958 resultados para Occult metastases


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Background. Previous knowledge of cervical lymph node compromise may be crucial to choose the best treatment strategy in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Here we propose a set four genes, whose mRNA expression in the primary tumor predicts nodal status in OSCC, excluding tongue. Material and methods. We identified differentially expressed genes in OSCC with and without compromised lymph nodes using Differential Display RT-PCR. Known genes were chosen to be validated by means of Northern blotting or real time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). Thereafter we constructed a Nodal Index (NI) using discriminant analysis in a learning set of 35 patients, which was further validated in a second independent group of 20 patients. Results. Of the 63 differentially expressed known genes identified comparing three lymph node positive (pN+) and three negative (pN0) primary tumors, 23 were analyzed by Northern analysis or RT-PCR in 49 primary tumors. Six genes confirmed as differentially expressed were used to construct a NI, as the best set predictive of lymph nodal status, with the final result including four genes. The NI was able to correctly classify 32 of 35 patients comprising the learning group (88.6%; p = 0.009). Casein kinase 1alpha1 and scavenger receptor class B, member 2 were found to be up regulated in pN + group in contrast to small proline-rich protein 2B and Ras-GTPase activating protein SH3 domain-binding protein 2 which were upregulated in the pN0 group. We validated further our NI in an independent set of 20 primary tumors, 11 of them pN0 and nine pN+ with an accuracy of 80.0% (p = 0.012). Conclusions. The NI was an independent predictor of compromised lymph nodes, taking into the consideration tumor size and histological grade. The genes identified here that integrate our "Nodal Index" model are predictive of lymph node metastasis in OSCC.


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Objective The aim of this study was to investigate whether tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia (TATE) in early oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) would aid in predicting occult lymph node metastasis. Patients and methods Seventy-one patients undergoing elective neck dissection for T1 and T2 OSCC were evaluated for clinical features, prognosis, and TATE. The degree of TATE in OSCC was statistically analyzed in relation to the clinicopathological features, tumor invasion, occult lymph node metastasis, and survival using chi (2) test and Kaplan-Meier method. Results Statistical analysis revealed that intense TATE was a significant feature (p = 0.004) to predict occult lymph node metastasis in patients with early OSCC. All regional recurrences of the OSCC occurred in patients showing intense TATE. Conclusions These results suggest that intense TATE can be clinically used as a predictive factor for occult lymph node metastasis. Clinical relevance The presence of intense TATE is an adjunctive histopathological marker to reinforce the indication of elective neck dissection of the patients with early OSCC.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common tumour type in both sexes combined in Western countries. Although screening programmes including the implementation of faecal occult blood test and colonoscopy might be able to reduce mortality by removing precursor lesions and by making diagnosis at an earlier stage, the burden of disease and mortality is still high. Improvement of diagnostic and treatment options increased staging accuracy, functional outcome for early stages as well as survival. Although high quality surgery is still the mainstay of curative treatment, the management of CRC must be a multi-modal approach performed by an experienced multi-disciplinary expert team. Optimal choice of the individual treatment modality according to disease localization and extent, tumour biology and patient factors is able to maintain quality of life, enables long-term survival and even cure in selected patients by a combination of chemotherapy and surgery. Treatment decisions must be based on the available evidence, which has been the basis for this consensus conference-based guideline delivering a clear proposal for diagnostic and treatment measures in each stage of rectal and colon cancer and the individual clinical situations. This ESMO guideline is recommended to be used as the basis for treatment and management decisions.


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Abstract Background Metastases to the pancreas are rare, and usually mistaken for primary pancreatic cancers. This study aimed to describe the histology results of solid pancreatic tumours obtained by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) for diagnosis of metastases to the pancreas. Methods In a retrospective review, patients with pancreatic solid tumours and history of previous extrapancreatic cancer underwent EUS-FNA from January/1997 to December/2010. Most patients were followed-up until death and some of them were still alive at the end of the study. The performance of EUS-FNA for diagnosis of pancreatic metastases was analyzed. Symptoms, time frame between primary tumour diagnosis and the finding of metastases, and survival after diagnosis were also analyzed. Results 37 patients underwent EUS-FNA for probable pancreas metastases. Most cases (65%) presented with symptoms, especially upper abdominal pain (46%). Median time between detection of the first tumour and the finding of pancreatic metastases was 36 months. Metastases were confirmed in 32 (1.6%) cases, 30 of them by EUS-FNA, and 2 by surgery. Other 5 cases were non-metastatic. Most metastases were from lymphoma, colon, lung, and kidney. Twelve (32%) patients were submitted to surgery. Median survival after diagnosis of pancreatic metastases was 9 months, with no difference of survival between surgical and non-surgical cases. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy of EUS-FNA with histology analysis of the specimens for diagnosis of pancreatic metastases were, respectively, 93.8%, 60%, 93.8%, 60% and 89%. Conclusion EUS-FNA with histology of the specimens is a sensitive and accurate method for definitive diagnosis of metastatic disease in patients with a previous history of extrapancreatic malignancies.


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CONTEXT: Liver metastases are a common event in the clinical outcome of patients with colorectal cancer and account for 2/3 of deaths from this disease. There is considerable controversy among the data in the literature regarding the results of surgical treatment and prognostic factors of survival, and no analysis have been done in a large cohort of patients in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: To characterize the results of surgical treatment of patients with colorectal liver metastases, and to establish prognostic factors of survival in a Brazilian population. METHOD: This was a retrospective study of patients undergoing liver resection for colorectal metastases in a tertiary cancer hospital from 1998 to 2009. We analyzed epidemiologic variables and the clinical characteristics of primary tumors, metastatic disease and its treatment, surgical procedures and follow-up, and survival results. Survival analyzes were done by the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test was applied to determine the influence of variables on overall and disease-free survival. All variables associated with survival with P<0.20 in univariate analysis, were included in multivariate analysis using a Cox proportional hazard regression model. RESULTS: During the period analyzed, 209 procedures were performed on 170 patients. Postope-rative mortality in 90 days was 2.9% and 5-year overall survival was 64.9%. Its independent prognostic factors were the presence of extrahepatic disease at diagnosis of liver metastases, bilateral nodules and the occurrence of major complications after liver surgery. The estimated 5-year disease-free survival was 39.1% and its prognostic factors included R1 resection, extrahepatic disease, bilateral nodules, lymph node involvement in the primary tumor and primary tumors located in the rectum. CONCLUSION: Liver resection for colorectal metastases is safe and effective and the analysis of prognostic factors of survival in a large cohort of Brazilian patients showed similar results to those pointed in international series. The occurrence of major postoperative complications appears to be able to compromise overall survival and further investigation in needed in this topic.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle des Epstein-Barr Virus induzierten Gens 3 in einem Mausmodel des durch B16-F10 Zellen hervorgerufenen metastasierenden Melanoms untersucht. Das von aktivierten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen exprimierte EBI-3 gehört zur Familie der löslichen Typ 1 Zytokinrezeptoren, weist eine hohe Homologie zur p40 Untereinheit des IL-12 auf und bildet zusammen mit p28 das IL-27. Die intravenöse Injektion der B16-F10 Zelllinie führte zu einer signifikanten Erniedrigung der Tumormetastasen in den EBI-3 defizienten Lungen sowie zu einer höheren Lebenserwartung dieser Mäuse im Vergleich zu den B6 Wildtypen. Darüber hinaus habe ich in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen eine verminderte VCAM-1 Expression auf den Endothelzellen der Lunge gefunden während Änderungen in der VEGF Expression nicht detektiert wurden. Der immunologische Hintergrund, der diesen therapeutischen Effekt hervorrief, konnte durch die T-Zellaktivierung durch die kürzlich neu beschriebene DC Population, welche Interferon-produzierende Killer Dendritische Zellen genannt werden (IK-DC), die zusätzlich von aktivierten und maturierten klassischen DCs unterstützt wurden, erklärt werden. IK-DCs von EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen produzierten höhere Mengen an IFN-g während die klassischen DCs MHC und co-stimulatorische Moleküle exprimierten, welche die Sekretion von IL-12 initiierten. Das Zusammenspiel der genannten Faktoren induzierte eine verstärkte CD4 und CD8 T-Zellantwort in den Lungen dieser Mäuse. Dies wiederum resultierte im TNF- und TRAIL abhängigen programmierten Zelltod der B16-F10 Melanomzellen in den Lungen der EBI-3 defizienten Mäuse, wohingegen sowohl weitere anti-apoptotische Mechanismen als auch T regulatorische Zellen keinen Einfluss auf die in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen beobachtete Tumorabwehr zu spielen scheint. Schlussendlich konnten EBI-3 defiziente CD8+ T-Zellen, welche zuvor mit Tumorantigen geprimed wurden, adoptiv in B6 Wildtypmäuse transferiert werden, was zeigte, dass diese Zellen in der Lage sind, die Tumormasse in den Empfängermäusen signifikant zu verringern. Zusammengefasst, demonstrieren diese Daten, dass das Blockieren von EBI-3 im metastasierenden Melanom ein vielversprechender Angriffspunkt in der Tumortherapie darstellt.


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Die Fallzahlen von Prostata- und Brustkrebs nehmen aktuell die Spitzenplätze bei Krebserkrankungen weltweit ein. Eine schwerwiegende Folge dieser Erkrankung stellen Metastasierungen in das Knochengewebe dar, welche zu einer dramatischen Verschlechterung des Allgemeinzustandes und der Lebensqualität des Patienten führen. Die Symptome sind gekennzeichnet durch enorme Schmerzen in Kombination mit osteoblastischen und osteolytischen Knochenveränderungen, bis hin zu Frakturen und spinalen Kompressionssyndromen, sowie einer metabolischen Hypercalcaemie.rnBei der Diagnose und Therapie nehmen verschiedene Radiopharmaka eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Konjugate aus makrozyklischen Chelatoren und knochenaffinen Bisphosphonaten stellen ein geeignetes Mittel dar als so genannte Theranostika, die Diagnose und Therapie in einem Molekül vereinen. Hierbei konnten mit dem Generator basierenden PET-Nuklid 68Ga(III) und dem Therapienuklid 177Lu(III) erste Erfolge mit der Verbindung BPAMD am Patienten erzielt werden. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es gelungen, die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der BPAMD-Leitstruktur weiter zu optimieren und neue Derivate erfolgreich zu synthetisieren. Diese zeichneten sich durch eine erhöhte Knochenaffinität und eines besseren ´target to background´ Verhältnisses aus. Im Zuge der Derivatisierung ist es außerdem gelungen, erfolgreich eine Substanz darzustellen, welche über eine gesteigerte Blutretention verfügt und die letztendlich die Bioverfügbarkeit des Tracers erhöhte. Verbindungen solchen Typs können zu einem besseren Tumor zu gesundem Knochen Verhältnis beitragen und eventuell einen höheren Therapieerfolg erzielen. Eines dieser neuen vielversprechenden Bisphosphonate, [68Ga]NO2APBP konnte innerhalb einer klinischen Phase 0 bzw. I sein großes Potential als Diagnostikum zur Erfassung von Skelettmetastasen unter Beweis stellen. Innerhalb einer Testreihe mit 12 Patienten wurde eine hohe diagnostische Übereinstimmung mit dem Goldstandard 18F-Fluorid erreicht. In ausgesuchten Metastasen konnte sogar eine höhere Tracer-Aufnahme erzielt werden.rnIn Zukunft können makrozyklische Bisphosphonate eine wichtige Rolle bei der palliativen Schmerztherapie von Knochenmetastasen einnehmen. rn


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A differentiation towards myoepithelial cells has been demonstrated in several types of lesions in the breast. These include multifocal myoepitheliomatosis, the rare mixed tumor or pleomorphic adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, adenomyoepithelioma and myoepithelial carcinoma (malignant myoepithelioma). Myoepithelial carcinoma is the only lesion purely composed of myoepithelial cells. All these tumors are benign and/or of low-grade malignancy, with the exception of malignant myoepithelioma. In contrast to the statement of the current World Health Organization (WHO), recent studies have reported that regional and distant metastases may occur in about 50% of pure myoepithelial carcinomas. The presented case of a breast carcinoma with dominant myoepithelial/spindle cell differentiation in a 58-year-old woman is an excellent example to document the highly aggressive biological behavior of this tumor phenotype. Despite an extensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the tumor was rapidly progressive, forming a finally exulcerating local tumor relapse and widespread metastases to the myocardium, lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. Similarities in morphology and biological behavior compared to patients with "triple-negative" (hormone receptor and Her2) monophasic sarcomatoid carcinomas and pure spindle cell sarcomas are discussed.


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Small lymph nodes (LN) show evidence of extracapsular extension (ECE) in a significant number of patients. This study was performed to determine the impact of ECE in LN 7 mm as compared with ECE in larger LN.


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Androgen receptor (AR) expression profile in the different Gleason patterns (GP) of primary prostate cancers and nodal metastases is unknown. More information about AR distribution is needed to optimize evaluation methods and to better understand the role of AR in development and progression of prostate cancer.


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Patients with nodal positive prostate cancers are an important cohort with poorly defined risk factors. CD10 is a cell surface metallopeptidase that has been suggested to play a role in prostate cancer progression. CD10 expression was evaluated in 119 nodal positive prostate cancer patients using tissue microarrays constructed from primary tumors and lymph node metastases. All patients underwent radical prostatectomy and standardized extended lymphadenectomy. They had no neoadjuvant therapy and received deferred androgen deprivation. In the primary tumor, high CD10 expression was significantly associated with earlier death from disease when compared with low CD10 expression (5-year survival 73.7% vs. 91.8%; p = 0.043). In the metastases, a high CD10 expression was significantly associated with larger total size of metastases (median 11.4 vs. 6.5 mm; p = 0.015), earlier death of disease (5-year survival 71.5% vs. 87.3%; p = 0.017), and death of any cause (5-year survival 70.0% vs. 87.2%; p = 0.001) when compared with low CD10 expression. CD10 expression in the metastases added independent prognostic information for overall survival (p = 0.029) after adjustment for Gleason score of the primary tumor, nodal tumor burden, and resection margins. In conclusion, a high CD10 expression in prostate cancer predicts early death. This information is inherent in the primary tumors and in the lymph node metastases and might help to personalize patient management.


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To test the prognostic significance of cyclin D1 in nodal-positive prostate cancer.