978 resultados para Muscle proteins.


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Dietary fatty acids regulate the abundance and activity of various proteins involved in the regulation of fat oxidation by functioning as regulators of gene transcription. To determine whether the transcription of key lipid metabolic proteins necessary for fat metabolism within human skeletal muscle are regulated by acute elevations in circulating free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations, 7 healthy men underwent 3 randomized resting infusions of Intralipid (20%) with heparin sodium, saline and heparin sodium, or saline only for 5 hours. These infusions significantly elevated plasma FFA concentrations by 15-fold (to 1.67 ± 0.13 mmol/L) in the Intralipid infusion trial, with modest elevations observed in the saline and heparin sodium and saline alone infusion groups (0.67 ± 0.09 and 0.49 ± 0.087 mmol/L, P < .01 both vs Intralipid infusion). Analysis of messenger RNA (mRNA) concentration demonstrated that pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 4 (PDK4) mRNA, a key negative regulator of glucose oxidation, was increased in all trials with a 24-fold response after Intralipid infusion, 15-fold after saline and heparin infusion, and 9-fold after saline alone. The PDK4 increases were not significantly different between the 3 trials. The mRNA concentration of the major uncoupling protein within skeletal muscle, uncoupling protein 3, was not elevated in parallel to the increased plasma FFA as similar (not, vert, similar2-fold) increases were evident in all trials. Additional genes involved in lipid transport (fatty acid translocase/CD36), oxidation (carnitine palmitoyltransferase I), and metabolism (1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 1, hormone-sensitive lipase, and peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α) were not altered by increased circulating FFA concentrations. The present data demonstrate that of the genes analyzed that encode proteins that are key regulators of lipid homeostasis within skeletal muscle, only the PDK4 gene is uniquely sensitive to increasing FFA concentrations after increased plasma FFA achieved by intravenous lipid infusion.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ coactivator-1 (PGC-1) can induce mitochondria biogenesis and has been implicated in the development of oxidative type I muscle fibers. The PPAR isoforms α, β/δ, and γ control the transcription of genes involved in fatty acid and glucose metabolism. As endurance training increases skeletal muscle mitochondria and type I fiber content and fatty acid oxidative capacity, our aim was to determine whether these increases could be mediated by possible effects on PGC-1 or PPAR-α, -β/δ, and -γ. Seven healthy men performed 6 weeks of endurance training and the expression levels of PGC-1 and PPAR-α, -β/δ, and -γ mRNA as well as the fiber type distribution of the PGC-1 and PPAR-α proteins were measured in biopsies from their vastus lateralis muscle. PGC-1 and PPAR-α mRNA expression increased by 2.7- and 2.2-fold (P < 0.01), respectively, after endurance training. PGC-1 expression was 2.2- and 6-fold greater in the type IIa than in the type I and IIx fibers, respectively. It increased by 2.8-fold in the type IIa fibers and by 1.5-fold in both the type I and IIx fibers after endurance training (P < 0.015). PPAR-α was 1.9-fold greater in type I than in the II fibers and increased by 3.0-fold and 1.5-fold in these respective fibers after endurance training (P < 0.001). The increases in PGC-1 and PPAR-α levels reported in this study may play an important role in the changes in muscle mitochondria content, oxidative phenotype, and sensitivity to insulin known to be induced by endurance training.


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Objective: To examine whether rosiglitazone alters gene expression of some key genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic patients, and whether this is associated with alterations in skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and lipid content.

Design: Skeletal muscle gene expression, mitochondrial protein content, oxidative capacity and lipid accumulation were measured in muscle biopsies obtained from diabetic patients, before and after 8 weeks of rosiglitazone treatment, and matched controls. Furthermore, whole-body insulin sensitivity and substrate utilization were assessed.

Subjects: Ten obese type 2 diabetic patients and 10 obese normoglycemic controls matched for age and BMI.

Methods: Gene expression and mitochondrial protein content of complexes I–V of the respiratory chain were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, respectively. Histochemical staining was used to quantify lipid accumulation and complex II succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity. Insulin sensitivity and substrate utilization were measured during a hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp with indirect calorimetry.

Results: Skeletal-muscle mRNA of PGC-1a and PPARb/d – but not of other genes involved in glucose, fat and oxidative metabolism – was significantly lower in diabetic patients (Po0.01). Rosiglitazone significantly increased PGC-1a (B2.2-fold, Po0.01) and PPARb/d (B2.6-fold, Po0.01), in parallel with an increase in insulin sensitivity, SDH activity and metabolic flexibility (Po0.01). Surprisingly, none of the measured mitochondrial proteins was reduced in type 2 diabetic patients, nor affected by rosiglitazone treatment. No alterations were seen in muscular fat accumulation upon treatment.

Conclusion: These results suggest that the insulin-sensitizing effect of rosiglitazone may involve an effect on muscular oxidative capacity, via PGC-1a and PPARb/d, independent of mitochondrial protein content and/or changes in intramyocellular lipid.


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Rationale: The molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are poorly understood. In wasted animals, muscle mass is regulated by several AKT-related signaling pathways.
Objectives: To measure the protein expression of AKT, forkhead box class O (FoxO)-1 and -3, atrogin-1, the phosphophrylated form of AKT, p70S6K glycogen synthase kinase-3ß (GSK-3ß), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein-1 (4E-BP1), and the mRNA expression of atrogin-1, muscle ring finger (MuRF) protein 1, and FoxO-1 and -3 in the quadriceps of 12 patients with COPD with muscle atrophy and 10 healthy control subjects. Five patients with COPD with preserved muscle mass were subsequently recruited and were compared with six patients with low muscle mass.
Methods: Protein contents and mRNA expression were measured by Western blot and quantitative polymerase chain reaction, respectively.
Measurements and Main Results: The levels of atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA, and of phosphorylated AKT and 4E-BP1 and FoxO-1 proteins, were increased in patients with COPD with muscle atrophy compared with healthy control subjects, whereas atrogin-1, p70S6K, GSK-3ß, and FoxO-3 protein levels were similar. Patients with COPD with muscle atrophy showed an increased expression of p70S6K, GSK-3ß, and 4E-BP1 compared with patients with COPD with preserved muscle mass.
Conclusions: An increase in atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA and FoxO-1 protein content was observed in the quadriceps of patients with COPD. The transcriptional regulation of atrogin-1 and MuRF1 may occur via FoxO-1, but independently of AKT. The overexpression of the muscle hypertrophic signaling pathways found in patients with COPD with muscle atrophy could represent an attempt to restore muscle mass.


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Notch signaling is essential for myogenesis and the regenerative potential of skeletal muscle: however, its regulation in human muscle is yet to be fully characterized. Increased expression of Notch3, Jagged1. Hes1, and Hes6 gene transcripts were observed during differentiation of cultured human skeletal muscle cells. Furthermore, significantly lower expressions of Notch1, Jagged1, Numb, and Delta-like 1 were evident in muscle biopsies from older men (60-75 years old) compared to muscle from younger men (18-25 years old). Importantly, with supervised resistance exercise training, expression of Notch1 and Hes6 genes were increased and Delta-like 1 and Numb expression were decreased. The differences in Notch expression between the age groups were no longer evident following training. These results provide further evidence to support the role of Notch in the impaired regulation of muscle mass with age and suggest that some of the benefits provided by resistance training may be mediated through the Notch signaling pathway.


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This study examined the actions of 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone on the regulation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARα and PPARγ) family of nuclear transcription factors and the mRNA abundance of key enzymes involved in fat oxidation, in skeletal muscle. Specifically,
carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I), β-3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase (β-HAD), and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) were examined. Sprague–Dawley rats were ovariectomized and treated with placebo (Ovx), E2, progesterone, or both hormones in combination (E+P). Additionally,
sham-operated rats were treated with placebo (Sham) to serve as controls. Hormone (or vehicle only) delivery was via time release pellets inserted at the time of surgery, 15 days prior to analysis. E2 treatment increased PPARα mRNA expression and protein content (P<0·05), compared with Ovx treatment. E2 also resulted in upregulated mRNA of CPT I and PDK4 (P<0·05). PPARγ mRNA expression was also increased (P<0·05) by E2 treatment, although protein content remained unaltered. These data
demonstrate the novel regulation of E2 on PPARα and genes encoding key proteins that are pivotal in regulating skeletal muscle lipid oxidative flux.


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To determine the effect of glycogen availability and contraction on intracellular signaling and IL-6 gene transcription, eight males performed 60 min of exercise on two occasions: either with prior ingestion of a normal (Con) or low carbohydrate (LCHO) diet that reduced pre-exercise muscle glycogen content. Muscle biopsies were obtained and analyzed for IL-6 mRNA. In addition, nuclear proteins were isolated from the samples and analyzed for the mitogen- activated protein kinases (MAPK) c-jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) 1 and 2 and p38 MAPK. Nuclear fractions were also analyzed for the phosphorylated forms of JNK (p-JNK) and p38 MAPK (p-p38 MAPK) and the abundance of the nuclear transcription factors nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and nuclear factor kappa-β (NF-κβ). No differences were observed in the protein abundance of total JNK 1/2, p38 MAPK, NFAT, or NF-κβ before exercise, but the nuclear abundance of p-p38 MAPK was higher (P<0.05) in LCHO. Contraction resulted in an increase (P<0.05) in nuclear p-JNK 1/2, but there were no differences when comparing CON with LCHO. The fold increase in IL-6 mRNA with contraction was potentiated (P<0.05) in LCHO. A correlation between pre-exercise nuclear phosphorylated p38 MAPK and contraction-induced fold increase in IL-6 mRNA was performed, revealing a highly significant correlation (r=0.96; P<0.01). We next incubated L6 myotubes in ionomycin (a compound known to induce IL-6 mRNA) with or without the pyridinylimidazole p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580. Treatments did not affect total nuclear p38 MAPK, but ionomycin increased (P<0.05) both nuclear p-p38 MAPK and IL-6 mRNA. The addition of SB203580 to ionomycin decreased (P<0.05) nuclear p-p38 MAPK and totally abolished (P<0.05) the ionomycin- induced increase in IL-6 mRNA. These data suggest that reduced carbohydrate intake that results in low intramuscular glycogen leads to phosphorylation of p38 MAPK at the nucleus. Furthermore, phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in the nucleus appears to be an upstream target for IL-6, providing new insights into the regulation of IL-6 gene transcription.


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The effects of two amino acids, arginine which has a positively charged side-chain and glutamate which has a negatively charged side-chain on the Ca2+-activation properties of the contractile apparatus were examined in four structurally and functionally different types of skeletal muscle; long- and short-sarcomere fibres from the claw muscle of the yabby (a freshwater decapod crustacean), and fast- and slow-twitch fibres from limb muscles of the rat. Single skinned fibres were activated in carefully balanced solutions of different pCa (-log10[Ca2+]) that either contained the test solute (“test”) or not (“control”). The effect of phosphoarginine, a phosphagen that bears a nett negative charge, was also compared to the effects of arginine. Results show that (i) arginine (33-36 mmol l-1) significantly shifted the force–pCa curve by 0.08–0.13 pCa units in the direction of increased sensitivity to Ca2+-activated contraction in all fibre types; (ii) phosphoarginine (9–10 mmol l-1) induced a significant shift of the force–pCa curve by 0.18–0.24 pCa units in the direction of increased sensitivity to Ca2+ in mammalian fast- and slow-twitch fibres, but had no significant effects on the force–pCa relation in either long- or short-sarcomere crustacean fibres; (iii) glutamate (36–40 mmol l-1), like arginine affected the force–pCa relation of all fibre types investigated, but in the opposite direction, causing a significant decrease in the sensitivity to Ca2+-activated contraction by 0.08–0.19 pCa units; (iv) arginine, phosphoarginine and glutamate had little or no effect on the maximum Ca2+-activated force of crustacean and mammalian fibres. The results suggest that the opposing effects of glutamate and arginine are not related to simply their charge structure, but must involve complex interactions between these molecules, Ca2+ and the regulatory and other myofibrillar proteins.


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Skeletal muscle displays enormous plasticity to respond to contractile activity with muscle from strength- (ST) and endurance-trained (ET) athletes representing diverse states of the adaptation continuum. Training adaptation can be viewed as the accumulation of specific proteins. Hence, the altered gene expression that allows for changes in protein concentration is of major importance for any training adaptation. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to quantify acute subcellular responses in muscle to habitual and unfamiliar exercise. After 24-h diet/exercise control, 13 male subjects (7 ST and 6 ET) performed a random order of either resistance (8 x 5 maximal leg extensions) or endurance exercise (1 h of cycling at 70% peak O2 uptake). Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis at rest and 3 h after exercise. Gene expression was analyzed using real-time PCR with changes normalized relative to preexercise values. After cycling exercise, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- coactivator-1 (ET 8.5-fold, ST 10-fold, P < 0.001), pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (PDK-4; ET 26-fold, ST 39-fold), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF; ET 4.5-fold, ST 4-fold), and muscle atrophy F-box protein (MAFbx) (ET 2-fold, ST 0.4-fold) mRNA increased in both groups, whereas MyoD (3-fold), myogenin (0.9-fold), and myostatin (2-fold) mRNA increased in ET but not in ST (P < 0.05). After resistance exercise PDK-4 (7-fold, P < 0.01) and MyoD (0.7-fold) increased, whereas MAFbx (0.7-fold) and myostatin (0.6-fold) decreased in ET but not in ST. We conclude that prior training history can modify the acute gene responses in skeletal muscle to subsequent exercise.


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Mitochondrial impairment is hypothesized to contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Mitofusin (Mfn) proteins regulate the biogenesis and maintenance of the mitochondrial network, and when inactivated, cause a failure in the mitochondrial architecture and decreases in oxidative capacity and glucose oxidation. Exercise increases muscle mitochondrial content, size, oxidative capacity and aerobic glucose oxidation. To address if Mfn proteins are implicated in these exercise-induced responses, we measured Mfn1 and Mfn2 mRNA levels, pre-, post-, 2 and 24 h post-exercise. Additionally, we measured the expression levels of transcriptional regulators that control mitochondrial biogenesis and functions, including PGC-1α, NRF-1, NRF-2 and the recently implicated ERRα. We show that Mfn1, Mfn2, NRF-2 and COX IV mRNA were increased 24 h post-exercise, while PGC-1α and ERRα mRNA increased 2 h post-exercise. Finally, using in vitro cellular assays, we demonstrate that Mfn2 gene expression is driven by a PGC-1α programme dependent on ERRα. The PGC-1α/ERRα-mediated induction of Mfn2 suggests a role of these two factors in mitochondrial fusion. Our results provide evidence that PGC-1α not only mediates the increased expression of oxidative phosphorylation genes but also mediates alterations in mitochondrial architecture in response to aerobic exercise in humans.


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Objective: Skeletal muscle produces a variety of secreted proteins that have important roles in intercellular communication and affects processes such as glucose homoeostasis. The objective of this study was to develop a novel Signal Sequence Trap (SST) in conjunction with cDNA microarray technology to identify proteins secreted from skeletal muscle of Psammomys obesus that were associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D).

Design: Secreted proteins that were differentially expressed between lean, normal glucose tolerant (NGT), overweight and impaired glucose tolerant (IGT) and obese, T2D P. obesus were isolated using SST in conjunction with cDNA microarray technology. Subsequent gene expression was measured in tissues from P. obesus by real-time PCR (RT-PCR).

Results: The SST yielded 1600 positive clones, which were screened for differential expression. A total of 91 (B6%) clones were identified by microarray to be differentially expressed between NGT, IGT and T2D P. obesus. These clones were sequenced to identify 51 genes, of which only 27 were previously known to encode secreted proteins. Three candidate genes not previously associated with obesity or type 2 diabetes, sushi domain containing 2, collagen and calcium-binding EGF domains 1 and periostin (Postn), as well as one gene known to be associated, complement component 1, were shown by RT-PCR to be differentially expressed in  skeletal muscle of P. obesus. Further characterization of the secreted protein Postn revealed it to be predominantly expressed in adipose tissue, with higher expression in visceral compared with subcutaneous adipose depots.

Conclusion: SST in conjunction with cDNA microarray technology is a powerful tool to identify differentially expressed secreted proteins involved in complex diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, a number of candidate genes were identified, in particular, Postn, which may have a role in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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Aging is associated with a slowing of skeletal muscle contractile properties, including a decreased rate of relaxation. In rats, the age-related decrease in the maximal rate of relaxation is reversed after 4-wk administration with the β2-adrenoceptor agonist (β2-agonist) fenoterol. Given the critical role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in regulating intracellular Ca2+ transients and ultimately the time course of muscle contraction and relaxation, we tested the hypothesis that the mechanisms of action of fenoterol are mediated by alterations in SR proteins. Sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) kinetic properties were assessed in muscle homogenates and enriched SR membranes isolated from the red (RG) and white (WG) portions of the gastrocnemius muscle in adult (16 mo) and aged (28 mo) F344 rats that had been administered fenoterol for 4 wk (1.4 mg/kg/day ip, in saline) or vehicle only. Aging was associated with a 29% decrease in the maximal activity (Vmax) of SERCA in the RG but not in the WG muscles. Fenoterol treatment increased the Vmax of SERCA and SERCA1 protein levels in RG and WG. In the RG, fenoterol administration reversed an age-related selective nitration of the SERCA2a isoform. Our findings demonstrate that the mechanisms underlying age-related changes in contractile properties are fiber type dependent, whereas the effects of fenoterol administration are independent of age and fiber type.


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Damaged skeletal muscle fibres are replaced with new contractile units via muscle regeneration. Regenerating muscle fibres synthesize functionally distinct isoforms of contractile and regulatory proteins but little is known of their functional properties during the regeneration process. An advantage of utilizing single muscle fibre preparations is that assessment of their function is based on the overall characteristics of the contractile apparatus and regulatory system and as such, these preparations are sensitive in revealing not only coarse, but also subtle functional differences between muscle fibres. We examined the Ca2+- and Sr2+-activated contractile characteristics of permeabilized fibres from rat fast-twitch (extensor digitorum longus) and slow-twitch (soleus) muscles at 7, 14 and 21 days following myotoxic injury, to test the hypothesis that fibres from regenerating fast and slow muscles have different functional characteristics to fibres from uninjured muscles. Regenerating muscle fibres had ∼10% of the maximal force producing capacity (Po) of control (uninjured) fibres, and an altered sensitivity to Ca2+ and Sr2+ at 7 days post-injury. Increased force production and a shift in Ca2+ sensitivity consistent with fibre maturation were observed during regeneration such that Po was restored to 36–45% of that in control fibres by 21 days, and sensitivity to Ca2+ and Sr2+ was similar to that of control (uninjured) fibres. The findings support the hypothesis that regenerating muscle fibres have different contractile activation characteristics compared with mature fibres, and that they adopt properties of mature fast- or slow-twitch muscle fibres in a progressive manner as the regeneration process is completed.


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Unaccustomed exercise is followed by delayed-onset muscle soreness and morphological changes in skeletal muscle. Animal studies have demonstrated that women have an attenuated response to muscle damage. We studied the effect of eccentric exercise in untrained male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) subjects using a unilateral exercise design [exercise (Ex) and control (Con) legs]. Plasma granulocyte counts [before (Pre) and 48 h after exercise (+48h)] and creatine kinase activity [Pre, 24 h after exercise (+24h), +48h, and 6 days after exercise (+6d)] were determined before (Pre) and after (+24h, +48h, +6d) exercise, with biopsies taken from the vastus lateralis of each leg at +48h for determination of muscle damage and/or inflammation. Plasma granulocyte counts increased for men and decreased for women at +48h (P < 0.05), and creatine kinase activity increased for both genders at +48h and +6d (P < 0.01). There were significantly greater areas of both focal (P < 0.001) and extensive (P < 0.01) damage in the Ex vs. Con leg for both genders, which was assessed by using toluidine blue staining. The number of leukocyte common antigen-positive cells/mm2 tissue increased with exercise (P < 0.05), and men tended to show more in their Ex vs. Con leg compared with women (P = 0.052). Men had a greater total (Ex and Con legs) number of bcl-2-positive cells/mm2 tissue vs. women (P < 0.05). Atrophic fibers with homogeneous bcl-2-positive staining were seen only in men (n = 3). We conclude that muscle damage is similar between genders, yet the inflammatory response is attenuated in women vs. men. Finally, exercise may stimulate the expression of proteins involved in apoptosis in skeletal muscle.


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In the study, we investigate whether the expressions of heat shock protein (hsp)60 (a potential autoantigen) and the stress-inducible form of cytoprotector hsp70 are correlated with the development of atherosclerotic lesions in the aortic tree of apolipoprotein E–deficient (apoE-/-) mice. The apoE-/- mouse model is advantageous because the stress-inducible form of hsp70 is not constitutively expressed in mice, unlike primates; hence, tissues under stress can be clearly defined. Both mammalian hsps were detected newly expressed (before mononuclear cell infiltration) on aortic valves and endothelia at lesion-prone sites of 3-week-old apoE-/- mice. In 8- and 20-week-old mice, they were strongly and heterogeneously expressed in early to advanced fibrofatty plaques, with levels correlating with lesion severity. Expression was markedly downregulated in advanced collagenous, acellular, calcified plaques of 40- and 69-week-old mice and was absent in control aortas of normocholesterolemic wild-type (apoE+/+) mice. Western blot analysis of tissue homogenates confirmed the temporal expression of the hsps. Double immunostaining revealed that both hsps were expressed by lesional endothelial cells, macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and CD3+ T lymphocytes. This study provides evidence that hsp60 and hsp70 are temporally expressed on all major cell types in lesion-prone sites during atherogenesis, suggesting that few cells escape the toxic environment of the atherosclerotic plaque.