364 resultados para Mucus


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The pentrophic membrane (PM) is an anatomical structure surrounding the food bolus in most insects. Rejecting the idea that PM has evolved from coating mucus to play the same protective role as it, novel functions were proposed and experimentally tested. The theoretical principles underlying the digestive enzyme recycling mechanism were described and used to develop an algorithm to calculate enzyme distributions along the midgut and to infer secretory and absorptive sites. The activity of a Spodoptera frugiperda microvillar aminopeptidase decreases by 50% if placed in the presence of midgut contents. S. frugiperda trypsin preparations placed into dialysis bags in stirred and unstirred media have activities of 210 and 160%, respectively, over the activities of samples in a test tube. The ectoperitrophic fluid (EF) present in the midgut caeca of Rhynchosciara americana may be collected. If the enzymes restricted to this fluid are assayed in the presence of PM contents (PMC) their activities decrease by at least 58%. The lack of PM caused by calcofluor feeding impairs growth due to an increase in the metabolic cost associated with the conversion of food into body mass. This probably results from an increase in digestive enzyme excretion and useless homeostatic attempt to reestablish destroyed midgut gradients. The experimental models support the view that PM enhances digestive efficiency by: (a) prevention of non-specific binding of undigested material onto cell Surface; (b) prevention of excretion by allowing enzyme recycling powered by an ectoperitrophic counterflux of fluid; (c) removal from inside PM of the oligomeric molecules that may inhibit the enzymes involved in initial digestion; (d) restriction of oligomer hydrolases to ectoperitrophic space (ECS) to avoid probable partial inhibition by non-dispersed undigested food. Finally,PM functions are discussed regarding insects feeding on any diet. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur kvinnor och män upplevde naturlig familjeplanering (NFP) samt vilken kunskap sjuksköterskan hade om NFP och när hon kunde använda sig av den i sin profession. Artiklar valdes ut från databaserna Elin, Pub Med och Blackwell synergy. De sökord som användes var NFP, Catholic, Satisfaction, Awareness, Odeblad, Billing, Billings, Nurse, Pregnancy, Birthcontrol, Family, Mucus, Family planning, Natural family planning och Ovulation. Sammanlagt valdes 18 artiklar ut varav 14 användes i resultatet. Två artiklar till resultatet söktes manuellt och beställdes. Artiklarna kom från Nigeria, USA, Ungern, Peru, Filippinerna, Sri Lanka, Brasilien, Nya Zeeland, Tyskland, Canada och Iran. Några artiklar från Sverige eller de nordiska länderna hittades inte under sökningen. Resultatet visade att många var nöjda med NFP som metod. Det som var bland det mest positiva var att metoden inte gav några bieffekter och att kvinnorna lärde känna sin kropp. Det negativt med metoden var att användarna tyckte att det var svårt att avhålla sig från samlag under den fertila perioden samt att det fanns brister i metodens säkerhet. Många av dem som använde sig av metoden var katoliker. Många sjusköterskor var dåligt pålästa om metoden och skulle inte rekommendera den. Sjuksköterskan skulle kunna använda sig av metoden då kvinnan ville bli gravid, i fattiga länder och där religion sätter stopp för traditionella preventivmedel.


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Background: It has been argued that a reduction in the Western diet of anti-inflammatory unsaturated lipids, such as n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, has contributed to the increase in the frequency and severity of allergic diseases.

: We investigated whether feeding milk fat enriched in conjugated linoleic acid and vaccenic acids (VAs) ('enriched' milk fat), produced by supplementing the diet of pasture-fed cows with fish and sunflower oil, will prevent development of allergic airway responses.

Methods: C57BL/6 mice were fed a control diet containing soybean oil and diets supplemented with milk lipids. They were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin (OVA) on days 14 and 28, and challenged intranasally with OVA on day 42. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, lung tissues and serum samples were collected 6 days after the intranasal challenge.

: Feeding of enriched milk fat led to marked suppression of airway inflammation as evidenced by reductions in eosinophilia and lymphocytosis in the airways, compared with feeding of normal milk fat and control diet. Enriched milk fat significantly reduced circulating allergen-specific IgE and IgG1 levels, together with reductions in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of IL-5 and CCL11. Treatment significantly inhibited changes in the airway including airway epithelial cell hypertrophy, goblet cell metaplasia and mucus hypersecretion. The two major components of enriched milk fat, cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid and VA, inhibited airway inflammation when fed together to mice, whereas alone they were not effective.

: Milk fat enriched in conjugated linoleic and VAs suppresses inflammation and changes to the airways in an animal model of allergic airway disease.


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This thesis describes an investigation of the effects of vitamin A deficiency on gut function, The central hypothesis to be tested was that acute vitamin A deficiency affects glucose uptake from the small intestine- The hypothesis was tested using a system involving perfusion of isolated segments of the small intestine in the anaesthetized rat. The system was used to study effects on glucose uptake under steady-state conditions. In the initial part of the study, experiments were diverted towards setting up the system for measuring steady-state uptake, and determining the relative contributions of active uptake and diffusion. Phenol red was found to be a reliable non-absorbable marker for determining net water movement. Phlorizin, generally at 1 mmol/L, was used as a competitive (reversible) inhibitor of active uptake. It is difficult however to confirm complete inhibition of active uptake by phlorizin because of the limited solubility of the inhibitor. The kinetics of glucose uptake f ram intra-luminal maltose were found to be, in general, not significantly different from those applying to the uptake of glucose from an equivalent glucose solution. Maltase activity in the perfused gut segment was found to be sufficient to hydrolyse most of the maltose (80 per cent or more) in the solution being perfused, a much greater proportion than was absorbed. Glucose absorptive capacity, measured on an intestinal dry weight basis, was greatest in the duodenum and progressively less in the jejunum and ileum. The rate of water uptake f ran the gut was increased by the presence of glucose in the lumen, and was linked to glucose uptake as shown by the inhibition of water uptake by phlorizin. Uptake of glucose by solvent drag was demonstrated by showing an increased rate of glucose uptake when the rate of water uptake was increased by perfusing a solution of reduced osmotic pressure. In the experiment a low intra-luminal glucose concentration was used to preclude net uptake by diffusion and active uptake was blocked with phlorizin. This process was further investigated using streptozotocin-diabetic rats in which the diabetes establishes a hyperosomotic blood with hyperglycaemia. Uptake by solvent drag was more obvious in diabetic animals. A back-diffusion (exsorption) of glucose from the tissues to the lumen was also shown; the rate being proportional to plasma glucose concentration. Vitamin A deficiency was established in weanling rats after 6-7 weeks feeding on a diet based on wheat starch, coconut oil, and casein washed with hot ethanol, together with vitamins and minerals. The vitamin A deficiency led to classic eye signs and was reversed by the addition to the diet of retinoic acid (5 g/g diet). Vitamin A deficiency decreased intestinal mucus production (dry weight) but had no detectable effect on the histology of the villous epithelium as shown under the light microscope. Using perfusion experiments it was shown that vitamin A deficiency had no significant effect on the rate of active uptake of glucose, but that deficiency increased the rate of passive uptake.


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Inflammatory pseudotumour is a rare form of a liver mass. We report the case of a 28-year-old man presenting with obstructive jaundice, in whom an inflammatory pseudotumour arose with the resolution of a mucus secreting cystic liver lesion. The initial features suggested an intrahepatic cystadenoma or cystadenocarcinoma, which on its involution left a solid mass. Histopathology showed an inflammatory pseudotumour with no evidence of malignancy. A similar case has been reported recently, with the development of an inflammatory pseudotumour following collapse of a liver cyst seen on imaging. These two cases may shed some light on the origins of these rare liver lesions.


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The invention relates to use of the cis-9, trans-11 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid or a salt or ester thereof (cis-9, trans-11 CLA) and vaccenic acid or a salt or ester thereof (VA) to treat or prevent conditions associated with one or more of leukocyte infiltration, eosinophilia, airway remodelling, bronchoconstriction, mucus hypersecretion, and lung and skin inflammation. The present invention also relates to a composition comprising cis-9, trans-11 CLA and VA and use of the composition to treat or pre-vent conditions associated with one or more of leukocyte infiltration, eosinophilia, airway remodelling, bronchoconstriction, mucus hypersecretion, and lung and skin inflammation. In particular, the medicinal uses, compositions and methods of the invention may be used to treat or prevent conditions such as asthma and dermatitis, and related disorders.


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Disclosed is the use of milk fat enriched with c-9, t-l l conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) or a salt, ester or precursor thereof for treating or preventing a condition associated with one or more of leukocyte infiltration, eosinophilia, IgE secretion, airway remodelling, bronchoconstriction and mucus hypersecretion.


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The present invention relates to use of c-9, t-11 CLA or a salt, ester or precursor thereof or CLA-enriched milk fat comprising milk fat enriched with c-9, t-11 CLA or a salt, ester or precursor thereof for treating or preventing conditions such as those associated with one or more of leukocyte infiltration, eosinophilia, IgE secretion, airway remodelling, bronchoconstriction and mucus hypersecretion. The invention also relates to a pharmaceutical composition comprising CLA-enriched milk fat.


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Worldwide, HIV-1 infects millions of people annually, the majority of whom are women. To establish infection in the female reproductive tract (FRT), HIV-1 in male ejaculate must overcome numerous innate and adaptive immune factors, traverse the genital epithelium, and establish infection in underlying CD4(+) target cells. How the virus achieves this remains poorly defined. By utilizing a new technique, we define how HIV-1 interacts with different tissues of the FRT using human cervical explants and in vivo exposure in the rhesus macaque vaginal transmission model. Despite previous claims of the squamous epithelium being an efficient barrier to virus entry, we reveal that HIV-1 can penetrate both intact columnar and squamous epithelial barriers to depths where the virus can encounter potential target cells. In the squamous epithelium, we identify virus entry occurring through diffusive percolation, penetrating areas where cell junctions are absent. In the columnar epithelium, we illustrate that virus does not transverse barriers as well as previously thought due to mucus impediment. We also show a statistically significant correlation between the viral load of inocula and the ability of HIV-1 to pervade the squamous barrier. Overall, our results suggest a diffusive percolation mechanism for the initial events of HIV-1 entry. With these data, we also mathematically extrapolate the number of HIV-1 particles that penetrate the mucosa per coital act, providing a biological description of the mechanism for HIV-1 transmission during the acute and chronic stages of infection.


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O adenocarcinoma colorretal é um dos tumores malignos mais freqüentes no mundo ocidental. Sua incidência varia mundialmente; nos Estados Unidos (EUA), é o terceiro câncer mais comum entre os homens e o segundo mais comum entre as mulheres, sendo a segunda causa de morte por câncer, superada apenas pelo tumor de pulmão. No Brasil, está entre as seis neoplasias mais freqüentes, ocupando a quarta posição em mortalidade. Os principais indicadores prognósticos do adenocarcinoma colorretal incluem a diferenciação histológica, profundidade de invasão e ocorrência de metástases. Recentemente, têm sido realizados diversos estudos usando técnicas de biologia molecular objetivando a identificação de novos parâmetros prognósticos. Entre estes, os fatores que regulam o ciclo celular influenciando no crescimento e mecanismo de apoptose têm demonstrado resultados promissores. O p53 é um gene supressor de tumores, localizado no braço curto do cromossomo 17; produz uma proteína chamada p53. Sua principal função é controlar pontos de checagem do ciclo celular, promover o reparo do DNA através do estímulo de outras proteínas (p21, por exemplo) e estimular a apoptose. Mutações deste gene produzem uma proteína p53 inativa que acumula nas células tumorais. A expressão desta proteína alterada é detectada em 30 a 70% dos tumores de reto e pode estar relacionada a mau prognóstico. O p53 é um dos genes mais comumente mutados no câncer humano. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar a expressão imuno-histoquímica da proteína p53 com variáveis clínico-patológicas do adenocarcinoma de reto e sobrevida. Foram estudados 83 casos de pacientes operados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre 1985 e 1997 através de reação imunohistoquímica utilizando anticorpo monoclonal Pab-1801 em amostras biológicas fixadas em formalina e armazenadas em blocos de parafina. Com um ponto de corte de 5%, 44 pacientes (53%) demonstraram expressão imunohistoquímica da proteína p53 maior que 5% e, com um ponto de corte de 20%, 36 pacientes (43,4%) demonstraram a expressão maior que 20%. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a expressão de p53 e as variáveis idade, gênero, localização, tamanho do tumor e comprometimento circunferencial. Encontramos associação entre p53 e óbito, recidiva local, metástases e recidiva total quando utilizado o ponto de corte de 20%, indicando um pior prognóstico nos pacientes com p53 positivos. Na análise multivariada em relação à sobrevida, o p53 teve poder prognóstico independente em relação às variáveis da classificação Astler- Coller e grau de diferenciação histológica da neoplasia.


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To investigate whether the alterations of the diverted colon segment mucosa, evidenced in fecal colitis, would be able to alter Bacterial Translocation (BT). Methods: Sixty-two Wistar male rats ranging from 220 to 320 grams of weight, were divided in two groups: A (Colostomy) and B (Control), with 31 animals each one. In group A, all animals underwent end colostomy, one stoma, in ascending colon; and in the 70th POD was injected in five rats, by rectal route – diverted segment - 2ml of a 0.9% saline solution in animals (A1 subgroup); in eight it was inoculated, by rectal route, 2ml of a solution containing Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (American Type Culture Collection), in a concentration of 108 Colony Forming Unit for milliliters (CFU/ml) - A2 Subgroup; in ten animals the same solution of E. coli was inoculated, in a concentration of 1011 CFU/ml (A3 Subgroup); and in eight it was collected part of the mucus found in the diverted distal colonic segment for neutral sugars and total proteins dosage (A4 subgroup). The animals from the group B underwent the same procedures of group A, but with differences in the colostomy confection. In rats from subgroups A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3 2ml of blood were aspirated from the heart, and fragments from mesenteric lymphatic nodule, liver, spleen, lung and kidney taken for microbiological analysis, after their death. This analysis consisted of evidencing the presence of E. coli ATCC 25922 CFU. Mann-Whitney and ANOVA Tests were applied as analytic techniques for association of variables. Results: The occurrence of BT was evidenced only in those animals in which inoculated concentration of E. coli ATCC 25922, reached levels of 1011CFU/ml, i.e. in Subgroups A3 and B3, although, being significantly greater (80%) in those animals without colostomy (subgroup B3) when compared to the ones with colostomy (20%) from the subgroup A3 (P <0.05). Lung, liver and mesenteric lymphatic nodules were the tissues with larger percentile of bacterial recovery, so much in subgroup A3, as in B3. Blood culture was considered positive in 60% of the animals from subgroup B3 and in 10% of those from subgroup A3 (p <0.05). There was greater concentration of neutral sugars, in subgroup A4 - mean 27.3mg/ml -, than in subgroup B4 - mean 8.4mg/ml - (P <0.05). Conclusion: The modifications in the architecture of intestinal mucosa in colitis following fecal diversion can cause alterations in the intestinal barrier, but it does not necessarily lead to an increased frequency of BT


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Food habits and morpho-histology of the digestive tract of marbled swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus (Block, 1917) were investigated. The fish samples were captured during August, 2007 to July, 2008 in the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. The rain fall data was obtained from EMPARN. The fish captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, eviscerated and individual stomach weights were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion during the rainy and dry seasons. The rainfall varied from 0 mm a 335 mm with a mean value of 71.62 mm. Highest rainfall of 335.5 mm was registered in March, 2008 and August to December was the dry period. During the dry period the study species presented high degrees of repletion of the stomachs, with a peak value in the month of September (mean = 4.54; ± SD = 0.56). The minimum mean value of = 3.99 ± SD = 0.25 was registered in the month of May during the rainy period. The stomach contents of S. marmoratus registered show that this fish prefers animals, 78.22% of crustaceans 2.85% of mollusks, 3.25% of fish, 1.4% of insects and 13.5% of semi-digested organic matter, thus characterizing the study species as a carnivore with a preference for crustaceans. The morpho-histological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate that the mouth is terminal adapted to open widely, thin lips with taste buds, small villiform teeth forming a single series on maxillas, four pairs of branchial arches with short and widely spaced branchial rays. The oesophagus is short and cylindrical with a small diameter. The oesophagus wall is thick with mucas surface and internal parallel folds. The stomach is retilinical in form, presenting cardiac, caecal and pyloric portions. The caecal portion is long and is intermediary in position between the cardiac and pyloric portions. The cardiac portion of the stomach is short and cylindrical formed of simple epithelial cylindrical mucus cells. The caecal portion is long with narrow walls, a big cavity and smaller folds which give rise to gastric glands. The phyloric portion has no glands and primary or secondary mucas folds. The morphohistological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate its adaptation to a carnivorous feeding habit


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Tricodinídeos são protozoários ciliados móveis com ampla distribuição mundial; são considerados um dos agentes parasitários que mais acometem peixes cultivados. No Brasil, a maioria dos tricodinídeos que parasitam importantes espécies de peixes cultivados são desconhecidos, o que requer mais estudos taxonômicos com esse grupo de parasitos. Este estudo caracteriza morfologicamente Trichodina colisae Asmat & Sultana, 2005 de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) e do híbrido patinga (P. mesopotamicus × P. brachypomus) cultivados, respectivamente, no Centro-Oeste e Sudeste do Brasil. Foram feitas montagens a fresco do raspado de muco da pele, nadadeiras e brânquias, fixados com metanol e, posteriormente, impregnados com nitrato de prata e coradas com Giemsa para avaliação em microscopia óptica. O presente estudo relata não só a segunda ocorrência de T. colisae no mundo, mas também a primeira ocorrência na América do Sul.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Vinte perdizes Rhynchotus rufescens adultas foram utilizadas para estudo morfológico do proventrículo e ventrículo gástricos da perdiz Rhynchotus rufescens. Os materiais foram coletados e os comprimentos do proventrículo e do ventrículo gástricos foram avaliados. Para o estudo histológico, fragmentos dos estômagos foram corados pelas técnicas de ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e tricromo de Masson. O proventrículo gástrico é alongado, com formato fusiforme direcionado no sentido craniocaudalmente e para a esquerda, e apresenta um comprimento médio 3,20cm nas fêmeas e 3,65cm nos machos. Histologicamente, o proventrículo gástrico é composto por vários lobos e glândulas. A mucosa é formada por epitélio cúbico, sendo bastante pregueada. O ventrículo gástrico tem o formato de uma lente biconvexa, com comprimento médio de 4,30cm nas fêmeas e 4,35cm nos machos. A mucosa é formada por pregas revestidas por células cilíndricas e pelo muco formador da cutícula. Há criptas na base das pregas. em seguida, há uma lâmina própria e uma espessa camada muscular lisa, que se encontra direcionada de acordo com o formato do ventrículo gástrico. A serosa é constituída por uma densa porção de tecido conjuntivo, entremeado por algumas células musculares lisas.