852 resultados para Ontology, personalization, semantic relations, world knowledge, local instance repository, user profiles, web information gathering


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The Internet and World Wide Web have had, and continue to have, an incredible impact on our civilization. These technologies have radically influenced the way that society is organised and the manner in which people around the world communicate and interact. The structure and function of individual, social, organisational, economic and political life begin to resemble the digital network architectures upon which they are increasingly reliant. It is increasingly difficult to imagine how our offline world would look or function without the online world; it is becoming less meaningful to distinguish between the actual and the virtual. Thus, the major architectural project of the twenty-first century is to imagine, build, and enhance an interactive and ever changing cyberspace (Lvy, 1997, p. 10). Virtual worlds are at the forefront of this evolving digital landscape. Virtual worlds have critical implications for business, education, social sciences, and our society at large (Messinger et al., 2009, p. 204). This study focuses on the possibilities of virtual worlds in terms of communication, collaboration, innovation and creativity. The concept of knowledge creation is at the core of this research. The study shows that scholars increasingly recognise that knowledge creation, as a socially enacted process, goes to the very heart of innovation. However, efforts to build upon these insights have struggled to escape the influence of the information processing paradigm of old and have failed to move beyond the persistent but problematic conceptualisation of knowledge creation in terms of tacit and explicit knowledge. Based on these insights, the study leverages extant research to develop the conceptual apparatus necessary to carry out an investigation of innovation and knowledge creation in virtual worlds. The study derives and articulates a set of definitions (of virtual worlds, innovation, knowledge and knowledge creation) to guide research. The study also leverages a number of extant theories in order to develop a preliminary framework to model knowledge creation in virtual worlds. Using a combination of participant observation and six case studies of innovative educational projects in Second Life, the study yields a range of insights into the process of knowledge creation in virtual worlds and into the factors that affect it. The studys contributions to theory are expressed as a series of propositions and findings and are represented as a revised and empirically grounded theoretical framework of knowledge creation in virtual worlds. These findings highlight the importance of prior related knowledge and intrinsic motivation in terms of shaping and stimulating knowledge creation in virtual worlds. At the same time, they highlight the importance of meta-knowledge (knowledge about knowledge) in terms of guiding the knowledge creation process whilst revealing the diversity of behavioural approaches actually used to create knowledge in virtual worlds and. This theoretical framework is itself one of the chief contributions of the study and the analysis explores how it can be used to guide further research in virtual worlds and on knowledge creation. The studys contributions to practice are presented as actionable guide to simulate knowledge creation in virtual worlds. This guide utilises a theoretically based classification of four knowledge-creator archetypes (the sage, the lore master, the artisan, and the apprentice) and derives an actionable set of behavioural prescriptions for each archetype. The study concludes with a discussion of the studys implications in terms of future research.


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Thirty years after fleeing from Poland to Denmark, 20 immigrants were enlisted in a study of bilingual autobiographical memory. Ten "early immigrators" averaged 24 years old at the time of immigration, and ten "late immigrators" averaged 34 years old at immigration. Although all 20 had spent 30 years in Denmark, early immigrators reported more current inner speech behaviours in Danish, whereas late immigrators showed more use of Polish. Both groups displayed proportionally more numerous autobiographical retrievals that were reported as coming to them internally in Polish (vs Danish) for the decades prior to immigration and more in Danish (vs Polish) after immigration. We propose a culture- and language-specific shaping of semantic and conceptual stores that underpins autobiographical and world knowledge.


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The open service network for marine environmental data (NETMAR) project uses semantic web technologies in its pilot system which aims to allow users to search, download and integrate satellite, in situ and model data from open ocean and coastal areas. The semantic web is an extension of the fundamental ideas of the World Wide Web, building a web of data through annotation of metadata and data with hyperlinked resources. Within the framework of the NETMAR project, an interconnected semantic web resource was developed to aid in data and web service discovery and to validate Open Geospatial Consortium Web Processing Service orchestration. A second semantic resource was developed to support interoperability of coastal web atlases across jurisdictional boundaries. This paper outlines the approach taken to producing the resource registry used within the NETMAR project and demonstrates the use of these semantic resources to support user interactions with systems. Such interconnected semantic resources allow the increased ability to share and disseminate data through the facilitation of interoperability between data providers. The formal representation of geospatial knowledge to advance geospatial interoperability is a growing research area. Tools and methods such as those outlined in this paper have the potential to support these efforts.


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Currently there is extensive theoretical work on inconsistencies in logic-based systems. Recently, algorithms for identifying inconsistent clauses in a single conjunctive formula have demonstrated that practical application of this work is possible. However, these algorithms have not been extended for full knowledge base systems and have not been applied to real-world knowledge. To address these issues, we propose a new algorithm for finding the inconsistencies in a knowledge base using existing algorithms for finding inconsistent clauses in a formula. An implementation of this algorithm is then presented as an automated tool for finding inconsistencies in a knowledge base and measuring the inconsistency of formulae. Finally, we look at a case study of a network security rule set for exploit detection (QRadar) and suggest how these automated tools can be applied.


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Cette recherche s'intresse l'acteur patronal organis, encore peu tudi en Amrique du Nord. Pourtant, cet acteur est fortement organis au Qubec et il exerce une influence reconnue sur les politiques publiques et les relations industrielles. Cette recherche vise mieux comprendre la logique daction des employeurs et les lieux o ils exercent leur influence. Plus important encore, la recherche sinterroge sur les mcanismes de diffusion utiliss par les associations patronales pour transmettre leurs membres des orientations et des lignes directrices adopter. Tout comme pour lacteur syndical qui doit dvelopper sa capacit reprsentative (Dufour, Hege, Levesque et Murray, 2009), nous croyons quil en est de mme pour lacteur patronal. Bref, cette tude cherche comprendre comment les associations patronales vont s'assurer que leurs membres adoptent des pratiques en lien avec les positions dfendues dans les institutions du march du travail et dans la sphre des politiques publiques. Notre question de recherche est la suivante : Quels sont les mcanismes dvelopps par les associations patronales pour diffuser leurs orientations en matire de politiques publiques et de relations du travail en vue dinfluencer les pratiques locales de gestion de leurs membres? Au plan thorique, cette tude mobilise les ides dveloppes par les approches no-institutionnalistes pour mieux expliquer comment les acteurs vont utiliser les institutions en place pour faonner les rgles dans leurs intrts, ce qui suppose dabord une capacit de reprsentation et une cohrence dans les actions entre les niveaux o se situent lacteur. On cherche comprendre comment les associations peuvent coordonner les actions patronales en raction aux changements qui soprent dans lenvironnement institutionnel. Les associations patronales sont des entrepreneurs institutionnels (Crouch, 2005) qui sont la recherche active dopportunits et de leviers de pouvoir utiliser pour maximiser leurs intrts de leurs membres et par la mme occasion, rduire les incertitudes en provenance de lenvironnement (Campbell, 2004; Streeck et Thelen, 2005; Crouch, 2005). Toujours au niveau thorique, cette tude se base sur les ides avances par la sociologie des logiques daction. Cette approche thorique nous permet de rendre compte des niveaux sectoriel et local o senracinent les comportements des employeurs. Au niveau sectoriel, il existe une pluralit dinstances qui contribuent faonner les logiques dactions des associations patronales. La sociologie des logiques dactions nous permet denvisager lassociation patronale comme un groupe qui dispose dune vie qui lui est propre avec une relative autonomie de fonctionnement. La capacit dinfluence de lassociation serait tributaire des mcanismes de coordination de laction utiliss pour susciter laccord au sein du groupe. Les mcanismes de coordination de laction devraient permettre une connexion rgulire et stable entre lassociation et ses membres. Cette recherche sintresse aux associations patronales qui ont recours un ensemble de moyens pour diffuser les orientations privilgies aux entreprises membres. Au plan empirique, cette recherche propose de rpondre aux trois objectifs suivants : (1) mieux comprendre les formes dorganisation patronales dans les mines au Qubec; (2) mieux saisir la structure et la logique daction des associations patronales sur les politiques publiques, les relations de travail et le march du travail et finalement (3) mieux comprendre les mcanismes dvelopps par les associations patronales pour diffuser leurs orientations en vue dinfluencer les pratiques locales de gestion de leurs membres. Pour atteindre nos objectifs de recherche, nous avons utilis une mthodologie qualitative de recherche soit une tude de cas du secteur des mines au Qubec. Cette dernire a t conduite en trois tapes : la prparation, la collecte des donnes et linterprtation (Merriam, 1998). Les donnes de cette tude ont t recueillies lhiver 2012, par le biais dentretiens semi-directifs auprs de gestionnaires dentreprises minires et de dirigeants dassociations minires. Une analyse qualitative du contenu de ces entrevues a t effectue en lien avec la revue de littrature et nos propositions de recherche. cette fin, nous avons utilis la technique de lappariement logique de Yin (1994), ce qui nous a permis de comparer nos observations nos propositions de recherche. Au niveau des rsultats, nous avons pu constater que les associations patronales du secteur des mines au Qubec, endossent davantage le rle de porte-parole de lindustrie auprs du gouvernement que celui de dveloppeur de services aux membres. Les actions des associations patronales sexercent tous les niveaux dcisionnels afin dassurer la meilleure promotion possible des intrts des employeurs. La reprsentation politique reprsente le champ dactivit le plus important qui compose la logique daction des associations patronales de la filire minrale qubcoise. Mentionnons galement que la reprsentation des intrts des entreprises auprs du public et des mdias est galement vitale laction collective patronale dans un souci dacceptabilit sociale. Les associations demployeurs vont tenter principalement dinfluencer les pratiques en relations industrielles qui permettent dassurer une meilleure image de lindustrie et qui sont juges prioritaires en fonction du contexte institutionnel en place. La recherche nous a permis dobserver un impact favorable et significatif la capacit de diffusion pour cinq des sept mcanismes de diffusion faisant partie de notre modle danalyse. Trois de ces cinq mcanismes favorisent la capacit de diffusion descendante (transposition de la logique daction sectorielle sur les pratiques locales des membres) et les deux autres favorisent plutt la capacit de diffusion ascendante (transposition des enjeux locaux jugs prioritaires sur la logique daction sectorielle). Les mcanismes qui supportent au mieux la cohsion au sein de lassociation sont ceux qui impliquent une relation dynamique entre les reprsentants et les membres et entre les membres eux-mmes do la pertinence dune diffusion descendante et ascendante des orientations. Il est noter qutant donn que cette recherche consiste en une tude de cas, des limites mthodologiques lies la gnralisation des rsultats sont prsentes. Il nest pas ais daffirmer que les rsultats de cette microanalyse soient gnralisables en raison des spcificits du secteur ltude. En contrepartie, les analyses ont servi llaboration dun modle qui pourra tre utilis dans des tudes futures.


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Le Canada consacre chaque anne des milliards en aide internationale. Selon le Ministre des affaires trangres, commerce et dveloppement, laide dploye en 2013 sest chiffre plus de 5,48 milliards de dollars. Dans chaque projet mis en uvre dans les pays en dveloppement, des ressources humaines donnent de leur temps et sefforcent de contribuer au renforcement des capacits des organisations locales. Ces projets sont des initiatives de coopration technique ou renferment des composantes de coopration technique; les personnes qui y sont affectes doivent accomplir de multiples tches, dont celle dagent de partage de connaissances. Cette thse explore ce phnomne en apportant un clairage sur les processus relationnels sous-jacents aux changes entre les personnes lies ces initiatives, soient les conseillers volontaires expatris et les membres des quipes locales qui accueillent de telles initiatives. Elle tend appuyer linfluence marque des relations interpersonnelles sur les rsultats de partage de connaissances, sauf que la confiance, elle seule, ne suffit pas pour atteindre des objectifs de dveloppement durable. Lanalyse des cas, sappuyant principalement sur des entrevues semi-diriges effectues Hati et au Sngal, nous permet daffirmer limportance de sattarder la capacit dassimilation dynamique des parties au partage, mais galement aux rles des gestionnaires des organismes partenaires locaux dans leur engagement raliser des mandats visant le partage de connaissances.


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El proyecto ser desarrollado en base al modelo ecolgico del desarrollo humano, (Bronfenbrenner, 1999) partiendo desde la explicacin y conceptualizacin del modelo en trminos generales, guiando la investigacin hacia un mbito organizacional en donde se podr aplicar la teora descrita por Bronfenbrenner y as, determinar cul es la estructura y funcionalidad de los sistemas en el modelo adems de establecer qu utilidad tiene en entornos empresariales por medio del anlisis de los mltiples sistemas, relaciones, interacciones y efectos que tienen y que desarrollan las empresas u organizaciones en el transcurso de su vida. A lo largo de la investigacin se har referencia a diferentes conceptos relacionados tanto con el modelo como con el mundo en que se desarrollan las organizaciones, tales como clusters, sistemas, sectores, estrategias, marketing relacional, comunidad, interacciones, influencias, entre otros; los cuales permitirn acercar lo mayor posible el modelo de Bronfenbrenner al mundo empresarial y lograr desarrollar de mejor manera la intencin de aplicar el modelo al mundo organizacional.


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M. Foucault's analyses about the relations between knowledge and power, can be very useful to do researchs into the field of Philosophical Anthropology. From these analyses it would be possible, for instance, to perceive Philosophical Anthropology as un internal ethnology of our culture that reports the systems of normalization of the present


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The proposal presented in this thesis is to provide designers of knowledge based supervisory systems of dynamic systems with a framework to facilitate their tasks avoiding interface problems among tools, data flow and management. The approach is thought to be useful to both control and process engineers in assisting their tasks. The use of AI technologies to diagnose and perform control loops and, of course, assist process supervisory tasks such as fault detection and diagnose, are in the scope of this work. Special effort has been put in integration of tools for assisting expert supervisory systems design. With this aim the experience of Computer Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD) frameworks have been analysed and used to design a Computer Aided Supervisory Systems (CASSD) framework. In this sense, some basic facilities are required to be available in this proposed framework:


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This article reports on an exploratory investigation into the listening strategies of lower-intermediate learners of French as an L2, including the sources of knowledge they employed in order to comprehend spoken French. Data from 14 learners were analysed to investigate whether employment of strategies in general and sources of knowledge in particular varied according to the underlying linguistic knowledge of the student. While low linguistic knowledge learners were less likely to deploy effectively certain strategies or strategy clusters, high linguistic knowledge levels were not always associated with effective strategy use. Similarly, while there was an association between linguistic knowledge and learners ability to draw on more than one source of knowledge in a facilitative manner, there was also evidence that learners tended to over-rely on linguistic knowledge where other sources, such as world knowledge, would have proved facilitative. We conclude by arguing for a fresh approach to listening pedagogy and research, including strategy instruction, bottom-up skill development and a consideration of the role of linguistic knowledge in strategy use.


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This paper investigates and evaluates the process of knowledge transfer in construction projects. Due to the highly competitive nature of business environments, knowledge transfer between organisations has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, although organisations can realise remarkable benefits by transferring knowledge from one unit to another, successful knowledge transfer can be difficult to achieve. The discussions presented in the paper are mainly based on findings of two case studies. The two cases were selected from Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects in the UK. According to the case study findings, different stages of a knowledge transfer process can be overlapped, omitted, repeated as well as intermitted and then restarted. One of the significant findings of the case studies was the role of the "knowledge mediator". In selected case studies, there were external consultants and expert staff in the form of knowledge mediators. The importance of their roles was frequently highlighted by the interview participants. They were not only facilitating the close liaison between the knowledge source and the receiver, but also their role was strongly associated with practices of translation and interpretation. This combined role of mediator/translator, therefore, appears to be particularly significant for inter-organisational knowledge transfer in PFI projects.


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Perception is linked to action via two routes: a direct route based on affordance information in the environment and an indirect route based on semantic knowledge about objects. The present study explored the factors modulating the recruitment of the two routes, in particular which factors affecting the selection of paired objects. In Experiment 1, we presented real objects among semantically related or unrelated distracters. Participants had to select two objects that can interact. The presence of distracters affected selection times, but not the semantic relations of the objects with the distracters. Furthermore, participants first selected the active object (e.g. teaspoon) with their right hand, followed by the passive object (e.g. mug), often with their left hand. In Experiment 2, we presented pictures of the same objects with no hand grip, congruent or incongruent hand grip. Participants had to decide whether the two objects can interact. Action decisions were faster when the presentation of the active object preceded the presentation of the passive object, and when the grip was congruent. Interestingly, participants were slower when the objects were semantically but not functionally related; this effect increased with congruently gripped objects. Our data showed that action decisions in the presence of strong affordance cues (real objects, pictures of congruently gripped objects) relied on sensory-motor representation, supporting the direct route from perception-to-action that bypasses semantic knowledge. However, in the case of weak affordance cues (pictures), semantic information interfered with action decisions, indicating that semantic knowledge impacts action decisions. The data support the dual-route account from perception-to-action.


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The eye movements of 24 children and 24 adults were monitored to compare how they read sentences containing plausible, implausible, and anomalous thematic relations. In the implausible condition the incongruity occurred due to the incompatibility of two objects involved in the event denoted by the main verb. In the anomalous condition the direct object of the verb was not a possible verb argument. Adults exhibited immediate disruption with the anomalous sentences as compared to the implausible sentences as indexed by longer gaze durations on the target word. Children exhibited the same pattern of effects as adults as far as the anomalous sentences were concerned, but exhibited delayed effects of implausibility. These data indicate that while children and adults are alike in their basic thematic assignment processes during reading, children may be delayed in the efficiency with which they are able to integrate pragmatic and real world knowledge into their discourse representation.


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The present paper examines the production of definite and indefinite articles in English-speaking typically developing (TD) children and children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Twenty four English-speaking children with SLI (mean age: 7;5), twenty nine TD age-matched (TD-AM) children (mean age: 7;5) and eleven younger (mean age: 5;5) TD vocabulary-matched (TD-VM) children participated in a production task involving short stories without picture props based on Schafer and de Villiers (2000). Article production was examined in two different semantic contexts for the definite article, namely in the anaphoric and the bridging context. In the anaphoric condition, definiteness is established via linguistic means, whereas in the bridging condition via shared world knowledge. Indefinite article production was examined in the referential specific, non-referential predicational, and non-referential instrumental contexts. The referential specific context involves [+speaker, hearer] knowledge and the non-referential predicational and instrumental [speaker, hearer] knowledge. Results showed that in the definite article contexts, all three groups performed better on the bridging compared with the anaphoric condition; in the indefinite article contexts, they had better performance on the non-referential predicational vs. the referential specific and the non-referential instrumental conditions. In terms of errors, the TD-VM children and the children with SLI produced significantly more substitutions than the TD-AM children in the definite article contexts. In the indefinite article contexts, the three groups did not differ in terms of accuracy or error patterns. The present results point towards problems in the discourse integration of entities that are part of the speaker's and hearer's knowledge in children with SLI and TD-VM controls, especially in definite articles. These problems are accentuated in the children with SLI due to their grammatical impairment and suggest that children with SLI exhibit a delayed acquisition profile.


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The present article examines production and on-line processing of definite articles in Turkish-speaking sequential bilingual children acquiring English and Dutch as second languages (L2) in the UK and in the Netherlands, respectively. Thirty-nine 68-year-old L2 children and 48 monolingual (L1) age-matched children participated in two separate studies examining the production of definite articles in English and Dutch in conditions manipulating semantic context, that is, the anaphoric and the bridging contexts. Sensitivity to article omission was examined in the same groups of children using an on-line processing task involving article use in the same semantic contexts as in the production task. The results indicate that both L2 children and L1 controls are less accurate when definiteness is established by keeping track of the discourse referents (anaphoric) than when it is established via world knowledge (bridging). Moreover, despite variable production, all groups of children were sensitive to the omission of definite articles in the on-line comprehension task. This suggests that the errors of omission are not due to the lack of abstract syntactic representations, but could result from processes implicated in the spell-out of definite articles. The findings are in line with the idea that variable production in child L2 learners does not necessarily indicate lack of abstract representations (Haznedar and Schwartz, 1997).