127 resultados para Nafion functionalisation
Biocathodes may be a suitable replacement of platinum in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) if the cost of MFCs is to be reduced. However, the use of enzymes as bio-cathodes is fraught with loss of activity as time progresses. A possible cause of this loss in activity might be pH increase in the cathode as pH gradients in MFCs are well known. This pH increase is however, accompanied by simultaneous increase in salinity; therefore salinity may be a confounding variable. This study investigated various ways of mitigating pH changes in the cathode of MFCs and their effect on laccase activity and decolourisation of a model azo dye Acid orange 7 in the anode chamber. Experiments were run with catholyte pH automatically controlled via feedback control or by using acetate buffers (pH 4.5) of various strength (100 mM and 200 mM), with CMI7000 as the cation exchange membrane. A comparison was also made between use of CMI7000 and Nafion 117 as the transport properties of cations for both membranes (hence their potential effects on pH changes in the cathode) are different.
A new method combining electrospinning of SPEEK and direct spinning of CNT forests has been used to prepare sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK)/directly spinnable carbon nanotube (dsCNT) composite proton exchange membranes. The SPEEK/dsCNT membrane is more robust than SPEEK alone, and in a fuel cell significantly outperforms both SPEEK and the commercial Nafion 212 membranes.
[EN] Herein we investigate the feasibility of detecting photo-induced surface stress changes using the deflection response of cantilevers. For this purpose, silicon microcantilevers have been functionalised with spiropyran photochromic molecules, using both a monolayer and a polymeric brushes approach. Uponultraviolet light irradiation, the spiropyran unit is converted to the merocyanine form due to the photo-induced cleavage of the Cspiro-O bond. The two forms of the molecule have dramatically different charge,polarity and molecular conformations. This makes spiropyrans an ideal system to study the correlation between photo-induced molecular changes and corresponding changes in surface stress. Our investigations include monitoring the changes in static cantilever deflection, and consequently, surface stress of the spiropyran functionalised cantilevers on exposure to ultraviolet light. Cantilever deflection data reveals that ultraviolet induced conformational changes in the spiropyran moiety cause a change incompressive surface stress and this varies with the type of functionalisation method implemented. The change in surface stress response from the spiropyran polymer brushes functionalised cantilevers gives an average surface stress change of 98 Nm−1(n = 24) while the spiropyran monolayer coated cantilevers have an average surface stress change of about 446 Nm−1(n = 8) upon irradiation with UV light.
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell has been known as a promising power source for different applications such as automotive, residential and stationary. During the operation of a PEM fuel cell, hydrogen is oxidized in anode and oxygen is reduced in the cathode to produce the intended power. Water and heat are inevitable byproducts of these reactions. The water produced in the cathode should be properly removed from inside the cell. Otherwise, it may block the path of reactants passing through the gas channels and/or gas diffusion layer (GDL). This deteriorates the performance of the cell and eventually can cease the operation of the cell. Water transport in PEM fuel cell has been the subject of this PhD study. Water transport on the surface of the GDL, through the gas flow channels, and through GDL has been studied in details. For water transport on the surface of the GDL, droplet detachment has been measured for different GDL conditions and for anode and cathode gas flow channels. Water transport through gas flow channels has been investigated by measuring the two-phase flow pressure drop along the gas flow channels. As accumulated liquid water within gas flow channels resists the gas flow, the pressure drop increases along the flow channels. The two-phase flow pressure drop can reveal useful information about the amount of liquid water accumulated within gas flow channels. Liquid water transport though GDL has also been investigated by measuring the liquid water breakthrough pressure for the region between the capillary fingering and the stable displacement on the drainage phase diagram. The breakthrough pressure has been measured for different variables such as GDL thickness, PTFE/Nafion content within the GDL, GDL compression, the inclusion of a micro-porous layer (MPL), and different water flow rates through the GDL. Prior to all these studies, GDL microstructural properties have been studied. GDL microstructural properties such as mean pore diameter, pore diameter distribution, and pore roundness distribution have been investigated by analyzing SEM images of GDL samples.
Propylsulfonic acid (PrSO3H) derivatised solid acid catalysts have been prepared by post modification of mesoporous SBA-15 silica with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS), with the impact of co-derivatisation with octyltrimethoxysilane (OTMS) groups to impart hydrophobicity to the catalyst investigated. Turn over frequencies (TOF) for acetic acid esterification with methanol increase with PrSO3H surface coverage across both families suggesting a cooperative effect of adjacent acid sites at high acid site densities. Esterification activity is further promoted upon co-functionalisation with hydrophobic octyl chains, with inverse gas chromatography (iGC) measurements indicating increased activity correlates with decreased surface polarity or increased hydrophobicity.
This thesis explores the potential of chiral plasmonic nanostructures for the ultrasensitive detection of protein structure. These nanostructures support the generation of fields with enhanced chirality relative to circularly polarised light and are an extremely incisive probe of protein structure. In chapter 4 we introduce a nanopatterned Au film (Templated Plasmonic Substrate, TPS) fabricated using a high through-put injection moulding technique which is a viable alternative to expensive lithographically fabricated nanostructures. The optical and chiroptical properties of TPS nanostructures are found to be highly dependent on the coupling between the electric and magnetic modes of the constituent solid and inverse structures. Significantly, refractive index based measurements of strongly coupled TPSs display a similar sensitivity to protein structure as previous lithographic nanostructures. We subsequently endeavour to improve the sensing properties of TPS nanostructures by developing a high through-put nanoscale chemical functionalisation technique. This process involves a chemical protection/deprotection strategy. The protection step generates a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of a thermally responsive polymer on the TPS surface which inhibits protein binding. The deprotection step exploits the presence of nanolocalised thermal gradients in the water surrounding the TPS upon irradiation with an 8ns pulsed laser to modify the SAM conformation on surfaces with high net chirality. This allows binding of biomaterial in these regions and subsequently enhances the TPS sensitivity levels. In chapter 6 an alternative method for the detection of protein structure using TPS nanostructures is introduced. This technique relies on mediation of the electric/magnetic coupling in the TPS by the adsorbed protein. This phenomenon is probed through both linear reflectance and nonlinear second harmonic generation (SHG) measurements. Detection of protein structure using this method does not require the presence of fields of enhanced chirality whilst it is also sensitive to a larger array of secondary structure motifs than the measurements in chapters 4 and 5. Finally, a preliminary investigation into the detection of mesoscale biological structure is presented. Sensitivity to the mesoscale helical pitch of insulin amyloid fibrils is displayed through the asymmetry in the circular dichroism (CD) of lithographic gammadions of varying thickness upon adsorption of insulin amyloid fibril spherulites and fragmented fibrils. The proposed model for this sensitivity to the helical pitch relies on the vertical height of the nanostructures relative to this structural property as well as the binding orientation of the fibrils.
In the last decades, nanomaterials, and in particular semiconducting nanoparticles (or quantum dots), have gained increasing attention due to their controllable optical properties and potential applications. Silicon nanoparticles (also called silicon nanocrystals, SiNCs) have been extensively studied in the last years, due to their physical and chemical properties which render them a valid alternative to conventional quantum dots. During my PhD studies I have planned new synthetical routes to obtain SiNCs functionalised with molecules which could ameliorate the properties of the nanoparticle. However, this was certainly challenging, because SiNCs are very susceptible to many reagents and conditions that are often used in organic synthesis. They can be irreversibly quenched in the presence of alkalis, they can be damaged in the presence of oxidants, they can modify their optical properties in the presence of many nitrogen-containing compounds, metal complexes or simple organic molecules. If their surface is not well-passivated, the oxygen can introduce defect states, or they can aggregate and precipitate in several solvents. Therefore, I was able to functionalise SiNCs with different ligands: chromophores, amines, carboxylic acids, poly(ethylene)glycol, even ameliorating functionalisation strategies that already existed. This thesis will collect the experimental procedures used to synthesize silicon nanocrystals, the strategies adopted to functionalise effectively the nanoparticle with different types of organic molecules, and the characterisation of their surface, physical properties and luminescence (mostly photogenerated, but also electrochemigenerated). I also spent a period of 7 months in Leeds (UK), where I managed to learn how to synthesize other cadmium-free quantum dots made of copper, indium and sulphur (CIS QDs). During my last year of PhD, I focused on their functionalisation by ligand exchange techniques, yielding the first example of light-harvesting antenna based on those quantum dots. Part of this thesis is dedicated to them.