916 resultados para Nursing home care


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Rates of overweight and obesity increase significantly whilst children and young people are in out-of-home care. This paper provides the protocol for a study, funded by the Australian Research Council (2012–2014), being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a Healthy Eating and Active Living intervention programme for adolescents who live in out-of-home residential care. This randomised trial will be conducted with 118 adolescents aged 13–17 years of age in out-of-home residential care and the residential staff who look after them. Adolescents' eating habits, physical activity levels, psychological well-being, body dissatisfaction and weight status will be assessed at baseline, immediately post the programme (which runs for 6 months), and again 12 months post baseline. Similar measures will be obtained from residential carers (across the same time points). If effective, this programme could be implemented as usual care to modify levels of obesity amongst these vulnerable young people.


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Emerging evidence suggests that abuse and neglect in childhood may play a role in subsequent development of obesity. One population group particularly at risk is children and young people living in out-of-home care (OOHC). Given this population is already a vulnerable group, identifying potential mechanisms by which childhood abuse and neglect increases risk for obesity is essential. A possible explanation is that problematic eating and food-related behaviours (i.e., emotional eating, compulsive eating, overeating, binge eating, stealing or hoarding food) might mediate the association between adverse childhood experiences and obesity. Hence, the overall goal of this paper was to provide a narrative review of eating and food-related difficulties for children in care and their possible association with unhealthy and excessive weight gain. This review revealed a shortage of existing empirical papers and signalled particular need for further examination of the mediating effects of problematic eating.


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OBJECTIVE: Given the high prevalence of overweight/obesity among young people in residential out-of-home care (OOHC), and as their carers are in loco parentis, this research aimed: 1) to examine the healthy lifestyle cognitions and behaviours of residential carers; and 2) to describe resources needed to improve diet and/or physical activity outcomes for residents. METHODS: Cross-sectional data were collected from 243 residential carers. Measures included: demographics; knowledge of dietary/physical activity recommendations; self-reported encouragement/importance of health behaviours; physical activity/screen time (at work); unit 'healthiness'; and necessary resources for creating a healthy environment. RESULTS: Staff placed importance on the residents eating well and being physically active. However, examination of carer knowledge found significant gaps in staff education. Three key priority areas were identified to help build a healthy food and activity environment in residential OOHC: funding, professional development and policy. CONCLUSION: Carer knowledge of healthy lifestyles can be improved and they need to be well resourced to ensure children in public care settings live in a healthy environment. IMPLICATIONS: These findings may inform the development of ongoing professional development to improve carers' health literacy, as well as policy to support dietary/activity guidelines for the OOHC sector.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Embora os psicotrópicos sejam uma das classes de medicações mais prescritas em abrigos para idosos, os estudos avaliando o seu padrão de prescrição são limitados em número e escopo. Este estudo visou investigar os fatores associados ao uso de psicofármacos em um abrigo para idosos no Brasil. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo retrospectivo observacional realizado no Abrigo da Velhice de Rio Claro, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista. MÉTODOS: Dados sobre prescrições foram extraídos dos prontuários médicos dos 108 idosos moradores do abrigo. Sessenta e cinco sujeitos (idade média ± desvio padrão = 74,5 ± 9,4 anos), em uso regular de medicação, constituíram a amostra. Foram examinados os efeitos das variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas sobre o padrão de prescrição de psicofármacos. RESULTADOS: As mulheres recebiam mais psicofármacos (p = 0.038); indivíduos em uso de medicações para doenças cardiovasculares recebiam menos psicofármacos (p = 0.001). Houve correlação negativa entre número de psicofármacos prescritos e, ambos, idade (p = 0.009) e número de medicações clínicas (p = 0.009). CONCLUSÃO: Embora preliminares, os resultados indicam as doenças cardiovasculares como a variável clínica que mais influenciou a prescrição de psicofármacos. Uma excessiva precaução por parte dos clínicos pode explicar parcialmente este resultado. Novas investigações, com amostras maiores e de diferentes regiões são desejáveis para confirmação destes dados.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Objective: - To develop and test a practical clinical method to assess frailty in nursing homes; - To investigate the relationship between cognitive status of the elderly and the balance between water compartments of their body composition. Design and subjects: Cross-sectional study, conducted at two nursing homes in Boston-MA. Methods: Body mass and height (Ht) were evaluated to calculate BMI (body mass index, in Kg/m(2)). The cognitive decline was evaluated based on the scores obtained from the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); The extracellular to total body water ratio (ECW/TBW) was calculated after the analysis of TBW from deuterium and tritium dilution and ECW from bromide dilution. Single-frequency BIA analysis data were investigated for resistance (R) and reactance (Xc), plotted in an R/Ht Xc/Ht graph (vectorial analysis-BIVA). The BIVA results of nursing home residents were compared against the data obtained from the NHANES Ill study. TBW and ECW values were compared with a group of free-living elderly volunteers. Results: The ECW/TBW was significantly higher in nursing home residents than in the free-living individuals. BIVA analysis showed significantly higher Xc/Ht values in the reference subjects. The MMSE did not present a significant correlation with ECW/TBW for either gender. Conclusion: We proposed the ECW/TBW ratio and BIVA as surrogate methods for the clinical assessment of frailty. We tested successfully both approaches with nursing home patients and free-living volunteers and compared them to a national data base. The advent of new, portable instruments will enable field tests to further validate our proposed "Frailty Factor" in future studies. We found no correlation between frailty and cognitive decline in the nursing home.


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L’ obiettivo della tesi proposta è volto ad illustrare come la malattia diabetica può essere gestita a livello domiciliare attraverso dispositivi di monitoraggio della glicemia sempre più innovativi. La malattia diabetica è un disturbo metabolico che ha come manifestazione principale un aumento del livello di zucchero nel sangue (glicemia) dovuto ad una ridotta produzione di insulina, l’ormone secreto dal pancreas per utilizzare gli zuccheri e gli altri componenti del cibo e trasformarli in energia. È una delle patologie croniche a più ampia diffusione nel mondo, in particolare nei Paesi industrializzati, e costituisce una delle più rilevanti e costose malattie sociali della nostra epoca, soprattutto per il suo carattere di cronicità, per la tendenza a determinare complicanze nel lungo periodo e per il progressivo spostamento dell’insorgenza verso età giovanili. Le tecnologie applicate alla terapia del diabete hanno consentito negli ultimi vent’anni di raggiungere traguardi molto importanti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’ottimizzazione del controllo assiduo dei valori glicemici cercando di mantenerli il più costante possibile e ad un livello simile a quello fisiologico. La comunicazione medico-paziente è stata rivoluzionata dalla telemedicina che, offrendo la possibilità di una comunicazione agevole, permette di ottimizzare l’utilizzo dei dati raccolti attraverso l’automonitoraggio glicemico e di facilitare gli interventi educativi. I glucometri, che misurano la glicemia ‘capillare’, insieme ai microinfusori, sistemi di erogazione dell’insulina sia in maniera continua (fabbisogno basale), che ‘a domanda’ (boli prandiali), hanno sostanzialmente modificato l’approccio e la gestione del diabete da parte del medico, ma soprattutto hanno favorito al paziente diabetico un progressivo superamento delle limitazioni alle normali attività della vita imposte dalla malattia. Con il monitoraggio continuo della glicemia 24 ore su 24 infatti, si ha avuto il vantaggio di avere a disposizione un elevato numero di misurazioni puntiformi nell’arco della giornata attraverso sensori glicemici, che applicati sulla pelle sono in grado di ‘rilevare’ il valore di glucosio a livello interstiziale, per diversi giorni consecutivi e per mezzo di un trasmettitore wireless, inviano le informazioni al ricevitore che visualizza le letture ottenute dal sensore. In anni recenti, il concetto di SAP (Sensor-Augmented Insulin Pump) Therapy, è stato introdotto a seguito di studi che hanno valutato l’efficacia dell’utilizzo della pompa ad infusione continua di insulina (CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion) associato ai sistemi di monitoraggio in continuo della glicemia (CGM, continuous glucose monitoring) per un significativo miglioramento del controllo glicemico e degli episodi sia di ipoglicemia sia di iperglicemia prolungata. Oggi, grazie ad una nuova funzione è possibile interrompere automaticamente l’erogazione di insulina da parte del microinfusore quando la glicemia, rilevata dal sensore, scende troppo velocemente e raggiunge un limite di allarme. Integrare lettura della glicemia, infusione e sospensione automatica dell’erogazione di insulina in caso di ipoglicemia ha ovviamente aperto la porta al pancreas artificiale.


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To test the hypothesis that cardiometabolic risk is attenuated when caregivers are relieved of caregiving stress when the caregiving recipient transitions out of the home.


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Nursing home caregiving was analyzed as a job, subject to management intervention. Specifically examined was the usefulness of job redesign, a managerial intervention used to enhance worker motivation and effectiveness. Information from interviews with administrators was combined with survey data from aides and LPNs (n= 489) in 21 nursing homes to assess to need for, and feasibility of, redesign of caregiving work. Implementation principles and examples are included.


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Recent federal legislation has provided renewed interest in improving the quality of nursing home care. The lack of both funding and personnel are significant barriers that may keep psychology's disciplinary expertise from being fully used in nursing homes. Nursing homes may be forced to undertake mandated activities (e.g., preadmission screening, nurses aides' training, and evaluation) without psychologists' expertise, relying either on medical practitioners with little knowledge of mental health interventions or on minimally qualified, entry-level mental health workers. Advocates for improved nursing home care must see the links among basic disciplinary skills, interdisciplinary collaboration, and improved care for mentally impaired elderly individuals.


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Nursing homes have been criticized for frequent use and possible misuse of psycho-active agents. These issues are of clinical concern and policy relevance, especially since the passage of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987. Using a sample of 419 residents, the authors examined the relationships among antipsychotic drug (AP) use, behavior, and mental health diagnoses. Only 23.2% of the residents were administered APs on a routine and/or "as-needed" basis. Based on the Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES) ratings, AP users were more irritable, disoriented, and withdrawn than were nonusers. Also, AP users demonstrated agitated behaviors more frequently. Notably, AP users and nonusers differed significantly in terms of documented mental health diagnoses. Among AP users, 70.1% had documented dementia, 8.3% were psychotic or had other psychiatric disorders, and 21.6% had no mental health diagnoses. In contrast, the majority of nonusers had no mental health disorders. Logistic regression revealed that diagnostic factors, frequency of agitation, level of withdrawal, and marital status were significant predictors of AP use.