937 resultados para Mission Statement
The purpose of this report is to set out the main developments from May, 1998 when Working for health and wellbeing was published up to the present time Download the Report here
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Annual Output Statement 2007 For Health Group of Votes The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children (Vote 41). Click here to download PDF 92kb
During the period covered by our last Statement of Strategy, fundamental changes were made to the structures and organisation of our health services. Most notably, the Health Service Executive (HSE) was established, and given statutory responsibility to use the resources available to it in the most beneficial, effective, and efficient manner to improve, promote and protect the health and welfare of the public. The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) was established to help drive continuous improvement in Ireland's health and social care services. Click here to download PDF 464kb
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children (Vote 41). The Department of Health and Children has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. The Office of the Minister for Children (OMC) brings together functions relating to children and their well being, along with policy functions on Youth Justice and Early Years Education. Download document here
Opening statement by Mr Michael Scanlan, Secretary General of the Department of Health & Children at the meeting of the Dáil Committee of Public Accounts on 7th May 2009 Click here to download PDF 37kb
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for every one, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Vote 41). The Department of Health and Children has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs brings together functions relating to children and their well being, along with policy functions on Youth Justice and Early Years Education. This Output Statement is the third of its kind attempting to match outputs and strategic impacts to financial and staffing resources for the financial year. The Statement also reports on outputs achieved for 2008. Click here to download PDF 443kb
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Vote 41). The Department of Health and Children has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs brings together functions relating to children and their well being, along with policy functions on youth justice and early years education. Click here to download Annual Output Statement For Health Group of Votes 2010 PDF 187KB Click here to download Additional notes for readers PDF 17KB
The Programme for Government sets out an agenda of fundamental change for our health services. The Department of Health must lead the implementation of Government policy and, in the course of the coming years, must also remodel itself to meet the challenges inherent in these radical changes. This Statement of Strategy outlines the high-level aims and objectives of the overall health system for the period 2011 to 2014. Click here to download PDF 191kb
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health (Vote 38), and the Health Service Executive (Vote 39). The Department of Health has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. Click here to download
The new single Equality Duty represents a next step in equality legislation. The existing public sector equality duties for race, disability and gender were pioneering pieces of legislation which placed the public sector at the forefront of tackling discrimination and inequality.Many have seen the benefits the existing duties have delivered, but now is the time to go further. the aim of this bill is to extend the benefits of the equality duties to the other protected characteristics of age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, and religion or belief.The Equality Duty will require public bodies to think about how they can eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations for all the protected groups.
We want to know what you think about the AHP services for your child. We will also seek views of AHPs and teachers who work with your children and we will use them all to inform our decisions. This phase of the review is focusing on current AHP services for children/young people with a statement of special educational needs enrolled in mainstream schools and learning support centres/units attached to a mainstream school.
Summary Interim Report on Findings and Interim Themes from Phase 1 of the review of Allied Health Professions (AHP) support for children/young people with a statement of special educational needs (SEN)This interim report is outlining the service principles agreed by the Project Board and the themes identified throughout engagement and information gathering.
Introduction: Testing for HIV tropism is recommended before prescribing a chemokine receptor blocker. To date, in most European countries HIV tropism is determined using a phenotypic test. Recently, new data have emerged supporting the use of a genotypic HIV V3-loop sequence analysis as the basis for tropism determination. The European guidelines group on clinical management of HIV-1 tropism testing was established to make recommendations to clinicians and virologists. Methods: We searched online databases for articles from Jan 2006 until March 2010 with the terms: tropism or CCR5-antagonist or CCR5 antagonist or maraviroc or vicriviroc. Additional articles and/or conference abstracts were identified by hand searching. This strategy identified 712 potential articles and 1240 abstracts. All were reviewed and finally 57 papers and 42 abstracts were included and used by the panel to reach a consensus statement. Results: The panel recommends HIV-tropism testing for the following indications: i) drug-naïve patients in whom toxicity or limited therapeutic options are foreseen; ii) patients experiencing therapy failure whenever a treatment change is considered. Both the phenotypic Enhanced Trofile assay (ESTA) and genotypic population sequencing of the V3-loop are recommended for use in clinical practice. Although the panel does not recommend one methodology over another it is anticipated that genotypic testing will be used more frequently because of its greater accessibility, lower cost and shorter turnaround time. The panel also provides guidance on technical aspects and interpretation issues. If using genotypic methods, triplicate PCR amplification and sequencing testing is advised using the G2P interpretation tool (clonal model) with an FPR of 10%. If the viral load is below the level of reliable amplification, proviral DNA can be used, and the panel recommends performing triplicate testing and use of an FPR of 10%. If genotypic DNA testing is not performed in triplicate the FPR should be increased to 20%. Conclusions: The European guidelines on clinical management of HIV-1 tropism testing provide an overview of current literature, evidence-based recommendations for the clinical use of tropism testing and expert guidance on unresolved issues and current developments. Current data support both the use of genotypic population sequencing and ESTA for co-receptor tropism determination. For practical reasons genotypic population sequencing is the preferred method in Europe.