871 resultados para Newberry County Circuit, Probate and Family Court Systems
The development of the Five Year Child and Family Service Plan for fiscal years 2005-2009 was based on information in the Final Report for fiscal years 2000-2004, and Iowa’s CFSR, as well as input from stakeholders and the public gathered through the CFSR and the Better Results for Kids redesign.
In June 2009, the Iowa Department of Human Service (IDHS) developed a Child and Family Service Plan (CFSP) that sets forth the Department’s vision and goals to be accomplished for FYs 2010 through 2014. The purpose of the CFSP is to strengthen the States’ overall child welfare system and to facilitate the state’s integration of the programs that serve children and families into a comprehensive and continuum array of child welfare services from prevention and protection through permanency. These programs include title IV-B, subparts 1 and 2 of the Act, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP), and the Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) programs for older and/or former foster care youth. IDHS administers the IV-B, CAPTA, CFCIP and the ETV programs described within Iowa’s CFSP. Iowa’s Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR) provides an annual update on the progress made toward accomplishing the goals and objectives identified in the state’s CFSP for the previous fiscal year (2009-2010) and the planned activities for next fiscal year (2010-2011) .
This study contributes to developing our understanding of gender and family business, a topic so crucial to recent policies about competitive growth. It does so by providing an interdisciplinary synthesis of some major theoretical debates. It also contributes to this understanding by illuminating the role of women and their participation in the practices of the family and the business. Finally, it explores gender relations and the notion that leadership in family business may take complex forms crafted within constantly changing relationships. Leadership is introduced as a concept that captures the reality of women and men in family firms in a better way than other concepts used by historians or economists like ownership and management.
BACKGROUND: Social roles influence alcohol use. Nevertheless, little is known about how specific aspects of a given role, here parenthood, may influence alcohol use. The research questions for this study were the following: (i) are family-related indicators (FRI) linked to the alcohol use of mothers and fathers? and (ii) does the level of employment, i.e. full-time, part-time employment or unemployment, moderate the relationship between FRI and parental alcohol use? METHODS: Survey data of 3217 parents aged 25-50 living in Switzerland. Mean comparisons and multiple regression models of annual frequency of drinking and risky single occasion drinking, quantity per day on FRI (age of the youngest child, number of children in the household, majority of child-care/household duties). RESULTS: Protective relationships between FRI and alcohol use were observed among mothers. In contrast, among fathers, detrimental associations between FRI and alcohol use were observed. Whereas maternal responsibilities in general had a protective effect on alcohol use, the number of children had a detrimental impact on the quantity of alcohol consumed per day when mothers were in paid employment. Among fathers, the correlations between age of the youngest child, number of children and frequency of drinking was moderated by the level of paid employment. CONCLUSION: The study showed that in Switzerland, a systematic negative relationship was more often found between FRI and women's drinking than men's. Evidence was found that maternal responsibilities per se may protect from alcohol use but can turn into a detrimental triangle if mothers are additionally in paid employment.
This case study focuses on non-verbal behaviour in father-mother-infant triads. Analyses were done on transitional moments during which the partners exchanged an active role for a participant-observer role, or vice versa. Transitions are known to be crucial moments for revealing familial transactional mechanisms. Our sample was comprised of six non-clinical families, characterized by different types of functional or problematic alliances (which is the degree of coordination between the partners). Our methodology included micro-analysis of body and gaze formations, facial expressions, and so on. Data were analysed using the research package 'THEME' for the detection of hidden patterns. Different types of non-verbal patterns were found, which may be prototypes corresponding to the different types of alliance. The patterns of the families with high alliances had a more elaborate construction and were more efficient for the concluding of transitions than the patterns of families with low alliances, which were either elementary or laborious. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)
This work compares the detector performance and image quality of the new Kodak Min-R EV mammography screen-film system with the Fuji CR Profect detector and with other current mammography screen-film systems from Agfa, Fuji and Kodak. Basic image quality parameters (MTF, NPS, NEQ and DQE) were evaluated for a 28 kV Mo/Mo (HVL = 0.646 mm Al) beam using different mAs exposure settings. Compared with other screen-film systems, the new Kodak Min-R EV detector has the highest contrast and a low intrinsic noise level, giving better NEQ and DQE results, especially at high optical density. Thus, the properties of the new mammography film approach those of a fine mammography detector, especially at low frequency range. Screen-film systems provide the best resolution. The presampling MTF of the digital detector has a value of 15% at the Nyquist frequency and, due to the spread size of the laser beam, the use of a smaller pixel size would not permit a significant improvement of the detector resolution. The dual collection reading technology increases significantly the low frequency DQE of the Fuji CR system that can at present compete with the most efficient mammography screen-film systems.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the State University of Iowa ePost and Effort Reporting systems for the period May 29, 2013 through July 19, 2013
Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may be associated with the wish to hasten death (WTHD). We aimed to determine the prevalence and stability of WTHD and end-of-life attitudes in ALS patients, identify predictive factors, and explore communication about WTHD. We conducted a prospective questionnaire study among patients and their primary caregivers attending ALS clinics in Germany and Switzerland. We enrolled 66 patients and 62 caregivers. Half of the patients could imagine asking for assisted suicide or euthanasia; 14% expressed a current WTHD at the baseline survey. While 75% were in favour of non-invasive ventilation, only 55% and 27% were in favour of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and invasive ventilation, respectively. These attitudes were stable over 13 months. The WTHD was predicted by depression, anxiety, loneliness, perceiving to be a burden to others, and a low quality of life (all p < 0.05). Lower religiosity predicted whether patients could imagine assisted suicide or euthanasia. Two-thirds of patients had communicated their WTHD to relatives; no-one talked to the physician about it, yet half of them would like to do so. In conclusion, physicians should consider proactively asking for WTHD, and be sensitive towards neglected psychosocial problems and psychiatric comorbidity.
Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Sénécl) Barr. & Golf. is a tropical pine that naturally occurs in lowland areas of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and eastern Mexico. It has been one of the most studied tropical pines and the one with the most commercial importance in Brazil. The objective of this work was to select the best provenances for plantations and best trees in families for the establishment of seed orchards. For that a trial with five provenances and 47 open-pollinated families was planted near Planaltina, Federal District, in the Cerrado Region of Brazil. The provenances tested were Poptun (Guatemala), Gualjoco, Los Limones, El Porvenir and Santa Cruz de Yojoa (Honduras) and assessed at 12 years of age. Poptun and Gualjoco had larger volume, and Los Limones and El Porvenir the lowest incidence of forks and foxtails. Individual tree heritabilities for volume, stem form and branch diameter were 0.34, 0.06, and 0.26 respectively. More than 90% of the trees had defects, common in unimproved P. caribaea. Selection criteria for quality traits need to be relaxed in the first generation of breeding to allow for larger genetic gains in productivity. Results from this test compared with P. caribaea var. hondurensis trials in other Brazilian, Colombian and Venezuelan sites suggest that provenance x site and family x site interactions are not as strong as in other pine species.
A study was conducted in the subtropical area of Southern Brazil to determine the survival of pathogens in soybean residues under conventional and no-tillage cultivation systems from March to September of 1998 and 1999. The pathogens most frequently isolated were Colletotrichum truncatum, Phomopsis spp., Cercospora kikuchii, Fusarium spp., Macrophomina phaseolina, and Rhizoctonia solani. Other fungi isolated were Myrothecium roridum, Penicillium sp., Chaetomium sp., Epicoccum sp., Corynespora cassiicola and Trichoderma sp. The percent of survival of each pathogen varied according to the month and the year. Survival of C. truncatum, Phomopsis spp. and C. kikuchii were significantly reduced (p<0.05) from the first to the last evaluation either on buried debris or maintained on the soil surface. On the other hand, M. phaseolina and Fusarium spp. were either not affected or favored by burying the debris. The frequency of recovery of Fusarium spp. increased specially in debris kept under the soil. The loss of biomass, measured by debris weight along the period of this study, showed a reduction of 44.4% in the conventional system and 34.9% in the no-tillage system in 1998, when rain was better distributed. In 1999, the reduction was 48.2% and 39.0% for the conventional and no-tillage system, respectively.
Collection : Grundriss der indo-arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde ; 3, 60
Audit report on the Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities program for the City of Lone Rock, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014
Over three years the postharvest quality of 'Marli' peaches harvested from the integrated (IFP) and conventional production (CFP) systems was evaluated. The peaches were harvested from commercial orchards of Prunus persica at two locations close to the city of São Jerônimo, RS, Brazil, and stored at 0.5°C for 10, 20 or 30 days. The peaches were evaluated at harvest, at retrieval from storage and after ripening periods at 20°C. No differences in fruit weight losses were determined. Decay incidence was low, and no differences were detected amongst systems in both 2001 and 2002 seasons, but in the 2000 season CFP peaches were more decayed. Flesh firmness of peaches from the IFP system were greater than CFP fruits in the years 2000 and 2001. In 2002, firmness changed little during storage and ripening. Peaches from the IFP in 2000 had higher titratable acidity and lower soluble solids. In the 2000 season, flesh browning was observed in decayed fruits, always at ripening after 20 or 30 days of cold storage Chilling injuries such as browning, woolliness and leatheriness ocurred in 2002. There were no differences amongst systems related to peach quality.