recent changes in feeding ecology (1991-2007) in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the western Hudson Bay subpopulation that have resulted in increases in the tissue concentrations of several chlorinated and brominated contaminants. Differences in timing of the annual sea ice breakup explained a significant proportion of the diet variation among years. As expected from climate change predictions, this diet change was consistent with an increase in the consumed proportions of open water-associated seal species compared to ice-associated seal species in years of earlier sea ice breakup. Our results demonstrate that climate change is a modulating influence on contaminants in this polar bear subpopulation and may pose an additional and previously unidentified threat to northern ecosystems through altered exposures to contaminants.


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New data on phosphorites collected by dredging and trawling at depths from 2700 to 520 m in the open Atlantic Ocean (i.e. outside of the shelf and the continental slope) are reported. Aphanitic, granular, brecciated, and conglomerate-like types are distinguished among the phosphorites. A comparison of the studied phosphorites with ones from the Atlantic shelf of Africa and from seamounts of other oceans is made.


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Total dissolved carbohydrates (DCHOs) were determined in interstitial waters collected at open-ocean and Peru margin sites cored during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 201. Concentrations of DCHOs ranged from 0 to ~1500 µM and showed no consistent trends between open-ocean and Peru margin sites either in the magnitude or direction of downhole interstitial water gradients. In contrast, relative DCHO concentrations (normalized to dissolved organic carbon concentrations) were higher in open-ocean vs. margin sediments. These trends are consistent with results from more shallow estuarine and nearshore continental margin sediments and may be related to changes in the overall controls on sediment organic matter remineralization with decreasing remineralization rates.


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The first and last appearances of Quaternary planktonic foraminifers in the Great Australian Bight were evaluated using datum levels from magnetostatigraphy, oxygen isotope stratigraphy, and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy to determine whether they were synchronous or diachronous with open-ocean biostratigraphic events. The first appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides is diachronous at 1.6-1.7 Ma at Site 1127 and 1.1-1.2 at Sites 1129 and 1132, similar to other local appearances in high latitudes. All other datum levels, however, are synchronous with open-ocean events, including the first appearance of Globorotalia hirsuta and the last appearances of Globorotalia tosaensis and pink Globigerinoides ruber in the Indo-Pacific region. A local reappearance of Gt. hirsuta at ~0.12 Ma and the disappearance of Globorotalia crassaformis at ~0.10 Ma were found to be useful for local biostratigraphy. Age control at the bottom of all of the sections is poor at this time, but results suggest that sedimentation recommenced starting at ~1.9 Ma above the regional unconformity that marks the base of seismostratigraphic Sequence 2. Sediment accumulation is distinctly reduced in the lower Pleistocene compared to the upper Pleistocene, perhaps in part because of processes associated with several omission surfaces.