893 resultados para NOES- Nose Only Exposure System


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Gangliosides, sialic acid-containing glycosphingolipids, are abundant in the vertebrate (mammalian) nervous system. Their composition is spatially and developmentally regulated, and gangliosides have been widely believed to lay essential roles in establishment of the nervous system, especially in neuritogenesis and synaptogenesis. However, this has never been tested directly. Here we report the generation of mice with a disrupted beta 1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GM2/GD2 synthase; EC gene. The mice lacked all complex gangliosides. Nevertheless, they did not show any major histological defects in their nervous systems or in gross behavior. Just a slight reduction in the neural conduction velocity from the tibial nerve to the somatosensory cortex, but not to the lumbar spine, was detected. These findings suggest that complex gangliosides are required in neuronal functions but not in the morphogenesis and organogenesis of the brain. The higher levels of GM3 and GD3 expressed in the brains of these mutant mice may be able to compensate for the lack of complex gangliosides.


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Il tatto assume un'importanza fondamentale nella vita quotidiana, in quanto ci permette di discriminare le caratteristiche fisiche di un oggetto specifico, di identificarlo e di eventualmente integrare le suddette informazioni tattili con informazioni provenienti da altri canali sensoriali. Questa è la componente sensoriale-discriminativa del tatto. Tuttavia quotidianamente il tatto assume un ruolo fondamentale durante le diverse interazioni sociali, positive, come quando abbracciamo o accarezziamo una persona con cui abbiamo un rapporto affettivo e negative, per esempio quando allontaniamo una persona estranea dal nostro spazio peri-personale. Questa componente è la cosiddetta dimensione affettiva-motivazionale, la quale determina la codifica della valenza emotiva che l'interazione assume. Questa componente ci permette di creare, mantenere o distruggere i legami sociali in relazione al significato che il tocco assume durante l'interazione. Se per esempio riceviamo una carezza da un familiare, questa verrà percepita come piacevole e assumerà un significato affiliativo. Questo tipo di tocco è comunente definito come Tocco Sociale (Social Touch). Gli aspetti discriminativi del tatto sono stati ben caratterizzati, in quanto storicamente, il ruolo del tatto è stato considerato quello di discriminare le caratteristiche di ciò che viene toccato, mentre gli aspetti affettivi sono stati solo recentemente indagati considerando la loro importanza nelle interazioni sociali. Il tocco statico responsabile dell'aspetto discriminante attiva a livello della pelle le grandi fibre mieliniche (Aβ), modulando a livello del sistema nervoso centrale le cortecce sensoriali, sia primarie che secondarie. Questo permette la codifica a livello del sistema nervoso centrale delle caratteristiche fisiche oggettive degli oggetti toccati. Studi riguardanti le caratteristiche del tocco affiliativo sociale hanno messo in evidenza che suddetta stimolazione tattile 1) è un particolare tocco dinamico che avviene sul lato peloso delle pelle con una velocità di 1-10 cm/sec; 2) attiva le fibre amieliniche (fibre CT o C-LTMRs); 3) induce positivi effetti autonomici, ad esempio la diminuzione della frequenza cardiaca e l'aumento della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca; e 4) determina la modulazione di regioni cerebrali coinvolte nella codifica del significato affiliativo dello stimolo sensoriale periferico, in particolare la corteccia insulare. Il senso del tatto, con le sue due dimensioni discriminativa e affiliativa, è quotidianamente usato non solo negli esseri umani, ma anche tra i primati non umani. Infatti, tutti i primati non umani utilizzano la componente discriminativa del tatto per identificare gli oggetti e il cibo e l'aspetto emotivo durante le interazioni sociali, sia negative come durante un combattimento, che positive, come durante i comportamenti affiliativi tra cui il grooming. I meccanismi di codifica della componente discriminativa dei primati non umani sono simili a quelli umani. Tuttavia, si conosce ben poco dei meccanismi alla base della codifica del tocco piacevole affiliativo. Pur essendo ben noto che i meccanorecettori amilienici C-LTMRs sono presenti anche sul lato peloso della pelle dei primati non umani, attualmente non ci sono studi riguardanti la correlazione tra il tocco piacevole e la loro modulazione, come invece è stato ampiamente dimostrato nell'uomo. Recentemente è stato ipotizzato (Dunbar, 2010) il ruolo delle fibre C-LTMRs durante il grooming, in particolare durante il cosiddetto swepping. Il grooming è costituito da due azioni motorie, lo sweeping e il picking che vengono eseguite in modo ritmico. Durante lo sweeping la scimmia agente muove il pelo della scimmia ricevente con un movimento a mano aperta, per poter vedere il preciso punto della pelle dove eseguire il picking, ovvero dove prendere la pelle a livello della radice del pelo con le unghie dell'indice e del pollice e tirare per rimuovere parassiti o uova di parassiti e ciò che è rimasto incastrato nel pelo. Oltre il noto ruolo igenico, il grooming sembra avere anche una importante funzione sociale affiliativa. Come la carezza nella società umana, cosi il grooming tra i primati non umani è considerato un comportamento. Secondo l'ipotesi di Dunbar l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs avverrebbe durante lo sweeping e questo porta a supporre che lo sweeping, come la carezza umana, costituisca una componente affiliativa del grooming, determinando quindi a contribuire alla sua codifica come comportamento sociale. Fino ad ora non vi è però alcuna prova diretta a sostegno di questa ipotesi. In particolare, 1) la velocità cui viene eseguito lo sweeping è compatibile con la velocità di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo e quindi con la velocità tipica della carezza piacevole di carattere sociale affiliativo (1-10 cm/sec)?; 2) lo sweeping induce la stessa modulazione del sistema nervoso autonomo in direzione della modulazione del sistema vagale, come il tocco piacevole nell'uomo, attraverso l'attivazione delle fibre CT?; 3) lo sweeping modula la corteccia insulare, cosi come il tocco piacevole viene codificato come affiliativo nell'uomo mediante le proiezioni delle fibre CT a livello dell'insula posteriore? Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quella di testare l'ipotesi di Dunbar sopra citata, cercando quindi di rispondere alle suddette domande. Le risposte potrebbero consentire di ipotizzare la somiglianza tra lo sweeping, caratteristico del comportamento affiliativo di grooming tra i primati non umani e la carezza. In particolare, abbiamo eseguito 4 studi pilota. Nello Studio 1 abbiamo valutato la velocità con cui viene eseguito lo sweeping tra scimmie Rhesus, mediante una analisi cinematica di video registrati tra un gruppo di scimmie Rhesus. Negli Studi 2 e 3 abbiamo valutato gli effetti sul sistema nervoso autonomo dello sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore su una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una tipica situazione sperimentale. La stimolazione tattile è stata eseguita a diverse velocità, in accordo con i risultati dello Studio 1 e degli studi umani che hanno dimostrato la velocità ottimale e non ottimale per l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs. In particolare, nello Studio 2 abbiamo misurato la frequenza cardiaca e la variabilità di questa, come indice della modulatione vagale, mentre nello Studio 3 abbiamo valutato gli effetti dello sweeping sul sistema nervoso autonomo in termini di variazioni di temperatura del corpo, nello specifico a livello del muso della scimmia. Infine, nello Studio 4 abbiamo studiato il ruolo della corteccia somatosensoriale secondaria e insulare nella codifica dello sweeping. A questo scopo abbiamo eseguito registrazioni di singoli neuroni mentre la medesima scimmia soggetto sperimentale dello Studio 2 e 3, riceveva lo sweeping a due velocità, una ottimale per l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs secondo gli studi umani e i risultati dei tre studi sopra citati, ed una non ottimale. I dati preliminari ottenuti, dimostrano che 1) (Studio 1) lo sweeping tra scimmie Rhesus viene eseguito con una velocità media di 9.31 cm/sec, all'interno dell'intervallo di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo; 2) (Studio 2) lo sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore sulla schiena di una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una situazione sperimentale determina una diminuzione della frequenza cardiaca e l'aumento della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca se eseguito alla velocità di 5 e 10 cm/sec. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità minore di 1 cm/sec o maggiore di 10 cm/sec, determina l'aumento della frequenza cardiaca e la diminuzione della variabilità di questa, quindi il decremento dell'attivazione del sistema nervoso parasimpatico; 3) (Studio 3) lo sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore sulla schiena di una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una situazione sperimentale determina l'aumento della temperatura corporea a livello del muso della scimmia se eseguito alla velocità di 5-10 cm/sec. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità minore di 5 cm/sec o maggiore di 10 cm/sec, determina la diminuzione della temperatura del muso; 4) (Studio 4) la corteccia somatosensoriale secondaria e la corteccia insulare posteriore presentano neuroni selettivamente modulati durante lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità di 5-13 cm/sec ma non neuroni selettivi per la codifica della velocità dello sweeping minore di 5 cm/sec. Questi risultati supportano l'ipotesi di Dunbar relativa al coinvolgimento delle fibre CT durante lo sweeping. Infatti i dati mettono in luce che lo sweeping viene eseguito con una velocità (9.31 cm/sec), simile a quella di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo (1-10 cm/sec), determina gli stessi effetti fisiologici positivi in termini di frequenza cardiaca (diminuzione) e variabilità della frequenza cardiaca (incremento) e la modulazione delle medesime aree a livello del sistema nervoso centrale (in particolare la corteccia insulare). Inoltre, abbiamo dimostrato per la prima volta che suddetta stimolazione tattile determina l'aumento della temperatura del muso della scimmia. Il presente studio rappresenta la prima prova indiretta dell'ipotesi relativa alla modulazione del sistema delle fibre C-LTMRs durante lo sweeping e quindi della codifica della stimolazione tattile piacevole affiliativa a livello del sistema nervoso centrale ed autonomo, nei primati non umani. I dati preliminari qui presentati evidenziano la somiglianza tra il sistema delle fibre CT dell'uomo e del sistema C-LTMRs nei primati non umano, riguardanti il Social Touch. Nonostante ciò abbiamo riscontrato alcune discrepanze tra i risultati da noi ottenuti e quelli invece ottenuti dagli studi umani. La velocità media dello sweeping è di 9.31 cm / sec, rasente il limite superiore dell’intervallo di velocità che attiva le fibre CT nell'uomo. Inoltre, gli effetti autonomici positivi, in termini di battito cardiaco, variabilità della frequenza cardiaca e temperatura a livello del muso, sono stati evidenziati durante lo sweeping eseguito con una velocità di 5 e 10 cm/sec, quindi al limite superiore dell’intervallo ottimale che attiva le fibre CT nell’uomo. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito con una velocità inferiore a 5 cm/sec e superiore a 10 cm/sec determina effetti fisiologici negativo. Infine, la corteccia insula sembra essere selettivamente modulata dallo stimolazione eseguita alla velocità di 5-13 cm/sec, ma non 1-5 cm/sec. Quindi, gli studi sul sistema delle fibre CT nell’uomo hanno dimostrato che la velocità ottimale è 1-10 cm/sec, mentre dai nostri risultati la velocità ottimale sembra essere 5-13 cm / sec. Quindi, nonostante l'omologia tra il sistema delle fibre CT nell'umano deputato alla codifica del tocco piacevole affiliativo ed il sistema delle fibre C-LTMRs nei primati non umani, ulteriori studi saranno necessari per definire con maggiore precisione la velocità ottimale di attivazione delle fibre C-LTMR e per dimostrare direttamente la loro attivazione durante lo sweeping, mediante la misurazione diretta della loro modulazione. Studi in questa direzione potranno confermare l'omologia tra lo sweeping in qualità di tocco affiliativo piacevole tra i primati non umani e la carezza tra gli uomini. Infine, il presente studio potrebbe essere un importante punto di partenza per esplorare il meccanismo evolutivo dietro la trasformazione dello sweeping tra primati non umani, azione utilitaria eseguita durante il grooming, a carezza, gesto puramente affiliativo tra gli uomini.


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Current opinion contends that complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors play a role in the etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD). Cigarette smoking is thought to reduce risk of PD, and emerging evidence suggests that genetic factors may modulate smoking's effect. We used a case-only design, an approach not previously used to study gene-environment interactions in PD, specifically to study interactions between glutathione-S-transferase (GST) gene polymorphisms and smoking in relation to PD. Four-hundred PD cases (age at onset: 60.0 +/- 10.7 years) were genotyped for common polymorphisms in GSTM1, PI, T1 and Z1 using well-established methods. Smoking exposure data were collected in face-to-face interviews. The independence of the studied GST genotypes and smoking exposure was confirmed by studying 402 healthy, aged individuals. No differences were observed in the distributions of GSTM1, T1 or Z1 polymorphisms between ever-smoked and never-smoked PD cases using logistic regression (all P > 0.43). However, GSTP1 *C haplotypes were over-represented among PD cases who ever smoked (odds ratio for interaction (ORi) = 2.00 (95% Cl: 1.11-3.60, P = 0.03)). Analysis revealed that ORi between smoking and the GSTP1-114Val carrier status increased with increasing smoking dose (P = 0.02 for trend). These data suggest that one or more GSTP1 polymorphisms may interact with cigarette smoking to influence the risk for PD. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) is a telecommunications system widely used by police and emergency services around the world. The Stewart Report on mobile telephony and health raised questions about possible health effects associated with TETRA signals. This study investigates possible effects of TETRA signals on the electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram in human volunteers. METHODS: Blinded randomized provocation study with a standardized TETRA signal or sham exposure. In the first of two experiments, police officers had a TETRA set placed first against the left temple and then the upper-left quadrant of the chest and the electroencephalogram was recorded during rest and active cognitive processing. In the second experiment, volunteers were subject to chest exposure of TETRA whilst their electroencephalogram and heart rate variability derived from the electrocardiogram were recorded. RESULTS: In the first experiment, we found that exposure to TETRA had consistent neurophysiological effects on the electroencephalogram, but only during chest exposure, in a pattern suggestive of vagal nerve stimulation. In the second experiment, we observed changes in heart rate variability during exposure to TETRA but the electroencephalogram effects were not replicated. CONCLUSIONS: Observed effects of exposure to TETRA signals on the electroencephalogram (first experiment) and electrocardiogram are consistent with vagal nerve stimulation in the chest by TETRA. However given the small effect on heart rate variability and the lack of consistency on the electroencephalogram, it seems unlikely that this will have a significant impact on health. Long-term monitoring of the health of the police force in relation to TETRA use is on-going.


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The etiology of central nervous system tumors (CNSTs) is mainly unknown. Aside from extremely rare genetic conditions, such as neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis, the only unequivocally identified risk factor is exposure to ionizing radiation, and this explains only a very small fraction of cases. Using meta-analysis, gene networking and bioinformatics methods, this dissertation explored the hypothesis that environmental exposures produce genetic and epigenetic alterations that may be involved in the etiology of CNSTs. A meta-analysis of epidemiological studies of pesticides and pediatric brain tumors revealed a significantly increased risk of brain tumors among children whose mothers had farm-related exposures during pregnancy. A dose response was recognized when this risk estimate was compared to those for risk of brain tumors from maternal exposure to non-agricultural pesticides during pregnancy, and risk of brain tumors among children exposed to agricultural activities. Through meta-analysis of several microarray studies which compared normal tissue to astrocytomas, we were able to identify a list of 554 genes which were differentially expressed in the majority of astrocytomas. Many of these genes have in fact been implicated in development of astrocytoma, including EGFR, HIF-1α, c-Myc, WNT5A, and IDH3A. Reverse engineering of these 554 genes using Bayesian network analysis produced a gene network for each grade of astrocytoma (Grade I-IV), and ‘key genes’ within each grade were identified. Genes found to be most influential to development of the highest grade of astrocytoma, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) were: COL4A1, EGFR, BTF3, MPP2, RAB31, CDK4, CD99, ANXA2, TOP2A, and SERBP1. Lastly, bioinformatics analysis of environmental databases and curated published results on GBM was able to identify numerous potential pathways and geneenvironment interactions that may play key roles in astrocytoma development. Findings from this research have strong potential to advance our understanding of the etiology and susceptibility to CNSTs. Validation of our ‘key genes’ and pathways could potentially lead to useful tools for early detection and novel therapeutic options for these tumors.


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Numerous studies have found a positive connection between learners’ motivation towards foreign language and foreign language achievement. The present study examines the role of motivation in receptive vocabulary breadth (size) of two groups of Spanish learners of different ages, but all with 734 hours of instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL): a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) group in primary education and a non-CLIL (or EFL) group in secondary education. Most students in both groups were found to be highly motivated. The primary CLIL group slightly overcame the secondary non-CLIL group with respect to the mean general motivation but this is a non-significant difference. The secondary group surpass significantly the primary group in receptive vocabulary size. No relationship between the receptive vocabulary knowledge and general motivation is found in the primary CLIL group. On the other hand, a positive significant connection, although a very small one, is identified for the secondary non-CLIL group. We will discuss on the type of test, the age of students and the type of instruction as variables that could be influencing the results.


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Background: Very few studies regarding fungal and particulate matter (PM) exposure in feed industry have been reported, although such contaminants are likely to be a significant contributing factor to several symptoms reported among workers. The purpose of this study has been to characterize fungal and dust exposure in one Portuguese feed industry. Material and Methods: Air and surface samples were collected and subject to further macro- and microscopic observations. In addition we collected other air samples in order to perform real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of genes from Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus complexes as well as Stachybotrys chartarum. Additionally, two exposure metrics were considered – particle mass concentration (PMC), measured in 5 different sizes (PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5, PM10), and particle number concentration (PNC) based on results given in 6 different sizes in terms of diameter (0.3 μm, 0.5 μm, 1 μm, 2.5 μm, 5 μm and 10 μm). Results: Species from the Aspergillus fumigatus complex were the most abundant in air (46.6%) and in surfaces, Penicillium genus was the most frequently found (32%). The only DNA was detected from A. fumigatus complex. The most prevalent in dust samples were smaller particles which may reach deep into the respiratory system and trigger not only local effects but also the systemic ones. Conclusions: Future research work must be developed aiming at assessing the real health effects of these co-exposures.


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Viruses play a key role in the complex aetiology of bovine respiratory disease (BRD). Bovine viral diarrhoea virus 1 (BVDV-1) is widespread in Australia and has been shown to contribute to BRD occurrence. As part of a prospective longitudinal study on BRD, effects of exposure to BVDV-1 on risk of BRD in Australian feedlot cattle were investigated. A total of 35,160 animals were enrolled at induction (when animals were identified and characteristics recorded), held in feedlot pens with other cattle (cohorts) and monitored for occurrence of BRD over the first 50 days following induction. Biological samples collected from all animals were tested to determine which animals were persistently infected (PI) with BVDV-1. Data obtained from the Australian National Livestock Identification System database were used to determine which groups of animals that were together at the farm of origin and at 28 days prior to induction (and were enrolled in the study) contained a PI animal and hence to identify animals that had probably been exposed to a PI animal prior to induction. Multi-level Bayesian logistic regression models were fitted to estimate the effects of exposure to BVDV-1 on the risk of occurrence of BRD.Although only a total of 85 study animals (0.24%) were identified as being PI with BVDV-1, BVDV-1 was detected on quantitative polymerase chain reaction in 59% of cohorts. The PI animals were at moderately increased risk of BRD (OR 1.9; 95% credible interval 1.0-3.2). Exposure to BVDV-1 in the cohort was also associated with a moderately increased risk of BRD (OR 1.7; 95% credible interval 1.1-2.5) regardless of whether or not a PI animal was identified within the cohort. Additional analyses indicated that a single quantitative real-time PCR test is useful for distinguishing PI animals from transiently infected animals.The results of the study suggest that removal of PI animals and/or vaccination, both before feedlot entry, would reduce the impact of BVDV-1 on BRD risk in cattle in Australian feedlots. Economic assessment of these strategies under Australian conditions is required. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.


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Tropospheric ozone (O3), a main component of photochemical oxidants, adversely affects not only human health but also vegetation. To clarify the long-term effects of ambient levels of tropospheric ozone (O3) on photosynthetic components and radical scavenging system in the leaves of cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata L.), two African varieties, Blackeye and Asontem, were grown in open-top chambers and exposed to filtered air (FA), non-filtered air (NF) or non-filtered air with additional O3 of approximately 50 nl l-1. Ambient levels of O3 significantly reduced chlorophyll concentration, quantum yield and activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), thus contributing to the reduction in net photosynthetic rate at the reproductive growth stage of both varieties; with no significant variety difference in the sensitivity to O3. The O3-induced significant reduction in catalase activity was observed in Blackeye at vegetative and reproductive growth stages; and in Asontem at reproductive growth stage. On the other hand, exposure to O3 significantly increased ascorbate peroxidase activity in Blackeye at reproductive stage and did not significantly affect that in Blackeye at vegetative growth stage and that in Asontem at both growth stages. At reproductive growth stage, activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase were significantly increased by the exposure to O3 in both varieties. The results obtained in this study suggest that, although ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase played important roles in scavenging O3-induced reactive oxygen species in the leaves, radical scavenging ability of these enzymes is not sufficient to avoid detrimental effects of ambient levels of O3 on photosynthesis in both African cowpea varieties.


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The specific mechanisms by which selective pressures affect individuals are often difficult to resolve. In tephritid fruit flies, males respond strongly and positively to certain plant derived chemicals. Sexual selection by female choice has been hypothesized as the mechanism driving this behaviour in certain species, as females preferentially mate with males that have fed on these chemicals. This hypothesis is, to date, based on studies of only very few species and its generality is largely untested. We tested the hypothesis on different spatial scales (small cage and seminatural field-cage) using the monophagous fruit fly, Bactrocera cacuminata. This species is known to respond to methyl eugenol (ME), a chemical found in many plant species and one upon which previous studies have focused. Contrary to expectation, no obvious female choice was apparent in selecting ME-fed males over unfed males as measured by the number of matings achieved over time, copulation duration, or time of copulation initiation. However, the number of matings achieved by ME-fed males was significantly greater than unfed males 16 and 32 days after exposure to ME in small cages (but not in a field-cage). This delayed advantage suggests that ME may not influence the pheromone system of B. cacuminata but may have other consequences, acting on some other fitness consequence (e.g., enhancement of physiology or survival) of male exposure to these chemicals. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary implications of our findings to explore alternate hypotheses to explain the patterns of response of dacine fruit flies to specific plant-derived chemicals.


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Banana bunchy top is regarded as the most important viral disease of banana, causing significant yield losses worldwide. The disease is caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), which is a circular ssDNA virus belonging to the genus Babuvirus in the family Nanoviridae. There are currently few effective control strategies for this and other ssDNA viruses. “In Plant Activation” (InPAct) is a novel technology being developed at QUT for ssDNA virus-activated suicide gene expression. The technology exploits the rolling circle replication mechanism of ssDNA viruses and is based on a unique “split” gene design such that suicide gene expression is only activated in the presence of the viral Rep. This PhD project aimed to develop a BBTV-based InPAct system as a suicide gene strategy to control BBTV. The BBTV-based InPAct vector design requires a BBTV intergenic region (IR) to be embedded within an intron in the gene expression cassette. To ensure that the BBTV IR would not interfere with intron splicing, a TEST vector was initially generated that contained the entire BBTV IR embedded within an intron in a β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression vector. Transient GUS assays in banana embryogenic cell suspensions indicated that cryptic intron splice sites were present within the IR. Transcript analysis revealed two cryptic intron splice sites in the Domain III sequence of the CR-M within the IR. Removal of the CR-M from the TEST vector resulted in an enhancement of GUS expression suggesting that the cryptic intron splice sites had been removed. An InPAct GUS vector was subsequently generated that contained the modified BBTV IR, with the CR-M (minus Domain III) repositioned within the InPAct cassette. Using transient histochemical and fluorometric GUS assays in banana embryogenic cells, the InPAct GUS vector was shown to be activated in the presence of the BBTV Rep. However, the presence of both BBTV Rep and Clink was shown to have a deleterious effect on GUS expression suggesting that these proteins were cytotoxic at the levels expressed. Analysis of replication of the InPAct vectors by Southern hybridisation revealed low levels of InPAct cassette-based episomal DNA released from the vector through the nicking/ligation activity of BBTV Rep. However, Rep-mediated episomal replicons, indicative of rolling circle replication of the released circularised cassettes, were not observed. The inability of the InPAct cassette to be replicated was further investigated. To examine whether the absence of Domain III of the CR-M was responsible, a suite of modified BBTV-based InPAct GUS vectors was constructed that contained the CR-M with the inclusion of Domain III, the CR-M with the inclusion of Domain III and additional upstream IR sequence, or no CR-M. Analysis of replication by Southern hybridisation revealed that neither the presence of Domain III, nor the entire CR-M, had an effect on replication levels. Since the InPAct cassette was significantly larger than the native BBTV genomic components (approximately 1 kb), the effect of InPAct cassette size on replication was also investigated. A suite of size variant BBTV-based vectors was constructed that increased the size of a replication competent cassette to 1.1 kbp through to 2.1 kbp.. Analysis of replication by Southern hybridisation revealed that an increase in vector size above approximately 1.5 - 1.7 kbp resulted in a decrease in replication. Following the demonstration of Rep-mediated release, circularisation and expression from the InPAct GUS vector, an InPAct vector was generated in which the uidA reporter gene was replaced with the ribonuclease-encoding suicide gene, barnase. Initially, a TEST vector was generated to assess the cytotoxicity of Barnase on banana cells. Although transient assays revealed a Barnase-induced cytotoxic effect in banana cells, the expression levels were sub-optimal. An InPAct BARNASE vector was generated and tested for BBTV Rep-activated Barnase expression using transient assays in banana embryogenic cells. High levels of background expression from the InPAct BARNASE vector made it difficult to accurately assess Rep-activated Barnase expression. Analysis of replication by Southern hybridisation revealed low levels of InPAct cassette-based episomal DNA released from the vector but no Rep-mediated episomal replicons indicative of rolling circle replication of the released circularised cassettes were again observed. Despite the inability of the InPAct vectors to replicate to enable high level gene expression, the InPAct BARNASE vector was assessed in planta for BBTV Rep-mediated activation of Barnase expression. Eleven lines of transgenic InPAct BARNASE banana plants were generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and were challenged with viruliferous Pentalonia nigronervosa. At least one clonal plant in each line developed bunchy top symptoms and infection was confirmed by PCR. No localised lesions were observed on any plants, nor was there any localised GUS expression in the one InPAct GUS line challenged with viruliferous aphids. The results presented in this thesis are the first study towards the development of a BBTV-based InPAct system as a Rep-activatable suicide gene expression system to control BBTV. Although further optimisation of the vectors is necessary, the preliminary results suggest that this approach has the potential to be an effective control strategy for BBTV. The use of iterons within the InPAct vectors that are recognised by Reps from different ssDNA plant viruses may provide a broad-spectrum resistance strategy against multiple ssDNA plant viruses. Further, this technology holds great promise as a platform technology for the molecular farming of high-value proteins in vitro or in vivo through expression of the ssDNA virus Rep protein.


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Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are now seen as a contemporary health problem in Australia with possible widespread health effects not limited to bone health1. Despite this, the Vitamin D status (measured as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)) of ambulatory adults has been overlooked in this country. Serum 25(OH)D status is especially important among this group as studies have shown a link between Vitamin D and fall risk in older adults2. Limited data also exists on the contributions of sun exposure via ultraviolet radiation and dietary intake to serum 25(OH)D status in this population. The aims of this project were to assess the serum 25(OH)D status of a group of older ambulatory adults in South East Queensland, to assess the association between their serum 25(OH)D status and functional measures as possible indicators of fall risk, obtain data on the sources of Vitamin D in this population and assess whether this intake was related to serum 25(OH)D status and describe sun protection and exposure behaviors in this group and investigate whether a relationship existed between these and serum 25(OH)D status. The collection of this data assists in addressing key gaps identified in the literature with regard to this population group and their Vitamin D status in Australia. A representative convenience sample of participants (N=47) over 55 years of age was recruited for this cross-sectional, exploratory study which was undertaken in December 2007 in south-east Queensland (Brisbane and Sunshine coast). Participants were required to complete a sun exposure questionnaire in addition to a Calcium and Vitamin D food frequency questionnaire. Timed up and go and handgrip dynamometry tests were used to examine functional capacity. Serum 25(OH)D status and blood measures of Calcium, Phosphorus and Albumin were determined through blood tests. The Mean and Median serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) for all participants in this study was 85.8nmol/L (Standard Deviation 29.7nmol/L) and 81.0nmol/L (Range 22-158nmol/L), respectively. Analysis at the bivariate level revealed a statistically significant relationship between serum 25(OH)D status and location, with participants living on the Sunshine Coast having a mean serum 25(OH)D status 21.3nmol/L higher than participants living in Brisbane (p=0.014). While at the descriptive level there was an apparent trend towards higher outdoor exposure and increasing levels of serum 25(OH)D, no statistically significant associations between the sun measures of outdoor exposure, sun protection behaviors and phenotypic characteristics and serum 25(OH)D status were observed. Intake of both Calcium and Vitamin D was low in this sample with sixty-eight (68%) of participants not meeting the Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) for Calcium (Median=771.0mg; Range=218.0-2616.0mg), while eighty-seven (87%) did not meet the Adequate Intake for Vitamin D (Median=4.46ug; Range=0.13-30.0ug). This raises the question of how realistic meeting the new Adequate Intakes for Vitamin D is, when there is such a low level of Vitamin D fortification in this country. However, participants meeting the Adequate Intake (AI) for Vitamin D were observed to have a significantly higher serum 25(OH)D status compared to those not meeting the AI for Vitamin D (p=0.036), showing that meeting the AI for Vitamin D may play a significant role in determining Vitamin D status in this population. By stratifying our data by categories of outdoor exposure time, a trend was observed between increased importance of Vitamin D dietary intake as a possible determinant of serum 25(OH)D status in participants with lower outdoor exposures. While a trend towards higher Timed Up and Go scores in participants with higher 25(OH) D status was seen, this was only significant for females (p=0.014). Handgrip strength showed statistically significant association with serum 25(OH)D status. The high serum 25(OH)D status in our sample almost certainly explains the limited relationship between functional measures and serum 25(OH)D. However, the observation of an association between slower Time Up and Go speeds, and lower serum 25(OH)D levels, even with a small sample size, is significant as slower Timed Up and Go speeds have been associated with increased fall risk in older adults3. Multivariable regression analysis revealed Location as the only significant determinant of serum 25(OH)D status at p=0.014, with trends (p=>0.1) for higher serum 25(OH)D being shown for participants that met the AI for Vitamin D and rated themselves as having a higher health status. The results of this exploratory study show that 93.6% of participants had adequate 25(OH)D status-possibly due to measurement being taken in the summer season and the convenience nature of the sample. However, many participants do not meet their dietary Calcium and Vitamin D requirements, which may indicate inadequate intake of these nutrients in older Australians and a higher risk of osteoporosis. The relationship between serum 25(OH)D and functional measures in this population also requires further study, especially in older adults displaying Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency.


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Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) results in both damaging and beneficial health outcomes. Excessive UV exposure has been linked to many skin and eye problems, but moderate exposure induces vitamin D production. It has been reported that humans receive 90-95% of their vitamin D from production that starts after UV exposure. Although it is possible to acquire vitamin D through dietary supplementation, the average person receives very little in this manner. Therefore, since most people acquire their vitamin D from synthesis after exposure to UV from sunlight, it is very important to understand the different environments in which people encounter UV. This project measured UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production in the urban canyon and at a nearby suburban location. The urban canyon is an environment consisting of tall buildings and tropospheric air pollution, which have an attenuating effect on UV. Typically, UV measurements are collected in areas outside the urban canyon, meaning that at times studies and public recommendations do not accurately represent the amount of UV reaching street-level in highly urbanized areas. Understanding of UV exposure in urban canyons becomes increasingly important as the number of people working and living in large cities steadily increases worldwide. This study was conducted in the central business district (CBD) of Brisbane, Australia, which models the urban canyons of large cities around the world in that it boasts a great number of tall buildings, including many skyscrapers, meaning that most areas only see a small amount of direct sunlight each day. During the winter of 2007 measurements of UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production were collected in the CBD and at a suburban site approximately 2.5km outside the CBD. Air pollution data was obtained from a central CBD measurement site. Data analysis showed that urban canyon measurements of both UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production were significantly lower than those collected at the suburban site. These results will aid both future researchers and policy makers in better understanding human UV exposure in Brisbane’s CBD and other urban canyons around the world.


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Introduction : For the past decade, three dimensional (3D) culture has served as a foundation for regenerative medicine study. With an increasing awareness of the importance of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions which are lacking in 2D culture system, 3D culture system has been employed for many other applications namely cancer research. Through development of various biomaterials and utilization of tissue engineering technology, many in vivo physiological responses are now better understood. The cellular and molecular communication of cancer cells and their microenvironment, for instance can be studied in vitro in 3D culture system without relying on animal models alone. Predilection of prostate cancer (CaP) to bone remains obscure due to the complexity of the mechanisms and lack of proper model for the studies. In this study, we aim to investigate the interaction between CaP cells and osteoblasts simulating the natural bone metastasis. We also further investigate the invasiveness of CaP cells and response of androgen sensitve CaP cells, LNCaP to synthetic androgen.----- Method : Human osteoblast (hOB) scaffolds were prepared by seeding hOB on medical grade polycaprolactone-tricalcium phosphate (mPLC-TCP) scaffolds and induced to produce bone matrix. CaP cell lines namely wild type PC3 (PC3-N), overexpressed prostate specific antigen PC3 (PC3k3s5) and LNCaP were seeded on hOB scaffolds as co-cultures. Morphology of cells was examined by Phalloidin-DAPI and SEM imaging. Gelatin zymography was performed on the 48 hours conditioned media (CM) from co-cultures to determine matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity. Gene expression of hOB/LNCaP co-cultures which were treated for 48 hours with 1nM synthetic androgen R1881 were analysed by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR).----- Results : Co-culture of PCC/hOB revealed that the morphology of PCCs on the tissue engineered bone matrix varied from homogenous to heterogenous clusters. Enzymatically inactive pro-MMP2 was detected in CM from hOBs and PCCs cultured on scaffolds. Elevation in MMP9 activity was found only in hOB/PC3N co-culture. hOB/LNCaP co-culture showed increase in expression of key enzymes associated with steroid production which also corresponded to an increase in prostate specific antigen (PSA) and MMP9.----- Conclusions : Upregulation of MMP9 indicates involvement of ECM degradation during cancer invasion and bone metastases. Expression of enzymes involved in CaP progression, PSA, which is not expressed in osteoblasts, demonstrates that crosstalk between PCCs and osteoblasts may play a part in the aggressiveness of CaP. The presence of steroidogenic enzymes, particularly, RDH5, in osteoblasts and stimulated expression in co-culture, may indicate osteoblast production of potent androgens, fuelling cancer cell proliferation. Based on these results, this practical 3D culture system may provide greater understanding into CaP mediated bone metastasis. This allows the role of the CaP/hOB interaction with regards to invasive property and steroidogenesis to be further explored.