996 resultados para NETTRA-P2.


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The penetration of marbofloxacin into tonsils was assessed in fattening pigs. Two different dosages were used to treat the animals: 2 mg/kg b.w. every 24 hours during 3 days (P1 group) and 4 mg/kg b.w. every 48 hours two times (P2 group. A ratio between the mean tonsillar concentration of marbofloxacin for both doses 24 hours after the last administration (0.5 and 0.7 µgr/mL) and its MIC90 for APP (0.03 µgr/mL) was calculated. These Ratio values were 16.6 and 23.3 for P1 and P2 group.


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OBJECTIVES: Residual mitral regurgitation after valve repair worsens patients' clinical outcome. Postimplant adjustable mitral rings potentially address this issue, allowing the reshaping of the annulus on the beating heart under echocardiography control. We developed an original mitral ring allowing valve geometry remodelling after the implantation and designed an animal study to assess device effectiveness in correcting residual mitral regurgitation. METHODS: The device consists of two concentric rings: one internal and flexible, sutured to the mitral annulus and a second external and rigid. A third conic element slides between the two rings, modifying the shape of the flexible ring. This sliding element is remotely activated with a rotating tool. Animal model: in adult swine, under cardio pulmonary bypass and cardiac arrest, we shortened the primary chordae of P2 segment to reproduce Type III regurgitation and implanted the active ring. We used intracardiac ultrasound to assess mitral regurgitation and the efficacy of the active ring to correct it. RESULTS: Severe mitral regurgitation (3+ and 4+) was induced in eight animals, 54 ± 6 kg in weight. Vena contracta width decreased from 0.8 ± 0.2 to 0.1 cm; proximal isovelocity surface area radius decreased from 0.8 ± 0.2 to 0.1 cm and effective regurgitant orifice area decreased from 0.50 ± 0.1 to 0.1 ± 0.1 cm(2). Six animals had a reversal of systolic pulmonary flow that normalized following the activation of the device. All corrections were reversible. CONCLUSIONS: Postimplant adjustable mitral ring corrects severe mitral regurgitation through the reversible modification of the annulus geometry on the beating heart. It addresses the frequent and morbid issue of recurrent mitral valve regurgitation.


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Another additional peculiarity in Leishmania will be discussed about of the amino acid divergence rate of three structural proteins: acidic ribosomal P1 and P2b proteins, and histone H3 by using multiple sequence alignment and dendrograms. These structural proteins present a high rate of divergence regarding to their homologous protein in Trypanosoma cruzi. At this regard, L. (V.) peruviana P1 and T. cruzi P1 showed 57.4% of divergence rate. Likewise, L. (V.) braziliensis histone H3 and acidic ribosomal P2 protein exhibited 31.8% and 41.7% respectively of rate of divergence in comparison with their homologous in T. cruzi.


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Melanoma-associated genes (MAGEs) encode tumor-specific antigens that can be recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. To investigate the interaction of the HLA-A1-restricted MAGE-1 peptide 161-169 (EADPT-GHSY) with HLA class I molecules, photoreactive derivatives were prepared by single amino acid substitution with N beta-[iodo-4-azidosalicyloyl]-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid. These derivatives were tested for their ability to bind to, and to photoaffinity-label, HLA-A1 on C1R.A1 cells. Only the derivatives containing the photoreactive amino acid in position 1 or 7 fulfilled both criteria. Testing the former derivative on 14 lymphoid cell lines expressing over 44 different HLA class I molecules indicated that it efficiently photoaffinity-labeled not only HLA-A1, but possibility also HLA-A29 and HLA-B44. MAGE peptide binding by HLA-A29 and HLA-B44 was confirmed by photoaffinity labeling with photoreactive MAGE-3 peptide derivatives on C1R.A29 and C1R.B44 cells, respectively. The different photoaffinity labeling systems were used to access the ability of the homologous peptides derived from MAGE-1, -2, -3, -4a, -4b, -6, and -12 to bind to HLA-A1, HLA-A29, and HLA-B44. All but the MAGE-2 and MAGE-12 nonapeptides efficiently inhibited photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A1, which is in agreement with the known HLA-A1 peptide-binding motif (acidic residue in P3 and C-terminal tyrosine). In contrast, photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A29 was efficiently inhibited by these as well as by the MAGE-3 and MAGE-6 nonapeptides. Finally, the HLA-B44 photoaffinity labeling, unlike the HLA-A1 and HLA-A29 labeling, was inhibited more efficiently by the corresponding MAGE decapeptides, which is consistent with the reported HLA-B44 peptide-binding motif (glutamic acid in P2, and C-terminal tyrosine or phenylalanine). The overlapping binding of homologous MAGE peptides by HLA-A1, A29, and B44 is based on different binding principles and may have implications for immunotherapy of MAGE-positive tumors.


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La majorité des organelles d'une cellule adaptent leur nombre et leur taille pendant les processus de division cellulaire, de trafic vésiculaire ou suite à des changements environnementaux par des processus de fusion et de fragmentation membranaires. Ceci est valable notamment pour le golgi, les mitochondries, les péroxisomes et les lysosomes. La vacuole est le compartiment terminal de la voie endocytaire dans la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae\ elle correspond aux lysosomes des cellules mammifères. Suite à un choc hyperosmotique, la vacuole se fragmente en plusieurs petites vésicules. Durant ce projet, cette fragmentation a été étudiée en utilisant la technique de microscopie confocale in vivo. J'ai observé que la division de la vacuole se produit d'une façon asymétrique. La première minute après le choc osmotique, les vacuoles rétrécissent et forment des longues invaginations tubulaires. Cette phase est dépendante de la protéine Vps1, un membre de la famille des protéines apparentées à la dynamine, ainsi que d'un gradient transmembranaire de protons. Pendant les 10-15 minutes qui suivent, des vésicules se détachent dans les régions où l'on observe les invaginations pendant la phase initiale. Cette deuxième phase qui mène à la fission des nouveaux compartiments vacuolaires dépend de la production du lipide PI(3,5)P2 par la protéine Fab1. J'ai établi la suite des événements du processus de fragmentation des vacuoles et propose la possibilité d'un rôle régulateur de la protéine kinase cycline-dépendante Pho85.¦En outre, j'ai tenté d'éclaircir plus spécifiquement le rôle de Vps1 pendant la fusion et fission des vacuoles. J'ai trouvé que tous les deux processus sont dépendants de l'activité GTPase de cette protéine. De plus l'association avec la membrane vacuolaire paraît régulée par le cycle d'hydrolyse du GTP. Vps1 peut lier la membrane sans la présence d'un autre facteur protéinique, ce qui permet de conclure à une interaction directe avec des lipides de la membrane. Cette interaction est au moins partiellement effectuée par le domaine GTPase, ce qui est une nouveauté pour un membre de cette famille de protéines. Une deuxième partie de Vps1, nommée insert B, est impliquée dans la liaison à la vacuole, soit par interaction directe avec la membrane, soit par régulation du domaine GTPase. En assumant que Vps1 détienne deux régions capables de liaison aux membranes, je conclus qu'elle pourrait fonctionner comme facteur de « tethering » lors de la fusion des vacuoles.¦-¦La cellule contient plusieurs sous-unités, appelées organelles, possédant chacune une fonction spécifique. Dépendant des processus qui s'y déroulent à l'intérieur, un environnement chimique spécifique est requis. Pour maintenir ces différentes conditions, les organelles sont séparées par des membranes. Lors de la division cellulaire ou en adaptation à des changements de milieu, les organelles doivent être capables de modifier leur morphologie. Cette adaptation a souvent lieu par fusion ou division des organelles. Le même principe est valable pour la vacuole dans la levure. La vacuole est une organelle qui sert principalement au stockage des aliments et à la dégradation des différents composants cellulaires. Alors que la fusion des vacuoles est un processus déjà bien décrit, la fragmentation des vacuoles a jusqu'ici été peu étudiée. Elle peut être induit par un choc osmotique: à cause de la concentration de sel élevé dans le milieu, le cytosol de la levure perd de l'eau. Par un flux d'eau de la vacuole au cytosol, la cellule est capable d'équilibrer celui-ci. Quand la vacuole perd du volume, elle doit réadapter le rapport entre surface membranaire et volume, ce qui se fait efficacement par une fragmentation d'une grande vacuole en plusieurs petites vésicules. Comment ce processus se déroule d'un point de vue morphologique n'a pas été décrit jusqu'à présent. En analysant la fragmentation vacuolaire par microscopie, j'ai trouvé que celle-ci se déroule en deux phases. Pendant la première minute suivant le choc osmotique, les vacuoles rétrécissent et forment des longues invaginations tubulaires. Cette phase dépend de la protéine Vps1, un membre de la famille des protéines apparentées à la dynamine, ainsi que du gradient transmembranaire de protons. Ce gradient s'établit par une pompe membranaire, la V-ATPase, qui transporte des protons dans la vacuole en utilisant l'énergie libérée par hydrolyse d'ATP. Après cette phase initiale, la formation de nouvelles vésicules vacuolaires dépend de la synthèse du lipide PI(3,5)P2.¦Dans la deuxième partie de l'étude, j'ai tenté de décrire comment Vps1 lie la membrane pour effectuer un remodelage de la vacuole. Vps1 est nécessaire pour la fusion et la fragmentation des vacuoles. J'ai découvert que tous les deux processus dépendent de sa capacité d'hydrolyser du GTP. Ainsi l'association avec la membrane est couplée au cycle d'hydrolyse du GTP. Vps1 peut lier la membrane sans la présence d'une autre protéine, et interagit donc très probablement avec les lipides de la membrane. Deux parties différentes de la protéine sont impliquées dans la liaison, dont une, inattendue, le domaine GTPase.¦-¦Numerous organelles undergo membrane fission and fusion events during cell division, vesicular traffic, or in response to changes in environmental conditions. Examples include Golgi (Acharya et al., 1998) mitochondria (Bleazard et al., 1999) peroxisomes (Kuravi et al., 2006) and lysosomes (Ward et al., 1997). In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the vacuole is the terminal component of the endocytic pathway and corresponds to lysosomes in mammalian cells. Yeast vacuoles fragment into multiple small vesicles in response to a hypertonic shock. This rapid and homogeneous reaction can serve as a model to study the requirements of the fragmentation process. Here, I investigated osmotically induced fragmentation by time-lapse microscopy. I observe that the small fragmentation products originate directly from the large central vacuole by asymmetric scission rather than by consecutive equal divisions and that fragmentation occurs in two distinct phases. During the first minute, vacuoles shrink and generate deep invaginations, leaving behind tubular structures. This phase requires the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1 and the vacuolar proton gradient. In the subsequent 10-15 minutes, vesicles pinch off from the tubular structures in a polarized fashion, directly generating fragmentation products of the final size. This phase depends on the production of phosphatidylinositol- 3,5-bisphosphate by the Fab1 complex. I suggest a possible regulation of vacuole fragmentation by the CDK Pho85. Based on my microscopy study I established a sequential involvement of the different fission factors.¦In addition to the morphological description of vacuole fragmentation I more specifically aimed to shed some light on the role of Vps1 in vacuole fragmentation and fusion. I find that both functions are dependent on the GTPase activity of the protein and that also the membrane association of the dynamin-like protein is coupled to the GTPase cycle. I found that Vps1 has the capacity for direct lipid binding on the vacuole and that this lipid binding is at least partially mediated through residues in the GTPase domain, a complete novelty for a dynamin family member. A second stretch located in the region of insert Β has also membrane-binding activity or regulates the association with the vacuole through the GTPase domain. Under the assumption of two membrane-binding regions I speculate on Vps1 as a possible tethering factor for vacuole fusion.


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Recent evidence suggests that transient hyperglycemia in extremely low birth weight infants is strongly associated with the occurrence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). We propose a new model of Neonatal Hyperglycemia-induced Retinopathy (NHIR) that mimics many aspects of retinopathy of prematurity. Hyperglycemia was induced in newborn rat pups by injection of streptozocine (STZ) at post natal day one (P1). At various time points, animals were assessed for vascular abnormalities, neuronal cell death and accumulation and activation of microglial cells. We here report that streptozotocin induced a rapid and sustained increase of glycemia from P2/3 to P6 without affecting rat pups gain weight or necessitating insulin treatment. Retinal vascular area was significantly reduced in P6 hyperglycemic animals compared to control animals. Hyperglycemia was associated with (i) CCL2 chemokine induction at P6, (ii) a significant recruitment of inflammatory macrophages and an increase in total number of Iba+ macrophages/microglia cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL), and (iii) excessive apoptosis in the INL. NHIR thereby reproduces several aspects of ischemic retinopathies, including ROP and diabetic retinopathies, and might be a useful model to decipher hyperglycemia-induced cellular and molecular mechanisms in the small rodent.


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Trypanosoma evansi contains protein kinases capable of phosphorylating endogenous substrates with apparent molecular masses in the range between 20 and 205 kDa. The major phosphopolypeptide band, pp55, was predominantly localized in the particulate fraction. Anti-alpha and anti-beta tubulin monoclonal antibodies recognized pp55 by Western blot analyses, suggesting that this band corresponds to phosphorylated tubulin. Inhibition experiments in the presence of emodin, heparin, and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate indicated that the parasite tubulin kinase was a casein kinase 2 (CK2)-like activity. GTP, which can be utilized instead of ATP by CK2, stimulated rather than inactivated the phosphorylation of tubulin in the parasite homogenate and particulate fraction. However, GTP inhibited the cytosolic CK2 responsible for phosphorylating soluble tubulin and other soluble substrates. Casein and two selective peptide substrates, P1 (RRKDLHDDEEDEAMSITA) for casein kinase (CK1) and P2 (RRRADDSDDDDD) for CK2, were recognized as substrates in T. evansi. While the enzymes present in the soluble fraction predominantly phosphorylated P1, P2 was preferentially labeled in the particulate fractions. These results demonstrated the existence of CK1-like and CK2-like activities primarily located in the parasite cytosolic and membranous fractions, respectively. Histone II-A and kemptide (LRRASVA) also behaved as suitable substrates, implying the existence of other Ser/Thr kinases in T. evansi. Cyclic AMP only increased the phosphorylation of histone II-A and kemptide in the cytosol, demonstrating the existence of soluble cAMP-dependent protein kinase-like activities in T. evansi. However, no endogenous substrates for this enzyme were identified in this fraction. Further evidences were obtained by using PKI (6-22), a reported inhibitor of the catalytic subunit of mammalian cAMP-dependent protein kinases, which specifically hindered the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of histone II-A and kemptide in the parasite soluble fraction. Since the sum of the values obtained in the parasite cytosolic and particulate fractions were always higher than the values observed in the total T. evansi lysate, the kinase activities examined here appeared to be inhibited in the original extract.


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The immunoreactivity of seven peptides synthesized from Schistosoma mansoni proteins, was evaluated by dot-blot and ELISA assays using two different sensitization methodologies. The best results were obtained on wells of the Costar 3590 microplates coated with peptides P1, P2, P3, P6, and P7 using conventional methodology. The signals increased considerably (p < 0.0003) on wells sensitized with P1 to P6 using alternative methodology. In contrast, the well coated with peptide P7 presented lower signal when compared with conventional methodology (p = 0.0019). These results, establish the basis for the application of synthetic peptides for laboratory diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni.


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Background: Event-related potentials (ERPs) may be used as a highly sensitive way of detecting subtle degrees of cognitive dysfunction. On the other hand, impairment of cognitive skills is increasingly recognised as a hallmark of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). We sought to determine the psychophysiological pattern of information processing among MS patients with the relapsing-remitting form of the disease and low physical disability considered as two subtypes: 'typical relapsing-remitting' (RRMS) and 'benign MS' (BMS). Furthermore, we subjected our data to a cluster analysis to determine whether MS patients and healthy controls could be differentiated in terms of their psychophysiological profile.Methods: We investigated MS patients with RRMS and BMS subtypes using event-related potentials (ERPs) acquired in the context of a Posner visual-spatial cueing paradigm. Specifically, our study aimed to assess ERP brain activity in response preparation (contingent negative variation -CNV) and stimuli processing in MS patients. Latency and amplitude of different ERP components (P1, eN1, N1, P2, N2, P3 and late negativity -LN) as well as behavioural responses (reaction time -RT; correct responses -CRs; and number of errors) were analyzed and then subjected to cluster analysis. Results: Both MS groups showed delayed behavioural responses and enhanced latency for long-latency ERP components (P2, N2, P3) as well as relatively preserved ERP amplitude, but BMS patients obtained more important performance deficits (lower CRs and higher RTs) and abnormalities related to the latency (N1, P3) and amplitude of ERPs (eCNV, eN1, LN). However, RRMS patients also demonstrated abnormally high amplitudes related to the preparation performance period of CNV (cCNV) and post-processing phase (LN). Cluster analyses revealed that RRMS patients appear to make up a relatively homogeneous group with moderate deficits mainly related to ERP latencies, whereas BMS patients appear to make up a rather more heterogeneous group with more severe information processing and attentional deficits. Conclusions: Our findings are suggestive of a slowing of information processing for MS patients that may be a consequence of demyelination and axonal degeneration, which also seems to occur in MS patients that show little or no progression in the physical severity of the disease over time.


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The Hardy-Weinberg law, formulated about 100 years ago, states that under certainassumptions, the three genotypes AA, AB and BB at a bi-allelic locus are expected to occur inthe proportions p2, 2pq, and q2 respectively, where p is the allele frequency of A, and q = 1-p.There are many statistical tests being used to check whether empirical marker data obeys theHardy-Weinberg principle. Among these are the classical xi-square test (with or withoutcontinuity correction), the likelihood ratio test, Fisher's Exact test, and exact tests in combinationwith Monte Carlo and Markov Chain algorithms. Tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE)are numerical in nature, requiring the computation of a test statistic and a p-value.There is however, ample space for the use of graphics in HWE tests, in particular for the ternaryplot. Nowadays, many genetical studies are using genetical markers known as SingleNucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). SNP data comes in the form of counts, but from the countsone typically computes genotype frequencies and allele frequencies. These frequencies satisfythe unit-sum constraint, and their analysis therefore falls within the realm of compositional dataanalysis (Aitchison, 1986). SNPs are usually bi-allelic, which implies that the genotypefrequencies can be adequately represented in a ternary plot. Compositions that are in exactHWE describe a parabola in the ternary plot. Compositions for which HWE cannot be rejected ina statistical test are typically “close" to the parabola, whereas compositions that differsignificantly from HWE are “far". By rewriting the statistics used to test for HWE in terms ofheterozygote frequencies, acceptance regions for HWE can be obtained that can be depicted inthe ternary plot. This way, compositions can be tested for HWE purely on the basis of theirposition in the ternary plot (Graffelman & Morales, 2008). This leads to nice graphicalrepresentations where large numbers of SNPs can be tested for HWE in a single graph. Severalexamples of graphical tests for HWE (implemented in R software), will be shown, using SNPdata from different human populations


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Candida species are an important cause of bloodstream infections (BSI). To evaluate the epidemiological, clinical and microbiological aspects of two cohorts {1994-1999 [period 1 (P1) ]; 2000-2004 [period 2 (P2) ]} of candidaemic patients, we performed a retrospective analysis from a laboratory-based survey. A total of 388 candidaemias were identified, with an incidence of 0.20/1,000 patient-days and a significant increase in P2 vs. P1 (0.25 vs. 0.15, p = 0.04). Cancer and prior antibiotic use were frequent and Candida albicans was the most prevalent species found (42.4%). Resistance to fluconazole was found in 2.47% of the strains. No differences were observed in the species distribution of Candida during the study periods. In the P2 cohort, there were higher prevalence of elderly individuals, cardiac, pulmonary and liver diseases, renal failure, central venous catheters and antibiotic therapy. In P1, there were higher prevalence of neurological diseases and chemotherapy. The crude mortality was 55.4%. In conclusion, our incidence rates remained high. Furthermore, the distribution pattern of Candida species and the fluconazole resistance profile remained unchanged. Moreover, we found a clear trend of higher prevalence of candidaemia among the elderly and among patients with comorbidities. Finally, it is necessary to discuss strategies for the prevention and control of Candida BSI in Brazil.


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Peripheral myelin protein 2 (Pmp2, P2 or Fabp8), a member of the fatty acid binding protein family, was originally described together with myelin basic protein (Mbp or P1) and myelin protein zero (Mpz or P0) as one of the most abundant myelin proteins in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Although Pmp2 is predominantly expressed in myelinated Schwann cells, its role in glia is currently unknown. To study its function in PNS biology, we have generated a complete Pmp2 knockout mouse (Pmp2(-/-) ). Comprehensive characterization of Pmp2(-/-) mice revealed a temporary reduction in their motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV). While this change was not accompanied by any defects in general myelin structure, we detected transitory alterations in the myelin lipid profile of Pmp2(-/-) mice. It was previously proposed that Pmp2 and Mbp have comparable functions in the PNS suggesting that the presence of Mbp can partially mask the Pmp2(-/-) phenotype. Indeed, we found that Mbp lacking Shi(-/-) mice, similar to Pmp2(-/-) animals, have preserved myelin structure and reduced MNCV, but this phenotype was not aggravated in Pmp2(-/-) /Shi(-/-) mutants indicating that Pmp2 and Mbp do not substitute each other's functions in the PNS. These data, together with our observation that Pmp2 binds and transports fatty acids to membranes, uncover a role for Pmp2 in lipid homeostasis of myelinating Schwann cells.


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Given the important role of the shoulder sensorimotor system in shoulder stability, its assessment appears of interest. Force platform monitoring of centre of pressure (CoP) in upper-limb weight-bearing positions is of interest as it allows integration of all aspects of shoulder sensorimotor control. This study aimed to determine the feasibility and reliability of shoulder sensorimotor control assessment by force platform. Forty-five healthy subjects performed two sessions of CoP measurement using Win-Posturo(®) Medicapteurs force platform in an upper-limb weight-bearing position with the lower limbs resting on a table to either the anterior superior iliac spines (P1) or upper patellar poles (P2). Four different conditions were tested in each position in random order: eyes open or eyes closed with trunk supported by both hands and eyes open with trunk supported on the dominant or non-dominant side. P1 reliability values were globally moderate to high for CoP length, CoP velocity and CoP standard deviation (SD), standard error of measurement ranged from 6·0% to 26·5%, except for CoP area. P2 reliability values were globally low and not clinically acceptable. Our results suggest that shoulder sensorimotor control assessment by force platform is feasible and has good reliability in upper-limb weight-bearing positions when the lower limbs are resting on a table to the anterior superior iliac spines. CoP length, CoP velocity and CoP SD velocity appear to be the most reliable variables.


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Dans une étude précédente, nous avons démontré qu'un soutieninformatique rappelant les Recommandations de Pratiques Cliniques(RPC) améliore la gestion de la douleur aiguë aux urgences à moyenterme (JEUR 2009;22:A88). Par contre, son acceptation par lessoignants et son impact sur leurs connaissances des RPC sontinconnus. But de l'étude: mesurer l'impact du logiciel en termesd'acceptation et connaissance des RPC par l'équipe soignante.Méthode: analyse de 2 questionnaires remplis par les médecins etinfirmiers: le 1er administré en pré-, post-déploiement et 6 mois plustard (phases P1, P2 et P3) qui a évalué: a) l'appréciation subjective desconnaissances des RPC par échelle de Lickert à 5 niveaux; b) lesconnaissances objectives des RPC à l'aide de 7 questions théoriques(score max. 7 points); le 2ème administré en P2 et P3, l'utilité perçue dulogiciel (échelle à 4 niveaux). Analyses statistiques par test de chi2outest exact de Fisher; p bilatéral <0.05 significatif. Résultats: la proportiondes soignants estimant avoir une bonne connaissance des RPC apassé de 48% (45/94) en P1, à 73% (83/114) puis 84% (104/124) en P2et P3, respectivement (p <0.0001). Score des connaissances: cftableau. Entre P2 et P3, l'appréciation globale de l'utilité du logiciel s'estaméliorée: la proportion des avis favorables a passé de 59% (47/79) à82% (96/117) (p = 0.001). Conclusion: ce logiciel a été bien accepté et apermis une amélioration significative des connaissances des RPC parles soignants.


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Treatment of B cell lymphoma patients with MoAbs specific for the common B cell marker (CD20) has shown a good overall response rate, but the number of complete remissions is still very low. The use of MoAbs coupled to radioisotopes can improve the results, but induces undesirable myelodepression. As an alternative, we proposed to combine the specificity of MoAbs with the immunogenicity of T cell epitopes. We have previously shown that an anti-Ig lambda MoAb coupled to an MHC class II-restricted universal T cell epitope peptide P2 derived from tetanus toxin induces efficient lysis of a human B cell lymphoma by a specific CD4+ T cell line. Here we demonstrate that the antigen presentation properties of the MoAb peptide conjugate are maintained using a MoAb directed against a common B cell marker, CD19, which is known to be co-internalized with the B cell immunoglobulin receptor. In addition, we provide evidence that B cell lysis is mediated by the Fas apoptosis pathway, since Fas (CD95), but not tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFr) or TNF-related receptors, is expressed by the target B cells, and FasL, but not perforin, is expressed by the effector T cells. These results show that B cell lymphomas can be 'foreignized' by MoAb-peptide P2 conjugates directed against the common B cell marker CD19 and eliminated by peptide P2-specific CD4+ T cells, via the ubiquitous Fas receptor. This approach, which bridges the specificity of passive antibody therapy with an active T cell immune response, may be complementary to and more efficient than the present therapy results with unconjugated chimeric anti-CD20 MoAbs.