994 resultados para NUCLEAR RECEPTORS


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Dans le système nerveux central, la dopamine joue un rôle crucial dans de nombreuses fonctions physiologiques telles que : l’apprentissage, le mouvement volontaire, la motivation, la cognition et la production hormonale. Il a été aussi démontré que le système de signalisation dopaminergique est altéré dans plusieurs maladies neurologiques et psychiatriques comme la maladie de Parkinson et la schizophrénie. Des études, effectuées dans le laboratoire du Dr.Daniel Lévesque (laboratoire d’accueil), ont montré que les récepteurs nucléaires Nur77 (NR4A1, NGFI-B) et RXRγ (retinoid X receptors γ) sont impliqués dans la régulation des effets de la dopamine dans le système nerveux central. De plus, ces données suggèrent que le complexe Nur77 et RXR joueraient un rôle crucial dans l’effet des médicaments antipsychotiques et antiparkinsoniens. Toutefois, très peu de médicaments ciblant Nur77 ont été identifiés à ce jour et les médicaments agissant sur RXRγ restent mal caractérisés. En outre, les analyses actuellement disponibles ne peuvent pas résumer la complexité des activités des NRs et génèrent des mesures indirectes des activités des drogues. Afin de mieux comprendre comment est régulée l’interaction Nur77/RXRγ dans ces processus, mon projet a été de mettre au point un essai BRET (Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer) et PCA-BRET (Protein Complementation Assay-BRET) basé sur le recrutement d'un motif mimant un co-activateur fusionné avec la YFP. Nos différents essais ont été validés par courbes dose-réponse en utilisant différents composés RXR . Les EC50 (concentration efficace médiane, qui permet de mesurer l'efficacité d'un composé) obtenues étaient très semblables aux valeurs précédemment rapportées dans la littérature. Nous avons aussi pu identifier un composé le SR11237 (BMS649) qui semble posséder une sélectivité pour le complexe Nur77/RXRγ par rapport aux complexes Nurr1/RXRγ et RXRγ /RXRγ. Nos résultats indiquent que ces essais de BRET peuvent être utilisés pour évaluer la sélectivité de nouveaux composés pour les complexes Nur77/RXRγ, Nurr1/RXRγ et RXRγ /RXRγ. Un autre aspect de mon projet de doctorat a été de mettre en évidence par BRET l’importance de la SUMOylation dans la régulation de l'activité de Nur77 dans sa forme monomèrique, homodimèrique et hétérodimèrique. Nous avons ainsi identifié que Nur77 recrute principalement SUMO2 sur sa lysine 577. Il est intéressant de noté que le recrutement de la SUMO2 à Nur77 est potentialisé en présence de la SUMO E3 Ligase PIASγ. Aussi, la perte de la SUMOylation sur la lysine 577 entraîne l'incapacité de Nur77 de recruter divers motifs de co-activation mais pas pour ses formes homo- et hétérodimèrique. Cependant, la présence de PIASγ ne potentialise pas le recrutement du co-activateur, suggérant que cette SUMO E3 Ligase est seulement impliqué dans le processus de recrutement de la SUMO mais pas dans celui du co-activateur. Nous avons ainsi déterminé une nouvelle modification post-traductionnelle sur Nur77 régulant spécifiquement son activité monomérique Ces projets pourraient donc apporter de nouvelles données cruciales pour l’amélioration du traitement de la maladie de Parkinson ou de la schizophrénie, ainsi que d'obtenir une meilleure compréhension sur les mécanismes permettant la régulation de la fonction de Nur77


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In skin, vitamin E acts as the predominant lipophilic antioxidant with a protective function against irradiation and oxidative stress. In addition to that, vitamin E can also modulate signal transduction and gene expression. To study whether the four natural tocopherol analogues (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocopherol) can influence transcriptional activity by modulating the activity of nuclear receptors, a human keratinocytes cell line (NCTC 2544) was transfected with plasmids containing the luciferase reporter gene under control by direct repeat elements (DR1–DR4), representing binding sites for four different classes of nuclear receptors. In this model, the tocopherols positively modulated only the reporter construct containing a consensus element for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). The induction was strongest with γ-tocopherol and was most likely the direct consequence of stimulation of PPARγ protein expression in keratinocytes. Vitamin E treatment also led to increased expression of a known PPARγ target gene involved in terminal keratinocytes differentiation, the transglutaminase-1.


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The mushrooms have been object of intense research in view of its potential raising of application in different sectors of the pharmacology and alimentary industry. Among diverse bioactive composites of polyssacharides nature that exist in the fungus the glucans are much searched. These are polymers of glucose and classified as the type of glicosidic linking [α, β]. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), ranscription factors belonging to the family of nuclear receptors that bind themselves o specific agonists, have shown their importance in controlling the inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to perform a chemical characterization of extract rom the mushroom Caripia montagnei, assess its antiinflammatory and antibacterial effect and determine if this effect occurs via PPAR. This mushroom is composed of carbohydrates (63.3±4.1%), lipids (21.4l±0.9%) and proteins (2.2± 0.3%). The aqueous solution resulting from the fractionation contained carbohydrates (98.7±3.3%) and protein (1.3±0.25%). Analyses of infrared spectrophotometry and of nuclear magnetic esonance demonstrated that the extract of mushroom C. montagnei is rich in β-glucans. In hioglycolate-induced peritonitis, the C. montagnei glucans (50 mg/kg) educed the inflammatory process in 65.5±5.2% and agonists, pharmacological igands, for PPAR: Wy-14643 (49.3±6.1%), PFOA (48.9±3.8%) and clofibrate in 45.2±3.2%. Sodium diclofenac showed a reduction of 81.65±0.6%. In the plantar edema, the glucans from C. montagnei (50 mg/kg) and L-NAME reduced the edema to a similar degree 91.4±0.3% and 92.8±0,5 %, respectively. In all the groups tested, nitric oxide (NO), an inflammation mediator, showed a significant reduction in the nitrate/nitrite levels when compared to the positive control (P<0.001). The C. montagnei glucans did not show cytotoxicity in the concentrations tested (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 µg/100 µL). Antibacterial activity demonstrated that, unlike total extract, there was no inhibition of bacterial growth. The C. montagnei glucans show great potential for antiinflammatory applications. This effect suggests that it is mediated by PPAR activation and by COX and iNOS inhibition


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The mushrooms have been object of intense research in view of its potential raising of application in different sectors of the pharmacology and alimentary industry. Among diverse bioactive composites of polyssacharides nature that exist in the fungus the glucans are much searched. These are polymers of glucose and classified as the type of glicosidic linking [α, β]. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), ranscription factors belonging to the family of nuclear receptors that bind themselves o specific agonists, have shown their importance in controlling the inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to perform a chemical characterization of extract rom the mushroom Caripia montagnei, assess its antiinflammatory and antibacterial effect and determine if this effect occurs via PPAR. This mushroom is composed of carbohydrates (63.3±4.1%), lipids (21.4l±0.9%) and proteins (2.2± 0.3%). The aqueous solution resulting from the fractionation contained carbohydrates (98.7±3.3%) and protein (1.3±0.25%). Analyses of infrared spectrophotometry and of nuclear magnetic esonance demonstrated that the extract of mushroom C. montagnei is rich in β-glucans. In hioglycolate-induced peritonitis, the C. montagnei glucans (50 mg/kg) educed the inflammatory process in 65.5±5.2% and agonists, pharmacological igands, for PPAR: Wy-14643 (49.3±6.1%), PFOA (48.9±3.8%) and clofibrate in 45.2±3.2%. Sodium diclofenac showed a reduction of 81.65±0.6%. In the plantar edema, the glucans from C. montagnei (50 mg/kg) and L-NAME reduced the edema to a similar degree 91.4±0.3% and 92.8±0,5 %, respectively. In all the groups tested, nitric oxide (NO), an inflammation mediator, showed a significant reduction in the nitrate/nitrite levels when compared to the positive control (P<0.001). The C. montagnei glucans did not show cytotoxicity in the concentrations tested (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 µg/100 µL). Antibacterial activity demonstrated that, unlike total extract, there was no inhibition of bacterial growth. The C. montagnei glucans show great potential for antiinflammatory applications. This effect suggests that it is mediated by PPAR activation and by COX and iNOS inhibition


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Cellular signal transduction in response to environmental signals involves a relay of precisely regulated signal amplifying and damping events. A prototypical signaling relay involves ligands binding to cell surface receptors and triggering the activation of downstream enzymes to ultimately affect the subcellular distribution and activity of DNA-binding proteins that regulate gene expression. These so-called signal transduction cascades have dominated our view of signaling for decades. More recently evidence has accumulated that components of these cascades can be multifunctional, in effect playing a conventional role for example as a cell surface receptor for a ligand whilst also having alternative functions for example as transcriptional regulators in the nucleus. This raises new challenges for researchers. What are the cues/triggers that determine which role such proteins play? What are the trafficking pathways which regulate the spatial distribution of such proteins so that they can perform nuclear functions and under what circumstances are these alternative functions most relevant?


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Internalization of activated receptors regulates signaling, and endocytic adaptor proteins are well-characterized in clathrin-mediated uptake. One of these adaptor proteins, huntingtin interacting protein 1 (HIP1), induces cellular transformation and is overexpressed in some prostate cancers. We have discovered that HIP1 associates with the androgen receptor through a central coiled coil domain and is recruited to DNA response elements upon androgen stimulation. HIP1 is a novel androgen receptor regulator, significantly repressing transcription when knocked down using a silencing RNA approach and activating transcription when overexpressed. We have also identified a functional nuclear localization signal at the COOH terminus of HIP1, which contributes to the nuclear translocation of the protein. In conclusion, we have discovered that HIP1 is a nucleocytoplasmic protein capable of associating with membranes and DNA response elements and regulating transcription.


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Récemment plusieurs récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs) ont été caractérisés au niveau des membranes intracellulaires, dont la membrane nucléaire. Notre objectif était de déterminer si les sous-types de récepteurs β-adrénergiques (βAR) et leurs machineries de signalisation étaient fonctionnels et localisés à la membrane nucléaire des cardiomyocytes. Nous avons démontré la présence des β1AR et β3AR, mais pas du β2AR à la membrane nucléaire de myocytes ventriculaires adultes par immunobuvardage, par microscopie confocale, et par des essais fonctionnels. De plus, certains partenaires de signalisation comme les protéines GαS, Gαi, l’adénylate cyclase II, et V/VI y étaient également localisés. Les sous-types de βAR nucléaires étaient fonctionnels puisqu'ils pouvaient lier leurs ligands et activer leurs effecteurs. En utilisant des noyaux isolés, nous avons observé que l'agoniste non-sélectif isoprotérénol (ISO), et que le BRL37344, un ligand sélectif du β3AR, stimulaient l'initiation de la synthèse de l’ARN, contrairement à l'agoniste sélectif du β1AR, le xamotérol. Cette synthèse était abolie par la toxine pertussique (PTX). Cependant, la stimulation des récepteurs nucléaires de type B de l’endothéline (ETB) causaient une réduction de l'initiation de la synthèse d’ARN. Les voies de signalisations impliquées dans la régulation de la synthèse d’ARN par les RCPGs ont ensuite été étudiées en utilisant des noyaux isolés stimulés par des agonistes en présence ou absence de différents inhibiteurs des voies MAP Kinases (proteines kinases activées par mitogènes) et de la voie PI3K/PKB. Les protéines impliquées dans les voies de signalisation de p38, JNK, ERK MAP Kinase et PKB étaient présents dans les noyaux isolés. L'inhibition de PKB par la triciribine, inhibait la synthèse d’ARN. Nous avons ensuite pu mettre en évidence par qPCR que la stimulation par l’ISO entrainait une augmentation du niveau d'ARNr 18S ainsi qu’une diminution de l'expression d’ARNm de NFκB. En contraste, l’ET-1 n’avait aucun effet sur le niveau d’expression de l’ARNr 18S. Nous avons ensuite montré que la stimulation par l’ISO réduisait l’expression de plusieurs gènes impliqués dans l'activation de NFκB, tandis que l’inhibition de ERK1/2 et PKB renversait cet effet. Un microarray global nous a ensuite permis de démontrer que les βARs et les ETRs nucléaires régulaient un grand nombre de gènes distincts. Finalement, les βARs et ETRs nucléaires augmentaient aussi une production de NO de noyaux isolés, ce qui pouvait être inhibée par le LNAME. Ces résultats ont été confirmés dans des cardiomyocytes intacts en utilisant des analogues cagés et perméables d’ISO et de l'ET-1: l'augmentation de NO nucléaire détectée par DAF2-DA, causée par l'ET-1 et l'ISO, pouvait être prévenue par le LNAME. Finalement, l’augmentation de l’initiation de la transcription induite par l'ISO était aussi bloquée par le L-NAME ou par un inbitheur de PKG, le KT5823, suggérant que la voie NO-GC-PKG est impliquée dans la régulation de la transcription par les βAR. En conclusion, les βARs et les ETRs nucléaires utilisent des voies de signalisation différentes et exercent ainsi des effets distincts sur l’expression des gènes cardiaques. Ils représentent donc une avenue intéressante pour le développement de drogues pharmacologiques.


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It has been shown that ouabain (OUA) can activate the Na,K-ATPase complex and mediate intracellular signaling in the central nervous system (CNS). Inflammatory stimulus increases glutamatergic transmission, especially at N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which are usually coupled to the activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) activation modulates the expression of genes involved in development, plasticity, and inflammation. The present work investigated the effects of OUA on NF-kappa B binding activity in rat hippocampus and the influence of this OUA-Na,K-ATPase signaling cascade in NMDA-mediated NF-kappa B activation. The findings presented here are the first report indicating that intrahippocampal administration of OUA, in a concentration that did not alter Na,K-ATPase or NOS activity, induced an activation of NF-kappa B, leading to increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), inducible NOS (iNos), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (Tnf-alpha), and B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) mRNA levels. This response was not linked to any significant signs of neurodegeneration as showed via Fluoro-Jade B and Nissl stain. Intrahippocampal administration of NMDA induced NF alpha B activation and increased NOS and alpha 2/3-Na,K-ATPase activities. NMDA treatment further increased OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation, which was partially blocked by MK-801, an antagonist of NMDA receptor. These results suggest that OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation is at least in part dependent on Na,K-ATPase modulatory action of NMDA receptor in hippocampus. The interaction of these signaling pathways could be associated with biological mechanisms that may underlie the basal homeostatic state linked to the inflammatory signaling cascade in the brain. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Aldosterone and corticosterone bind to mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR), which, upon ligand binding, are thought to translocate to the cell nucleus to act as transcription factors. Mineralocorticoid selectivity is achieved by the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) that inactivates 11β-hydroxy glucocorticoids. High expression levels of 11β-HSD2 characterize the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), which comprises the segment-specific cells of late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2), connecting tubule (CNT), and collecting duct (CD). We used MR- and GR-specific antibodies to study localization and regulation of MR and GR in kidneys of rats with altered plasma aldosterone and corticosterone levels. In control rats, MR and GR were found in cell nuclei of thick ascending limb (TAL), DCT, CNT, CD cells, and intercalated cells (IC). GR was also abundant in cell nuclei and the subapical compartment of proximal tubule (PT) cells. Dietary NaCl loading, which lowers plasma aldosterone, caused a selective removal of GR from cell nuclei of 11β-HSD2-positive ASDN. The nuclear localization of MR was unaffected. Adrenalectomy (ADX) resulted in removal of MR and GR from the cell nuclei of all epithelial cells. Aldosterone replacement rapidly relocated the receptors in the cell nuclei. In ASDN cells, low-dose corticosterone replacement caused nuclear localization of MR, but not of GR. The GR was redistributed to the nucleus only in PT, TAL, early DCT, and IC that express no or very little 11β-HSD2. In ASDN cells, nuclear GR localization was only achieved when corticosterone was replaced at high doses. Thus ligand-induced nuclear translocation of MR and GR are part of MR and GR regulation in the kidney and show remarkable segment- and cell type-specific characteristics. Differential regulation of MR and GR may alter the level of heterodimerization of the receptors and hence may contribute to the complexity of corticosteroid effects on ASDN function.


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Radiolabeled peptides have been an important class of compounds in radiopharmaceutical sciences and nuclear medicine for more than 20 years. Despite strong research efforts, only somatostatin-based radiopeptides have a real impact on patient care, diagnostically and therapeutically. [(111)In-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid(0)]octreotide is commercially available for imaging. Imaging was highly improved by the introduction of PET radionuclides such as (68)Ga, (64)Cu, and (18)F. Two peptides are successfully used in targeted radionuclide therapy when bound to DOTA and labeled with (90)Y and (177)Lu.


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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has widespread growth effects, and in some tissues proliferation is associated with the nuclear localization of EGF and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). In the thyroid, EGF promotes growth but differs from thyrotropin (TSH) in inhibiting rather than stimulating functional parameters. We have therefore studied the occurrence and cellular distribution of EGF and EGFR in normal thyroid, in Graves' disease, where growth is mediated through the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), and in a variety of human thyroid tumors. In the normal gland the staining was variable, but largely cytoplasmic, for both EGF and EGFR. In Graves' disease there was strong cytoplasmic staining for both EGF and EGFR, with frequent positive nuclei. Nuclear positivity for EGF and particularly for EGFR was also a feature of both follicular adenomas and follicular carcinomas. Interestingly, nuclear staining was almost absent in papillary carcinomas. These findings document for the first time the presence of nuclear EGF and EGFR in thyroid. Their predominant occurrence in tissues with increased growth (Graves' disease, follicular adenoma, and carcinoma) may indicate that nuclear EGF and EGFR play a role in growth regulation in these conditions. The absence of nuclear EGF and EGFR in papillary carcinomas would suggest that the role played by EGF in growth control differs between papillary carcinoma and follicular adenomas/carcinomas of the thyroid.


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Human pregnancy is accompanied by a mild systemic inflammatory response, which includes the activation of monocytes circulating in maternal blood. This response is exaggerated in preeclampsia, a placental-dependent disorder specific to human pregnancies. We and others showed that placental syncytiotrophoblast membrane microparticles (STBM) generated in vitro from normal placentas stimulated peripheral blood monocytes, which suggest a contribution of STBM to the systemic maternal inflammation. Here, we analyzed the inflammatory potential of STBM prepared from preeclamptic placentas on primary monocytes and investigated the mode of action in vitro. STBM generated in vitro by placental villous explants of normal or preeclamptic placentas were co-incubated with human peripheral blood monocytes. In some cases, inhibitors of specific cellular functions or signaling pathways were used. The analysis of the monocytic response was performed by flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunoassays, real-time PCR, and fluorescence microscopy. STBM derived from preeclamptic placentas up-regulated the cell surface expression of CD54, and stimulated the secretion of the pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 in a similar, dose-dependent manner as did STBM prepared from normal placentas. STBM bound to the cell surface of monocytes, but phagocytosis was not necessary for activation. STBM-induced cytokine secretion was impaired in the presence of inhibitors of toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling or when nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) activation was blocked. Our results suggest that the inflammatory reaction in monocytes may be initiated by the interaction of STBM with TLRs, which in turn signal through NF-κB to mediate the transcription of genes coding for pro-inflammatory factors.


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Hepatotropism is a prominent feature of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Cell lines of nonhepatic origin do not independently support HBV replication. Here, we show that the nuclear hormone receptors, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor α plus peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α, support HBV replication in nonhepatic cells by controlling pregenomic RNA synthesis, indicating these liver-enriched transcription factors control a unique molecular switch restricting viral tropism. In contrast, hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 antagonizes nuclear hormone receptor-mediated viral replication, demonstrating distinct regulatory roles for these liver-enriched transcription factors.