908 resultados para Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms


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In recent years genetic algorithms have emerged as a useful tool for the heuristic solution of complex discrete optimisation problems. In particular there has been considerable interest in their use in tackling problems arising in the areas of scheduling and timetabling. However, the classical genetic algorithm paradigm is not well equipped to handle constraints and successful implementations usually require some sort of modification to enable the search to exploit problem specific knowledge in order to overcome this shortcoming. This paper is concerned with the development of a family of genetic algorithms for the solution of a nurse rostering problem at a major UK hospital. The hospital is made up of wards of up to 30 nurses. Each ward has its own group of nurses whose shifts have to be scheduled on a weekly basis. In addition to fulfilling the minimum demand for staff over three daily shifts, nurses’ wishes and qualifications have to be taken into account. The schedules must also be seen to be fair, in that unpopular shifts have to be spread evenly amongst all nurses, and other restrictions, such as team nursing and special conditions for senior staff, have to be satisfied. The basis of the family of genetic algorithms is a classical genetic algorithm consisting of n-point crossover, single-bit mutation and a rank-based selection. The solution space consists of all schedules in which each nurse works the required number of shifts, but the remaining constraints, both hard and soft, are relaxed and penalised in the fitness function. The talk will start with a detailed description of the problem and the initial implementation and will go on to highlight the shortcomings of such an approach, in terms of the key element of balancing feasibility, i.e. covering the demand and work regulations, and quality, as measured by the nurses’ preferences. A series of experiments involving parameter adaptation, niching, intelligent weights, delta coding, local hill climbing, migration and special selection rules will then be outlined and it will be shown how a series of these enhancements were able to eradicate these difficulties. Results based on several months’ real data will be used to measure the impact of each modification, and to show that the final algorithm is able to compete with a tabu search approach currently employed at the hospital. The talk will conclude with some observations as to the overall quality of this approach to this and similar problems.


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Anaerobic digestion (AD) of wastewater is a very interesting option for waste valorization, energy production and environment protection. It is a complex, naturally occurring process that can take place inside bioreactors. The capability of predicting the operation of such bioreactors is important to optimize the design and the operation conditions of the reactors, which, in part, justifies the numerous AD models presently available. The existing AD models are not universal, have to be inferred from prior knowledge and rely on existing experimental data. Among the tasks involved in the process of developing a dynamical model for AD, the estimation of parameters is one of the most challenging. This paper presents the identifiability analysis of a nonlinear dynamical model for a batch reactor. Particular attention is given to the structural identifiability of the model, which considers the uniqueness of the estimated parameters. To perform this analysis, the GenSSI toolbox was used. The estimation of the model parameters is achieved with genetic algorithms (GA) which have already been used in the context of AD modelling, although not commonly. The paper discusses its advantages and disadvantages.


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This paper compares the performance of the complex nonlinear least squares algorithm implemented in the LEVM/LEVMW software with the performance of a genetic algorithm in the characterization of an electrical impedance of known topology. The effect of the number of measured frequency points and of measurement uncertainty on the estimation of circuit parameters is presented. The analysis is performed on the equivalent circuit impedance of a humidity sensor.


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This paper proposes an algorithm to estimate two parameter values vs, transcription of frq gene, and vd, maximum rate of FRQ protein degradation for an existing 3rd order Neurospora model in literature. Details of the algorithm with simulation results are shown in this paper.


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An alternative relation to Pareto-dominance relation is proposed. The new relation is based on ranking a set of solutions according to each separate objective and an aggregation function to calculate a scalar fitness value for each solution. The relation is called as ranking-dominance and it tries to tackle the curse of dimensionality commonly observedin evolutionary multi-objective optimization. Ranking-dominance can beused to sort a set of solutions even for a large number of objectives when Pareto-dominance relation cannot distinguish solutions from one another anymore. This permits search to advance even with a large number of objectives. It is also shown that ranking-dominance does not violate Pareto-dominance. Results indicate that selection based on ranking-dominance is able to advance search towards the Pareto-front in some cases, where selection based on Pareto-dominance stagnates. However, in some cases it is also possible that search does not proceed into direction of Pareto-front because the ranking-dominance relation permits deterioration of individual objectives. Results also show that when the number of objectives increases, selection based on just Pareto-dominance without diversity maintenance is able to advance search better than with diversity maintenance. Therefore, diversity maintenance is connive at the curse of dimensionality.


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Ce projet porte, dans un souci d’efficacité énergétique, sur la récupération d’énergie des rejets thermiques à basse température. Une analyse d’optimisation des technologies dans le but d’obtenir un système de revalorisation de chaleur rentable fait objet de cette recherche. Le but sera de soutirer la chaleur des rejets thermiques et de la réappliquer à un procédé industriel. Réduire la consommation énergétique d’une usine entre habituellement en conflit avec l’investissement requis pour les équipements de revalorisation de chaleur. Ce projet de maitrise porte sur l’application d’optimisations multiobjectives par algorithme génétique (GA) pour faciliter le design en retrofit des systèmes de revalorisation de chaleur industrielle. L’originalité de cette approche consiste à l’emploi du «fast non-dominant sorting genetic algorithm» ou NSGA-II dans le but de trouver les solutions optimales entre la valeur capitale et les pertes exergétiques des réseaux d’échangeurs de chaleur et de pompes à chaleur. Identifier les solutions optimales entre le coût et l’efficacité exergétique peut ensuite aider dans le processus de sélection d’un design approprié en considérant les coûts énergétiques. Afin de tester cette approche, une étude de cas est proposée pour la récupération de chaleur dans une usine de pâte et papier. Ceci inclut l’intégration d’échangeur de chaleur Shell&tube, d’échangeur à contact direct et de pompe à chaleur au réseau thermique existant. Pour l’étude de cas, le projet en collaboration avec Cascades est constitué de deux étapes, soit de ciblage et d’optimisation de solutions de retrofit du réseau d’échangeur de chaleur de l’usine de tissus Cascades à Kinsley Falls. L’étape de ciblage, basée sur la méthode d’analyse du pincement, permet d’identifier et de sélectionner les modifications de topologie du réseau d’échangeurs existant en y ajoutant de nouveaux équipements. Les scénarios résultants passent ensuite à l’étape d’optimisation où les modèles mathématiques pour chaque nouvel équipement sont optimisés afin de produire une courbe d’échange optimal entre le critère économique et exergétique. Pourquoi doubler l’analyse économique d’un critère d’exergie? D’abord, parce que les modèles économiques sont par définition de nature imprécise. Coupler les résultats des modèles économiques avec un critère exergétique permet d’identifier des solutions de retrofit plus efficaces sans trop s’éloigner d’un optimum économique. Ensuite, le rendement exergétique permet d’identifier les designs utilisant l’énergie de haute qualité, telle que l’électricité ou la vapeur, de façon plus efficace lorsque des sources d’énergie de basse qualité, telles que les effluents thermiques, sont disponibles. Ainsi en choisissant un design qui détruit moins d’exergie, il demandera un coût énergétique moindre. Les résultats de l’étude de cas publiés dans l’article montrent une possibilité de réduction des coûts en demande de vapeur de 89% tout en réduisant la destruction d’exergie de 82%. Dans certains cas de retrofit, la solution la plus justifiable économiquement est également très proche de la solution à destruction d’exergie minimale. L’analyse du réseau d’échangeurs et l’amélioration de son rendement exergétique permettront de justifier l’intégration de ces systèmes dans l’usine. Les diverses options pourront ensuite être considérées par Cascades pour leurs faisabilités technologiques et économiques sachant qu’elles ont été optimisées.


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This paper describes a fast integer sorting algorithm, herein referred as Bit-index sort, which is a non-comparison sorting algorithm for partial per-mutations, with linear complexity order in execution time. Bit-index sort uses a bit-array to classify input sequences of distinct integers, and exploits built-in bit functions in C compilers supported by machine hardware to retrieve the ordered output sequence. Results show that Bit-index sort outperforms in execution time to quicksort and counting sort algorithms. A parallel approach for Bit-index sort using two simultaneous threads is included, which obtains speedups up to 1.6.


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Are the learning procedures of genetic algorithms (GAs) able to generate optimal architectures for artificial neural networks (ANNs) in high frequency data? In this experimental study,GAs are used to identify the best architecture for ANNs. Additional learning is undertaken by the ANNs to forecast daily excess stock returns. No ANN architectures were able to outperform a random walk,despite the finding of non-linearity in the excess returns. This failure is attributed to the absence of suitable ANN structures and further implies that researchers need to be cautious when making inferences from ANN results that use high frequency data.


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Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithm based on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic. The basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate processes in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically those that follow the principles first laid down by Charles Darwin of survival of the fittest. On the other hand, Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as GAs. The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. PSO is attractive because there are few parameters to adjust. This paper presents hybridization between a GA algorithm and a PSO algorithm (crossing the two algorithms). The resulting algorithm is applied to the synthesis of combinational logic circuits. With this combination is possible to take advantage of the best features of each particular algorithm.


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The paper presents a RFDSCA automated synthesis procedure. This algorithm determines several RFDSCA circuits from the top-level system specifications all with the same maximum performance. The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function proportional to the RFDSCA quality factor and uses the epsiv-concept and maximin sorting scheme to achieve a set of solutions well distributed along a non-dominated front. To confirm the results of the algorithm, three RFDSCAs were simulated in SpectreRF and one of them was implemented and tested. The design used a 0.25 mum BiCMOS process. All the results (synthesized, simulated and measured) are very close, which indicate that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool to design optimum performance RFDSCAs.


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Generating manipulator trajectories considering multiple objectives and obstacle avoidance is a non-trivial optimization problem. In this paper a multi-objective genetic algorithm based technique is proposed to address this problem. Multiple criteria are optimized considering up to five simultaneous objectives. Simulation results are presented for robots with two and three degrees of freedom, considering two and five objectives optimization. A subsequent analysis of the spread and solutions distribution along the converged non-dominated Pareto front is carried out, in terms of the achieved diversity.


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The paper presents a RFDSCA automated synthesis procedure. This algorithm determines several RFDSCA circuits from the top-level system specifications all with the same maximum performance. The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function proportional to the RFDSCA quality factor and uses the epsiv-concept and maximin sorting scheme to achieve a set of solutions well distributed along a non-dominated front. To confirm the results of the algorithm, three RFDSCAs were simulated in SpectreRF and one of them was implemented and tested. The design used a 0.25 mum BiCMOS process. All the results (synthesized, simulated and measured) are very close, which indicate that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool to design optimum performance RFDSCAs.


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This work presents a model and a heuristic to solve the non-emergency patients transport (NEPT) service issues given the new rules recently established in Portugal. The model follows the same principle of the Team Orienteering Problem by selecting the patients to be included in the routes attending the maximum reduction in costs when compared with individual transportation. This model establishes the best sets of patients to be transported together. The model was implemented in AMPL and a compact formulation was solved using NEOS Server. A heuristic procedure based on iteratively solving problems with one vehicle was presented, and this heuristic provides good results in terms of accuracy and computation time.


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This work presents an improved model to solve the non-emergency patients transport (NEPT) service issues given the new rules recently established in Portugal. The model follows the same principle of the Team Orienteering Problem by selecting the patients to be included in the routes attending the maximum reduction in costs when compared with individual transportation. This model establishes the best sets of patients to be transported together. The model was implemented in AMPL and a compact formulation was solved using NEOS Server. A heuristic procedure based on iteratively solving Orienteering Problems is presented, and this heuristic provides good results in terms of accuracy and computation time. Euclidean instances as well as asymmetric real data gathered from Google maps were used, and the model has a promising performance mainly with asymmetric cost matrices.


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Non-linear functional representation of the aerodynamic response provides a convenient mathematical model for motion-induced unsteady transonic aerodynamic loads response, that accounts for both complex non-linearities and time-history effects. A recent development, based on functional approximation theory, has established a novel functional form; namely, the multi-layer functional. For a large class of non-linear dynamic systems, such multi-layer functional representations can be realised via finite impulse response (FIR) neural networks. Identification of an appropriate FIR neural network model is facilitated by means of a supervised training process in which a limited sample of system input-output data sets is presented to the temporal neural network. The present work describes a procedure for the systematic identification of parameterised neural network models of motion-induced unsteady transonic aerodynamic loads response. The training process is based on a conventional genetic algorithm to optimise the network architecture, combined with a simplified random search algorithm to update weight and bias values. Application of the scheme to representative transonic aerodynamic loads response data for a bidimensional airfoil executing finite-amplitude motion in transonic flow is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. The approach is shown to furnish a satisfactory generalisation property to different motion histories over a range of Mach numbers in the transonic regime.