951 resultados para Mother and infant - Psychological aspects


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EMOND, Alan et al. The effectiveness of community-based interventions to improve maternal and infant health in the Northeast of Brazil. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública/ Pan American Journal of Public Health , v.12, n.2, p.101-110, 2002


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RAMOS, Ana Maria de Oliveira et al. Project Pró-Natal: population-based study of perinatal and infant mortality in Natal, Northeast Brazil. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, v.3, n.1, p.29-35, 2000


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OBJETIVO: A peridural (AP) e a técnica de duplo bloqueio (DB) são utilizadas em analgesia para o trabalho de parto. Este estudo comparou os efeitos na mãe e no feto de ambas as técnicas em analgesia e anestesia para o parto. MÉTODOS: Quarenta parturientes ASA I e II receberam por via peridural 15 ml de ropivacaína a 0,125% (grupo AP) e 5 µg de sufentanil com 2,5 mg bupivacaína por via subaracnóidea (grupo DB). Foram avaliados: intensidade de dor, altura do bloqueio sensitivo, tempo de latência, bloqueio motor, duração da analgesia de parto, tempo para a resolução do parto, hipotensão materna e presença de prurido. Os recém-nascidos foram avaliados pelo índice de Apgar e escore da capacidade adaptativa e neurológica (ECAN), método de Amiel-Tison. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos na intensidade da dor, no tempo de latência, no nível do bloqueio sensitivo e no índice de Apgar. O bloqueio motor, a duração da analgesia e o tempo para resolução do parto foram maiores no grupo DB, do qual sete parturientes apresentaram prurido leve. ECAN foi maior no grupo AP após meia hora, duas horas e 24 horas. Noventa e cinco por cento dos recém-nascidos do grupo AP e 60% do grupo DB foram considerados neurologicamente vigorosos ao exame de 24 horas. CONCLUSÃO: As duas técnicas mostraram-se eficazes para analgesia do trabalho de parto. As parturientes do grupo DB apresentaram prurido e trabalho de parto mais prolongado. Recém-nascidos de mães que receberam analgesia de parto via peridural apresentaram melhor ECAN.


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Congenital hypothyroidism associated with thyroid hypoplasia can be caused by several genetic defects, including mutations in the TSH beta -subunit, the TSH receptor, the G(A)alpha -subunit, and the transcription factor PAX8. Four girls with sporadic congenital hypothyroidism and hypoplastic thyroid glands were analyzed for mutations in PAX8 and TTF2 (FKHL15). Mutations in the coding region of the TSH beta -subunit gene, the TSH receptor gene, and exons 8 and 9 of G(mu)alpha had been excluded previously. Serum TSH concentrations were 150 mU/liter or more, TG levels were within normal limits, and thyroid autoantibodies were absent. Technetium scintigraphies did not reveal the presence of thyroid tissue, but ultrasonography documented hypoplastic, normally located glands.One patient was found to harbor a heterozygous transversion 119A -->C in exon 3 of PAX8 replacing a conserved glutamine by proline in the paired box domain (Q40P). Analysis of her family members revealed that her mother, who has a thyroid gland of normal size and mild, adult-onset autoimmune hypothyroidism, is also heterozygous for this mutation. Functional analyses of the PAX8 Q40P mutation showed impaired binding to a PAX8 response element and absent transactivation of a thyroid peroxidase promoter luciferase reporter gene.These findings confirm the important role of PAX8 in the development of the thyroid, but they indicate that PAX8 gene mutations may have a variable penetrance or expressivity. The absence of mutations in the coding sequences of the analyzed genes in the three other patients supports the concept that the pathogenesis of congenital hypothyroidism associated with thyroid hypoplasia is diverse.


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate morphologic alterations and precancerous lesions in Reinke's edema. Patients included were 54 smokers with bilateral Reinke's edema submitted to surgery in the Otolaryngology Department, Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University, Brazil, between 2002 and 2006. All specimens were evaluated by light microscopy and five contralateral lesions were also evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The main histological alterations were edema (100%), inflammation (81.48%), basal membrane (bm) thickening (77.77%), and vessel proliferation (75.92%). Epithelium alterations were classified as grade 0 (11.11%), grade 1 (70.37%), grade 2 (14.81%), and grade 3 (3.70%). In the case included in grade 3 classification, microinvasive carcinoma was detected. SEM showed epithelial surface with some cellular desquamation, few microridges, and a polished and impermeable surface aspect. TEM showed epithelial hyperplasia, basal cells with different sizes, widening of the intercellular spaces, abnormal desmosome architecture, thickening of the bm, some electron-dense vesicles, and points of interruption. The morphological alterations presented in this study are not specific to Reinke's edema but this lesion can be the site of different grades of dysplasia and carcinoma, justifying the importance of periodic laryngeal endoscopic exams and meticulous histological analysis.


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The potential adverse reproductive effects, with emphasis on the epididymis, of in utero and lactational exposure to 100 mg/kg/d di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) in adult male rat offspring were investigated. The fetal testis histopathology was also determined. The selected endpoints included reproductive organ weights, sperm motility and morphology, sperm epididymal transit time, sperm quantity in the testis and epididymis, hormonal status, fetal testis and epididymal histopathology and stereology, and androgen receptor (AR), aquaporin 9 (AQP9), and Ki-67 immunoreactivities. Pregnant females were divided into two groups: control (C) and treated (T). The treated females received DBP (100 mg/kg/d, by gavage) from gestation day (GD) 12 to postnatal day (PND) 21, while control dams received the vehicle. Some pregnant dams were killed by decapitation on GD20, and testes from male fetuses were collected for histopathogy. Male rats from other dams were killed at PND 90. Fetal testes from treated group showed Leydig-cell clusters, presence of multinucleated germinative cells, and increase of the interstitial component. Testosterone levels and reproductive organ weights were similar between the treated and control adult groups. DBP treatment did not markedly affect relative proportions of epithelial, stromal, or luminal compartments in the epididymis; sperm counts in the testis and epididymis; sperm transit time; or sperm morphology and motility in adult rats. The AR and AQP9 immunoreactivities and proliferation index were similar for the two groups. These results showed that fetal testes were affected by DBP as evidenced by testicular histopathologic alterations, but reproductive parameters and epididymal structure/function were not significantly altered in the adult animals exposed to 100 mg/kg DBP in utero and during lactation.


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A herança da resistência ao oídio na cultivar de ervilha MK-10 e alguns aspectos histológicos da infecção foram estudados. Para o estudo da herança, as gerações F1, F2, retrocuzamentos e geração F3 de MK-10 com duas populações suscetíveis foram avaliadas. Nas avaliações histológicas observou-se a porcentagem de conídios germinados, porcentagem de conídios que formaram apressório, porcentagem de conídios que estabeleceram colônia e número de haustórios por colônia. Para comparar as razões de segregação obtidas no estudo da herança da resistência, adotou-se o teste do Qui-quadrado (X²) e para os dados das análises histológicas, utilizou-se o teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Concluiu-se que a resistência de MK-10 ao oídio é devida a um par de alelos recessivos e que a resistência é expressa na fase de pré-penetração, completada por uma morte celular localizada pós-penetração, característica da presença do par de alelos recessivos er1er1.


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Objetivo: dimensionar o grupo de mães/recém-nascidos com necessidades especiais de apoio para um início bem sucedido do aleitamento materno, mediante aplicação de protocolo preconizado pelo UNICEF, e verificar práticas assistenciais associadas com dificuldades no aleitamento materno. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo. A amostra foi constituída de 50 binômios mãe/recém-nascido, selecionados mediante sorteio, em maternidade que atende ao parto de baixo risco pelo SUS. Utilizando protocolo para observação e avaliação de mamada, foram registrados os comportamentos de cada dupla, computando-se a freqüência de comportamentos desfavoráveis ao aleitamento materno. A seguir, foram criados escores (bom, regular, ruim) para avaliar cada aspecto da mamada observada. Investigou-se também a associação entre determinadas práticas assistenciais e escores desfavoráveis. Adotou-se p < 0,05 como nível crítico. Resultados: a freqüência de binômios que apresentaram comportamentos sugestivos de sérias dificuldades (escore ruim) com o início do aleitamento materno variou entre 2% e 22%, conforme o aspecto da mamada avaliada. As dificuldades mais presentes foram a má posição corporal da mãe e do bebê durante a mamada e a inadequação da interação mãe/neonato. Tais dificuldades foram significativamente mais freqüentes quando o parto foi cirúrgico (p< 0,05). O uso de fórmula láctea e/ou soro glicosado também associou-se com piores escores em alguns aspectos da mamada. Conclusões: a aplicação do protocolo para a observação e avaliação de mamada identificou alta prevalência de binômios mãe/bebê com comportamentos sugestivos de dificuldades com o início da amamentação, em especial quando o parto foi cirúrgico e quando foram oferecidos suplementos ao neonato.


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Thin films of perovskite-type materials such as PbTiO3, BaTiO3, (Pb,La)TiO3, (Pb, La)(ZrTi)O-3, KNbO3, and Pb(Mg,Nb)03 have been attracting great interest for applications like non-volatile memories, ultrasonic sensors and optical devices. Thin film should be epitaxially grown or at least highly textured since the properties of this anisotropic material depend on the crystallographic orientation. For optical devices, in particular, an epitaxial thin film without defects are essential to reduce optical propagation losses. Pb1-xLaxTiO3 (PLT) where x=0, 13 and 27% thin films were prepared by a chemical method (polymeric precursors method), and deposited by the spin coating technique onto substrates of SrTiO3 (STO) and LaAlO3 (LAO). The films were then beat treated at 500 degrees C in a controlled atmosphere of 0,. The orientation degree of the thin films was obtained from rocking curve technique, by means of X-ray difftaction analysis. A microstructural study revealed that the films were crack-free, homogeneous and have low roughness. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An 11-year-old girl with short stature, mental retardation, and mild dysmorphic features was found to have an inverted duplication of most of the short arm of the X chromosome [dic inv dup(X)(qter --> p22.3 = p22.3 --> cen:)]. Her mother, who is also short and retarded, carries the same duplication. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with an X chromosome library, and with X centromere-specific alpha satellite and telomere probes, was useful in characterizing the duplication. In most females with structurally abnormal X chromosomes, the abnormal chromosome is inactivated. Although the duplicated X was consistently late replicating in the mother, X chromosome inactivation studies in the proband indicated that in 11 % of her lymphocytes the duplicated X was active.


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The present paper deals with environmental degradation in the city of Guaratingueta, Brazil; as a result of disordered urban settlement and development. Three site areas in the city resting on different geologic units were selected for the analyses, i.e.: precambrian rocks, tertiary sedimentary basin, and recent quaternary soil deposits. It has been found that geological and geotechnical aspects are fundamental to form the basis for environmental preservation and urban planning.


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Objectives: To compare modes and sources of infection and clinical and biosafety aspects of accidental viral infections in hospital workers and research laboratory staff reported in scientific articles. Methods: PubMed, Google Scholar, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scirus, and Scielo were searched (to December 2008) for reports of accidental viral infections, written in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or German; the authors' personal file of scientific articles and references from the articles retrieved in the initial search were also used. Systematic review was carried out with inclusion criteria of presence of accidental viral infection's cases information, and exclusion criteria of absence of information about the viral etiology, and at least probable mode of infection.Results: One hundred and forty-one scientific articles were obtained, 66 of which were included in the analysis. For arboviruses, 84% of the laboratory infections had aerosol as the source; for alphaviruses alone, aerosol exposure accounted for 94% of accidental infections. of laboratory arboviral infections, 15.7% were acquired percutaneously, whereas 41.6% of hospital infections were percutaneous. For airborne viruses, 81% of the infections occurred in laboratories, with hantavirus the leading causative agent. Aerosol inhalation was implicated in 96% of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infections, 99% of hantavirus infections, and 50% of coxsackievirus infections, but infective droplet inhalation was the leading mode of infection for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and the mucocutaneous mode of infection was involved in the case of infection with influenza B. For blood-borne viruses, 92% of infections occurred in hospitals and 93% of these had percutaneous mode of infection, while among laboratory infections 77% were due to infective aerosol inhalation. Among blood-borne virus infections there were six cases of particular note: three cases of acute hepatitis following hepatitis C virus infection with a short period of incubation, one laboratory case of human immunodeficiency virus infection through aerosol inhalation, one case of hepatitis following hepatitis G virus infection, and one case of fulminant hepatitis with hepatitis B virus infection following exposure of the worker's conjunctiva to hepatitis B virus e antigen-negative patient saliva. of the 12 infections with viruses with preferential mucocutaneous transmission, seven occurred percutaneously, aerosol was implicated as a possible source of infection in two cases, and one atypical infection with Macacine herpesvirus 1 with fatal encephalitis as the outcome occurred through a louse bite. One outbreak of norovirus infection among hospital staff had as its probable mode of infection the ingestion of inocula spread in the environment by fomites.Conclusions: The currently accepted and practiced risk analysis of accidental viral infections based on the conventional dynamics of infection of the etiological agents is insufficient to cope with accidental viral infections in laboratories and to a lesser extent in hospitals, where unconventional modes of infection are less frequently present but still have relevant clinical and potential epidemiological consequences. Unconventional modes of infection, atypical clinical development, or extremely severe cases are frequently present together with high viral loads and high virulence of the agents manipulated in laboratories. In hospitals by contrast, the only possible association of atypical cases is with the individual resistance of the worker. Current standard precaution practices are insufficient to prevent most of the unconventional infections in hospitals analyzed in this study; it is recommended that special attention be given to flaviviruses in these settings. (C) 2011 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)