961 resultados para Nuclear arms control


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The solution structure of IlvN, the regulatory subunit of Escherichia coil acetohydroxyacid synthase I, in the valine-bound form has been determined using high-resolution multidimensional, multinuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. IlvN in the presence or absence of the effector molecule is present as a 22.5 kDa dimeric molecule. The ensemble of 20 low-energy structures shows a backbone root-mean-square deviation of 0.73 +/- 0.13 angstrom and a root-mean-square deviation of 1.16 +/- 0.13 angstrom for all heavy atoms. Furthermore, more than 98% of the backbone phi and psi dihedral angles occupy the allowed and additionally allowed regions of the Ramachandran map, which is indicative of the fact that the structures are of high stereochemical quality. Each protomer exhibits a beta alpha beta beta alpha beta alpha topology that is a characteristic feature of the ACT domain seen in metabolic enzymes. In the valine-bound form, IlvN exists apparently as a single conformer. In the free form, IlvN exists as a mixture of conformational states that are in intermediate exchange on the NMR time scale. Thus, a large shift in the conformational equilibrium is observed upon going from the free form to the bound form. The structure of the valine-bound form of IlvN was found to be similar to that of the ACT domain of the unliganded form of IlvH. Comparisons of the structures of the unliganded forms of these proteins suggest significant differences. The structural and conformational properties of IlvN determined here have allowed a better understanding of the mechanism of regulation of branched chain amino acid biosynthesis.


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Platinum(II) complexes Pt(pap)(an-cat)] (1) and Pt(pap)(py-cat)] (2) with 2-(phenylazo)pyridine (pap), 4-2-(anthracen-9-ylmethylene)amino]ethyl]benzene-1,2-diol (H(2)an-cat), and 4-2-(pyren-1-ylmethylene)amino]ethyl]benzene-1,2-diol (H2py-cat) were prepared, and their photoinduced cytotoxicity was studied. The complexes were found to release catecholate ligand in the presence of excess glutathione (GSH), resulting in cellular toxicity in the cancer cells. The catecholate complex Pt(pap)(cat)] (3) was prepared and used as a control. Complex 3, which is structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography, has platinum(II) in a distorted square-planar geometry. The complexes are redox-active, showing responses near 0.6 and 1.0 V versus SCE in N,N-dimethylformamide/0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate corresponding to a two-step catechol oxidation process and at -0.3 and -1.3 V for reduction of the pap ligand. Complex 1 showed remarkable light-induced cytotoxicity in HaCaT (human skin keratinocytes) and MCF-7 (human breast cancer) cells, giving IC50 value of similar to 5 mu M in visible light of 400-700 nm and >40 mu M in the dark. The 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFDA) assay showed the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which seems to trigger apoptosis, as is evident from the annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)/propidium iodide (PI) assay. The fluorescence microscopic images showed significant nuclear localization of the complexes and free ligands. A mechanistic study revealed possible reduction of the coordinated azo bond of pap by cellular GSH, releasing the catecholate ligand and resulting in remarkable photochemotherapeutic action of the complexes.


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El gusano cogollero [Spodoptera fnugiperda (J.E. Smith) (lnsecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)], es uno de los principales insectos que afectan el cultivo de sorgo en El Salvador. En vista de lo anterior, durante los meses de septiembre de 2001 y enero de 2002, se realizó una investigación en la estación experimental dos del Centro Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y Forestal (CENTA), ubicado en el valle de San Andrés, departamento de La Libertad. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la efectividad de productos químicos, botánicos y biológicos para el control del gusano cogollero. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar, con nueve tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron: insecticida botánico (Agrolnagor), Aceite de Nim, Beauveria bassiana, Virus de la Poliedrosis Nuclear (VPN), Lufenuron, Teflubanzuron, Agua azucarada, testigo relativo ( clorpirifos) y testigo absoluto (sin aplicación). Los datos de mortalidad se obtuvieron 24 horas y cuatro días después de las aplicaciones. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre tratamientos en los porcentajes de mortalidad de la plaga. Los insecticidas inhibidores de la quitina, lufeneron y tetlubenzuron, mostraron mayor efectividad (superior al 90 por ciento) comparados con los otros tratamientos insecticidas, los cuales mostraron niveles de mortalidad interior al 65 por ciento cuatro días después de su aplicación. El porcentaje de mortalidad obtenido en parcelas tratadas con chlorpyrifos fue de 63.3 por ciento durante el primer muestreo. La mortalidad fue superior en larvas de los primeros estadios, comparada con larvas de los últimos estadios. Los tratamientos con Neem, productos biológicos (Beauveria bassiana y el virus de la poliedrosis nuclear) y agua azucarada presentaron los más bajos niveles de mortalidad. Hubo diferencias significativas en el rendimiento del cultivo, sin embargo, dichas diferencias no siempre estuvieron relacionadas a los niveles de mortalidad presentados por los tratamientos insecticidas.


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Nuclear fusion has arisen as an alternative energy to avoid carbon dioxide emissions, being the tokamak a promising nuclear fusion reactor that uses a magnetic field to confine plasma in the shape of a torus. However, different kinds of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities may affect tokamak plasma equilibrium, causing severe reduction of particle confinement and leading to plasma disruptions. In this sense, numerous efforts and resources have been devoted to seeking solutions for the different plasma control problems so as to avoid energy confinement time decrements in these devices. In particular, since the growth rate of the vertical instability increases with the internal inductance, lowering the internal inductance is a fundamental issue to address for the elongated plasmas employed within the advanced tokamaks currently under development. In this sense, this paper introduces a lumped parameter numerical model of the tokamak in order to design a novel robust sliding mode controller for the internal inductance using the transformer primary coil as actuator.


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Numerous transcription factors self-assemble into different order oligomeric species in a way that is actively regulated by the cell. Until now, no general functional role has been identified for this widespread process. Here, we capture the effects of modulated self-assembly in gene expression with a novel quantitative framework. We show that this mechanism provides precision and flexibility, two seemingly antagonistic properties, to the sensing of diverse cellular signals by systems that share common elements present in transcription factors like p53, NF-kappa B, STATs, Oct and RXR. Applied to the nuclear hormone receptor RXR, this framework accurately reproduces a broad range of classical, previously unexplained, sets of gene expression data and corroborates the existence of a precise functional regime with flexible properties that can be controlled both at a genome-wide scale and at the individual promoter level.


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The roles of the folate receptor and an anion carrier in the uptake of 5- methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MeH_4folate) were studied in cultured human (KB) cells using radioactive 5-MeH_4folate. Binding of the 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by folic acid, but not by probenecid, an anion carrier inhibitor. The internalization of 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by low temperature, folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. Prolonged incubation of cells in the presence of high concentrations of probenecid appeared to inhibit endocytosis of folatereceptors as well as the anion carrier. The V_(max) and K_M values for the carrier were 8.65 ± 0.55 pmol/min/mg cell protein and 3.74 ± 0.54µM, respectively. The transport of 5-MeH4folate was competitively inhibited by folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. The carrier dissociation constants for folic acid, probenecid and methotreate were 641 µM, 2.23 mM and 13.8 µM, respectively. Kinetic analysis suggests that 5-MeH_4folate at physiological concentration is transported through an anion carrier with the characteristics of the reduced-folate carrier after 5-MeH_4folate is endocytosed by folate receptors in KB cells. Our data with KB cells suggest that folate receptors and probenecid-sensitive carriers work in tandem to transport 5-MeH_4folate to the cytoplasm of cells, based upon the assumption that 1 mM probenecid does not interfere with the acidification of the vesicle where the folate receptors are endocytosed.

Oligodeoxynucleotides designed to hybridize to specific mRNA sequences (antisense oligonucleotides) or double stranded DNA sequences have been used to inhibit the synthesis of a number of cellular and viral proteins (Crooke, S. T. (1993) FASEB J. 7, 533-539; Carter, G. and Lemoine, N. R. (1993) Br. J. Cacer 67, 869-876; Stein, C. A. and cohen, J. S. (1988) Cancer Res. 48, 2659-2668). However, the distribution of the delivered oligonucleotides in the cell, i.e., in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus has not been clearly defined. We studied the kinetics of oligonucleotide transport into the cell nucleus using reconstituted cell nuclei as a model system. We present evidences here that oligonucleotides can freely diffuse into reconstituted nuclei. Our results are consistent with the reports by Leonetti et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 88, pp. 2702-2706, April 1991), which were published while we were carrying this research independently. We also investigated whether a synthetic nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide of SV40 T antigen could be used for the nuclear targeting of oligonucleotides. We synthesized a nuclear localization signal peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide to see if a nuclear localization signal peptide can enhance the uptake of oligonucleotides into reconstituted nuclei of Xenopus. Uptake of the NLS peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide was comparable to the control oligonucleotide at similar concentrations, suggesting that the NLS signal peptide does not significantly enhance the nuclear accumulation of oligonucleotides. This result is probably due to the small size of the oligonucleotide.


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The centralized paradigm of a single controller and a single plant upon which modern control theory is built is no longer applicable to modern cyber-physical systems of interest, such as the power-grid, software defined networks or automated highways systems, as these are all large-scale and spatially distributed. Both the scale and the distributed nature of these systems has motivated the decentralization of control schemes into local sub-controllers that measure, exchange and act on locally available subsets of the globally available system information. This decentralization of control logic leads to different decision makers acting on asymmetric information sets, introduces the need for coordination between them, and perhaps not surprisingly makes the resulting optimal control problem much harder to solve. In fact, shortly after such questions were posed, it was realized that seemingly simple decentralized optimal control problems are computationally intractable to solve, with the Wistenhausen counterexample being a famous instance of this phenomenon. Spurred on by this perhaps discouraging result, a concerted 40 year effort to identify tractable classes of distributed optimal control problems culminated in the notion of quadratic invariance, which loosely states that if sub-controllers can exchange information with each other at least as quickly as the effect of their control actions propagates through the plant, then the resulting distributed optimal control problem admits a convex formulation.

The identification of quadratic invariance as an appropriate means of "convexifying" distributed optimal control problems led to a renewed enthusiasm in the controller synthesis community, resulting in a rich set of results over the past decade. The contributions of this thesis can be seen as being a part of this broader family of results, with a particular focus on closing the gap between theory and practice by relaxing or removing assumptions made in the traditional distributed optimal control framework. Our contributions are to the foundational theory of distributed optimal control, and fall under three broad categories, namely controller synthesis, architecture design and system identification.

We begin by providing two novel controller synthesis algorithms. The first is a solution to the distributed H-infinity optimal control problem subject to delay constraints, and provides the only known exact characterization of delay-constrained distributed controllers satisfying an H-infinity norm bound. The second is an explicit dynamic programming solution to a two player LQR state-feedback problem with varying delays. Accommodating varying delays represents an important first step in combining distributed optimal control theory with the area of Networked Control Systems that considers lossy channels in the feedback loop. Our next set of results are concerned with controller architecture design. When designing controllers for large-scale systems, the architectural aspects of the controller such as the placement of actuators, sensors, and the communication links between them can no longer be taken as given -- indeed the task of designing this architecture is now as important as the design of the control laws themselves. To address this task, we formulate the Regularization for Design (RFD) framework, which is a unifying computationally tractable approach, based on the model matching framework and atomic norm regularization, for the simultaneous co-design of a structured optimal controller and the architecture needed to implement it. Our final result is a contribution to distributed system identification. Traditional system identification techniques such as subspace identification are not computationally scalable, and destroy rather than leverage any a priori information about the system's interconnection structure. We argue that in the context of system identification, an essential building block of any scalable algorithm is the ability to estimate local dynamics within a large interconnected system. To that end we propose a promising heuristic for identifying the dynamics of a subsystem that is still connected to a large system. We exploit the fact that the transfer function of the local dynamics is low-order, but full-rank, while the transfer function of the global dynamics is high-order, but low-rank, to formulate this separation task as a nuclear norm minimization problem. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of future research directions, with a particular emphasis on how to incorporate the results of this thesis, and those of optimal control theory in general, into a broader theory of dynamics, control and optimization in layered architectures.


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Fluorine nuclear magnetic resonance techniques have been used to study conformational processes in two proteins labeled specifically in strategic regions with covalently attached fluorinated molecules. In ribonuclease S, the ϵ-amino groups of lysines 1 and 7 were trifluoroacetylated without diminishing enzymatic activity. As inhibitors bound to the enzyme, changes in orientation of the peptide segment containing the trifluoroacetyl groups were detected in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum. pH Titration of one of the histidines in the active site produced a reversal of the conformational process.

Hemoglobin was trifluoroacetonylated at the reactive cysteine 93 of each β chain. The nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the fluorine moiety reflected changes in the equilibrium position of the β chain carboxy terminus upon binding of heme ligands and allosteric effectors. The chemical shift positions observed in deoxy- and methemoglobin were pH dependent, undergoing an abnormally steep apparent titration which was not observed in hemoglobin from which histidine β 146 had been removed enzymatically. The abnormal sharpness of these pH dependent processes is probably due to interactions between several ionizing groups.

The carbon monoxide binding process was studied by concurrent observation of the visible and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of trifluoroacetonylated hemoglobin at fractional ligand saturations throughout the range 0-1.0. Comparison of the ligand binding process observed in these two ways yields evidence for a specific order of ligand binding. The sequence of events is sensitive to the pH and organic phosphate concentration of the medium, demonstrating the delicately balanced control system produced by interactions between the hemoglobin subunits and the effectors.


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Dentre os diversos tipos de câncer agressivos, o câncer de mama é o mais comum em mulheres. Mutações hereditárias e adquiridas, assim como alterações epigenéticas atuam em sinergia na carcinogênese mamária e na progressão tumoral. A proteína P53 é uma supressora de tumor e possui uma atuação fundamental na integridade genômica. Apesar do vasto conhecimento sobre o controle da P53 a nível de proteína, ainda pouco se sabe sobre o controle transcricional do gene TP53. A série 21T, uma série de 4 linhagens celulares originadas da mama da mesma paciente, representando diferentes estágios de progressão tumoral mamária, é um eficiente modelo para investigação das alterações epigenéticas e suas influências na expressão gênica ao longo da progressão do câncer de mama. Nós analisamos a organização do domínio do gene TP53 através da técnica de arranjo de DNA, em diversas linhagens celulares de câncer de mama e linhagens controle, e realizamos uma tentativa de caracterizar estes elementos de DNA nas linhagens controle não-tumorais HB2 e MCF10A e nas tumorais MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, T47D, através dos marcadores epigenéticos de eucromatina, H4Ac, e heterocromatina, H3K9me3. Ainda analisamos a ligação de proteínas à região associada à matriz nuclear (MAR), denominada MAR 2, e a possível ligação da proteína ligante à matriz nuclear (MARBP), PARP-1, através de ensaios de gel shift (EMSA). Detectamos que na linhagem controle epitelial mamária, HB2, o gene TP53 está posicionado num domínio de DNA relativamente pequeno, aproximadamente 50 kb, delimitado por dois sítios de fixação à matriz nuclear. Interessantemente, esta estrutura de domínio se apresentou radicalmente diferente nas linhagens de câncer de mama estudadas, MCF7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 e BT474, nos quais o tamanho do domínio estudado estava aumentado e a transcrição do TP53 diminuída. Os enriquecimentos com os marcadores epigenéticos de cromatina H4Ac e H3K9me3 estão diferentemente distribuídos nas MARs nas linhagens celulares. Surpreendentemente, a MAR 2 apresentou uma ligação altamente específica, o que poderia representar a atuação de fatores transcricionais envolvidos na organização da cromatina. Através de programas de bioinformática, detectamos putativos sítios para interessantes fatores de transcrição, tais como o c/EBP-beta e c-myb, que poderiam atuar em cis regulando a expressão do gene TP53 e outros flanqueadores. Nós propusemos um modelo para a organização da cromatina na região de domínio do gene TP53 com os genes flanqueadores. Através da série 21T, detectamos uma hipometilação global genômica, nas células cancerosas 21NT e 21MT1. Uma importante diminuição da expressão global do marcador H4Ac nas células metastáticas 21MT1, foi detectada em relação às outras linhagens. Os níveis de RNAm das principais enzimas relacionadas as modificações epigenéticas são consistentes com as observadas hipometilação genômica e hipoacetilação. Através de microscopia confocal, verificamos que o marcador H4Ac está localizado, na maior parte na periferia e o marcador H3K9me3, pericêntrico nos núcleos tumorais. Por fim, verificamos que o promotor P1 do gene TP53 apresenta um estado de cromatina aberta, e a expressão do gene TP53 é similar em todas as células da série 21T.


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O objetivo geral da pesquisa é compreender por qual motivo e de que forma Brasil e Argentina optaram pela cooperação na área nuclear ainda durante seus governos militares. Segundo a literatura tradicional da área de Relações Internacionais, os ganhos relativos deveriam estar em evidência e, por conseguinte, impediriam a coordenação de posições em uma área tão importante para as estratégias de desenvolvimento e de inserção internacional dos dois países o que não se verificou na prática. Minha dissertação tem como meta entender o porquê. Da finalidade principal, decorrem objetivos específicos. São eles: lançar uma nova percepção acerca das relações Brasil-Argentina, ainda hoje encaradas primordialmente de acordo com padrões de inimizade e de desconfiança; compreender até que ponto as motivações dos países para o domínio da tecnologia nuclear estão relacionados a questões de segurança ou de desenvolvimento nacional; compreender quais foram as bases materiais e ideacionais que permitiram aos dois países integrar-se e, portanto, compartilhar soberania em um tema de high politics; demonstrar que a cooperação não é exclusividade de regimes democráticos; analisar a influência de grupos não políticos na formulação de políticas e do processo decisório; comprovar que não houve corrida armamentista na região ou a intenção de utilizar o aparato nuclear contra o vizinho. O recorte temporal deste trabalho partirá do final dos anos 1964, quando houve coincidência de regimes militares nos dois países, até o ano de 1985, quando a democracia é restaurada no Brasil. O marco temporal não é hermético, já que há referências anteriores a 1964, mormente no tocante à cooperação científica, e após 1985, quando a coordenação nuclear brasileiro-argentina é elevada a um nível superior, com o estabelecimento da ABACC. Na tentativa de responder às perguntas propostas, minha dissertação se baseia na análise de dois atores primordiais: o Estado e as comunidades epistêmicas.


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There is ample evidence that humans are able to control the endpoint impedance of their arms in response to active destabilizing force fields. However, such fields are uncommon in daily life. Here, we examine whether the CNS selectively controls the endpoint impedance of the arm in the absence of active force fields but in the presence of instability arising from task geometry and signal-dependent noise (SDN) in the neuromuscular system. Subjects were required to generate forces, in two orthogonal directions, onto four differently curved rigid objects simulated by a robotic manipulandum. The endpoint stiffness of the limb was estimated for each object curvature. With increasing curvature, the endpoint stiffness increased mainly parallel to the object surface and to a lesser extent in the orthogonal direction. Therefore, the orientation of the stiffness ellipses did not orient to the direction of instability. Simulations showed that the observed stiffness geometries and their pattern of change with instability are the result of a tradeoff between maximizing the mechanical stability and minimizing the destabilizing effects of SDN. Therefore, it would have been suboptimal to align the stiffness ellipse in the direction of instability. The time course of the changes in stiffness geometry suggests that modulation takes place both within and across trials. Our results show that an increase in stiffness relative to the increase in noise can be sufficient to reduce kinematic variability, thereby allowing stiffness control to improve stability in natural tasks.


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The nuclear RNA binding protein, FCA, promotes Arabidopsis reproductive development. FCA contains a WW protein interaction domain that is essential for FCA function. We have identified FY as a protein partner for this domain. FY belongs to a highly conserved group of eukaryotic proteins represented in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the RNA 3' end-processing factor, Pfs2p. FY regulates RNA 3' end processing in Arabidopsis as evidenced through its role in FCA regulation. FCA expression is autoregulated through the use of different polyadenylation sites within the FCA pre-mRNA, and the FCA/FY interaction is required for efficient selection of the promoter-proximal polyadenylation site. The FCA/FY interaction is also required for the downregulation of the floral repressor FLC. We propose that FCA controls 3' end formation of specific transcripts and that in higher eukaryotes, proteins homologous to FY may have evolved as sites of association for regulators of RNA 3' end processing.


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The autonomous pathway functions to promote flowering in Arabidopsis by limiting the accumulation of the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Within this pathway FCA is a plant-specific, nuclear RNA-binding protein, which interacts with FY, a highly conserved eukaryotic polyadenylation factor. FCA and FY function to control polyadenylation site choice during processing of the FCA transcript. Null mutations in the yeast FY homologue Pfs2p are lethal. This raises the question as to whether these essential RNA processing functions are conserved in plants. Characterisation of an allelic series of fy mutations reveals that null alleles are embryo lethal. Furthermore, silencing of FY, but not FCA, is deleterious to growth in Nicotiana. The late-flowering fy alleles are hypomorphic and indicate a requirement for both intact FY WD repeats and the C-terminal domain in repression of FLC. The FY C-terminal domain binds FCA and in vitro assays demonstrate a requirement for both C-terminal FY-PPLPP repeats during this interaction. The expression domain of FY supports its roles in essential and flowering-time functions. Hence, FY may mediate both regulated and constitutive RNA 3'-end processing.