991 resultados para Neotropical predaceous midge


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Neopisinus gen. nov. é proposto com designação da espécie-tipo Neopisisnus fiapo sp. nov., com base em ambos os sexos, do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Neopisinus distingue-se de todos os gêneros de Spintharinae pelo palpo do macho com enorme condutor trífido, com duas projeções afiladas e uma com ápice bifurcado; pela forma característica da apófise tegular de theridioideos com um lobo terminal e outro dorsal. Nas fêmeas, epígino com aberturas inconspícuas junto à fenda transversal no terço anterior e, internamente, por um espessamento mediano-longitudinal tubular, por onde correm os ductos de copulação em seu percurso inicial. Neopisinus urucu sp. nov. é descrita do norte do Brasil, com base em ambos os sexos. Sete espécies são transferidas de Episinus para Neopisinus: N. bigibbosus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1896), N. bruneoviridis (Mello-Leitão, 1948), N. cognatus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1893), N. gratiosus (Bryant, 1940), N. longipes (Keyserling, 1884), N. putus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1894) e N. recifensis (Levi, 1964). São descritos pela primeira vez o macho de N. longipes e a fêmea de N. recifensis. Novas ocorrências e ilustrações são apresentadas para N. bruneoviridis.


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This paper analyses the relationship among mesohabitat and aquatic oligochaete species in the Galharada Stream (Campos do Jordão State Park, state of São Paulo, Brazil). Between August 2005 and May 2006 a total of 192 samples were obtained in areas of four different mesohabitats: riffle leaf litter (RL), pool leaf litter (PL), pool sediment (PS) and interstitial sediment from rocky beds in riffle areas (IS). In the mesohabitats sampled, 2007 specimens were identified, belonging to two families (Naididae and Enchytraeidae). Among the oligochaetes identified Naididae was represented by six genera (Allonais, Chaetogaster, Nais, Pristina, Aulodrilus and Limnodrilus). Principal components analysis (PCA) revealed the first two axes explained 85.1% of the total variance of the data. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparede, 1862 and Aulodrilus limnobius Bretscher, 1899 were associated with the pool areas (PL and PS). Most species of genera Pristina and Nais demonstrated apparent affinity with the riffle mesohabitats. The Indicator Species Analysis (IndVal) revealed that Nais communis Piguet, 1906, Pristina leidyi Smith, 1896 and Pristina (Pristinella) jenkinae (Stephenson, 1931) are indicative of RL mesohabitat, while family Enchytraeidae was considered indicative of PL mesohabitat.


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Populations of Synchaeta jollyae (Shiel & Koste, 1993) (Rotifera), a species recently recorded for the first time in Brazil and South America, were analyzed in reservoirs in Southeast Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly from August 2006 to July 2007 at Furnas Reservoir in the Rio Grande basin, state of Minas Gerais, and in four cascade reservoirs in the Tietê River basin (Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga and Nova Avanhandava) state of São Paulo, in June and September 2008 and in January and May 2009. Synchaeta jollyae occurred in most samples and periods. From the results obtained it is evident that S. jollyae occurs in water bodies of varied trophic status but reaches larger populations in eutrophic water bodies and during lower temperature periods. The greatest densities of S. jollyae were found in the eutrophic Bariri Reservoir, on the Tietê River, during the winter. Mann-Whitney test confirmed the significant difference between the population densities in periods of high and low temperatures, with populations reaching higher densities at lower temperatures. It is not yet possible to tell whether S. jollyae is a widely distributed species that has been overlooked in previous plankton studies in South America. Wherever these populations of S. jollyae might have originated, it appears to be a species well established and adapted to a wide range of conditions in the Neotropics.


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We characterized the local benthic Chironomidae by analyzing the numerical density, biomass, diversity index of Shannon-Wiener and dominance of larvae in the main channel of the Ivinhema River, in a secondary channel, in five lakes connected to the main channel and in five lakes without connection. Of the 68 taxa identified, Aedokritus sp., Tanytarsus sp., Chironomus strenzkei Fittkau, 1968 and Procladius sp.1 were found in all sampling sites and were considered morphospecies with greater of greatest ecological plasticity. Chironomus strenzkei Fittkau, 1968, contributed with the greatest biomass in the central region of lakes without connection, whereas Aedokritus sp. dominated in the littoral of lakes. The greater values of diversity indices in the littoral region of channels were due to the greater water flow and to the higher food availability in these areas. The dominance indices, by contrast, were greater on the central region of these environments. The littoral region has exclusive characteristics, representing habitats that could play important controlling in the numerical density and index diversity on the ecosystem, whereas that the biomass of benthic invertebrates in the central region in some biotopes would have different spatial probably according organisms drift.


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A new species of gall midge, Lopesia eichhorniae sp. nov. (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera), associated with rhizomes of Eichhornia azurea (Sw.) Kunth (Pontederiaceae) is described. This is the first record of Lopesia galls in this species of macrophyte, quite common in natural and artificial lakes in Southeast Brazil. Illustrations of the adults (male and female), pupa, larva, and gall of the new species are presented.


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A taxonomic review of the genus Neopachylus Roewer, 1913 together with keys to the species for both males and females are presented. Gephyropachylus marginatus Mello-Leitão, 1931 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Neopachylus serrinha Soares & Soares, 1947, and Huralvius incertus Mello-Leitão, 1935 is considered a synonym of Neopachylus nebulosus (Mello-Leitão, 1936). This genus is restricted to southern Brazil, occurring in states of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.


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ABSTRACT The biology and morphology of the immature stages of Heliconius sara apseudes (Hübner, [1813]) are still little known. External features of the egg, larvae and pupa of H. sara apseudes are described and illustrated, based upon light and scanning electron microscopy. Eggs with smooth carina, first instar larva with scaly setae, and body of second to fifth instars covered with scattered pinnacles distinguish H. sara apseudes from other heliconiine species.


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A review of lymnaeid samples collected by the author from 106 localities in Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panamá, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay andBrazil showed that one of them (from Ecuador) belonged to Lymnaea cousini Jousseaume, 1887, and all the others to either L. viatrix Orbigny, 1835 or l. columella Say, 1817. The ranges of L. viatrix and L. columella overlap in Middle America, and in northern and southern South America (Venezuela-Colombia-Ecuador and northeastern Argentina-Uruguay-southernmost Brazil, respectively). L. viatrix was the only species found in Peru west of the Andes and in Chile, and is supposed to have migrated eastward to Argentina via the Negro river basin. The range of L. columella in South America is discontinuous. The species has been recorded from Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador and, east of the Andes, from latitudes 15º S (central-west Brazil) to 35º S (La Plata, Argentina). Such a gap may be attributed to either introduction from the northern into the southern area, or migration along the unsampled region on the eastern side of the Andes, or extinction in the now vacant area. No lymnaeids have been found so far in Brazil north of latitude 15º S and in the Guianas.


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In an attempt to clarify the taxonomy of Neotropical Simuliidae prior to the production of keys to species, various nomenclatural problems are resolved. Information is given on the status of types, their depositories, the condition of type-material where relevant, and on already established synonyms. fifteen new synonyms are established and six lectotypes designated based on an examination of type-material and long series of reared specimens from many localities to take account of intraspecific variation.


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Cattasoma mcalpinei n. sp., Sarothromyia indivisa Lopes, Tolucamyia schrameli (Dodge) and Eucelimyia palenguensis n. sp., from México; Aphelomyia welchi (Hall) from Jamaica; Thomazomyia adunca n. sp. from Ecuadro; Eucelimyia aurigena Lopes from Chile and Thomazomyia fluminensis n. sp. from Brazil, are studied.


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Three new species of Neotropical Sarcophagidae are described. Miltogrammatinae: Oebalia costarica sp. n (Costa Rica) and Senotainia trifida sp. n. (Chile), of which the latter is the first representative of the subfamily with a tripartite phallotreme. Sarcophaginae: Johnsonia woodorum sp. n. (Costa Rica, Panama).


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Some considerations about the synonym of Bigotomyia Malloch, 1922 and Phaonia R.-D, 1830 are made. A new species, P. hugonis sp. n. is described from Peru and Equador.


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An ephydrid, Hyadina porteri Brèthes, 1919, is found to be a senior synonym of Hippelates australis Sabrosky, 1955. New combination: Liohippelates porteri (Brèthes). Two new species, Pseudogaurax souzalopesi from Peru and P. silbergliedi from Panama are described and placed in the synopsis by Sabrosky (1966).


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The Neotropical empidid genus Opeatocerata Melander, hitherto known from only a sigle female from Mexico, is redefined in the light of new material, including males. Three new species are described and illustrated, a key provided and the presence of the genus now additionally established in Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, Ecuador, Trinidad and Brazil.