345 resultados para Odontopediatria : Endodontia


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Objective: To evaluate the pregnant women's perception of the FOA-UNESP's Pregnant Women Dental Care Program (Araraquara, SP, Brazil). Method: The sample included 75 pregnant women and used a questionnaire with 16 closed questions, containing variables grouped in the following categories: the didactic-psychological meetings, clinical treatment, professional's profile, clinical facility, fear/confidence in the treatment, and learning. Except for the variables fear/confidence in the treatment and learning, to which 'yes' or 'no' answers were attributed, the remaining variables were attributed answers varying from weak to excellent. The questionnaire pretested in a pilot-study and applied after informed consent was obtained from all pregnant women treated between 2005 and 2006. Results: Most women rated as excellent the information addressed during the didactic-psychological meetings (81.1%), the clinical treatment (90.6%), the professional as to personal appearance, kindness and attention (88.7%, 96.2% and 90.6%, respectively), and the clinical facility as to cleanness, ventilation and comfort (92.5%, 86.8% and 90.6%, respectively). Most of them stated to feel confident (96.2%) and have no fear (86.8%) during the treatment and also affirmed having learned new information in the didactic-psychological meetings of the program (92.5%). Conclusion: The services and actions developed in the program have reached successful outcomes, providing health to the pregnant women and their forthcoming babies.


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Objective: To analyze the reasons for replacing amalgam and composite resin restorations of patients treated at the Integrated Clinic Discipline of the Dental School of Araçatuba (UNESP), SP, Brazil. Method: After examining the patients for data collection to obtain a diagnosis, the treatment plan was outlined using a clinical form containing the restorations to be replaced, the reasons for replacing, the restorative material of choice and the number of restored surfaces. Next, all restorations indicated for replacement were examined as to their real need of replacement by 5 calibrated examiners taking into account the theorical concepts on the proposed criteria for the need of replacing or not. The analyzed period comprised 5 years (2001 to 2005). The criteria adopted for replacement were attached to the data collecting form in order to standardize the analysis of the restorations. Results: 856 patients were treated within the studied period and 753 needed restoration replacement. The main reasons for replacing amalgam restorations were defective marginal adaptation (40.9%), recurent caries (24.1%) and deficient anatomical form (15.4%). The main reasons for replacing resin restorations were esthetics (31.4%), defective marginal adaptation (29.2%) and recurent caries (20.7%). Conclusion: In spite of the little clinical experience of the studied population (undergraduate students), the reasons for replacing restorations were in accordance with the literature, having estehtics as the main reason for the replacement of composite resin restorations and defective marginal adaptation for amalgam restorations.


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Objective: To identify the effect of a self-instructive method (comic strip), applied with distinct approaches and evaluated over two periods, on the oral health of schoolchildren. Method: The sample comprised 2nd year elementary schoolchildren chosen randomly and divided into four groups: a control group (G1) which received no material, a reading group (G2), which was given the comic strip and read it in the classroom, a discussion group (G3), who received the comic strip, which was read out loud in the classroom and discussed, and a complete group (G4), which received the comic strip and which, after reading it, was asked to rewrite the story. O'Leary's plaque index was used as an evaluation instrument, measured immediately prior to application of the program and again 30 days later. The plaque index measured after and 30 days was compared, in each group, using the Wilcoxon test. The plaque index of the diferents groups was compared using the Kruskal-Walis test, in two moments diferents. The significance level was 5%. Results: The results of the evaluation revealed a statistically significant reduction (p<0.05) of the plaque index presented between the two periods in the four groups studied here. However, this reduction was considerably greater in the discussion and complete groups. Conclusion: The use of the self-instruction method associated with work on its content, as occurred in the discussion and complete groups, led to a better understanding of the subject matter, resulting in a higher reduction of plaque indices.


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Objective: To verify the cleaning of the apical foramen and apical extrusion of dentin chips in single-rooted teeth instrumented with two techniques, one of which including the apical patency procedure. Method: Thirty teeth were internally stained with Indian ink, divided in two groups, of which only group I was subjected to apical patency. The dentin chips extruded through the apical foramen were collected in a glass receptacle and quantified. The apical foramen region was divided in quadrants and analyzed with a stereomicroscope to verify the action of the instrument on the cemental canal walls. The teeth were scored 0 4 according to the number of clean walls (without Indian ink), 0 corresponding to no clean wall. Results: In group I, there was no dentin plug, but only 1 tooth was scored 4. In group II, 10 teeth presented dentin plug and all of them were scored 0. There was no statistically significant difference between groups I and II regarding the extruded dentin mass (Scheffé test; p<0.05). Conclusion: The use of the apical patency procedure in single-rooted teeth does not modify the amount of dentin chips extruded through the apical foramen, does not produce an adequate cleaning of the cemental canal walls, but remove the plug of dentin chips from the cemental canal.


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Objective: To evaluate the biosecurity measures adopted in dental prosthesis laboratories of the city of João Pessoa, PB, Brazil with respect to prosthetic works sent by dentists. Method: Twenty-five dental prosthesis technicians (DPT) of the city of João Pessoa, PB, filled out a questionnaire referring to their knowledge of the biosecurity principles, disinfection of impressions and other prosthetic items, and the use of individual protection equipment (IPE). Results: Although 92% of the interviewees believed in the possible occurrence of cross-infection between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices, 64% declared that the prosthetic works received in their laboratories do not undergo any disinfection procedure. It was also observed that, for disinfection of impressions and stone casts, the chemical substances are not used as recommended by the manufacturers or are innocuous to microorganisms. Regarding the use of IPE, 60% of the DPT used mask, but only 4% used gowns. With respect to the measures taken regarding the impressions received from dental offices, 56% of the interviewees only wash them in running tap water, and 56% of the stone casts that arrive at the laboratory are not disinfected in any way. Conclusion: There is a need for more motivation and instructions to DPT regarding the prevention of cross-contamination during sending and receiving of prosthetic works between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices because the DPT evaluated in this study were found negligent with respect to disinfection procedures.


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Objective: To evaluate the periodontal condition of pregnant women and to analyze the influence of maternal variables - socioeconomic-demographic data, health, deleterious habits and access to dental service - and the existence of the Family Health Program (FHP) at the public assistance services to pregnant women. Method: This evaluation was part of a cohort study with pregnant women and children conducted in two cities of the São Paulo State, one of which with an implemented FHP. Oral examinations were done using the Community Periodontal and Periodontal Attachment Loss Indexes, and semi-structured interviews with the pregnant women at their homes. Data were analyzed statistically by the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level (α=0.05). Results: All pregnant women (n=119) registered at the public health service of each city were examined. The mean age was 24.7 years; 61.4% were black or black/white mixed-race women; most (65.5%) earned 2-3 minimum wages, and only 6.7% initiated higher education. Only 8% of the patients presented periodontal health. Bleeding and calculus were observed in 66% of them, and shallow and deep periodontal pockets in 20%. Periodontal attachment loss > 4 mm was observed in 24% of the pregnant women. The group was homogeneous as to the maternal characteristics, age (p=0.0384) and smoking (p=0.0102) being the only factors associated with periodontal disease. The existence of a FHP at the public assistance service was not associated with a lower prevalence of the disease. Conclusion: The findings of this study show a high prevalence of periodontal alterations during pregnancy, with no influence from the existence of a FHP on the observed conditions. Among the risk variables, age and smoking were the factors associated with the presence of periodontal disease. There is a need for a better planing and accomplishment of oral health actions during the prenatal period.


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Objective: To evaluate the dental knowledge and attendance of elementary schoolchildren according to the type of institution (public or private). Method: The sample was composed of 800 children from the 5th to 8th grades of the elementary education. The research instrument was a questionnaire composed of open questions referring to the last recall visit, type and importance of the recall visit, and knowledge of dental caries and periodontal disease. Descriptive statistical analysis was done and the chisquared test was used with a significance level of 5%. Results: There was statistically significant difference between the students from the different institutions regarding the time (p=0.001) and main reason (p=0.001) of the last visit to the dentist, knowledge of the need of periodic visits to the dentist (p=0.001), importance (p=0.001) and frequency (p=0.001) of periodic recalls, and knowledge of dental caries (p=0.001) and periodontal disease (p=0.001). Conclusion: The adolescents presented different dental knowledge and attendance, according to the type of teaching institution.


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Objective: To evaluate and compare the fracture strength of different composite resins used for core buildup. Method: Thirty-six bovine teeth were decoronated at the cervical third to standardize the length of specimens at 20 mm. Under constant irrigation, the canals were prepared with #5 Largo drills corresponding to the size and diameter of #3 Reforpost fiberglass post. The posts were cemented with Enforce resin sealer, being 16 mm inside the root canal and 4 mm outside the root canal, and the material was light-activated for 30 seconds at each side. The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n=12), in which cores (4 mm diameter and 5 mm high) were prepared from a prefabricated standard with three types of composite resins: Group 1: Z100 (3M), Group 2: Z250 (3M) and Group 3: P60 (3M). The specimens were fixed in a cylindrical device with an adaptor at 45o inclination. This device was adapted to a universal testing machine (EMIC) to simulate the force until fracture of the specimen. Data were subjected to ANOVA (p<0.05). Results: The Z250 resin cores presented the highest mean fracture strength (45.453 kgf), while the mean fracture strengths in Group 1 and Group 3 were 38.014 and 39.506 kgf, respectively. P60 caused the largest number of root fractures. Conclusion: Considering the characteristics and properties of the tested resins, Z250 appears as the most indicated for core buildup.


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Objeti vo: Avaliar os efeitos da expansão lenta na maxila e na mandíbula com o aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar de pacientes jovens com atresia maxilar. Método: A amostra compreendeu 18 indivíduos leucodermas (11 meninas e 7 meninos; idade média: 8 anos e 10 meses no início do tratamento) que apresentavam atresia da maxila, acompanhadas ou não de mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral na fase de denti ção mista. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, sendo o tempo médio de tratamento de 15,4 meses (± 7,6). Para avaliar a infl uência do tratamento nas mensurações dos pontos demarcados nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar, foram uti lizados os modelos de gesso dos arcos superior e inferior (36 pares) obti dos em dois tempos: T1: início do tratamento e T2: ao fi nal do tratamento. Para cada paciente em ambos os tempos, foram mensuradas as distâncias transversas na região oclusal entre caninos decíduos, 1o molares decíduos ou 1o pré-molares permanentes e entre 1o molares permanentes, superiores e inferiores. Para verifi car se a movimentação ocorreu por inclinação ou por movimento de corpo, foram uti lizadas também medidas nas regiões gengival e alveolar. Os dados foram avaliados estati sti camente pelo teste “t student para amostras pareadas (5%). Resultados: Observou-se que em T2, todas as distâncias mensuradas para as regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar apresentaram valores estati sti camente superiores às mesmas medidas em T1 (p<0,05). Conclusão: O aparelho ortodônti co removível superior é efeti vo nos casos de expansão lenta da maxila, agindo também indiretamente nas dimensões transversas do arco inferior.


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Objectve: To perform a critical analysis of the diet record model adopted, to evaluate the cariogenicity of the maternal diet, and the incidence of dental caries in pregnant women treated at a prevent on clinic in an undergraduate dental course. Method: A cross-sectional study was performed with consultations to the database of the clinic and review of patients' charts and diet records. The sample was calculated and 205 patents were randomly selected. Bivariate statistical analysis was done at a significance level of 5% (α=0.05), using the statistical soft wares Epi Info versão 3.2, GraphPad Instat 3.6 and BioEstat. Results: The analysis of the diet records showed that 68.8% of the pregnant women presented a cariogenic diet, with high frequency of ingest on of fermentable carbon hydrates, mainly sucrose, with liquid consistency, and preferably consumed between the main meals. There was higher trend of the pregnant women mentioning a low frequency of carbon hydrate ingestion during the interview, while registering a diet rich of these components in their diet records (p<0.0001). The mean DMFT of the patients was 13.9 ± 5.4. There was no statistically significant association between diet and oral health variables (p>0.05). Conclusion: The diet record was proven an effective and valid method, if correctly employed. The prevalence of dental caries in the group of pregnant women was high and, although more than half of the sample presented a cariogenic diet, a significant association between diet and co-factors was not found.


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Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (aroeira) tincture in the treatment of denture stomatitis. Method: Eighteen removable denture wearers with clinical diagnosis of type II denture stomatts and presence of candidosis associated to the denture use, as confirmed by clinical and mycological examinations, were selected for the study. The patients were allocated to two groups: TG (test group) - treatment with Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (aroeira) tincture; CG (control group), treatment with nystatin. All patients were instructed to clean the dentures with toothbrush and dentifrice, and then apply the product on the palatal mucosa and on denture surface 3 times a day, during 15 consecutive days, removing the denture at bedtime and keeping it in a receptacle with water. At the 15th day of use, the clinical and mycological examinations were redone to evaluate treatment efficacy. Data were analyzed statistically by Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests at 5% significance level. Results: The inflammatory process and Candida spp. infect on were eliminated in 66.7% and 77.8% of the cases, respectively, in TG. In CG, elimination of the inflammatory process and fungal infect on occurred in 77.8% and 88.9% of the cases, respectively. These results were statistically significant (p=0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between the treatments (p>0.05). In all cases, fungal infect on was detected only on the denture, and C. albicans was the most prevalent microorganism, being present in 94.4% of the cases. Conclusion: The treatment with Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (aroeira) tincture was effective in the treatment of denture stomatitis, promoting remission of the inflammatory process and Candida spp infection.


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Objective: To evaluate the influence of three adhesive systems on the bond strength of fiber post luted to root dentine. The hypothesis was that the bond strength is influenced by the adhesive system. Method: The canals of thirty single-root bovine roots (16mm in length) were prepared using the preparation drill (FGM) until 12mm. 14 mm of each root was embedded with acrylic resin and the specimens were allocated into three groups (n=10), considering the factor adhesive (3 levels): Gr1- Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus (3M ESPE), Gr2- One Step (Bisco) and Gr3- Excite DSC (Ivoclar Vivadent). The adhesive systems were applied using a microbrush, according to the manufacture's recommendations. The fiber posts (White Post DC, FGM) were luted with dual resin cement (All-Cem,FGM). After, the cores with composite resin (Llis, FGM) were made and each set of root/post/core was submitted to the mechanical cycling (Erios, Brazil) (10 6 cycles, 84N, 4 Hz, inclination of 45 o, 37 oC, water). Each specimen was cut in 4 samples (1.8mm in thickness), which were submitted to the push-out test in a universal testing machine (ServoPulser - Shimadzu) (50Kgf, 1mm/min). The data (MPa) were analyzed using ANOVA (1-way) and Tukey test (5%). Results: The factor adhesive (P=0.00352) influenced the bond strength significantly (ANOVA). Gr1 (6.8±3.8 MPa) a presented higher bond strength values than Gr2 (3.1±1.5 MPa) b and similar to Gr3 (4.4±3.3) a,b. Moreover, Gr3 and Gr2 were similar between them (Tukey). The hypothesis was accepted. Conclusion: Based on the results it was concluded that chemical and dual polymerization adhesive system should be used for the adhesive luting fiber post procedures.


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Objective: To evaluate the intraexaminer reproducibility of static anthropometric measurements of undergraduate dental students as well as the characteristics and regulating measurements of the dental stools used by them. Methods: Forty volunteers and 6 types of dental stools were evaluated. For the anthropometric measurements the employed equipments were: an adapted office chair, aflexible measuring tape with two adapted rods, a metallic device with a 90 degree central angle, string, a 35 x 24 cm rectangular wooden board, isolating tape and crepe tape. In order to standardize the position of the adapted office chair and the volunteers' feet, the floor was marked with the isolating and crepe tapes. A string was attached to the waist of each volunteer to mark the area corresponding to the kidney region making it possible to measure the seat-renal region area. The examined anthropometric measurements were height, trunkcephalic heigh, sacral-popliteal distance (OK?), hip width, popliteal height and the seat-renal region height. The evaluated characteristics of the dental stools relative to the seat were depth, horizontal width and minimum/maximum height. The back of the dental stool was evaluated as for the minimum/ maximum height adjustment. The anthropometric and dental stool measurements were obtained by a single examiner at two moments with a 1-week interval between the evaluations. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ρ) was used to estimate the intraexaminer reproducibility. Results: Excellent reproducibility was observed for all anthropometric measurements obtained (ρ=0.99) as well as for all dental stools evaluated (ρ=0.99). Conclusion: The method used to obtain the anthropometric and dental stools measurements was reproducible and can be used reliably.


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Objective: To evaluate the microbial contamination in samples of radiographic developing and fixing solutions, radiographic processing water, dental unit waterlines and dental office's external water supply. Methods: Samples of 50 private dental offices and 20 dental offices of the School of Dentistry de Araçatuba-UNESP were collected. The samples were subjected to neutralization of the residual inhibitory agents followed by pre-enrichment in peptone water and EVA broth and were inoculated in selective and non-selective culture media. The DNA of the samples was extracted and the presence of superinfectant microorganisms was evaluated by PCR. The differences in the prevalence of the microorganisms in the samples of the solutions were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance for category data, while the Chi-Square and Mann-Whitney tests were used to evaluate the existence of associations between the total number of heterotrophic microorganisms and infection control protocols. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: Samples of radiographic fixing solution presented a remarkably less frequent contamination than radiographic developing solution and radiographic processing water. The latter exhibited microorganisms typically originated from the oral microbiota and human skin as well as microorganisms frequently found in dental unit waterlines. There was less contamination of radiographic processing water in the dental offices where the x-ray film packets were disinfected before processing or were covered by a plastic film. Additionally, all samples of dental office's external water supply were drinkable. Conclusion: Covering the x-ray film packets with a plastic film protection barrier was proven the best manner to reduce the contamination of the evaluated solutions.


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Objective: To estimate the intra-examiner reproducibility of the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) when applied by phone and personal interviews and to evaluate the association between the level of anxiety and the factors of interest. Method: The participants were 50 individuals (n=38 females) with mean age of 23.9±8.9 years, living in the city of Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The volunteers answered the DAS by means of two phone interviews with one-week interval between them. After 30 days, the DAS was applied to the same participants by means of personal interviews at two moments with one-week interval between them. Intra-examiner reproducibility was determined using Kappa (K) statistics by point and by confidence interval. Results: The intra-examiner agreement for the level of anxiety was 0.82 (0.75-0.90) for the phone interview and 0.69 (0.60-0.79) for the personal interview. Two of the DAS questions presented statistically significant difference in the intra-examiner reproducibility, with better agreement for the answers given by the participants during phone calls. The prevalence of dental anxiety in the sample was 92.0%, in such a way that 70.0%, 18.0% and 4.0% of them presented low, moderate and exacerbated anxiety. Conclusion: The classification of the individuals according to the anxiety level performed by means of phone and personal interviews presented statistically similar agreement. However, there was better agreement with phone calls for the questions referring to anxiety in the dental office's waiting room and during preparation of the motor for use in the dental treatment.