903 resultados para Motteux, Peter Anthony, 1660-1718.
Diabetes represents an important health burden on our society: for example in Lausanne (Switzerland) 16% of the adult population have abnormal glucose homeostasis and 6% have diabetes, of which about a third is not aware. Some guidelines identify the "at risk" population for which screening seems indicated. Simple clinical scores have been developed at allow to better estimate the risk of diabetes and hence to potentially better target screening of the disease. The recent discovery of more that 18 genetic variants associated with an increased risk to develop the diseased has allowed to include individual genotype into genetic risk scores. We will discuss in this article the usefulness of these genetic score, how they compare to clinical score, their implication for clinical practice as well as their potential ethical or economical consequences.
L'estudi dels inventaris postmortem ens ha permès apropar-nos a la quotidianitat de taverners i hostalers que visqueren durant el segle XVII a la ciutat de Barcelona. Aquest tipus de document notarial ens deixa, entre d'altres, testimoni de la cultura material; els objectes, estris, mobles, robes... que ens poden ajudar a entendre diferents usos i costums, així com altres aspectes relacionats amb les mentalitats.