223 resultados para NSCLC


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Background: The presence of EGFR kinase domain mutations in a subset of NSCLC patients correlates with the response to treatment with the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors gefitinib and erlotinib. Although most EGFR mutations detected are short deletions in exon 19 or the L858R point mutation in exon 21, more than 75 different EGFR kinase domain residues have been reported to be altered in NSCLC patients. The phenotypical consequences of different EGFR mutations may vary dramatically, but the majority of uncommon EGFR mutations have never been functionally evaluated. Results: We demonstrate that the relative kinase activity and erlotinib sensitivity of different EGFR mutants can be readily evaluated using transfection of an YFP-tagged fragment of the EGFR intracellular domain (YFP-EGFR-ICD), followed by immunofluorescence microscopy analysis. Using this assay, we show that the exon 20 insertions Ins770SVD and Ins774HV confer increased kinase activity, but no erlotinib sensitivity. We also show that, in contrast to the common L858R mutation, the uncommon exon 21 point mutations P848L and A859T appear to behave like functionally silent polymorphisms. Conclusion: The ability to rapidly obtain functional information on EGFR variants of unknown relevance using the YFP-EGFR-ICD assay might prove important in the future for the management of NSCLC patients bearing uncommon EGFR mutations. In addition, our assay may be used to determine the response of resistant EGFR mutants to novel second-generation TKIs.


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Background: Recently, with the access of low toxicity biological and targeted therapies, evidence of the existence of a long-term survival subpopulation of cancer patients is appearing. We have studied an unselected population with advanced lung cancer to look for evidence of multimodality in survival distribution, and estimate the proportion of long-term survivors. Methods: We used survival data of 4944 patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) stages IIIb-IV at diagnostic, registered in the National Cancer Registry of Cuba (NCRC) between January 1998 and December 2006. We fitted one-component survival model and two-component mixture models to identify short-and long-term survivors. Bayesian information criterion was used for model selection. Results: For all of the selected parametric distributions the two components model presented the best fit. The population with short-term survival (almost 4 months median survival) represented 64% of patients. The population of long-term survival included 35% of patients, and showed a median survival around 12 months. None of the patients of short-term survival was still alive at month 24, while 10% of the patients of long-term survival died afterwards. Conclusions: There is a subgroup showing long-term evolution among patients with advanced lung cancer. As survival rates continue to improve with the new generation of therapies, prognostic models considering short-and long-term survival subpopulations should be considered in clinical research.


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O Carcinoma de Pulmão de Células Não Pequenas (NSCLC) é uma doença freqüentemente letal e altamente resistente à terapia oncológica convencional, como por exemplo, o tratamento quimioterápico com cisplatina e paclitaxel. A superexpressão de Ciclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) é constantemente observada em pacientes com NSCLC, estando associada ao prognóstico ruim destes pacientes. Acredita-se que a alta expressão de COX-2 produz efeitos anti-apoptóticos, porém pouco é conhecido sobre os mecanismos de regulação desta enzima. Muitos sinais capazes de ativar COX-2 também induzem a proteína supressora de tumor p53, conhecida pelo seu papel fundamental no controle da proliferação celular e apoptose. Dados recentes indicam que a proteína p53 é um importante regulador da expressão de COX-2. O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar os efeitos da quimioterapia na expressão da enzima COX-2 em linhagens celulares com diferente status do gene TP53, e ainda, correlacionar a expressão de COX-2 e o status mutacional de TP53, com as características clínico-patológicas de pacientes com NSCLC. Como ferramentas experimentais foram usadas técnicas de biologia celular e molecular como interferência de RNA, PCR em tempo real, análise mutacional e imuno-histoquímica. Com os resultados obtidos, observamos que as linhagens celulares de câncer de pulmão que apresentam p53 na sua forma selvagem, quando expostas ao tratamento com cisplatina, apresentaram indução da expressão de COX-2 (RNAm e proteína), em adição ao aumento da síntese de Prostaglandina E2 (PGE2). Em contrapartida, a expressão de COX-2 não foi alterada após o tratamento com cisplatina nas linhagens celulares que apresentavam mutação no gene TP53. Ao avaliar o tratamento com paclitaxel, foi observado um aumento da expressão de COX-2 nas linhagens A549 e H460 (linhagens celulares do tipo selvagem para p53), entretanto não foi observada alteração nos níveis de PGE2. Em adição, o tratamento com paclitaxel induziu um aumento da expressão de COX-2 na linhagem com deleção em TP53, ACC LC-319. Em seguida, após silenciamento de p53 na linhagem celular A549, por interferência de RNA, a cisplatina passou a não ser mais capaz de induzir o aumento da expressão de COX-2. No tratamento com paclitaxel, o silenciamento de TP53 não mudou a expressão de COX-2, indicando assim um efeito independente de p53. Dessa maneira, sugerimos que a indução de COX-2, por cisplatina, em linhagens celulares NSCLC é dependente de p53. Na análise dos pacientes NSCLC, os resultados demonstram que 54% dos pacientes apresentam expressão positiva de COX-2. Mutações em TP53 foram observadas em 57% dos pacientes, incluindo 56% de fumantes correntes e 37% de ex-fumantes. Uma associação entre a expressão de COX-2 e o status selvagem de TP53 foi observada, entre os pacientes que apresentaram expressão positiva de COX-2, 80% apresentaram TP53 selvagem. Um número maior de pacientes é necessário para aumentar o poder estatístico e confirmar as tendências observadas nesse estudo


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O aumento exponencial dos gastos em saúde demanda estudos econômicos que subsidiem as decisões de agentes públicos ou privados quanto à incorporação de novas tecnologias aos sistemas de saúde. A tomografia de emissão de pósitrons (PET) é uma tecnologia de imagem da área de medicina nuclear, de alto custo e difusão ainda recente no país. O nível de evidência científica acumulada em relação a seu uso no câncer pulmonar de células não pequenas (CPCNP) é significativo, com a tecnologia mostrando acurácia superior às técnicas de imagem convencionais no estadiamento mediastinal e à distância. Avaliação econômica realizada em 2013 aponta para seu custo-efetividade no estadiamento do CPCNP em comparação à estratégia atual de manejo baseada no uso da tomografia computadorizada, na perspectiva do SUS. Sua incorporação ao rol de procedimentos disponibilizados pelo SUS pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS) ocorreu em abril de 2014, mas ainda se desconhecem os impactos econômico-financeiros decorrentes desta decisão. Este estudo buscou estimar o impacto orçamentário (IO) da incorporação da tecnologia PET no estadiamento do CPCNP para os anos de 2014 a 2018, a partir da perspectiva do SUS como financiador da assistência à saúde. As estimativas foram calculadas pelo método epidemiológico e usaram como base modelo de decisão do estudo de custo-efetividade previamente realizado. Foram utilizados dados nacionais de incidência; de distribuição de doença e acurácia das tecnologias procedentes da literatura e de custos, de estudo de microcustos e das bases de dados do SUS. Duas estratégias de uso da nova tecnologia foram analisadas: (a) oferta da PET-TC a todos os pacientes; e (b) oferta restrita àqueles que apresentem resultados de TC prévia negativos. Adicionalmente, foram realizadas análises de sensibilidade univariadas e por cenários extremos, para avaliar a influência nos resultados de possíveis fontes de incertezas nos parâmetros utilizados. A incorporação da PET-TC ao SUS implicaria a necessidade de recursos adicionais de R$ 158,1 (oferta restrita) a 202,7 milhões (oferta abrangente) em cinco anos, e a diferença entre as duas estratégias de oferta é de R$ 44,6 milhões no período. Em termos absolutos, o IO total seria de R$ 555 milhões (PET-TC para TC negativa) e R$ 600 milhões (PET-TC para todos) no período. O custo do procedimento PET-TC foi o parâmetro de maior influência sobre as estimativas de gastos relacionados à nova tecnologia, seguido da proporção de pacientes submetidos à mediastinoscopia. No cenário por extremos mais otimista, os IOs incrementais reduzir-se-iam para R$ 86,9 (PET-TC para TC negativa) e R$ 103,9 milhões (PET-TC para todos), enquanto no mais pessimista os mesmos aumentariam para R$ 194,0 e R$ 242,2 milhões, respectivamente. Resultados sobre IO, aliados às evidências de custo-efetividade da tecnologia, conferem maior racionalidade às decisões finais dos gestores. A incorporação da PET no estadiamento clínico do CPCNP parece ser financeiramente factível frente à magnitude do orçamento do MS, e potencial redução no número de cirurgias desnecessárias pode levar à maior eficiência na alocação dos recursos disponíveis e melhores desfechos para os pacientes com estratégias terapêuticas mais bem indicadas.


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Os mecanismos de ação citotóxica do inibidor de histona deacetilase LBH589 foram investigados em associação com o quimioterápico cisplatina (CDDP) em duas linhagens derivadas de câncer de pulmão de não pequenas células (CPNPC). Os resultados foram analisados em relação ao tipo de morte celular associada às alterações em enzimas relacionadas ao metabolismo energético e a via glicolítica. Para realização do trabalho, foram utilizadas as linhagens tumorais A549 (selvagem para o gene de p53) e Calu-1 (nulo para o gene de p53) tratadas com LBH589 em combinação ou não com CDDP. Foram realizadas curvas de tempo e dose-resposta com as drogas isoladamente pelo ensaio de viabilidade celular (MTT) nas duas linhagens para a escolha das melhores condições para o nosso estudo. As condições dos tratamentos isolados com redução da viabilida celular menores que o IC50 de cada fármaco foram selecionados para realização dos tratamentos combinados. As avaliações de apoptose foram realizadas por citometria de fluxo pelo ensaio de Anexina V/PI, e com a marcação de proteínas por Western Blotting. As proteínas relacionadas a via glicolítica foram avaliadas por Western Blotting e a expressão de RNAm por qPCR. Os resultados demonstraram que o LBH589 combinado a CDDP foi capaz de induzir apoptose em 70% das células (Calu-1) e 54,9% (A549) no tempo de 24 horas, e 90% (calu-1) e 62,1% (A549) em 48 horas, independendo, portanto, do status da p53. Os níveis de expressão de enzimas relacionadas com o metabolismos energético também sofreram alterações nos tratamentos estudados. O LBH589 induziu aumento de cerca de 4x dos níveis de RNAm de HK isoformas I e II em ambas as linhagens. Houve também um aumento na expressão proteica das isoformas de HK I e II. Outras enzimas relacionadas a via glicolítica como PFKP, PKM2 e LDHA foram analisadas e apresentaram redução da expressão proteica, principalmente na presença do LBH589. A combinação da CDDP com LBH589 parece ser promissora para o tratamento de CPNPC induzindo apoptose através de alterações no metabolismo energético tumoral.


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To determine whether adenovirus-mediated wild-type p53 transfer after radiotherapy could radiosensitize non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells to subclinical-dose carbon-ion beam (C-beam), H1299 cells were exposed to a C-beam or -ray and then infected with 5 MOI of AdCMV-p53 or GFP (C-beam or -ray with p53 or GFP).Cell cycle was detected by flow cytometric analysis. The apoptosis was examined by a fluorescent microscope with DAPI staining. DNA fragmentation was monitored by the TUNEL assay. P53 mRNA was detected by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The expression of p53, MDM2, and p21 was monitored by Western blot. Survival fractions were determined by colony-forming assay. The percentages of G1-phase cells in C-beam with p53 increased by 8.2%–16.0%, 5.2%–7.0%, and 5.8%–18.9%, respectively, compared with C-beam only, -ray with p53, or p53 only. The accumulation of G2-phase cells in C-beam with p53 increased by 5.7%–8.9% and 8.8%–14.8%, compared with those in -ray with p53 or p53 only, respectively. The percentage of apoptosis for C-beam with p53 increased by 7.4%–19.1%, 5.8%–11.7%, and 5.2%–19.2%, respectively, compared with C-beam only, -ray with p53, or p53 only. The level of p53 mRNA in C-beam with p53 was significantly higher than that in p53 only. The expression level of p53 and p21 in C-beam with p53 was significantly higher than that in both C-beam with GFP and p53 only. The survival fractions for C-beam with p53 were significantly less than those for the other groups (p 0.05). The data suggested that AdCMV-p53 transfer could more efficiently radiosensitize H1299 cells to subclinical-dose C-beam irradiation through the restoration of p53 function.


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BACKGROUND: The Lung Cancer Exercise Training Study (LUNGEVITY) is a randomized trial to investigate the efficacy of different types of exercise training on cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2peak), patient-reported outcomes, and the organ components that govern VO2peak in post-operative non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. METHODS/DESIGN: Using a single-center, randomized design, 160 subjects (40 patients/study arm) with histologically confirmed stage I-IIIA NSCLC following curative-intent complete surgical resection at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC) will be potentially eligible for this trial. Following baseline assessments, eligible participants will be randomly assigned to one of four conditions: (1) aerobic training alone, (2) resistance training alone, (3) the combination of aerobic and resistance training, or (4) attention-control (progressive stretching). The ultimate goal for all exercise training groups will be 3 supervised exercise sessions per week an intensity above 70% of the individually determined VO2peak for aerobic training and an intensity between 60 and 80% of one-repetition maximum for resistance training, for 30-45 minutes/session. Progressive stretching will be matched to the exercise groups in terms of program length (i.e., 16 weeks), social interaction (participants will receive one-on-one instruction), and duration (30-45 mins/session). The primary study endpoint is VO2peak. Secondary endpoints include: patient-reported outcomes (PROs) (e.g., quality of life, fatigue, depression, etc.) and organ components of the oxygen cascade (i.e., pulmonary function, cardiac function, skeletal muscle function). All endpoints will be assessed at baseline and postintervention (16 weeks). Substudies will include genetic studies regarding individual responses to an exercise stimulus, theoretical determinants of exercise adherence, examination of the psychological mediators of the exercise - PRO relationship, and exercise-induced changes in gene expression. DISCUSSION: VO2peak is becoming increasingly recognized as an outcome of major importance in NSCLC. LUNGEVITY will identify the optimal form of exercise training for NSCLC survivors as well as provide insight into the physiological mechanisms underlying this effect. Overall, this study will contribute to the establishment of clinical exercise therapy rehabilitation guidelines for patients across the entire NSCLC continuum. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00018255.


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In advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) platinum based chemotherapy with second generation drugs improves median survival (MS) to 8 months and 29% and 10% at 1 and 2 years. Platinum with a third generation drug can improve survival further (BMJ 1995;311: 899) (Spiro et al. Thorax 2004;59:828 Big Lung Trial; N Engl J Med 2003;346:92 ECOG study). NICE now recommends chemotherapy with platinum and a third generation drug for inoperable NSCLC as the first treatment modality. Methods: We audited survival of 176/461 consecutive patients referred for at least 3 courses of platinum and either gemcitabine or vinorelbine from July 2001 to December 2005. Minimal follow up 17 months. Chemotherapy was given on site. Radical radiotherapy for stage IIIA, palliative radiotherapy and second line drugs were given as felt appropriate. Results: 64% were male. 30 (17%) were <55 years ; 66 (37.5%) age 55–65 years; 63 (35.8%) aged 66–75 and 16 (9.1%) >75 years. 5 (2.8%) were stage II; 46 (26%) stage IIIA; 68 (38%) stage IIIB and 55 (30.8%) stage IV. 68 (38%) had 0– 2 courses; 63 (36%) 3 courses and 44 (25%) had 4 or more.


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Immunohistochemical studies on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue utilizing polyclonal antibodies form the cornerstone of many reports claiming to demonstrate erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) expression in malignant tissue. Recently, Elliott et al. (Blood 2006;107:1892-1895) reported that the antibodies commonly used to detect EPOR expression also detect non-EPOR proteins, and that their binding to EPOR was severely abrogated by two synthetic peptides based on the sequence of heat shock protein (HSP) 70, HSP70-2, and HSP70-5. We have investigated the specificity of the C20 antibody for detecting EPOR expression in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) utilizing tissue microarrays. A total of 34 cases were available for study. Antibody absorbed with peptide resulted in marked suppression of cytoplasmic staining compared with nonabsorbed antibody. Four tumors that initially showed a membranous pattern of staining retained this pattern with absorbed antibody. Positive membranous immunoreactivity was also observed in 6 of 30 tumors that originally showed a predominantly cytoplasmic pattern of staining. Using the C20 antibody for Western blots, we detected three main bands, at 100, 66, and 59 kDa. Preincubation with either peptide caused abolition of the 66-kDa band, which contains non-EPOR sequences including heat shock peptides. These results call into question the significance of previous immunohistochemical studies of EPOR expression in malignancy and emphasize the need for more specific anti-EPOR antibodies to define the true extent of EPOR expression in neoplastic tissue


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Background: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. At present no reliable biomarkers are available to guide the management of this condition. Microarray technology may allow appropriate biomarkers to be identified but present platforms are lacking disease focus and are thus likely to miss potentially vital information contained in patient tissue samples.


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Purpose: Positron emission tomography (PET), in addition to computed tomography (CT), has an effect in target volume definition for radical radiotherapy (RT) for non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In previously PET-CT staged patients with NSCLC, we assessed the effect of using an additional planning PET-CT scan for gross tumor volume (GTV) definition. Methods and Materials: A total of 28 patients with Stage IA-IIIB NSCLC were enrolled. All patients had undergone staging PET-CT to ensure suitability for radical RT. Of the 28 patients, 14 received induction chemotherapy. In place of a RT planning CT scan, patients underwent scanning on a PET-CT scanner. In a virtual planning study, four oncologists independently delineated the GTVon the CT scan alone and then on the PET-CTscan. Intraobserver and interobserver variability were assessed using the concordance index (CI), and the results were compared using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Results: PET-CT improved the CI between observers when defining the GTVusing the PET-CT images compared with using CTalone for matched cases (median CI, 0.57 for CTand 0.64 for PET-CT, p = .032). The median of the mean percentage of volume change from GTVCT to GTVFUSED was 5.21% for the induction chemotherapy group and 18.88% for the RT-alone group. Using the Mann-Whitney U test, this was significantly different (p = .001). Conclusion: PET-CT RT planning scan, in addition to a staging PET-CT scan, reduces interobserver variability in GTV definition for NSCLC. The GTV size with PET-CT compared with CT in the RT-alone group increased and was reduced in the induction chemotherapy group.


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Background: The bioenergetic status of non-small cell lung cancer correlates with tumour aggressiveness. The voltage dependent anion channel type 1 (VDAC1) is a component of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, regulates mitochondrial ATP/ADP exchange suggesting that its over-expression could be associated with energy dependent processes including increased proliferation and invasiveness. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an in vivo gene-expression meta-analysis of surgically resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using 602 individual expression profiles, to examine the impact of VDAC1 on survival.


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Purpose: F-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) has benefits in target volume (TV) definition in radiotherapy treatment planning (RTP) for non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC); however, an optimal protocol for TV delineation has not been determined. We investigate volumetric and positional variation in gross tumor volume (GTV) delineation using a planning PET/CT among three radiation oncologists and a PET radiologist.


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We found that procaspase 8 was overexpressed in non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) compared with matched normal tissues. The caspase 8 inhibitor FLICE-inhibitory protein (FLIP) was also overexpressed in the majority of NSCLCs. Silencing FLIP induced caspase 8 activation and apoptosis in NSCLC cell lines, but not in normal lung cell lines. Apoptosis induced by FLIP silencing was mediated by the TRAIL death receptors DR4 and DR5, but was not dependent on ligation of the receptors by TRAIL. Furthermore, the apoptosis induced by FLIP silencing was dependent on the overexpression of procaspase 8 in NSCLC cells. Moreover, in NSCLC cells, but not in normal cells, FLIP silencing induced co-localization of DR5 and ceramide, and disruption of this co-localization abrogated apoptosis. FLIP silencing supra-additively increased TRAIL-induced apoptosis of NSCLC cells; however, normal lung cells were resistant to TRAIL, even when FLIP was silenced. Importantly, FLIP silencing sensitized NSCLC cells but not normal cells to chemotherapy in vitro, and silencing FLIP in vivo retarded NSCLC xenograft growth and enhanced the anti-tumour effects of cisplatin. Collectively, our results suggest that due to frequent procaspase 8 overexpression, NSCLCs may be particularly sensitive to FLIP-targeted therapies.


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Evasion of apoptosis contributes to both tumourigenesis and drug resistance in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). The pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family proteins BAX and BAK are critical regulators of mitochondrial apoptosis. New strategies for targeting NSCLC in a mitochondria-independent manner should bypass this common mechanism of apoptosis block. BRCA1 mutation frequency in lung cancer is low; however, decreased BRCA1 mRNA and protein expression levels have been reported in a significant proportion of lung adenocarcinomas. BRCA1 mutation/deficiency confers a defect in homologous recombination DNA repair that has been exploited by synthetic lethality through inhibition of PARP (PARPi) in breast and ovarian cells; however, it is not known whether this same synthetic lethal mechanism exists in NSCLC cells. Additionally, it is unknown whether the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway is required for BRCA1/PARPi-mediated synthetic lethality. Here we demonstrate that silencing of BRCA1 expression by RNA interference sensitizes NSCLC cells to PARP inhibition. Importantly, this sensitivity was not attenuated in cells harbouring mitochondrial apoptosis block induced by co-depletion of BAX and BAK. Furthermore, we demonstrate that BRCA1 inhibition cannot override platinum resistance, which is often mediated by loss of mitochondrial apoptosis signalling, but can still sensitize to PARP inhibition. Finally we demonstrate the existence of a BRCA1-deficient subgroup (11-19%) of NSCLC patients by analysing BRCA1 protein levels using immunohistochemistry in two independent primary NSCLC cohorts. Taken together, the existence of BRCA1-immunodeficient NSCLC suggests that this molecular subgroup could be effectively targeted by PARP inhibitors in the clinic and that PARP inhibitors could be used for the treatment of BRCA1-immunodeficient, platinum-resistant tumours. Copyright (C) 2011 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.