940 resultados para Old world wines


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We studied the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase activity in the visual cortex of normal adult New World monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) using the malic enzyme "indirect" method. NADPH-diaphorase neuropil activity had a heterogeneous distribution. In coronal sections, it had a clear laminar pattern that was coincident with Nissl-stained layers. In tangential sections, we observed blobs in supragranular layers of V1 and stripes throughout the entire V2. We quantified and compared the tangential distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and cytochrome oxidase blobs in adjacent sections of the supragranular layers of V1. Although their spatial distributions were rather similar, the two enzymes did not always overlap. The histochemical reaction also revealed two different types of stained cells: a slightly stained subpopulation and a subgroup of deeply stained neurons resembling a Golgi impregnation. These neurons were sparsely spined non-pyramidal cells. Their dendritic arbors were very well stained but their axons were not always evident. In the gray matter, heavily stained neurons showed different dendritic arbor morphologies. However, most of the strongly reactive cells lay in the subjacent white matter, where they presented a more homogenous morphology. Our results demonstrate that the pattern of NADPH-diaphorase activity is similar to that previously described in Old World monkeys.


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O presente trabalho tem o intuito de Investigar possíveis correlações entre a morfologia da micróglia do hipocampo e giro denteado e o desempenho cognitivo individual em teste de memória espacial no Cebus apella. Devido ao bom desempenho do Cebus apella em tarefas cognitivas hipocampo-dependentes, utilizou-se testes selecionados da Bateria Cambridge de Testes Neuropsicológicos (CANTAB) utilizada previamente com sucesso tanto em primatas do Velho Mundo quanto em humanos. Empregou-se o teste motor de adaptação a tela para checar a adaptação dos indivíduos à tela sensível ao toque e o teste de aprendizado pareado (TAP) para avaliar aprendizado e memória espacial. Para o estudo da correlação entre o desempenho individual no TAP da bateria CANTAB e a morfologia da micróglia, foi necessário reconstruir e analisar parâmetros morfométricos selecionados a partir de micróglias reconstruídas dos terços médio e externo da camada molecular do giro denteado e do lacunosum molecular de CA1, empregando microscopia tridimensional. A definição dos limites da formação hipocampal foi feita empregando-se critérios arquitetônicos previamente definidos. Para imunomarcação seletiva de micróglias foi utilizado o anticorpo policlonal (anti-Iba1) dirigido contra a proteína adaptadora ligante de cálcio ionizado Iba-1. A partir de procedimentos de estatística multivariada identificou-se a ocorrência de agrupamentos microgliais baseados em parâmetros morfométricos que permitiram a distinção de pelo menos dois grandes grupos microgliais em todos os indivíduos. Os resultados comportamentais expressos em taxa de aprendizado e alguns dos parâmetros morfométricos da micróglia dos terços externo e médio da camada molecular do giro denteado revelaram significativas correlações, lineares e não lineares. Em contraste, nenhuma correlação dessa natureza foi encontrada no lacunosum molecular de CA1. Nós sugerimos baseado no presente e em trabalhos anteriores que a correlação entre desempenho cognitivo e a complexidade estrutural da glia não é um atributo exclusivo dos astrócitos e que a morfologia da micróglia da camada molecular do giro denteado pode estar associada ainda que de forma indireta ao desempenho individual em testes de memória espacial.


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O presente ensaio aborda a literatura de viagem sobre o Brasil, escrita ao longo dos séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII, com o intuito de extrair, daí, uma pequena amostra da imagem que os europeus construíram de um dos traços que, aos seus olhos, mais se destacavam na população local: a religiosidade desmedida e festiva. Trata-se, pois, de uma tentativa muito limitada de mapear uma pequena parte das “verdades” sobre o Brasil e suas gentes que o habitante do Velho Mundo construiu e partilhou ao longo dos séculos, verdades que, em larga medida, guiaram as suas ações nesta parte do globo.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Leishmania is a protozoan belonging to the family Trypanosomatidae, obligate intracellular parasite cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. In the New and Old World several orders of wild mammals (natural reservoirs) and various species of sandflies (vectors) are involved in the transmission of leishmaniasis. The new settlements in rural areas, changes in the environment and unplanned urbanization increased human contact with vector and interaction with the animal reservoir. A simple prophylactic measure seems to be the vector control as well as disease reservoir. With the goal of raising the prophylactic measures that are being used in vector control, the reservoir of the disease and what the infrastructure accordingly. We conducted a literature review in July 2011 in the electronic databases of Bireme, Medline, CancerLit, Portal Capes, SciELO, PubMed and Medscape, the main texts on the subject. Thus, the development of a vaccine that is effective against various forms of leishmaniasis in the old and new world, it is necessary and has been recommended by WHO as a possible tool for effective eradication of the disease.


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The mammal fauna of arctic Alaska is comprised of about thirty species, most of which are widely distributed. A few of these are essentially nearctic species, having extended their range northwestward during post-Pleistocene time. The majority, however, consists of forms which are either circumboreal in their distribution, or which have closely-related palearctic counterparts-considered specifically distinct hy most North American mammalogists. Sorne of the foremost Old World workers, however, do not agree that Bering Strait constitutes a barrier which effectively separates the Old World fauna from the New.


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A method is presented for estimating age-specific mortality based on minimal information: a model life table and an estimate of longevity. This approach uses expected patterns of mammalian survivorship to define a general model of age-specific mortality rates. One such model life table is based on data for northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) using Siler’s (1979) 5-parameter competing risk model. Alternative model life tables are based on historical data for human females and on a published model for Old World monkeys. Survival rates for a marine mammal species are then calculated by scaling these models by the longevity of that species. By using a realistic model (instead of assuming constant mortality), one can see more easily the real biological limits to population growth. The mortality estimation procedure is illustrated with examples of spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) and harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).


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Buteonine hawks represent one of the most diverse groups in the Accipitridae, with 58 species distributed in a variety of habitats on almost all continents. Variations in migratory behavior, remarkable dispersal capability, and unusual diversity in Central and South America make buteonine hawks an excellent model for studies in avian evolution. To evaluate the history of their global radiation, we used an integrative approach that coupled estimation of the phylogeny using a large sequence database (based on 6411 bp of mitochondrial markers and one nuclear intron from 54 species), divergence time estimates, and ancestral state reconstructions. Our findings suggest that Neotropical buteonines resulted from a long evolutionary process that began in the Miocene and extended to the Pleistocene. Colonization of the Nearctic, and eventually the Old World, occurred from South America, promoted by the evolution of seasonal movements and development of land bridges. Migratory behavior evolved several times and may have contributed not only to colonization of the Holarctic, but also derivation of insular species. In the Neotropics, diversification of the buteonines included four disjunction events across the Andes. Adaptation of monophyletic taxa to wet environments occurred more than once, and some relationships indicate an evolutionary connection among mangroves, coastal and varzea environments. On the other hand, groups occupying the same biome, forest, or open vegetation habitats are not monophyletic. Refuges or sea-level changes or a combination of both was responsible for recent speciation in Amazonian taxa. In view of the lack of concordance between phylogeny and classification, we propose numerous taxonomic changes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This communication describes the general biochemical properties and some immunological characteristics of the venom from the Peruvian scorpion Hadruroides lunatus, which is the most medically relevant species in Peru. The soluble venom of this scorpion is toxic to mice, the LD50 determined was 0.1 mg/kg and 21.55 mg/kg when the venom was injected intracranial or intraperitoneally, respectively. The soluble venom displayed proteolytic, hyaluronidasic, phospholipasic and cardiotoxic activities. High performance liquid chromatography of the soluble venom resulted in the separation of 20 fractions. Two peptides with phospholipasic activity were isolated to homogeneity and their molecular masses determined by mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF). Anti-H. lunatus venom sera were produced in rabbits. Western blotting analysis showed that most of the protein content of this venom is immunogenic. H. lunatus anti-venom displayed consistent cross-reactivity with venom antigens from the new World-scorpions Tityus serrulatus and Centruroides sculpturatus venoms; however, a weaker reactivity was observed against the venom antigens from the old World-scorpion Androctonus australis Hector. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.