903 resultados para Microbiological contamination
Whilst current methods for the isolation and enumeration of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts in water have provided some insight into their occurrence and significance, they are regarded as being inefficient, variable and time-consuming, with much of the interpretation being left to the expertise of the analyst. Two expectations of novel developments are to reduce the variability and subjectivity associated with the isolation and identification of oocysts. Flocculation, immunomagnetisable and flow cytometric techniques, for concentrating oocysts from water samples, should prove more reliable than current methods, whilst the development of more avid and specific monoclonal antibodies in conjunction with the use of nuclear fluorochromes will aid identification. Further insight into the viability, taxonomy, species identification, infectivity and virulence of the parasite should be forthcoming through the use of techniques such as the polymerase chain reaction, in situ hybridisation and non-uniform alternating current electrical fields. Such information is necessary in order to enable microbiologists, epidemiologists, engineers, utility operators and regulators to assess the safety of a water supply, with respect to Cryptosporidium contamination, more effectively.
In order to control the proliferation of floating aquatic vegetation in Côte d'Ivoire, a coastal inlet, allowing a direct communication between the Comoe river and the ocean, was created in September 1987. The impact of this operation on the hydrochemistry (salinity, nutrients, algal biomass) and the bacterial contamination level was studied in the area close to the Vridi canal.
The influence of organic contamination in vacuum on the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of coatings is studied. TiO2/SiO2 dielectric mirrors with high reflection at 1064 nm are deposited by the electron beam evaporation method. The LIDTs of mirrors are measured in vacuum and atmosphere, respectively. It is found that the contamination in vacuum is easily attracted to optical surfaces because of the low pressure and becomes the source of damage. LIDTs of mirrors have a little change in vacuum compared with in atmosphere when the organic contamination is wiped off. The results indicate that organic contamination is a significant reason to decrease the LIDT. N-2 molecules in vacuum can reduce the influence of the organic contaminations and prtectect high reflectance coatings. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar ferramentas e indicadores adequados ao monitoramento e à otimização de processos de biorremediação, incluindo parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos definidos em estudos de tratabilidade de solos contaminados por óleo cru em escala de laboratório e comparar estratégias de biorremediação, tais como bioestímulo e bioaumento conduzidas em simulações de biopilhas dinâmicas ou estáticas. Quando três métodos de extração de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo de solo arenoso e franco-argiloso para análise cromatográfica (Soxhlet-SOX, microondas-MARS e extração acelerada por solvente-ASE) foram comparados entre si, concluiu-se que a técnica que promove a melhor recuperação depende da fração de interesse (n-alcanos, HRP, MCNR, HPA), das características texturais do solo (teores de areia, silte e argila) e da idade da contaminação. Dentre os indicadores de densidade populacional microbiana (microrganismos heterotróficos totais-PHT, população de fungos-PF e população microbiana degradadora de óleo (PDO) passíveis de utilização para indicar a taxa de degradação de compostos orgânicos presentes no solo tais como os hidrocarbonetos de petróleo, o PDO mostrou-se o mais adequado em conjunto com a produção de CO2 aferida pelo método respirométrico. Quando a estratégia de biorremediação de solo franco-argiloso contaminado com óleo cru a 3% (m m-1) utilizando bioestímulo (ajuste de pH, umidade e taxa C:N:P) foi comparada ao bioaumento (bioestímulo e adição de inóculo de microrganismos extraídos, enriquecidos e aclimatizados ao óleo cru como fonte de carbono), em sistemas de bancada simulando biopilha dinâmica (microcosmo M) e biopilha estática com aeração forçada (reator B), o tratamento que apresentou melhor remoção (32%) de HTP após 121 dias foi o bioaumento em biopilha estática. Para HPA, o tratamento que alcançou a melhor remoção (33%) foi com bioestímulo também em biopilha estática. A avaliação da taxa de mortalidade (%) de Eisenia andrei exposta tanto a solos recém-contaminados por óleo cru e preparados para bioestímulo (BIOS) e bioaumento (BIOA) a serem tratados em biopilhas dinâmicas e estáticas em escala de laboratório mostrou que após 56 dias de exposição da E. andrei, todos os solos produziram letalidade de 100%, quer fossem os solos recém-contaminados e preparados para os diferentes tratamentos (BIOS M, BIOS B, BIOA M, BIOA B) ou após 121 dias de tratamento. Tal resultado confirma que a biorremediação foi incipiente também do ponto de vista de remoção da ecotoxicidade. Em linhas gerais, a biorremediação de solo franco-argiloso contaminado por óleo cru, contendo tanto contaminação antiga quanto recente, reúne os maiores desafios à biorremediação, tanto do ponto de vista da composição textural do solo quanto da natureza do contaminante. Os processos são aparentemente lentos e requerem ferramentas auxiliares para aceleração dos mesmos. Recomenda-se no futuro, condução de experimentos com o uso de diferentes surfactantes, com ênfase em biosurfactantes
Por serem organismos filtradores, os mexilhões devem ser extraídos para consumo somente de águas com padrões microbiológicos regulamentados pelo Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente, uma vez que intoxicações alimentares de origem bacteriana são as consequências mais comuns relacionadas ao consumo destes moluscos. Após a retirada dos costões, estes organismos passam por processos de fervura, lavagem, acondicionamento em sacos plásticos e transporte até a chegada ao mercado onde são comercializados; etapas estas, realizadas sem cuidados assépticos. Objetivando avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de mexilhões Perna perna coletados na praia de Itaipu, Niterói, RJ; após a sua fervura; e comercializados no Mercado São Pedro, foram realizadas contagens de coliformes totais e termotolerantes e pesquisa de Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. e Vibrio spp. por metodologia convencional e molecular em amostras obtidas destes locais. Pelo teste de disco-difusão foi observado o perfil de resistência das cepas isoladas. Do total de amostras analisadas (27) apenas 3 dos mexilhões que sofreram processo de aferventação, 1 do comercializado e 3 do in natura, se encontravam dentro dos padrões aceitáveis pela legislação. Não houve diferença significativa entre as contagens de coliformes termotolerantes dos diferentes mexilhões analisados, mas sim entre os períodos seco e chuvoso. Somente uma das nove coletas de água mostrou-se própria para o cultivo de mexilhões (até 14 CF/mL). Foram isoladas e caracterizadas fisiológicamente, 77 estirpes da espécie E. coli, sendo confirmadas molecularmente por PCR os sorotipos EPEC, STEC e EAEC; 4 cepas Salmonella spp. sendo apenas uma confirmada por PCR; e das 57 cepas caracterizadas como Vibrio spp., 51 foram confirmadas por PCR, sendo 46 Vibrio spp., 2 V. cholerae, 1 V. vulnificus, 1 V. parahaemolyticus e 1 V. mimicus. Entre as estirpes de E. coli, 13% apresentaram multirresistência e 15,6% apresentaram resistência múltipla. A estirpe de Salmonella spp. se mostrou sensível a todos os antimicrobiados testados. Das estirpes de Vibrio spp. testadas, 68,6% apresentaram multirresistência e 72,5% apresentaram resistência múltipla. A partir da pesquisa de genes direto do caldo de enriquecimento foi possível detectar todos os genes pesquisados, com exceção para os sorotipos de Salmonella e V. cholerae. Baseado nos resultados do presente trabalho pode-se inferir que os mexilhões, amplamente comercializados no município de Itaipú, podem se constituir em risco para a saúde pública dos consumidores no Rio de Janeiro, necessitando dos órgãos competentes uma eficiente fiscalização nos pontos de venda e cultivo destes moluscos.
This is the history of contamination in sediments from the Mersey Estuary: Development of a chronology for the contamination of the Mersey Estuary by heavy metals and organochlorines Report produced by the Environment Agency in 1998. This report looks at the history of industrial contamination of the Mersey and Ribble Estuaries back to the early part of the last century, many decades before the start of monitoring programmes providing a remarkably detailed picture of very complex changes. There is a clear record in the sediment of the contamination by each heavy metal (including: Cu, Cr, Hg, Pb, Zn) and organochlorine chemical (including DDT isomers and PCB congeners) studied. The results of the study clearly show the increases in levels of contamination as industry expanded early last century followed by various improvements as this century progressed. Each pollutant has its own idiosyncratic pattern of change with some improvements predating modern environmental concerns whilst other changes seem to relate directly to recent improvements in legislative control. Overall, for the pollutants studied, the results clearly demonstrate the magnitude of improvement that has been achieved in what was a very polluted area. The only major reservation to this story is that despite the wide range of substances covered, many other potentially important pollutants remain to be studied in a similar manner.
NOAA’s National Status and Trends Program (NS&T) collected oyster tissue and sediments for quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and petroleum associated metals before and after the landfall of oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident of 2010. These new pre- and post- landfall measurements were put into a historical context by comparing them to data collected in the region over three decades during Mussel Watch monitoring. Overall, the levels of PAHs in both sediment and oysters both pre- and post-landfall were within the range of historically observed values for the Gulf of Mexico. Some specific sites did have elevated PAH levels. While those locations generally correspond to areas in which oil reached coastal areas, it cannot be conclusively stated that the contamination is due to oiling from the Deepwater Horizon incident at these sites due to the survey nature of these sampling efforts. Instead, our data indicate locations along the coast where intensive investigation of hydrocarbon contamination should be undertaken. Post-spill concentrations of oil-related trace metals (V, Hg, Ni) were generally within historically observed ranges for a given site, however, nickel and vanadium were elevated at some sites including areas in Mississippi Sound and Galveston, Terrebonne, Mobile, Pensacola, and Apalachicola Bays. No oyster tissue metal body burden exceeded any of the United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) shellfish permissible action levels for human consumption.
Coral ( Porites astreoides ) from eight sites in southwest Puerto Rico were analyzed for approximately 150 chemical contaminants, to provide a preliminary characterization of environmental contamination in the corals, and assess the relationships between chemical contamination in corals and adjacent sediments. Overall, the concentration of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) detected in the limited number of coral samples collected were comparable to concentrations found in sediments. However, the concentration of a chemical contaminant (e.g., PAHs) in the corals at a site was often different from what was found in adjacent sediments. The level of PCBs and DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) in the corals appeared higher just outside of Guanica Bay, and there was some evidence of a downstream concentration gradient for these two contaminant classes. The trace elements copper and zinc were frequently detected in Porites astreoides , and the concentrations were usually comparable to those found in adjacent sediments. Chromium was an exception in that it was not detected in any of the coral samples analyzed, although it was detected in all of the sediment samples.
Benthic food webs often derive a significant fraction of their nutrient inputs from phytoplankton in the overlying waters. If the phytoplankton include harmful algal species like Pseudo-nitzschia australis, a diatom capable of producing the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA), the benthic food web can become a depository for phycotoxins. We tested the general hypothesis that DA contaminates benthic organisms during local blooms of P. australis, a widespread toxin producer along the US west coast. To test for trophic transfer and uptake of DA into the benthic food web, we sampled 8 benthic species comprising 4 feeding groups: filter feeders (Emerita analoga and Urechis caupo); a predator (Citharichthys sordidus); scavengers (Nassarius fossatus and Pagurus samuelis) and deposit feeders (Neotrypaea californiensis, Dendraster excentricus and Olivella biplicata). Sampling occurred before, during and after blooms of P. australis in Monterey Bay, CA, USA during 2000 and 2001. DA was detected in all 8 species, with contamination persisting over variable time scales. Maximum DA levels in N. fossatus (674 ppm), E. analoga (278 ppm), C. sordidus (515 ppm), N. californiensis (145 ppm), P. samuelis (56 ppm), D. excentricus (15 ppm) and O. biplicata (3 ppm) coincided with P. australis blooms, while DA levels in U. caupo remained above 200 ppm (max. = 751 ppm) throughout the study period. DA in 6 species exceeded levels thought to be safe for higher level consumers (i.e. ≥20 ppm) and thus is likely to have deleterious effects on marine birds, sea lions and the endangered California sea otter, known to prey upon these benthic species.
The paper presents the results of a bacteriological survey carried out on 2,917 samples of frozen prawn, 55 samples of raw material, 35 samples of water, 4 samples of ice and 42 samples of various equipment used for processing. The survey covered a period of three years (1960-63) and comprised of samples collected from five of the leading processing factories in Cochin. Frozen products tested consisted of headless (marine and fresh water), peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Statistical analysis of the data shows that there is no significant variation between samples and between factories with respect to product quality. The standard plate count varied between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(6 superscript) per gram for headless and between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(7 superscript) for peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Majority of the samples had bacterial load well within the limits prescribed for such products.
Imphal is the main marketing centre of fish in Manipur. As fish production of the state is not sufficient to meet the demands, about 120 metric tons of iced fishes are annually brought from other states and sold in this market. Microbiological quality of iced Wallago attu, Labeo rohita, L. gonius and Aorichthy aor in respect of total fungal count (TFC), total plate count of bacteria (TPC), Most Probable Number (MPN) of coliforms, Streptococci, Staphylococcus, Salmonella and Escherichia coli in four tissues (skin, muscle, gill and intestine) were analysed. In all cases, the counts were highest in the gills and lowest in the muscles. The values of TFC, TPC, coliforms, Streptococci and Staphylococci were 0-10³/g 10(sup)6-10⁸/g, 2-α/g, 10-10⁵/g, 10-10⁵/g respectively. E. coli and Salmonella were not detected in any of the samples while the ice used in the preservation contained 10⁵-10⁷ of TPC per gram. The microbiological qualities of the iced fishes of Imphal market were adjudged poor. The extremely high counts of bacteria might be due to (1) poor quality and left over fishes being packed, (2) contact with contaminated ice and (3) repeated thawing and freezing during the process of marketing and transportation.