957 resultados para Nurse-patient relations


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Objective: The present study aimed to compare ED waiting times (for medical assessment and treatment), treatment times and length of stay (LOS) for patients managed by an emergency nurse practitioner candidate (ENPC) with patients managed via traditional ED care. Methods: A case–control design was used. Patients were selected using the three most common ED discharge diagnoses for ENPC managed patients: hand/wrist wounds, hand/wrist fractures and removal of plaster of Paris. The ENPC group (n = 102) consisted of patients managed by the ENPC who had ED discharge diagnoses as mentioned above. The control group (n = 623) consisted of patients with the same ED discharge diagnoses who were managed via traditional ED care. Results: There were no significant differences in median waiting times, treatment times and ED LOS between ENPC managed patients and patients managed via traditional ED processes. There appeared to be some variability between diagnostic subgroups in terms of treatment times and ED LOS. Conclusion: Patient flow outcomes for ENPC managed patients are comparable with those of patients managed via usual ED processes.


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In this paper, we report on a research project funded by the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses’ and Bristol Myers Squibb Research Grant in 2007. We examined ways in which Mental Health Nurses could correctly identify patients during medication administration that promote medication safety and that are acceptable to both consumers and nurses. Central to the safe practice of medication administration are the “five rights” – giving the right drug, in the right dose, to the right patient, via the right route, at the right time. In non-psychiatric settings, such as medical and surgical inpatient units, the use of identification aids, such as wristbands, are common. In most Victorian psychiatric inpatient units, however, standardised identification aids are not used. Anecdotally, consumers dislike some methods of patient identification, such as wearing wrist bands, and some nurses perceive consumers’ rights are infringed through wearing personal identifiers. In focus groups, mental health consumers and Mental Health Nurses were invited to discuss their experiences of patient identification during routine psychiatric inpatient medication administration. They were also asked their opinions of, and preferences for, different ways of verifying “right patient” during routine medication administration. In our paper, we will present the findings of a qualitative research project in which we explored the experiences, opinions, and preferences of mental health consumers and Mental Health Nurses towards methods of correctly identifying patients during medication administration.


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In this paper, we report on a research project funded by the Australian College Mental Health Nurses’ and Bristol Myers Squibb Research Grant in 2007. We examined ways in which mental health nurses could correctly identify patients during medication administration that promote medication safety and that are acceptable to both consumers and nurses.

Central to the safe practice of medication administration are the “five rights”- giving the right drug, in the right dose, to the right patient, via the right route, at the right time. In non-psychiatric settings, such as medical and surgical inpatient units, the use of identification aids, such as wristbands, are common. In most Victorian psychiatric inpatient units, however, standardised identification aids are not used. Anecdotally, consumers dislike some methods of patient identification, such as wearing wrist bands, and some nurses perceive consumers' rights are infringed through wearing personal identifiers.

In focus groups, mental health consumers and mental health nurses were invited to discuss their experiences of patient identification during routine psychiatric inpatient medication administration. They were also asked their opinions of, and preferences for, different ways of verifying “right patient” during routine medication administration. In our paper, we will present the findings of a qualitative research project in which we explored the experiences, opinions, and preferences of mental health consumers and mental health nurses towards methods of correctly identifying patients during medication administration.


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This case study explores what informs and organizes the assessment of patients, as undertaken by a nurse, a social worker and a psychiatrist in public, metropolitan, acute mental health service settings. The research data are the transcripts of in-depth interviews with three experienced practitioners, one from each of the three disciplines. The analysis draws on Foucauldian concepts: discourse as constructed through practices of discipline and the gaze. We explored examples of taken-for-granted assessment practices and their interplay with discourse. The findings suggest that participating practitioners use language in assessment in ways that support the powerful discourses of the professional disciplines. The competing discourse of management, associated with industry and economics, is evident in hospital admission processes, dictating the times and places of assessment. Professional and management discourses both effectively marginalize the perspective of another player in assessment, the patient.


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INTRODUCTION: Nursing bedside handover in hospital has been identified as an opportunity to involve patients and promote patient-centred care. It is important to consider the preferences of both patients and nurses when implementing bedside handover to maximise the successful uptake of this policy. We outline a study which aims to (1) identify, compare and contrast the preferences for various aspects of handover common to nurses and patients while accounting for other factors, such as the time constraints of nurses that may influence these preferences.; (2) identify opportunities for nurses to better involve patients in bedside handover and (3) identify patient and nurse preferences that may challenge the full implementation of bedside handover in the acute medical setting. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We outline the protocol for a discrete choice experiment (DCE) which uses a survey design common to both patients and nurses. We describe the qualitative and pilot work undertaken to design the DCE. We use a D-efficient design which is informed by prior coefficients collected during the pilot phase. We also discuss the face-to-face administration of this survey in a population of acutely unwell, hospitalised patients and describe how data collection challenges have been informed by our pilot phase. Mixed multinomial logit regression analysis will be used to estimate the final results. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study has been approved by a university ethics committee as well as two participating hospital ethics committees. Results will be used within a knowledge translation framework to inform any strategies that can be used by nursing staff to improve the uptake of bedside handover. Results will also be disseminated via peer-reviewed journal articles and will be presented at national and international conferences.


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Arra a kérdésre keressük a választ, hogy a szoros háziorvosi-szakorvosi szakmai kapcsolatoknak van-e hatásuk a betegek gyógyszerkiadására, illetve egészségi állapotára. Az orvosok közötti szakmai kapcsolatok szorosságát a közösen gondozott betegek száma alapján határoztuk meg, míg a betegek egészségügyi állapotát a diagnosztizált és kezelt társbetegségek számával mértük. Hipotézisünk egyrészt az volt, hogy a hatékonyabb koordinációnak köszönhetően a szoros kapcsolatban kezelt betegek jobb egészségi állapotúak, másrészt kezelésük az erőforrások hatékonyabb felhasználása miatt kisebb gyógyszerköltséggel jár. E két hipotézist a cukorbetegekre teszteltük. Azért esett erre a krónikus betegségre a választásunk, mert itt a háziorvosok és a szakorvosok együttműködése elsődleges fontosságú. Magyarországon a cukorbetegek esetében a legnagyobb a közösen kezelt betegek populációja, valamint itt a legmagasabb a szakorvosi javaslatra felírt háziorvosi receptek száma. Azt az eredményt kaptuk, hogy a szoros kapcsolatban kezelt betegek nem rendelkeznek sem jobb, sem rosszabb egészségi állapottal, miközben a kapcsolódó gyógyszerkiadásuk szignifikánsan alacsonyabb. ____ The article considers whether strong formal professional relations between GPs and specialists in shared care affect either the health of patients or the pharmacy costs they incur. The strength of such relations is measured by the number of shared patients; patient health is proxied by number of co-morbidities diagnosed and treated. The first hypothesis is that patients treated amid strong GP-specialist relations have better health status than those treated amid weak ones, due to enhanced efficiency of care coordination. The second is that patients treated in such strong relations incur lower pharmacy costs high numbers of shared patients are assumed to promote appropriate, effective use of resources. The article tests these hypotheses and compares the outcomes of the strongest and weakest GP-specialist relations through the example of diabetes, a chronic condition where patient-care coordination is important. Diabetes generates the largest shared patient cohort in Hungary, with the highest number of specialist medication prescriptions. This article finds that stronger ties result in significantly lower pharmacy costs, but not a higher patient health status.


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Credit must be given to Leinwand from Monkmeyer Press Photo Service].


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Inscription: Verso: Women at work: miscellaneous occupations.


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The concept of patient activation has gained traction as the term referring to patients who understand their role in the care process and have “the knowledge, skills and confidence” necessary to manage their illness over time (Hibbard & Mahoney, 2010). Improving health outcomes for vulnerable and underserved populations who bear a disproportionate burden of health disparities presents unique challenges for nurse practitioners who provide primary care in nurse-managed health centers. Evidence that activation improves patient self-management is prompting the search for theory-based self-management support interventions to activate patients for self-management, improve health outcomes, and sustain long-term gains. Yet, no previous studies investigated the relationship between Self-determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000) and activation. The major purpose of this study, guided by the Triple Aim (Berwick, Nolan, & Whittington, 2008) and nested in the Chronic Care Model (Wagner et al., 2001), was to examine the degree to which two constructs– Autonomy Support and Autonomous Motivation– independently predicted Patient Activation, controlling for covariates. For this study, 130 nurse-managed health center patients completed an on-line 38-item survey onsite. The two independent measures were the 6-item Modified Health Care Climate Questionnaire (mHCCQ; Williams, McGregor, King, Nelson, & Glasgow, 2005; Cronbach’s alpha =0.89) and the 8-item adapted Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ; Williams, Freedman, & Deci, 1998; Cronbach’s alpha = 0.80). The Patient Activation Measure (PAM-13; Hibbard, Mahoney, Stock, & Tusler, 2005; Cronbach’s alpha = 0.89) was the dependent measure. Autonomy Support was the only significant predictor, explaining 19.1% of the variance in patient activation. Five of six autonomy support survey items regressed on activation were significant, illustrating autonomy supportive communication styles contributing to activation. These results suggest theory-based patient, provider, and system level interventions to enhance self-management in primary care and educational and professional development curricula. Future investigations should examine additional sources of autonomy support and different measurements of autonomous motivation to improve the predictive power of the model. Longitudinal analyses should be conducted to further understand the relationship between autonomy support and autonomous motivation with patient activation, based on the premise that patient activation will sustain behavior change.


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The authors regret that the original text: The SAGAT instrument has been previously validated (Bell et al., 2006) is incorrect and should read: The SAGAT technique has been demonstrated as valid, sensitive and reliable measure of situation awareness in diverse applications (Endsley, 2000).

Endsley, M. R. (2000) Direct measurement of situation awareness: Validity and use of SAGAT. In Endsley, M.R. & Garland, D.J. (Eds.), Situation awareness analysis and measurement (pp 147–173). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.