199 resultados para Odour


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This study analyzed the use of two viticultural practices: “crop level” (half crop; HC, and full crop; FC) and “hang times”, and their impact on the composition of four grape cultivars; Pinot gris, Riesling, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon from the Niagara Region and wine volatile composition by GC-MS. It was hypothesized that keeping a full crop with a longer hang time would have a greater impact on wine quality than reducing the crop level. In all cultivars, a reduction of crop level induced reductions in yield, clusters per vine and crop load, with increases in Brix. Extended hang time also increased Brix related to desiccation. The climatic conditions at harvest had an impact on hang time effects. The GC-MS analysis detected the presence of 30 volatile components in the wine, with different odour activity values. Harvest time had a positive impact than crop reduction in almost all compounds.


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Rattlesnakes use their facial pit organs to sense external thermal fluctuations. A temperature decrease in the heat-sensing membrane of the pit organ has the potential to enhance heat flux between their endothermic prey and the thermal sensors, affect the optimal functioning of thermal sensors in the pit membrane and reduce the formation of thermal ‘‘afterimages’’, improving thermal detection. We examined the potential for respiratory cooling to improve strike behaviour, capture, and consumption of endothermic prey in the South American rattlesnake, as behavioural indicators of thermal detection. Snakes with a higher degree of rostral cooling were more accurate during the strike, attacking warmer regions of their prey, and relocated and consumed their prey faster. These findings reveal that by cooling their pit organs, rattlesnakes increase their ability to detect endothermic prey; disabling the pit organs caused these differences to disappear. Rattlesnakes also modify the degree of rostral cooling by altering their breathing pattern in response to biologically relevant stimuli, such as a mouse odour. Our findings reveal that low humidity increases their ability to detect endothermic prey, suggesting that habitat and ambush sites election in the wild may be influenced by external humidity levels as well as temperature.


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La plupart des études sur la perception isolent une modalité sensorielle pour mieux l’étudier et la comprendre. Malheureusement, aucun de nos sens ne représente la seule source d’information, car une intégration sensorielle se fait en tout moment lors de la perception de l’environnement. L’information d’un sens est donc plutôt en accord ou en conflit avec l’apport d’information des autres sens. Le but de la présente étude était d’investiguer, par IRMf, les activations cérébrales d’une intégration visuelle et olfactive lorsque ces deux perceptions sont congruentes. Pour ce faire, une image et/ou une odeur étaient présentées au sujet et ce dernier devait identifier si le stimulus perçu était congruent. Ce protocole permettait d’observer les activations cérébrales lors de l’analyse d’un stimulus et la prise de décision selon la congruité du stimulus présenté. La condition de congruence vision-odeur activa les zones visuelles et olfactives plus fortement que lors des conditions contrôle (image seule, odeur seule). Ces résultats illustrent une potentialisation des aires visuelles et olfactives par une intégration d’information congruente venant de ces deux modalités. Par conséquent, l’intégration d’un stimulus visuel et odorant congruent semble rehausser la perception du stimulus.


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The aim of the present investigation is to build up the knowledge on the role of commensal bacteria present on the prawns during storage at various temperatures. The study Evaluates the nature of spoilage of prawns during storage at three different temperatures (28:2OC, 4°C and -18°C) by organoleptic assessment, accumulation of trim ethylamine, ammonia content, changes in the flesh pH and total heterotrophic bacterial population at various time intervals and to find out the changes in the proximate composition (protein, carbohydrate, lipid, ash and moisture) of the prawns during storage at various temperatures by estimating the contents at different time intervals along with spoilage assessment. The researcher studies the occurrence and role of various bacterial genera which form the component of spoilage flora during storage and determines the distribution of various hydrolytic enzyme producing bacteria by evaluating their ability to produce enzymes such as caseinase, gelatinase, amylase, lipase and urease. to assess the spoilage potential of the bacteria by testing their ability to reduce trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) to trimethylamine (TMA) and to produce odour in flesh broth and halos in flesh agar media.The researcher also gives stress on the growth kinetics of selected potential spoilers by growing_them in different media and to assess the effect of sodium chloride concentrations, temperature and pH on their growth, survival and. generation time.


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The Kerala Water Authority requested the School of Environmental Studies to carry out investigations on the mechanism of sporadic mobilization of iron and odour in the raw water drawn to the drinking water treatment plant. The currently used treatment process failed to remove iron completely. This led to problems in the filter and complaints of taste and colour due to iron in the finished water. The sporadic nature of the problem itself made the trouble shooting difficult. The problem was looked in from three points of view. 1. Influence of environmental (climatic) conditions on the dynamics of the relevant basin of the reservoir. 2. Influence of the physical dynamics on the physico — chemical quality of water. 3. Identification of cost-effective treatment processes to suit the existing plant. Since the problem emerged only during the post- monsoon to pre-monsoon months, a related problem was investigated, namely, influence of anions on the oxidation of Fe(II) in natural waters by air. This is presented in Part II of the dissertation.


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The spoilage characteristics of bacterial strains were studied by growing them at 28 _+ 2 °C in agar and broth media prepared with sterile fish and prawn flesh homogenates. The percentage of spoilers found among the bacterial isolates tested, as shown by odour production and halo zone formation, was independent of the source of flesh used. Indole and fluorescent pigment production were also observed in the broth. Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Acinetobacter exhibited faster growth in flesh media than in the usual artificial media. Decrease of protein and lipid concentration in the clear zone of agar media suggests the utilization of the available substrate by spoilage bacteria.


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In Germany and other European countries piglets are routinely castrated in order to avoid the occurrence of boar taint, an off-flavour and off-odour of pork. Sensory perception of boar taint varies; however, it is regarded as very unpleasant by many people. Surgical castration which is an effective means against boar taint has commonly been performed without anaesthesia or analgesia within the piglets’ first seven days of life. Piglet castration without anaesthesia has been heavily criticised, as the assumption that young piglets perceive less pain than older animals cannot be supported by scientific evidence. Consequently, surgical castration is only allowed with anaesthesia and/or analgesia in organic farming throughout the European Union since January 2012. Abandoning piglet castration without pain relief requires the implementation of alternative methods which improve animal welfare while maintaining sensory meat quality. There are three relevant alternatives: castration with anaesthesia and/or analgesia to reduce pain, a vaccination against boar taint (immunocastration) and the fattening of uncastrated male pigs (fattening of boars) combined with measures to reduce and detect boar taint in meat. Consumers’ attitudes and opinions regarding the alternatives are an important factor with regard to the implementation of alternatives, as they are finally supposed to buy the meat. The objective of this dissertation was to explore organic consumers’ attitudes, preferences and willingness-to-pay regarding piglet castration without pain relief and the three alternatives. Important aspects for the evaluation of the alternatives and influencing factors (e.g. information, taste) on preferences and willingness-to-pay should also be identified. In autumn 2009 nine focus group discussions were conducted each followed by a Vickrey auction including a tasting of boar salami. Overall, 89 consumers of organic pork participated in the study. Information on piglet castration and alternatives (in three variants) was provided as a basis for discussion. The focus group data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. In order to compare the focus group results with those from the auctions, an innovative approach applying an adapted scoring model to further analyse the data set was used. The majority of participants were not aware that piglets are castrated without anaesthesia in organic farming. They reacted shocked and disappointed on learning about this practice which did not fit into their image of animal welfare standards in organic farming. Overall, the results show, that for consumers of organic pork castration with anaesthesia and analgesia as well as the fattening of boars may be acceptable alternatives in organic farming. Considering the strong food safety concerns regarding immunocastration, acceptance of this alternative may be questioned. Communication regarding alternatives to piglet castration without anaesthesia and analgesia should take into account that the relevance of the aspects animal welfare, food safety, taste and costs differs between alternatives. Furthermore, it seems advisable not to address an unappetizing topic like piglet castration directly at the point of sale so as not to deter consumers from buying organic pork. The issue of piglet castration demonstrates exemplarily that it is important for the organic sector to implement and maintain high animal welfare standards and communicate them in an appropriate way, thereby trying to prevent strong discrepancies between consumers’ expectations regarding animal husbandry in organic farming and actual conditions. So, disappointment of consumers and a loss of image due to negative reports about animal welfare issues can be avoided.


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Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are one of the main groups of odour causing compounds in Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP). Adsorption technology is already established, in recent years the interest for the optimization of the costs associated with this technique has grown significantly. In particular, there are different options, from the use of low cost adsorbents, to reducing costs associated with carbon regeneration process. In this thesis, the adsorption of the three VOCs on sewage sludge based adsorbents was studied. It was proved that adsorbents obtained by chemical activation of sewage sludge with alkaline hydroxides are comparable to commercial activated carbons (ACs). Likewise, the adsorption of multicomponent gaseous streams was also studied. Related to the ACs regeneration, it was proposed a regeneration treatment of VOC saturated ACs with H2O2 based on advanced oxidation processes (AOP). The influence of the surface chemistry of ACs in this regeneration process was also studied.


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El desenvolupament de mètodes d'anàlisi de compostos fenòlics és una pràctica habitual en molts laboratoris des de l'establiment de mesures legislatives de control de les concentracions d'aquestes substàncies en el medi ambient. Les tècniques cromatogràfiques representen la primera opció per a la determinació de la major part de compostos orgànics, en els que s'inclouen els fenols. Aquests, per les seves propietats de volatilitat i polaritat, poden analitzar-se emprant tant la cromatografia líquida com la cromatografia de gasos i aquesta dualitat s'ha aplicat en aquest treball.


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En el presente trabajo de tesis se evalúa la posible contribución de otros compuestos al desarrollo del olor sexual mediante la aplicación de técnicas de Head Space dinámico y cromatografía de filtración de gel. El estudio se efectuó en canales de cerdos enteros previamente clasificadas con concentraciónes bajas de escatol (<0,10 µg /g) y androstenona (0,50 µg/ g) , aunque presentaban , según las respuestas de un panel sensorial, olor sexual. La selección de muestras de grasa clasificadas sin olor sexual permitió la comparación estadística de los resultados obtenidos. El análisis de los compuestos volátiles mostró una mayor abundancia de aldehidos (hexanal, heptanal), ácidos grasos de cadena corta (hexanoico, heptanico nonanoico), 1,4-diclorobenceno y estireno en las muestras de grasa con defecto organoléptico, ue puede, debido a los atributos sensoriales de estas sustancias y sus bajos umbrales de detección, favorecer el desarrollo de aromas desagradables asociados al olor sexual por los miembros de un papel sensorial. El análisis de las fracciones obtenidas por filtración de gel mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a la espectometría de masas permitió la identificación de la 4-fenil-3-buten-2-ona en las muestras clasificadas con olor sexual y concentraciones bajas de escatol y androstenona, que junto a los resultados obtenidos en el estudio sensorial, indican una influencia de este compuesto en el olor sexual. Por una parte la 4-fenil-3-buten-2-ona presentaría una acción sinérgica con la androstenona al potenciar su detección por parte de los panelistas a concentraciones inferiores de 0,01µg/g. Además, el olor a naftalina que presenta la 4-fenil-3-buten-2-ona puede confundir a los miembros del panel debido a que es uno de los descriptores sensoriales que se asocia con la presencia de escatol en las muestras de grasa evaluadas. Así mismo, la baja transferencia a la fase vapor del escatol y, especialmente, de la androstenona determinada mediante técnicas de Head Space estático, indica que la concentración de cada uno de los compuestos en la fase vapor no se corresponde con la concentración real en las muestras de grasa . Según estos resultados, las respuestas del panel test pueden estar influenciadas por la poca volatilidad de los compuestos implicados en el olor sexual y por la presencia en la fase vapor de otros compuestos aromáticos de mayor volatilidad. La validación de métodos de análisis para la determinación de indol-escatol y androstenona-androstenoles en grasa dorsal porcina mediante cromatografía líquida en fase normal y cromatografía de gases acoplada a la espectrometría de masas, respectivamente, fue otro de los objetivos planteados del presente estudio. La simplificación del tratamiento de las muestras de grasa fue uno de los aspectos analíticos que se tuvo en mayor consideración con la finalidad de ofrecer una mayor capacidad de muestras en un intervalo de tiempo corto.


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La incidència sobre el suro de defectes sensorials amb descriptors de florit-humitat és un dels principals problemes amb què s'enfronta la indústria surera. Els principals compostos relacionats amb aquest defecte son cloroanisoles, metoxipirazines, geosmina i metilisoborneol. Aquesta recerca s'ha fet amb l'objectiu principal d'aprofundir en els mètodes de determinació de compostos volàtils en suro. S'ha desenvolupat una metodologia basada en la microextracció en fase sòlida i la cromatografia de gasos per a l'anàlisi conjunta d'aquests compostos en macerats de suro. El fet que la majoria dels compostos d'interès tingui un origen microbià ha fet necessari completar les anàlisis químiques amb mètodes de detecció i aïllament dels microorganismes susceptibles de produir-los. S'ha utilitzat un mètode per a l'estudi de la diversitat de fongs i bacteris en mostres de suro basat en l'estudi de marcadors genètics mitjançant l'anàlisi en gradients electroforètics desnaturalitzants. Per últim s'ha avaluat la capacitat de producció de defectes sensorials per microorganismes aïllats de suro utilitzant tècniques olfactomètriques.


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The offspring of parasitoids, Aphidius colemani Viereck, reared on Brussels sprouts and emerging from Myzus persicae Sulzer on a fully defined artificial diet, show no preferences in a four-way olfactometer, either for the odour of the diet, the odour of Brussels sprouts, or the odour of two other crucifers (cabbage and Chinese cabbage). A similar lack of odour preferences is shown when the host aphids are exposed for parasitization (for 48 h) on cabbage, Chinese cabbage or wheat. However, if parasitization occurs on Brussels sprouts, a weak but statistically highly significant response to Brussels sprout odour is observed. Although as many as 30-35% of the parasitoids show no response to any odour, another 35% respond positively to the odour of Brussels sprout compared with responses to the odours of cabbage, Chinese cabbage or wheat of only approximately 10%. An analagous result is obtained when the parent parasitoids are reared on cabbage. In this case, significant positive responses of their offspring to cabbage odour occur only if the 48-h parasitization has occurred also on cabbage. However, with parasitoids from Brussels sprouts parasitizing the aphids for 48 h also on Brussels sprouts, the offspring subsequently emerging from pupae excised from the mummies show no preference for Brussels sprout odour. Thus, although the Brussels sprout cue had been experienced early in the development of the parasitoids, they only become conditioned to it when emerging from the mummy. Both male and female parasitoids respond very similarly in all experiments. It is proposed that the chemical cue (probably glucosinolates in these experiments) is most likely in the silk surrounding the parasitoid pupa, and that the mother may leave the chemical in or around the egg at oviposition, inducing chemical defences in her offspring to the secondary plant compounds that the offspring are likely to encounter.


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Emerging parasitoids of aphids encounter secondary plant chemistry from cues left by the mother parasitoid at oviposition and from the plant-feeding of the host aphid. In practice, however, it is secondary plant cheinistry oil the Surface of the aphid mummy which influences parasitoid olfactory behaviour. Offspring of Aphidius colemani reared oil Myzus persicae on artificial diet did no distinguish between the odours of bean and cabbage, but showed a clear preference for cabbage odour if sinigrin had been painted oil the back of the mummy. Similarly Aphidius rhopalosiphi reared on Metopolophium dirhodum on wheat preferred the odour of wheat plants grown near tomato plants to odour of wheat alone if the wheat plants oil which they had been reared had been exposed to the volatiles of nearby tomato plants. Aphidius rhopalosiphi reared on M dirhodum, and removed from the mummy before emergence, showed a preference for the odour of a different wheat cultivar if they had contacted a mummy from that cultivar, and similar results were obtained with A. colemani naturally emerged from M. persicae mummies. Aphidius colemani emerged from mummies oil one crucifer were allowed to contact in sequence (for 45 min each) mummies from two different crucifers. The mumber of attacks made in 10 min oil M. persicae was always significantly higher when aphids were feeding oil the same plant as the origin of the last MUMMY offered, or oil the second plant if aphids feeding on the third plant were not included. Chilling emerged A. colemani for 24 h at 5 degrees C appeared to erase the imprint of secondary plant chemistry, and they no longer showed host plant odour preferences in the olfactometer. When the parasitoids were chilled after three Successive mummy experiences, memory of the last experience appeared at least temporarily erased and preference was then shown for the chemistry of the second experience.


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An atoxigenic strain of Penicillium camemberti was superficially inoculated on fermented sausages in an attempt to improve their sensory properties. The growth of this mould on the surface of the sausages resulted in an intense proteolysis and lipolysis, which caused an increase in the concentration of free amino acids, free fatty acids (FFA) and volatile compounds. Many of these were derived from amino acid catabolism and were responsible for the "ripened flavour", i.e. branched aldehydes and the corresponding alcohols, acids and esters. The development of the fungal mycelia on the surface of the sausages also protected lipids from oxidation, resulting in both lower 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBARS) values and lipid oxidation-derived compounds, such as aliphatic aldehydes and alcohols. The sensory analysis of superficially inoculated sausages showed clear improvements in odour and flavour and, as a consequence, in the overall quality of the sausages. Therefore, this strain is proposed as a potential starter culture for dry fermented sausage production. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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Novel acidic varieties of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) are emerging onto the UK market. These melons contain almost twice the amount of citric acid compared to standard melons and are described as ‘zesty and fresh’. This study compared the flavour components of three acidic varieties with a standard Galia-type melon. The volatile and semivolatile compounds were extracted using dynamic headspace extraction (DHE) or solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and solid phase extraction (SPE) respectively, followed by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography – olfactometry (GC-O). More than 50 volatile and 50 semivolatile compounds were identified in the headspace and the SPE extracts respectively. GC-O revealed 15 odour-active components in the headspace, with esters being consistently higher in acidic variety. This study showed quantitative and qualitative differences between all four varieties and key differences between acidic varieties and standard melons.