933 resultados para Non-commutative space-time
Visual perception begins by dissecting the retinal image into millions of small patches for local analyses by local receptive fields. However, image structures extend well beyond these receptive fields and so further processes must be involved in sewing the image fragments back together to derive representations of higher order (more global) structures. To investigate the integration process, we also need to understand the opposite process of suppression. To investigate both processes together, we measured triplets of dipper functions for targets and pedestals involving interdigitated stimulus pairs (A, B). Previous work has shown that summation and suppression operate over the full contrast range for the domains of ocularity and space. Here, we extend that work to include orientation and time domains. Temporal stimuli were 15-Hz counter-phase sine-wave gratings, where A and B were the positive and negative phases of the oscillation, respectively. For orientation, we used orthogonally oriented contrast patches (A, B) whose sum was an isotropic difference of Gaussians. Results from all four domains could be understood within a common framework in which summation operates separately within the numerator and denominator of a contrast gain control equation. This simple arrangement of summation and counter-suppression achieves integration of various stimulus attributes without distorting the underlying contrast code.
Dedicated to Professor A.M. Mathai on the occasion of his 75-th birthday. Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 44A10, 33C60, 35J10.
Polynomial phase modulated (PPM) signals have been shown to provide improved error rate performance with respect to conventional modulation formats under additive white Gaussian noise and fading channels in single-input single-output (SISO) communication systems. In this dissertation, systems with two and four transmit antennas using PPM signals were presented. In both cases we employed full-rate space-time block codes in order to take advantage of the multipath channel. For two transmit antennas, we used the orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) proposed by Alamouti and performed symbol-wise decoding by estimating the phase coefficients of the PPM signal using three different methods: maximum-likelihood (ML), sub-optimal ML (S-ML) and the high-order ambiguity function (HAF). In the case of four transmit antennas, we used the full-rate quasi-OSTBC (QOSTBC) proposed by Jafarkhani. However, in order to ensure the best error rate performance, PPM signals were selected such as to maximize the QOSTBC’s minimum coding gain distance (CGD). Since this method does not always provide a unique solution, an additional criterion known as maximum channel interference coefficient (CIC) was proposed. Through Monte Carlo simulations it was shown that by using QOSTBCs along with the properly selected PPM constellations based on the CGD and CIC criteria, full diversity in flat fading channels and thus, low BER at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) can be ensured. Lastly, the performance of symbol-wise decoding for QOSTBCs was evaluated. In this case a quasi zero-forcing method was used to decouple the received signal and it was shown that although this technique reduces the decoding complexity of the system, there is a penalty to be paid in terms of error rate performance at high SNRs.
Recently, polynomial phase modulation (PPM) was shown to be a power- and bandwidth-efficient modulation format. These two characteristics are in high demand nowadays specially in mobile applications, where devices with size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints are common. In this paper, we propose implementing a full-diversity quasiorthogonal space-time block code (QOSTBC) using polynomial phase signals as modulation format. QOSTBCs along with PPM are used in order to improve the power efficiency of communication systems with four transmit antennas. We obtain the optimal PPM constellations that ensure full diversity and maximize the QOSTBC's minimum coding gain distance. Simulation results show that by using QOSTBCs along with a properly selected PPM constellation, full diversity in flat fading channels and thus low BER at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) can be ensured. More importantly, it is also shown that QOSTBCs using PPM achieve a better error performance than those using conventional modulation formats.
Light rainfall is the baseline input to the annual water budget in mountainous landscapes through the tropics and at mid-latitudes. In the Southern Appalachians, the contribution from light rainfall ranges from 50-60% during wet years to 80-90% during dry years, with convective activity and tropical cyclone input providing most of the interannual variability. The Southern Appalachians is a region characterized by rich biodiversity that is vulnerable to land use/land cover changes due to its proximity to a rapidly growing population. Persistent near surface moisture and associated microclimates observed in this region has been well documented since the colonization of the area in terms of species health, fire frequency, and overall biodiversity. The overarching objective of this research is to elucidate the microphysics of light rainfall and the dynamics of low level moisture in the inner region of the Southern Appalachians during the warm season, with a focus on orographically mediated processes. The overarching research hypothesis is that physical processes leading to and governing the life cycle of orographic fog, low level clouds, and precipitation, and their interactions, are strongly tied to landform, land cover, and the diurnal cycles of flow patterns, radiative forcing, and surface fluxes at the ridge-valley scale. The following science questions will be addressed specifically: 1) How do orographic clouds and fog affect the hydrometeorological regime from event to annual scale and as a function of terrain characteristics and land cover?; 2) What are the source areas, governing processes, and relevant time-scales of near surface moisture convergence patterns in the region?; and 3) What are the four dimensional microphysical and dynamical characteristics, including variability and controlling factors and processes, of fog and light rainfall? The research was conducted with two major components: 1) ground-based high-quality observations using multi-sensor platforms and 2) interpretive numerical modeling guided by the analysis of the in situ data collection. Findings illuminate a high level of spatial – down to the ridge scale - and temporal – from event to annual scale - heterogeneity in observations, and a significant impact on the hydrological regime as a result of seeder-feeder interactions among fog, low level clouds, and stratiform rainfall that enhance coalescence efficiency and lead to significantly higher rainfall rates at the land surface. Specifically, results show that enhancement of an event up to one order of magnitude in short-term accumulation can occur as a result of concurrent fog presence. Results also show that events are modulated strongly by terrain characteristics including elevation, slope, geometry, and land cover. These factors produce interactions between highly localized flows and gradients of temperature and moisture with larger scale circulations. Resulting observations of DSD and rainfall patterns are stratified by region and altitude and exhibit clear diurnal and seasonal cycles.
For derived flood frequency analysis based on hydrological modelling long continuous precipitation time series with high temporal resolution are needed. Often, the observation network with recording rainfall gauges is poor, especially regarding the limited length of the available rainfall time series. Stochastic precipitation synthesis is a good alternative either to extend or to regionalise rainfall series to provide adequate input for long-term rainfall-runoff modelling with subsequent estimation of design floods. Here, a new two step procedure for stochastic synthesis of continuous hourly space-time rainfall is proposed and tested for the extension of short observed precipitation time series. First, a single-site alternating renewal model is presented to simulate independent hourly precipitation time series for several locations. The alternating renewal model describes wet spell durations, dry spell durations and wet spell intensities using univariate frequency distributions separately for two seasons. The dependence between wet spell intensity and duration is accounted for by 2-copulas. For disaggregation of the wet spells into hourly intensities a predefined profile is used. In the second step a multi-site resampling procedure is applied on the synthetic point rainfall event series to reproduce the spatial dependence structure of rainfall. Resampling is carried out successively on all synthetic event series using simulated annealing with an objective function considering three bivariate spatial rainfall characteristics. In a case study synthetic precipitation is generated for some locations with short observation records in two mesoscale catchments of the Bode river basin located in northern Germany. The synthetic rainfall data are then applied for derived flood frequency analysis using the hydrological model HEC-HMS. The results show good performance in reproducing average and extreme rainfall characteristics as well as in reproducing observed flood frequencies. The presented model has the potential to be used for ungauged locations through regionalisation of the model parameters.
Protective relaying comprehends several procedures and techniques focused on maintaining the power system working safely during and after undesired and abnormal network conditions, mostly caused by faulty events. Overcurrent relay is one of the oldest protective relays, its operation principle is straightforward: when the measured current is greater than a specified magnitude the protection trips; less variables are required from the system in comparison with other protections, causing the overcurrent relay to be the simplest and also the most difficult protection to coordinate; its simplicity is reflected in low implementation, operation, and maintenance cost. The counterpart consists in the increased tripping times offered by this kind of relays mostly before faults located far from their location; this problem can be particularly accentuated when standardized inverse-time curves are used or when only maximum faults are considered to carry out relay coordination. These limitations have caused overcurrent relay to be slowly relegated and replaced by more sophisticated protection principles, it is still widely applied in subtransmission, distribution, and industrial systems. In this work, the use of non standardized inverse-time curves, the model and implementation of optimization algorithms capable to carry out the coordination process, the use of different levels of short circuit currents, and the inclusion of distance relays to replace insensitive overcurrent ones are proposed methodologies focused on the overcurrent relay performance improvement. These techniques may transform the typical overcurrent relay into a more sophisticated one without changing its fundamental principles and advantages. Consequently a more secure and still economical alternative can be obtained, increasing its implementation area
Palaces, as an architectural typology, can be found in recreation Quintas that surrounded the main cities in Portugal, which preserved its rural character since the 16th century until the middle of the 19th century. Consisting of cultivated land and farm buildings, the palace of the Quinta was the owner´s temporary residence, for summer holidays and festive events, with gardens, pavilions, fountains and lakes for recreational purposes and leisure. The focus on palaces, as a historic building and as in need of new uses, clearly shows how current the debate on contemporary interventions in this heritage typology is. Interventions in architectural heritage require multidisciplinary teams to identify conservation strategies which enable a qualified use of its spaces, such as for example the experience of security and well-being, which can contribute to a better quality of life and simultaneously to the quality of the urban environment. This paper presents the Palace of Quinta Alegre and its rehabilitation project for contemporary use and public esteem, both of which are considered fundamental prerequisites for its sustainable maintenance in space, in time and in memory. [versão Portuguesa] Sob a denominação de tipologia arquitectónica, o edifício Palácio pode ser encontrado nas Quintas de Recreio que rodeavam as principais cidades Portuguesas, tendo preservado o seu carácter rural, desde o século XVI até metade do século XIX. Consistindo as Quintas em terra cultivada e edifícios rurais, o Palácio da Quinta consistia na residência temporária do proprietário, para férias de verão e eventos comemorativos, dispondo de jardins, pavilhões, fontes e lagos para recreação e lazer. O tema dos Palácios, entendido como edifício histórico que procura novos usos, demonstra como é actual o debate sobre intervenções contemporâneas nesta tipologia de valor patrimonial. A intervenção em património arquitectónico requer a definição de estratégias de conservação por equipas multidisciplinares que permitam estabelecer um uso qualificado dos seus espaços, proporcionando experiências sensoriais de bem-estar e segurança, contribuindo para uma melhor qualidade de vida e, simultaneamente, para a qualidade do ambiente urbano em que se insere. Este artigo tem por objectivo apresentar o Palácio da Quinta Alegre e o projecto de reabilitação, devolvendo-o a um uso contemporâneo e à estima pública, factores fundamentais para a sua manutenção sustentável no espaço, no tempo e na memória.
The study carried out in this thesis is devoted to spectral analysis of systems of PDEs related also with quantum physics models. Namely, the research deals with classes of systems that contain certain quantum optics models such as Jaynes-Cummings, Rabi and their generalizations that describe light-matter interaction. First we investigate the spectral Weyl asymptotics for a class of semiregular systems, extending to the vector-valued case results of Helffer and Robert, and more recently of Doll, Gannot and Wunsch. Actually, the asymptotics by Doll, Gannot and Wunsch is more precise (that is why we call it refined) than the classical result by Helffer and Robert, but deals with a less general class of systems, since the authors make an hypothesis on the measure of the subset of the unit sphere on which the tangential derivatives of the X-Ray transform of the semiprincipal symbol vanish to infinity order. Abstract Next, we give a meromorphic continuation of the spectral zeta function for semiregular differential systems with polynomial coefficients, generalizing the results by Ichinose and Wakayama and Parmeggiani. Finally, we state and prove a quasi-clustering result for a class of systems including the aforementioned quantum optics models and we conclude the thesis by showing a Weyl law result for the Rabi model and its generalizations.
Nous analysons des bulles d'espace-temps d'épaisseur finie en relativité générale. Les conditions d'énergie sont utilisées afin d'obtenir un ensemble de critères permettant de restreindre la structure du bord de la bulle. Dans le cas des bulles statiques et à symétrie sphérique, nous obtenons quatre inégalités différentielles équivalentes aux trois conditions d'énergie les plus communes. Nous montrons qu'elles sont équivalentes à un ensemble de deux inégalités différentielles simples lorsque le potentiel gravitationnel effectif a une forme particulière. Nous paramétrons alors l'espace-temps de manière à rendre la vérification de ces inégalités plus simple lorsqu'il sera question de bulles d'espace-temps. Nous traitons en particulier quatre formes de bulles, toutes caractérisées par un extérieur de type Schwarzschild de Sitter. Nous montrons que notre méthode donne les bons résultats lorsque la limite où l'épaisseur de la bulle tend vers zéro est prise. Nous terminons par un traitement succinct du problème d'une onde gravitationnelle se propageant dans un nuage de bulles d'espace-temps.
It is known that the actions of field theories on a noncommutative space-time can be written as some modified (we call them theta-modified) classical actions already on the commutative space-time (introducing a star product). Then the quantization of such modified actions reproduces both space-time noncommutativity and the usual quantum mechanical features of the corresponding field theory. In the present article, we discuss the problem of constructing theta-modified actions for relativistic QM. We construct such actions for relativistic spinless and spinning particles. The key idea is to extract theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles from path-integral representations of the corresponding noncommutative field theory propagators. We consider the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations for the causal propagators in such theories. Then we construct for the propagators path-integral representations. Effective actions in such representations we treat as theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles. To confirm the interpretation, we canonically quantize these actions. Thus, we obtain the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in the noncommutative field theories. The theta-modified action of the relativistic spinning particle is just a generalization of the Berezin-Marinov pseudoclassical action for the noncommutative case.
We introduce a master action in non-commutative space, out of which we obtain the action of the non-commutative Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. Then, we look for the corresponding dual theory at both first and second order in the non-commutative parameter. At the first order, the dual theory happens to be, precisely, the action obtained from the usual commutative self-dual model by generalizing the Chern-Simons term to its non-commutative version, including a cubic term. Since this resulting theory is also equivalent to the non-commutative massive Thirring model in the large fermion mass limit, we remove, as a byproduct, the obstacles arising in the generalization to non-commutative space, and to the first non-trivial order in the non-commutative parameter, of the bosonization in three dimensions. Then, performing calculations at the second order in the non-commutative parameter, we explicitly compute a new dual theory which differs from the non-commutative self-dual model and, further, differs also from other previous results and involves a very simple expression in terms of ordinary fields. In addition, a remarkable feature of our results is that the dual theory is local, unlike what happens in the non-Abelian, but commutative case. We also conclude that the generalization to non-commutative space of bosonization in three dimensions is possible only when considering the first non-trivial corrections over ordinary space.
This work provides a forward step in the study and comprehension of the relationships between stochastic processes and a certain class of integral-partial differential equation, which can be used in order to model anomalous diffusion and transport in statistical physics. In the first part, we brought the reader through the fundamental notions of probability and stochastic processes, stochastic integration and stochastic differential equations as well. In particular, within the study of H-sssi processes, we focused on fractional Brownian motion (fBm) and its discrete-time increment process, the fractional Gaussian noise (fGn), which provide examples of non-Markovian Gaussian processes. The fGn, together with stationary FARIMA processes, is widely used in the modeling and estimation of long-memory, or long-range dependence (LRD). Time series manifesting long-range dependence, are often observed in nature especially in physics, meteorology, climatology, but also in hydrology, geophysics, economy and many others. We deepely studied LRD, giving many real data examples, providing statistical analysis and introducing parametric methods of estimation. Then, we introduced the theory of fractional integrals and derivatives, which indeed turns out to be very appropriate for studying and modeling systems with long-memory properties. After having introduced the basics concepts, we provided many examples and applications. For instance, we investigated the relaxation equation with distributed order time-fractional derivatives, which describes models characterized by a strong memory component and can be used to model relaxation in complex systems, which deviates from the classical exponential Debye pattern. Then, we focused in the study of generalizations of the standard diffusion equation, by passing through the preliminary study of the fractional forward drift equation. Such generalizations have been obtained by using fractional integrals and derivatives of distributed orders. In order to find a connection between the anomalous diffusion described by these equations and the long-range dependence, we introduced and studied the generalized grey Brownian motion (ggBm), which is actually a parametric class of H-sssi processes, which have indeed marginal probability density function evolving in time according to a partial integro-differential equation of fractional type. The ggBm is of course Non-Markovian. All around the work, we have remarked many times that, starting from a master equation of a probability density function f(x,t), it is always possible to define an equivalence class of stochastic processes with the same marginal density function f(x,t). All these processes provide suitable stochastic models for the starting equation. Studying the ggBm, we just focused on a subclass made up of processes with stationary increments. The ggBm has been defined canonically in the so called grey noise space. However, we have been able to provide a characterization notwithstanding the underline probability space. We also pointed out that that the generalized grey Brownian motion is a direct generalization of a Gaussian process and in particular it generalizes Brownain motion and fractional Brownain motion as well. Finally, we introduced and analyzed a more general class of diffusion type equations related to certain non-Markovian stochastic processes. We started from the forward drift equation, which have been made non-local in time by the introduction of a suitable chosen memory kernel K(t). The resulting non-Markovian equation has been interpreted in a natural way as the evolution equation of the marginal density function of a random time process l(t). We then consider the subordinated process Y(t)=X(l(t)) where X(t) is a Markovian diffusion. The corresponding time-evolution of the marginal density function of Y(t) is governed by a non-Markovian Fokker-Planck equation which involves the same memory kernel K(t). We developed several applications and derived the exact solutions. Moreover, we considered different stochastic models for the given equations, providing path simulations.
Image segmentation is an ubiquitous task in medical image analysis, which is required to estimate morphological or functional properties of given anatomical targets. While automatic processing is highly desirable, image segmentation remains to date a supervised process in daily clinical practice. Indeed, challenging data often requires user interaction to capture the required level of anatomical detail. To optimize the analysis of 3D images, the user should be able to efficiently interact with the result of any segmentation algorithm to correct any possible disagreement. Building on a previously developed real-time 3D segmentation algorithm, we propose in the present work an extension towards an interactive application where user information can be used online to steer the segmentation result. This enables a synergistic collaboration between the operator and the underlying segmentation algorithm, thus contributing to higher segmentation accuracy, while keeping total analysis time competitive. To this end, we formalize the user interaction paradigm using a geometrical approach, where the user input is mapped to a non-cartesian space while this information is used to drive the boundary towards the position provided by the user. Additionally, we propose a shape regularization term which improves the interaction with the segmented surface, thereby making the interactive segmentation process less cumbersome. The resulting algorithm offers competitive performance both in terms of segmentation accuracy, as well as in terms of total analysis time. This contributes to a more efficient use of the existing segmentation tools in daily clinical practice. Furthermore, it compares favorably to state-of-the-art interactive segmentation software based on a 3D livewire-based algorithm.