757 resultados para Microcystis viridis


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Species of Microcystis are the most common bloom-forming cyanobacteria in several countries. Despite extensive studies regarding the production of bioactive cyanopeptides in this genus, there are limited data on isolated strains from Brazil. Three Microcystis sp. strains were isolated from the Salto Grande Reservoir (LTPNA01, 08 and 09) and investigated for the presence of mcy genes, microcystins and other cyanopeptides. Microcystin and microginin production was confirmed in two isolates using high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry after electrospray ionization (ESI-Q-TOF), and the structures of two new microginin congeners were proposed (MG756 Ahda-Val-Leu-Hty-Tyr and MG770 MeAhda-Val-Leu-Hty-Tyr). The biosynthesis profile of the identified cyanopeptides was evaluated at different growth phases via a newly developed HPLC-UV method. Results demonstrated no substantial differences in the production of microcystins and microginins after data normalization to cell quota, suggesting a constitutive biosynthesis. This study represents the first confirmed co-production of microginins and microcystins in Brazilian strains of Microcystis sp. and highlights the potential of Brazilian cyanobacteria as a source of natural compounds with pharmaceutical interest.


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The toxicity of cadmium and chromium to Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Microcystis aeruginosa was evaluated through algal growth rate during 96h exposure bioassays. Free metal ion concentrations were obtained using MINEQL(+) 4.61 and used for IC50 determination. Metal accumulations by the microorganisms were determined and they were found to be dependent on the concentration of Cd2+ and Cr6+. IC50 for P. subcapitata were 0.60 mu mol L-1 free Cd2+ and 20 mu mol L-1 free Cr6+, while the IC50 values for M. aeruginosa were 0.01 mu mol L-1 Cd2+ and 11.07 mu mol L-1 Cr6+. P. subcapitata accumulated higher metal concentrations (0.001 - 0.05 mu mol Cd mg(-1) dry wt. and 0.001 - 0.04 mu mol Cr mg(-1) dry wt) than the cyanobacteria (0.001 - 0.01 mu mol Cd mg(-1) dry wt and 0.001 - 0.02 mu mol Cr mg(-1) dry wt). Cadmium was more toxic than chromium to both the microorganisms.


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The taxonomic positions of two thermophilic actinomycetes isolated from an arid Australian soil sample were established based on an investigation using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. The organisms had chemical and morphological properties typical of members of the genus Amycolatopsis and formed distinct phyletic lines in the Amycolatopsis methanolica 16S rRNA subclade. The two organisms were distinguished from one another and from the type strains of related species of the genus Amycolatopsis using a range of phenotypic properties. Based on the combined genotypic and phenotypic data, it is proposed that the two isolates be classified in the genus Amycolatopsis as Amycolatopsis thermophila sp. nov. (type strain GY088(T)=NCIMB 14699(T)=NRRL B-24836(T)) and Amycolatopsis viridis sp. nov. (type strain GY115(T)=NCIMB 14700(T)= NRRL B-24837(T)).


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Water pollution caused by toxic cyanobacteria is a problem worldwide, increasing with eutrophication. Due to its biological significance, genotoxicity should be a focus for biomonitoring pollution owing to the increasing complexity of the toxicological environment in which organisms are exposed. Cyanobacteria produce a large number of bioactive compounds, most of which lack toxicological data. Microcystins comprise a class of potent cyclic heptapeptide toxins produced mainly by Microcystis aeruginosa. Other natural products can also be synthesized by cyanobacteria, such as the protease inhibitor, aeruginosin. The hepatotoxicity of microcystins has been well documented, but information on the genotoxic effects of aeruginosins is relatively scarce. In this study, the genotoxicity and ecotoxicity of methanolic extracts from two strains of M. aeruginosa NPLJ-4, containing high levels of microcystin, and M. aeruginosa NPCD-1, with high levels of aeruginosin, were evaluated. Four endpoints, using plant assays in Allium cepa were applied: rootlet growth inhibition, chromosomal aberrations, mitotic divisions, and micronucleus assays. The microcystin content of M. aeruginosa NPLJ-4 was confirmed through ELISA, while M. aeruginosa NPCD-1 did not produce microcystins. The extracts of M. aeruginosa NPLJ-4 were diluted at 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 ppb of microcystins: the same procedure was used to dilute M. aeruginosa NPCD-1 used as a parameter for comparison, and water was used as the control. The results demonstrated that both strains inhibited root growth and induced rootlet abnormalities. The strain rich in aeruginosin was more genotoxic, altering the cell cycle, while microcystins were more mitogenic. These findings indicate the need for future research on non-microcystin producing cyanobacterial strains. Understanding the genotoxicity of M. aeruginosa extracts can help determine a possible link between contamination by aquatic cyanobacteria and high risk of primary liver cancer found in some areas as well as establish water level limits for compounds not yet studied. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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[ES] No se ha podido observar en Anemonia viridis una distribución espacial similar a la descrita por Francis (1988) para otras especies de anémonas, posiblemente por la estrechez de zona intermareal en Canarias. Por otra parte, la agresividad parece estar directamente asociada con el tamaño del individuo, pero ésta se dio siempre entre individuos no clonales. Se demuestra que la coloración es un factor relacionado con su éxito agresivo.


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Future climatic change scenarios predict rising of the atmospheric CO2 levels which could favor the proliferation of some harmful bloom-forming cyanobacteria as Microcystis aeruginosa. In the present study, the response of M. aeruginosa strain PCC 7806 to two different partial pressure of CO2 was tested. Sandrini et al. (2013) recently found that several, but not all, M. aeruginosa strains lack the SbtA or BicA HCO3- uptake system genes; the contribution of different Ci transporters to photosynthesis and the difference between low and high affinity activated Ci uptake state were investigated. M. aeruginosa PCC 7806 was cultured in four chemostats containing modified BG11 medium with 10 mM NaNO3 and no presence of NaCl, NaHCO3, Na2CO3 and additional buffers. A wide variety of analysis on samples collected from continuous cultures – such as A750, medium composition, cellular composition, cell counting, mini-PAM, measurements with the O2 optode, Aminco, 77K fluorescence emission spectra – was carried out. Data analysis results showed that the increased CO2 concentration has a big effect on M. aeruginosa PCC 7806. Experiments were performed using the Oxy-4 O2 optode apparatus in order to measure the photosynthetic O2 evolution of samples taken from both batch and chemostat cultures. At low bicarbonate concentration, an evident inhibition of Na+-dependent HCO3- transporter BicA by LiCl at 25 mM was observed. The consequent addition of 25 mM NaCl was able to counteract the Li+ effect at pH 8.0 but not at pH 10.0. In the latter case, only the addition of a higher amount of HCO3- led to photosynthetic O2 evolution suggesting the important role of the BicA transporter. However, further studies are needed to better explain the results obtained as high pH levels might have an influence on the transport systems, altering the mechanism of pH regulation and the functioning of Na+/H+ antiporter systems.


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Marenzelleria bastropi, a new species of Spionidae (Polychaeta) from the brackish water Currituck Sound, North Carolina, is described. The new species is characterized by the great number of chaetigers between the first neuro- and notopodial hooded hooks, the extension of the nuchal organ up to the end of chaetiger 2/middle of chaetiger 3 and the presence of about 60-90 branchiate chaetigers. Marenzelleria bastropi sp. nov. is closely related to M. neglecta (Sikorski and Bick, 2004) and Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill, 1873). Marenzelleria wireni Augener, 1913 is described here for the first time from western Spitsbergen. Adult specimens are investigated and compared with specimens from other areas of distribution. A key for subadult and adult specimens of all Marenzelleria species is provided.


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At present time, there is a lack of knowledge on the interannual climate-related variability of zooplankton communities of the tropical Atlantic, central Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, due to the absence of appropriate databases. In the mid latitudes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant mode of atmospheric fluctuations over eastern North America, the northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe. Therefore, one of the issues that need to be addressed through data synthesis is the evaluation of interannual patterns in species abundance and species diversity over these regions in regard to the NAO. The database has been used to investigate the ecological role of the NAO in interannual variations of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass along the zonal array of the NAO influence. Basic approach to the proposed research involved: (1) development of co-operation between experts and data holders in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UK, and USA to rescue and compile the oceanographic data sets and release them on CD-ROM, (2) organization and compilation of a database based on FSU cruises to the above regions, (3) analysis of the basin-scale interannual variability of the zooplankton species abundance, biomass, and species diversity.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is not an isolated threat, but acts in concert with other impacts on ecosystems and species. Coastal marine invertebrates will have to face the synergistic interactions of OA with other global and local stressors. One local factor, common in coastal environments, is trace element contamination. CO2 vent sites are extensively studied in the context of OA and are often considered analogous to the oceans in the next few decades. The CO2 vent found at Levante Bay (Vulcano, NE Sicily, Italy) also releases high concentrations of trace elements to its surrounding seawater, and is therefore a unique site to examine the effects of long-term exposure of nearby organisms to high pCO2 and trace element enrichment in situ. The sea anemone Anemonia viridis is prevalent next to the Vulcano vent and does not show signs of trace element poisoning/stress. The aim of our study was to compare A. viridis trace element profiles and compartmentalization between high pCO2 and control environments. Rather than examining whole anemone tissue, we analyzed two different body compartments-the pedal disc and the tentacles, and also examined the distribution of trace elements in the tentacles between the animal and the symbiotic algae. We found dramatic changes in trace element tissue concentrations between the high pCO2/high trace element and control sites, with strong accumulation of iron, lead, copper and cobalt, but decreased concentrations of cadmium, zinc and arsenic proximate to the vent. The pedal disc contained substantially more trace elements than the anemone's tentacles, suggesting the pedal disc may serve as a detoxification/storage site for excess trace elements. Within the tentacles, the various trace elements displayed different partitioning patterns between animal tissue and algal symbionts. At both sites iron was found primarily in the algae, whereas cadmium, zinc and arsenic were primarily found in the animal tissue. Our data suggests that A. viridis regulates its internal trace element concentrations by compartmentalization and excretion and that these features contribute to its resilience and potential success at the trace element-rich high pCO2 vent.


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The regulation of intracellular pH (pHi) is a fundamental aspect of cell physiology that has received little attention in studies of the phylum Cnidaria, which includes ecologically important sea anemones and reef-building corals. Like all organisms, cnidarians must maintain pH homeostasis to counterbalance reductions in pHi, which can arise because of changes in either intrinsic or extrinsic parameters. Corals and sea anemones face natural daily changes in internal fluids, where the extracellular pH can range from 8.9 during the day to 7.4 at night. Furthermore, cnidarians are likely to experience future CO2-driven declines in seawater pH, a process known as ocean acidification. Here, we carried out the first mechanistic investigation to determine how cnidarian pHi regulation responds to decreases in extracellular and intracellular pH. Using the anemone Anemonia viridis, we employed confocal live cell imaging and a pH-sensitive dye to track the dynamics of pHi after intracellular acidosis induced by acute exposure to decreases in seawater pH and NH4Cl prepulses. The investigation was conducted on cells that contained intracellular symbiotic algae (Symbiodinium sp.) and on symbiont-free endoderm cells. Experiments using inhibitors and Na-free seawater indicate a potential role of Na/H plasma membrane exchangers (NHEs) in mediating pHi recovery following intracellular acidosis in both cell types. We also measured the buffering capacity of cells, and obtained values between 20.8 and 43.8 mM per pH unit, which are comparable to those in other invertebrates. Our findings provide the first steps towards a better understanding of acid-base regulation in these basal metazoans, for which information on cell physiology is extremely limited.


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A key step in the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy by photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) occurs at the level of the two quinones, QA and QB, where electron transfer couples to proton transfer. A great deal of our understanding of the mechanisms of these coupled reactions relies on the seminal work of Okamura et al. [Okamura, M. Y., Isaacson, R. A., & Feher, G. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 3491–3495], who were able to extract with detergents the firmly bound ubiquinone QA from the RC of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and reconstitute the site with extraneous quinones. Up to now a comparable protocol was lacking for the RC of Rhodopseudomonas viridis despite the fact that its QA site, which contains 2-methyl-3-nonaprenyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (menaquinone-9), has provided the best x-ray structure available. Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy, together with the use of isotopically labeled quinones, can probe the interaction of QA with the RC protein. We establish that a simple incubation procedure of isolated RCs of Rp. viridis with an excess of extraneous quinone allows the menaquinone-9 in the QA site to be almost quantitatively replaced either by vitamin K1, a close analogue of menaquinone-9, or by ubiquinone. To our knowledge, this is the first report of quinone exchange in bacterial photosynthesis. The Fourier transform infrared data on the quinone and semiquinone vibrations show a close similarity in the bonding interactions of vitamin K1 with the protein at the QA site of Rp. viridis and Rb. sphaeroides, whereas for ubiquinone these interactions are significantly different. The results are interpreted in terms of slightly inequivalent quinone–protein interactions by comparison with the crystallographic data available for the QA site of the two RCs.