1000 resultados para Níveis de desempenho e operacionalidade


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Estudou-se a suplementação de dietas de cordeiros confinados com resíduo de biodiesel, utilizando-se 25 ovinos, SRD, machos, castrados, com média de peso de 20kg. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições por tratamento e esquema de parcelas subdivididas para os dados de biometria. O experimento teve a duração de 70 dias. As dietas eram compostas de 34% de volumoso e 61% de concentrado, à base de milho, soja, minerais e 5% de óleo de dendê ou resíduo de biodiesel, em percentagens crescentes – zero, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. Os animais foram abatidos ao final do experimento para avaliação da carcaça. Foram observados efeitos significativos (P<0,05) de percentagem de inclusão do resíduo, para as variáveis de desempenho e biometria demonstrados nos efeitos lineares crescentes das equações de regressão, assim como para peso da carcaça quente (PCQ) –, com médias de 14; 15,92; 16,14; 16,42 e 18,02% – e peso da carcaça fria (PCF) –, com médias de 13,12; 14,78; 15,06; 15,70 e 17,25% –, para dietas com, respectivamente, 0, 25, 50, 100% de resíduo de biodiesel de dendê. A utilização de resíduo de biodiesel de dendê na alimentação de cordeiros em crescimento é alternativa para aumentar a densidade energética de suas dietas.


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Objetivou-se verificar o efeito de diferentes níveis de suplementação do resíduo de biodiesel oriundo do dendê, na dieta de cordeiros em confinamento. Foram utilizados 25 ovinos machos, SRD, castrados, com peso vivo médio de 20 kg. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições por tratamento, para os dados de ganho de peso e características de carcaça. Os dados de biometria foram analisados em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas. O período experimental foi de 84 dias, com quatorze dias de adaptação e 70 dias para obtenção das variáveis estudadas. O arraçoamento foi dividido em duas refeições, às 7h:00 e 17h:00. As dietas foram compostas de 34% de feno de Panicum maximum cv. Massai e 61% de concentrado, a base de milho quebrado, farelo de soja, minerais e 5% de óleo de dendê ou resíduo de biodiesel de dendê, em níveis crescentes (zero, 25, 50, 75 e 100%), respectivamente. No inicio do período experimental e a cada 14 dias foram realizadas pesagens pela manhã, antes da primeira refeição para avaliação do desempenho e medidas biométricas e abatidos ao final do período experimental para avaliação das características de carcaça após passarem por 12 h de jejum de sólidos e dieta líquida. Foram observados efeitos significativos (p < 0,05) dos níveis de inclusão do resíduo de biodiesel oriundo de dendê. As equações de regressão apresentaram efeito linear crescente, para as variáveis: consumo de matéria seca (CMS), peso vivo (PV), ganho de peso (GPD), escore corporal (EC), comprimento corporal (CC), perímetro torácico (PT), largura de peito (PT), e quadrático para PCQ, PCF, RCQ e RB. A utilização de resíduo de biodiesel de dendê, em substituição ao óleo dendê na alimentação de cordeiros, promove efeito crescente no consumo de matéria seca e ganho de peso, melhora as características de carcaça e torna-se uma alternativa para aumentar a densidade energética de dietas para ovinos em crescimento.


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The importance of the capital market to Brazilian economic development, linked to the the fragility of a theoretical framework on the issue, case for developing this research. The agents operating in the capital market seek security and confidence for decision making on their investment in that sense we seek to address the concept and values of Corporate Governance to pay in the Brazilian capital market. The Corporate Governance, in its essence, is the system by which companies are directed and monitored, involving the relationship between shareholders and the board of companies, as well as a set of mechanisms and factors intended to minimize market failures. Seeking to confirm adherence to a more advanced system of corporate governance can result in a favorable financial performance, companies were investigated operating in the financial sector (intermediation, various services and insurance), listed by BM&FBOVESPA. The stock market ranks the corporate governance systems in three levels: Level 1 (rudimentary), Level 2 (intermediate) and New Market Level (advanced). To earn the impact of different levels of Corporate Governance for the outcome of the selected companies were calculated and analyzed accounting ratios of profitability, capital structure and liquidity from the Standardized Financial Statements (DFP), base year 2011, 2012 and 2013


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On the national scene, soybean crop occupies a prominent position in cultivated area and volume production, being cultivated largely in the no tillage system. This system, due to the intense traffic of machines and implements on its surface has caused soil compaction problems, which has caused the yield loss of crops. In order to minimize this effect the seeder-drill uses the systems to opening the furrow by shank or the double disc type. The use of the shank has become commonplace for allowing the disruption of the compacted surface layer, however requires greater energy demand and may cause excessive tillage in areas where there is not observed high levels of compaction. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of furrowers mechanisms and levels of soil compacting on traction requirement by a seeder-drill and on the growing and productivity of soybean in an Oxisol texture clay, in a two growing seasons. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with split plots with the main plots composed of four levels of soil compaction (N0 – no tillage without additional compaction, N1, N2 and N3 – no tillage subjected to compaction through two, four and six passes with tractor, respectively) corresponding to densities of soil 1.16, 1.20, 1.22 and 1.26 g cm-3, and subplots by two furrowers mechanisms (shank and double disc) with four replicates. To evaluate the average, maximum and specific traction force requested by the seeder-drill, was used a load cell, with capacity of 50 kN and sensitivity of 2 mV V-1, coupled between the tractor and seeder-drill, whose data are stored in a datalogger system model CR800 of Campbell Scientific. In addition, were evaluated the bulk density, soil mechanical resistance to penetration, sowing depth, depth and groove width, soil area mobilized, emergence speed index, emergence operation, final plant stand, stem diameter, plant height, average number of seeds per pod, weight of 1,000 seeds, number of pods per plant and crop productivity. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, the mean of furrowers were compared by Tukey test (p≤0.05), while for the factor soil compaction, polynomial regression analysis was adopted, selected models by the criterion of greater R2 and significance (p≤0.05) of equation parameters. Regardless of the crop season, penetration resistance increase as soil compaction levels up to around 0.20 m deep, and bulk density influenced the sowing quality parameters, however, did not affect the crop yield. In the first season, there was a higher productivity with the use of the shank type. In the second crop season, the shank demanded greater energetic requirement with the increase of bulk density and opposite situation with the double disc. The locking of sowing lines allow better performance of the shank to break the compacted layer.


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Due to the high supply and its attractive cost, the poultry litter has been used in the southwestern region of Parana to the improvement of soil fertility seeking greater production of grains and pastures. However, the use without technical knowledge can minimize the benefits of poultry litter or even cause undesirable effects on soil, environmental pollution and also productivity losses in the used crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different times of poultry litter application, predating the winter crop, associated with increasing levels, about soil chemical properties, release of nutrients and crop performances in four consecutive years (2011-2014). In the first three years the experimental design was randomized blocks with a split plot system and four replications. In the main plots were tested four poultry litter application times preceding the wheat production: 0, 15, 30 and 45 days before sowing (DAS); in the subplots were applied four poultry litter levels (wet basis): 0, 4, 8 and 12 Mg ha-1. Last year one more subdivision of plots was done, evaluating the use or not of nitrogen in coverage in wheat, at a dose of 100 kg N ha-1. The wheat cultivar used in the four years was the BRS 220. In three years it was evaluated the residual effect on soybean production (cultivar - BMX Turbo RR) and in one year on the beans. The chemical soil attributes were evaluated at four depths 0-2,5cm, 2,5-5cm, 5-10cm and 10-20cm, and also the rate of decomposition and nutrient release of poultry litter and the crop productivity. The different times of application concerning the poultry litter had little influence on the studied variables, demonstrating that the producer does not need to have a specific date (before planting) to the application of poultry litter. Potassium was fully released 60 days after the allocation of litter bags into the field; for nitrogen and phosphorus the release was slower. The use of increasing levels of poultry litter increased the levels of various soil elements, highlighting the potassium which reached 20 cm deep in the second year of evaluation. The increase in pH and in the base saturation occurred only in the upper layers, while the phosphorus reached 10 cm deep in the third year of the study. It was observed increased pH and base saturation. The use of increasing doses of poultry litter contributed to the wheat plant nutrition, significantly increasing the weight of a thousand grains, and the grain yield of wheat in all the evaluated years; the nitrogen fertilization in coverage also had significant effect for the fourth evaluated year. Also there was a significant response from the residual effect of poultry litter for crops planted in summer for both soybeans and beans.


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A partir dos valores de digestibilidade de alguns ingredientes foram propostas dietas, com diferentes níveis de proteína e energia digestíveis, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, destinadas a girinos de rã-touro para avaliar o desempenho zootécnico. O experimento, com duração de 60 dias, foi conduzido com 810 girinos, oriundos da mesma desova, distribuídos em 27 caixas de polipropileno, em uma densidade de 1girino/L. O delineamento experimental foi um esquema fatorial com três níveis de proteína digestível (27; 31 e 35%) e três níveis de energia digestível (2.700; 2.800 e 2.900kcal/kg) com três réplicas. Os parâmetros avaliados aos 60 dias foram ganho de peso, consumo da dieta, consumo em proteína da dieta, conversão alimentar, taxa de eficiência proteica e índice de sobrevivência. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Duncan (95% de precisão). Os resultados encontrados não apresentaram interação entre proteína e energia digestível para nenhum parâmetro avaliado. em relação à proteína digestível, foram verificadas diferenças nos parâmetros consumo em proteína da dieta e taxa de eficiência proteica (TEP), o que demonstra ineficiência das dietas com altos valores proteicos. Deve-se oferecer aos girinos de rã-touro dietas com 27% de proteína digestível, por apresentarem melhor resultado para taxa de eficiência proteica e para consumo em proteína da dieta.