858 resultados para OSTEOGENIC-SARCOMA


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Pulmonary artery sarcomas are uncommon intracardiac tumours with poor prognosis. We report the case of a 69-year-old woman in good health presenting with rapidly progressive dyspnoea and an unfamiliar systolic murmur. Echocardiography revealed pulmonary valve stenosis due to an obstructing mobile mass. Imaging studies confirmed the presence of a contrast-enhancing lesion adherent to the valve, extending into the pulmonary trunk and right ventricular outflow tract, and suggestive of malignancy. Endovascular biopsy was attempted with no success. Surgical resection with autologous graft valve replacement and pulmonary artery reconstruction was performed. Postoperative histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. Pulmonary artery sarcoma should be considered as a rare differential diagnosis in patients presenting with dyspnoea and a crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur increasing with inspiration. Echocardiography is a useful first diagnostic approach but multi-imaging assessment is almost always necessary for definite diagnosis. Our case provides insights into the challenges met by cardiologists, radiologists and cardiac surgeons in the management of such cases.


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Expression of the SS18/SYT-SSX fusion protein is believed to underlie the pathogenesis of synovial sarcoma (SS). Recent evidence suggests that deregulation of the Wnt pathway may play an important role in SS but the mechanisms whereby SS18-SSX might affect Wnt signaling remain to be elucidated. Here, we show that SS18/SSX tightly regulates the elevated expression of the key Wnt target AXIN2 in primary SS. SS18-SSX is shown to interact with TCF/LEF, TLE and HDAC but not β-catenin in vivo and to induce Wnt target gene expression by forming a complex containing promoter-bound TCF/LEF and HDAC but lacking β-catenin. Our observations provide a tumor-specific mechanistic basis for Wnt target gene induction in SS that can occur in the absence of Wnt ligand stimulation.


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To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma arising from a renal graft. Transplantectomy was performed in a 47-year old woman presenting to the emergency room because of general weakness. Preoperative workup revealed a 5.5 cm malignant mass of the graft which was not present on routine ultrasound performed 12 months earlier. Following transplantectomy, local recurrence developed despite complete tumor resection and interruption of immunosuppression. Despite radiation therapy, the outcome was ultimately fatal. Genetic analysis revealed that the tumor had arisen from donor tissue. Annual ultrasound surveillance might not be enough effective to screen for these rare high grade neoplasms.


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The identification of cancer-specific enzymatic activities that can be therapeutically targeted is key to the development of suitable anti-cancer drugs. Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) is a rare and incurable malignancy that can occur in immunodeficient patients as a consequence of latent infection of B-cells with Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, KSHV (also known as human herpesvirus-8, HHV8). Malignant growth of KSHV-infected B cells requires the constitutive activity of the transcription factor NF-KB, which controls expression of viral genes required for maintenance of viral latency and suppression of the viral lytic program. Here we identify the protease mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue transformation protein 1 (MALTI), a key driver of NF-KB activation in lymphocytes, as an essential component in KSHV-dependent NF-KB activation and growth of latently infected PEL cell lines. Inhibition of the MALTI protease activity induced a switch from the latent to the lytic stage of viral infection, and led to reduced growth and survival of PEL cell lines in vitro and in a xenograft model. These results demonstrate a key role for the proteolytic activity of MALTI in PEL, and provide a rationale for the pharmacological targeting of MALTI in PEL therapy. -- L'identification d'activités enzymatiques propre au cancer est clé dans le développement des nouvaux médicaments anti-cancer. Le lymphome primitif des séreuses est un lymphome rare et incurable qui peut se developer chez les patients immunodéficients. Il est la conséquence d'une infection latente des cellules B, dûe à l'herpes virus 8, plus connu comme herpes virus associé au sarcome de Kaposi (KSHV). La croissance maligne des cellules B infecteés par KSHV requière l'activité constitutive du facteur de transcription NF-KB qui contrôle l'expression des genes viraux requis pour la maintenance latente et la suppression du programme de lyse du virus. Avec cette étude, nous avons identifié la protease MALTI comme un composant essentiel dans l'activation de NF-KB dans les cellules B du lymphome primitif des séreuses. L'inhibition de l'activité de la protéase MALTI induit un virement de la phase latente à la phase lytique du KSHV et conduit à une reduction de la viabilité des cellules tumorales in vitro et dans un modèle de xénogreffe. Ces résultats démontrent un rôle clé pour l'activité protéolytique de MALTI dans le développement du lymphome primitif des séreuses et soutiennent l'idée que MALTI pourrait être une cible pharmacologique dans la thérapie de cette forme rare du lymphome.


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Ewing sarcoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of bone is the second most common pediatric malignant bone tumor. The median age at diagnosis is 15 years and there is a male predilection of 1.5/1. The authors present the case of a 14-year-old boy with Ewing sarcoma situated on the left ninth rib which was being investigated for respiratory tract infection. Pleurisy is the most common misdiagnosis. Our case illustrates the importance of recognizing exceptional features when interpreting FDG PET or scintigraphy to prevent the misinterpretation of metastases as other etiologies, such as infection.


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OBJETIVOS: Os sarcomas sinoviais são tumores raros e agressivos que acometem adultos jovens, com sobrevida doençaespecífica em cinco anos de 57 a 63%. O presente estudo analisa a experiência institucional com este tumor, dando ênfase à associação entre variáveis clínicas, padrões de recorrência e sobrevida. MÉTODO: Entre 1970 e 2001 foram identificados 57 pacientes com sarcomas sinoviais. Fatores demográficos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos foram pesquisados. Associações entre variáveis clínicas e a sobrevida livre de recidiva local, livre de metástases e doença-específica em cinco anos foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana dos pacientes foi 26 anos, 56% eram masculinos, 79% eram brancos. Localizavam-se em membro inferior em 74%, proximalmente em 53%. O sintoma mais comum foi a presença de tumor em 42%. Na admissão 18% eram intactos, 42% manipulados e 40% recidivados. A maioria era maior que 5 cm., e três pacientes apresentavam metástase linfonodal. A cirurgia mais freqüente foi ressecção ampla, 30% necessitou amputação. Margens amplas foram obtidas em 65%, 51% eram tumores bifásicos. Neoadjuvância foi utilizada em 46% e adjuvância em 58% dos casos. As sobrevidas livre de recidiva local , metástases e doença específica em cinco anos foram 60±8%, 47±7% e 58±7%. A localização proximal do tumor associou-se com preservação de membro (p=-0,001), margens inadequadas (p=0,006) e subtipo bifásico (p=0,047). CONCLUSÕES: Os dados confirmam a hipótese de tratar-se de tumor agressivo, com altos índices de recidiva local e à distância. Os resultados do tratamento são comparáveis a outros centros especializados. Tratamento fora destes centros deve ser desencorajado.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, o tratamento e o prognóstico dos pacientes com sarcoma epitelióide. MÉTODOS: Revisão do prontuário de 25 pacientes matriculados no INCA com o diagnóstico de sarcoma epitelióide, no período de 05 de junho de 1987 à 15 de julho de 2005. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana foi de 33 anos, variando de 10 à 70 anos. A localização primária mais freqüente foi os membros superiores em doze casos (48%). O tamanho do tumor foi descrito em 19 casos e a mediana foi de 5cm, variando de 1,5 à 15cm. A cirurgia foi realizada em dezessete pacientes com onze amputações. As margens cirúrgicas estavam livres em quinze pacientes, comprometidas em três e em sete não foram relatadas. Seis receberam tratamento com algum tipo de quimioterapia e quatorze receberam tratamento com radioterapia com dose mediana de 46,5Gy. Recidiva local ocorreu em treze casos (52%). Recidiva nodal foi diagnosticada em nove pacientes (36%). Metástase pulmonar foi diagnosticada em sete pacientes (28%). Seis pacientes realizaram o tratamento oncológico na sua totalidade no INCA. Atualmente doze estão vivos sem doença, dois estão vivos com doença e onze pacientes foram a óbito. CONCLUSÃO: O sarcoma epitelióide é um subtipo raro de sarcoma de partes moles que apresenta alta taxa de recidiva local, regional e metástase à distância. Incide principalmente nas extremidades de pacientes jovens. O tratamento cirúrgico consiste em ressecção alargada com margens livres.


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Synovial sarcomas are uncommon malignant mesenchymal tumors occurring mainly near the joints of the extremities of young adults. Synovial sarcomas are exceedingly rare neoplasms of the digestive tract. We report the first diagnosed case of esophageal synovial sarcoma, highlighting its diagnostic features surgical management and follow-up.


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The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) in HIV-positive Brazilian patients with (HIV+/KS+) and without Kaposi's sarcoma (HIV+/KS-) using PCR and immunofluorescence assays, to assess its association with KS disease, to evaluate the performance of these tests in detecting HHV-8 infection, and to investigate the association between anti-HHV-8 antibody titers, CD4 counts and staging of KS disease. Blood samples from 66 patients, 39 HIV+/KS+ and 27 HIV+/KS-, were analyzed for HHV-8 viremia in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by PCR and HHV-8 antigenemia for latent and lytic infection by immunofluorescence assay. Positive samples for latent nuclear HHV-8 antigen (LNA) antibodies were titrated out from 1/100 to 1/409,600 dilution. Clinical information was collected from medical records and risk behavior was assessed through an interview. HHV-8 DNA sequences were detected by PCR in 74.3% of KS+ patients and in 3.7% of KS- patients. Serological assays were similar in detecting anti-LNA antibodies and anti-lytic antigens in sera from KS+ patients (79.5%) and KS- patients (18.5%). HHV-8 was associated with KS whatever the method used, i.e., PCR (odds ratio (OR) = 7.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.16-25.61) or anti-LNA and anti-lytic antibodies (OR = 17.0, 95%CI = 4.91-59.14). Among KS+ patients, HHV-8 titration levels correlated positively with CD4 counts (rho 0.48, P = 0.02), but not with KS staging. HHV-8 is involved in the development of KS in different geographic areas worldwide, as it is in Brazil, where HHV-8 is more frequent among HIV+ patients. KS severity was associated with immunodeficiency, but no correlation was found between HHV-8 antibody titers and KS staging.


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) became a critical health issue with the emergence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the 1980s. Four clinical-epidemiological forms of KS have been described: classical KS, endemic KS, iatrogenic KS, and AIDS-associated KS. In 1994, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus type 8 was identified by Chang and colleagues, and has been detected worldwide at frequencies ranging from 80 to 100%. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the frequency of KSHV infection in KS lesions from HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients in Brazil, as well as to review the current knowledge about KS transmission and detection. For these purposes, DNA from 51 cases of KS was assessed by PCR: 20 (39.2%) cases of classical KS, 29 (56.9%) of AIDS-associated KS and 2 (3.9%) of iatrogenic KS. Most patients were males (7.5:1, M/F), and mean age was 47.9 years (SD = ± 18.7 years). As expected, HIV-positive KS patients were younger than patients with classical KS. On the other hand, patients with AIDS-associated KS have early lesions (patch and plaque) compared to classical KS patients (predominantly nodular lesions). This is assumed to be the result of the early diagnose of KS in the HIV-positive setting. KSHV infection was detected by PCR in almost all cases (48/51; 94.1%), irrespectively of the clinical-epidemiological form of KS. These results show that KSHV is associated with all forms of KS in Brazilian patients, a fact that supports the role of this virus in KS pathogenesis.


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Piplartine {5,6-dihydro-1-[1-oxo-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-2-propenyl]-2(1H)pyridinone} and piperine {1-5-(1,3)-benzodioxol-5-yl)-1-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl]piperidine} are alkaloid amides isolated from Piper. Both have been reported to show cytotoxic activity towards several tumor cell lines. In the present study, the in vivo antitumor activity of these compounds was evaluated in 60 female Swiss mice (N = 10 per group) transplanted with Sarcoma 180. Histopathological and morphological analyses of the tumor and the organs, including liver, spleen, and kidney, were performed in order to evaluate the toxicological aspects of the treatment with these amides. Administration of piplartine or piperine (50 or 100 mg kg-1 day-1 intraperitoneally for 7 days starting 1 day after inoculation) inhibited solid tumor development in mice transplanted with Sarcoma 180 cells. The inhibition rates were 28.7 and 52.3% for piplartine and 55.1 and 56.8% for piperine, after 7 days of treatment, at the lower and higher doses, respectively. The antitumor activity of piplartine was related to inhibition of the tumor proliferation rate, as observed by reduction of Ki67 staining, a nuclear antigen associated with G1, S, G2, and M cell cycle phases, in tumors from treated animals. However, piperine did not inhibit cell proliferation as observed in Ki67 immunohistochemical analysis. Histopathological analysis of liver and kidney showed that both organs were reversibly affected by piplartine and piperine treatment, but in a different way. Piperine was more toxic to the liver, leading to ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes, accompanied by microvesicular steatosis in some areas, than piplartine which, in turn, was more toxic to the kidney, leading to discrete hydropic changes of the proximal tubular and glomerular epithelium and tubular hemorrhage in treated animals.


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Bone homeostasis seems to be controlled by delicate and subtle “cross talk” between the nervous system and “osteo-neuromediators” that control bone remodeling. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of interactions between neuropeptides and human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (hBMP2) on human osteoblasts. We also investigated the effects of neuropeptides and hBMP2 on gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC). Osteoblasts were treated with neuropeptide Y (NPY), substance P (SP), or hBMP2 at three concentrations. At various intervals after treatment, cell viability was measured by the MTT assay. In addition, cellular alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and osteocalcin were determined by colorimetric assay and radioimmunoassay, respectively. The effects of NPY, SP and hBMP on GJIC were determined by laser scanning confocal microscopy. The viability of cells treated with neuropeptides and hBMP2 increased significantly in a time-dependent manner, but was inversely associated with the concentration of the treatments. ALP activity and osteocalcin were both reduced in osteoblasts exposed to the combination of neuropeptides and hBMP2. The GJIC of osteoblasts was significantly increased by the neuropeptides and hBMP2. These results suggest that osteoblast activity is increased by neuropeptides and hBMP2 through increased GJIC. Identification of the GJIC-mediated signal transduction capable of modulating the cellular activities of bone cells represents a novel approach to studying the biology of skeletal innervation.


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Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (allo-MSCs) have recently garnered increasing interest for their broad clinical therapy applications. Despite this, many studies have shown that allo-MSCs are associated with a high rate of graft rejection unless immunosuppressive therapy is administered to control allo-immune responses. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) is a co-inhibitory molecule expressed on T cells that mediates the inhibition of T-cell function. Here, we investigated the osteogenic differentiation potency of allo-MSCs in an activated immune system that mimics the in vivo allo-MSC grafting microenvironment and explored the immunomodulatory role of the helper T cell receptorCTLA4 in this process. We found that MSC osteogenic differentiation was inhibited in the presence of the activated immune response and that overexpression of CTLA4 in allo-MSCs suppressed the immune response and promoted osteogenic differentiation. Our results support the application of CTLA4-overexpressing allo-MSCs in bone tissue engineering.